A little more evidence the Hunter Hidin laptop is legit...

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
It's fake.

As it turns out, the FBI is investigating not the contents of the laptop, but whether or not Rudi had Russian help creating and planting it.

All the more reason to question Wray’s intent.
View attachment 403533
A laptop was found with documented proof of corruption. The circumstantial evidence was already all over the place, including Hoe Hidin’s dumb ass admitting on tape to extorting the Ukrainian government. But now there is actual physical evidence which has been corroborated by other people in the emails.

you position is that it is all “Russian disinformation”, while not denying the emails are real. Your hope is that you can say the Russian gave THE EVIDENCE to someone, as if that would actually make the evidence false.

and who is the conspiracy theorist with the aluminum foil on their head?? Sure seems like you and Schiff for brains would be the foil hate wearers.
Lol, it wasn't found. It was planted.
Ok. Let’s pretend it was Russians or Chinese or Ethiopians who planted it. Are you saying the emails showing corruption, which have been confirmed by other people on the emails, the pictures and videos of hunter, etc are not real?

Just curious...why would hunters attorney ask for the laptop back, if it wasn’t his?
Why hasn’t the Biden campaign challenged the authenticity of the laptop, instead focusing on how it got where it is?

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
It's fake.

As it turns out, the FBI is investigating not the contents of the laptop, but whether or not Rudi had Russian help creating and planting it.

All the more reason to question Wray’s intent.
View attachment 403533
A laptop was found with documented proof of corruption. The circumstantial evidence was already all over the place, including Hoe Hidin’s dumb ass admitting on tape to extorting the Ukrainian government. But now there is actual physical evidence which has been corroborated by other people in the emails.

you position is that it is all “Russian disinformation”, while not denying the emails are real. Your hope is that you can say the Russian gave THE EVIDENCE to someone, as if that would actually make the evidence false.

and who is the conspiracy theorist with the aluminum foil on their head?? Sure seems like you and Schiff for brains would be the foil hate wearers.
Lol, it wasn't found. It was planted.

"Prove" it, should be simple enough :)
I posted a shitload of links a little earlier. Look up thread.

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
It's fake.

As it turns out, the FBI is investigating not the contents of the laptop, but whether or not Rudi had Russian help.cresting and planting it.
Link to this investigation?

How many would you like?

LOL, they aren't "investigating", lord you can't even read.

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
It's fake.

As it turns out, the FBI is investigating not the contents of the laptop, but whether or not Rudi had Russian help creating and planting it.

All the more reason to question Wray’s intent.
View attachment 403533
A laptop was found with documented proof of corruption. The circumstantial evidence was already all over the place, including Hoe Hidin’s dumb ass admitting on tape to extorting the Ukrainian government. But now there is actual physical evidence which has been corroborated by other people in the emails.

you position is that it is all “Russian disinformation”, while not denying the emails are real. Your hope is that you can say the Russian gave THE EVIDENCE to someone, as if that would actually make the evidence false.

and who is the conspiracy theorist with the aluminum foil on their head?? Sure seems like you and Schiff for brains would be the foil hate wearers.
Lol, it wasn't found. It was planted.
Sounds like a conspiracy
Is it odd that the "Left" believes EVERY story about Rump from "anonymous sources" and REFUSES to believe anything about Biden despite real evidence? Is it also odd that the "Left" is more concerned about HOW the info is obtained than it is about the damning information obtained?
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I don't care if Biden grabs the Queen of England......the Bidens have "Establishment immunity"

Every 6 months they throw out a "bombshell bone" to keep the hope alive.
Name ONE high profile case against a high profile Democrat directly tied to the WH , that actually got prosecuted in the last 10 years.
This one is going nowhere as well.

The Blob can't run on his record so this is what we're left with...

Joe who is talking about issues and the blob who is talking about Joe's son.
More accurately...
The media and Hoe Bidin can’t attack Trumps record, so they have to invent Russian conspiracies and other nonsense.
Hoe Hidin can’t run on his record, so he has to run on Orange man bad.

and fools like you go right along with it.

There was no "invented" Russian conspiracy.

And responses and beliefs like this is why IF the Right had a spine, Civil War would be guaranteed.

They don't.....you're safe

Yep, I know. I live in a condo building. After a few flights of stairs, a blob supporter will have to take a smoke break and they'd never make it up to my floor. Hell, I doubt they could make it up to the lobby. Most weigh a metric ton.

You're not worried about Joes qualifications are you?

Your only concern in life is the blob in your own head.


You may not realize it, but at least you have some entertainment value. But no, you're not worth $5

You're so tired....you're so soe....you ain't gonna do it for a nickel no mo.
15 cent....THAT's your price.....give you a quarter you'll do it twice

I don't care if Biden grabs the Queen of England......the Bidens have "Establishment immunity"

Every 6 months they throw out a "bombshell bone" to keep the hope alive.
Name ONE high profile case against a high profile Democrat directly tied to the WH , that actually got prosecuted in the last 10 years.
This one is going nowhere as well.

The Blob can't run on his record so this is what we're left with...

Joe who is talking about issues and the blob who is talking about Joe's son.
More accurately...
The media and Hoe Bidin can’t attack Trumps record, so they have to invent Russian conspiracies and other nonsense.
Hoe Hidin can’t run on his record, so he has to run on Orange man bad.

and fools like you go right along with it.

There was no "invented" Russian conspiracy.

And responses and beliefs like this is why IF the Right had a spine, Civil War would be guaranteed.

They don't.....you're safe

Yep, I know. I live in a condo building. After a few flights of stairs, a blob supporter will have to take a smoke break and they'd never make it up to my floor. Hell, I doubt they could make it up to the lobby. Most weigh a metric ton.

You're not worried about Joes qualifications are you?

Your only concern in life is the blob in your own head.


You may not realize it, but at least you have some entertainment value. But no, you're not worth $5

Joe's qualifications...
Senator forever, former VP,
I am quite happy about his qualifications.

Your blob (who like you has had to pay for sex) has been reduced to talking about his Opponent's son. Because his record is so dysmal. Maybe you and he can get together after this and pays someone for some companionship. It's the only way either of you get any.
You deliberately missed the point because you're trying to cover for a criminal. Everyone who makes excuses for Biden's criminality should go to prison with him.
Sounds like a conspiracy

it’s truly remarkable. We have to listen to these mongoloids constantly spewing their “Dronald Drumff is corrupt”, yet they have zero evidence of corruption.
“Dronald Drumff is a tyrant”... absolutely zero examples him over stepping his constitutional authority, or pulling an Obama where you plainly state “I don’t have the power to do that, it’s unconstitutional” and then going and doing it anyway.
“Dronald Drumpff is destroying our society and causing civil unrest” as their side literally riots, burns cities down, attacks police, attacks people in the streets.
“Dronald drumpff is a racist” when he has received awards in the past for civil rights, has instituted exactly zero racist policies, said nothing racist, etc.

But show them hard evidence exposing absolute corruption that fits perfectly with things their candidate has bragged about doing (firing the prosecutor looking into his sons finances), and they suddenly go blind and don’t see any reason for concern.

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
The deep state still runs deep. This is why everyone's desperate to get Trump
Bannon said there are a lot more Democrats who will be implicated than just the Bidens. For instance, there is Kerry's nephew, Devon Archer.
And as more and more personal info on Hunter comes off his laptop, you do you best to spin it it as Russian disinformation.

And when will that be happening?

Anything yet?

No? Any day now? Just you wait?

You have nothing, because you just made it all up. Rather than admit that, you're compounding the stupid lies.

You should have just slunk away in disgrace. I understand that you're too stupid to resist your cult's brainwashing and conspiracy propaganda, so I would have let you go. Now? I get to spend 2 weeks mocking you for being such a gullible little Stalinist and pathologically dishonest cult hypocrite. Ah, life is good.

Don't fret about it too much. After all, you're going to run from the board after the election anyways. That why I said I get two weeks of mocking you.
And as more and more personal info on Hunter comes off his laptop, you do you best to spin it it as Russian disinformation.

And when will that be happening?

Anything yet?

No? Any day now? Just you wait?

You have nothing, because you just made it all up. Rather than admit that, you're compounding the stupid lies.

You should have just slunk away in disgrace. I understand that you're too stupid to resist your cult's brainwashing and conspiracy propaganda, so I would have let you go. Now? I get to spend 2 weeks mocking you for being such a gullible little Stalinist and pathologically dishonest cult hypocrite. Ah, life is good.

Don't fret about it too much. After all, you're going to run from the board after the election anyways. That why I said I get two weeks of mocking you.

LOL, I don't know what will come out of this but the Laptop is Hunter's.
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And as more and more personal info on Hunter comes off his laptop, you do you best to spin it it as Russian disinformation.

And when will that be happening?

Anything yet?

No? Any day now? Just you wait?

You have nothing, because you just made it all up. Rather than admit that, you're compounding the stupid lies.

You should have just slunk away in disgrace. I understand that you're too stupid to resist your cult's brainwashing and conspiracy propaganda, so I would have let you go. Now? I get to spend 2 weeks mocking you for being such a gullible little Stalinist and pathologically dishonest cult hypocrite. Ah, life is good.

Don't fret about it too much. After all, you're going to run from the board after the election anyways. That why I said I get two weeks of mocking you.

a Stalinist?? Me???
See right there is proof positive you have the analytical skills of a gnat, but that’s fine.
Yes, I’m truly a moron. Another brilliant deduction.
So you want me to predict the future and tell you when Rudy, or the post, or whoever will be releasing something, and you’d like me to also predict what they will release?

Ok. You hang in there and use my inability to tell you that as proof positive that It’s all a hoax.
Good plan.
FYI, I won’t be going anywhere after the election. But I do look forward to your excuses and denial in the coming weeks, as Hoe Hidin’s corruption keeps being uncovered.
a Stalinist?? Me???

It's not a question of whether Trump cultists share many qualities with Stalinists. They do. It's only a question of whether they differ from Stalinists in any significant way. Most don't.

I mean, look at you. You're faking stories of CrimesAgainstThePeople and demanding a kangaroo court followed by sentence to TheGulag. That's classic Stalinism.

Ok. You hang in there and use my inability to tell you that as proof positive that It’s all a hoax.

Your cult has pushed the same kind of hoaxes hundreds of times before. They've always faceplanted. Given your perfect record of failure in this area, any sane person would assume that you're pushing a hoax again. Plus, there's the tiny matter that there's zero actual evidence to support this latest hoax.

I know, I know. This time is _different_. Just like it was _different_ every time for the previous hundred attempts. This time, Obama/Clinton/Biden/Pelosi/Mueller/Comey/Schiff/etc are going to jail for sure! Just you wait!

After hundreds of failures, a person with any brains would figure out that they're being played. You never figure it out, and you never will.
Biden's lawwyer called the repair shop and asked for the laptop to be returned, moron.

I didn't ask for your kook rumors. I asked for hard evidence. From your non-response, you clearly have none. You're just parroting made up crap, same as you do every time.

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