A little over 3 hrs til "Game Change" starts

I picked up a copy of the Green Mile for four bucks yesterday. that's what I'm going to watch..
get the popcorn ready and gather the family @ to watch it :) :2up:

HBO: Game Change: Homepage

here I will ,save you the time- they took everything negative from the book re: Palin and used it in the movie and left out Obama, Edwards etc. ...I'd say the palin beat downs have become psychotic by this point. she hasn't held office for 2 years and hasn't been a player , for what, over a year?

oh you didn't read the book? :lol:

They took events that actually happened and pulled it all together in movie form. Nichole said after the Katie Curic interview, Palin was stomping around blaming the media and she told her it was not the media rather it was her going into the interview unprepared.
get the popcorn ready and gather the family @ to watch it :) :2up:

HBO: Game Change: Homepage

here I will ,save you the time- they took everything negative from the book re: Palin and used it in the movie and left out Obama, Edwards etc. ...I'd say the palin beat downs have become psychotic by this point. she hasn't held office for 2 years and hasn't been a player , for what, over a year?

oh you didn't read the book? :lol:

They took events that actually happened and pulled it all together in movie form. Nichole said after the Katie Curic interview, Palin was stomping around blaming the media and she told her it was not the media rather it was her going into the interview unprepared.

such loyalty huh?
I don't get HBO. So I can't speak to it.

I did watch that Hit piece on Mrs Thatcher that Merril Streep did. I thought it was an excellent move for what it was and Mrs Streep got most of the mannerisms down cold. It was still a very cruel exercise in entirely missing the point. I still recommend that you go see it. If you remember what was going on at the time, you can provide your own context. And that makes the movie a whole lot better

I am, after Luck concludes, canceling hbo. Luck is mildly interesting, aside from that they have not had anything I would watch for a few years now aside from curb your enthusiasm, which I will buy on dvd.

FX, AMC et al aren't 30 bucks a month and they are eating their lunch.....bye bye HBO.

Thirty bucks a month and you get Sarah Palin movies?


yea but no nailin palin:(
here I will ,save you the time- they took everything negative from the book re: Palin and used it in the movie and left out Obama, Edwards etc. ...I'd say the palin beat downs have become psychotic by this point. she hasn't held office for 2 years and hasn't been a player , for what, over a year?

oh you didn't read the book? :lol:

They took events that actually happened and pulled it all together in movie form. Nichole said after the Katie Curic interview, Palin was stomping around blaming the media and she told her it was not the media rather it was her going into the interview unprepared.

such loyalty huh?
You'd have been loyal even though you knew she was wrong, huh?
I bought that book when it came out. It was boring as hell. Enjoy the movie.

Really? Thats good. I heard the authors interviewed on the radio ystrdy.

They're on MSNBC every morning moron.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2-HjBI_1ag]Mark Halperin Calls President Obama a "Dick" - YouTube[/ame]
How dare you!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I have no urge to see this movie, but I did catch a short clip of it on another show, and I thought Moore looked and sounded surprisingly good as Palin.

If I'm going to watch HBO, I want to see Game of Thrones or True Blood, not this silliness. :lol:

True Blood isn't silliness :eusa_eh: Thats news to me :lol: :lol: :lol:
They took events that actually happened and pulled it all together in movie form. Nichole said after the Katie Curic interview, Palin was stomping around blaming the media and she told her it was not the media rather it was her going into the interview unprepared.

such loyalty huh?
You'd have been loyal even though you knew she was wrong, huh?

I wouldn't put a knife in her back if that's what you mean.
Why would anybody watch that?

Because it aggravates rightists, for starters…

Sarah said the movie sucks and she hates it... And she didn't even have to watch it to know THAT!!!

What more don't ya need to know?

Hate--speech in the form of a movie.

That's what I want to see.

because, of course, not having read the book or having seen the film, you know exactly what it is....


Conservatives can simply use their imaginations, as with everything else.

Otherwise the truth and facts about Palin are already, by her own words and actions. The idea the film will somehow be ‘damaging’ to Palin is naïve and idiotic.

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