A little "test" for Trump: Is he pro-NATO or pro-Putin?

a factual statement. We have been funding NATO for years and the other members contribute very little and expect us to protect them.
IDIOT by protecting them we help protect ourselves

from who?
Try Trumps pal the murderer Putin ,,,,,,for starters
BREAKING on MSNBC Senate intel",,, Russia had a"" clear preference"" for Trump in 2016

MSNBC ???????????????? gotta be true if they say it, right? Come on, stop the stupidity.
How about the Senate INTEL saying it first How tf can some one with a brain in their head deny the russians were helping trump Tell me it didn't help but don't act stupid like most other trumpettes here
If he hated her he would want her in office, he had tons of material to use to blackmail her into doing whatever he wanted.

Mr. Tuna (aka, fuckhead).....would you like to post exactly what Putin has among his "tons of material to use to blackmail [Clinton]"????

I mean, since we all here rely on your fucked-up-ness to share your insight.........we anxiously await just a few of those TONS of materials......

(what an ASSHOLE........LOL)

what does Putin have on Hillary? is that your question?

145 million to the Clinton foundation
the Benghazi cover up
the fake Trump dossier, paid for by the Clinton campaign
the "reset"
the Iran deal, brokered by Putin
her 30,000 missing emails
the uranium one deal

just for starters

and once again we see you revert to juvenile insults when you cannot post something sensible and accurate, attack those that speak the truth, right gnat

Inter alia for the above Hannity-inspired, Trump cult speaking points

DID Russia give millions to the Clinton Foundation?....Yes or No?

The Clinton Foundation received $145 million in pledges and donations from original investors in Uranium One, PRIOR to its sale to Rosatom.

Most of the $145 million in Clinton Foundation donations came from one person, a major Uranium One investor named Frank Giustra. Mr. Giustra has said that he sold all his shares in Uranium One about 1-1/2 years before Mrs. Clinton became secretary of State – and three years before Rosatom and its Russian cash came calling.

There is no direct evidence of a quid pro quo between Clinton and Uranium One backers. As one of nine members of a US committee weighing the deal, it was not within Clinton’s power to approve the deal on her own. There is no evidence Clinton was even informed of the prospective deal while she was secretary of State. While cabinet heads make up the committee, that is a nominal position. As often the case in government, subordinates go to the meetings and do the work.

What's the real story behind Hillary Clinton, Russia, and uranium ...

For Christ sake, do you do anything with that mouth other than cuss and spread bull shit?

Should I remind you that mouths are not usually used to type out posts???

(Stinker is more stupid than usual.......must be a 4th of July thing.)

Yeah, pretty sure you speak the words as you're typing....dumbass. Although, you could be talking to the picture of Hillary on the wall.
Yeah, pretty sure you speak the words as you're typing....dumbass. Although, you could be talking to the picture of Hillary on the wall.

Here, Stinker for your midnight self-pleasuring (lol)

For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?

Let me get this straight. NATO was outraged by Russia taking over the

In 2004 W pressed NATO to admit the Ukraine. The Western European
members balked and said no. Why?

If NATO would have admitted The Ukraine...Crimea would be part of
the Ukraine today. The NATO charter and reason for existence. You
attack one of us you attack all of us. If Russia would have attempted
to annex the Crimea, NATO would go to war with Russia.

NATO gave the Crimea to the Russians led by America's Coon-in-Charge.
You stop a bully by getting in his face...not by cowering or showing

When we didn't allow The Ukraine into NATO, the Russians KNEW they
had us...and they took the Crimea.

The NATO meetings aren't about The Donald being Pro-NATO or Pro-Putin
it's about the NATO nations having to decide do they want to be protected
by American Nuclear Power or do they want to critique America at every
turn. The Donald isn't going to allow them to do both anymore. They
re not going to fuck us on trade or tariff's and they aren't going to call the
Military shots. They will do what we want them to do or we will form
our own alliance with the Eastern European Countries (former Warsaw Pact
Countries) and Italy and move our troops and men.
Let me get this straight. NATO was outraged by Russia taking over the

In 2004 W pressed NATO to admit the Ukraine. The Western European
members balked and said no. Why?

Simple, moron........To have a NATO country right next to the Russian border would be the equivalent of the U.S. shrugging off if Canada had become Russian ally.

Find a grown up to explain world politics to you.
and to answer the first question opening question , President TRUMP is PRO whatever is best for the USA and Americans Nat , Nia88 , Doktor and all other lefties .
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?

Let me get this straight. NATO was outraged by Russia taking over the

In 2004 W pressed NATO to admit the Ukraine. The Western European
members balked and said no. Why?

If NATO would have admitted The Ukraine...Crimea would be part of
the Ukraine today. The NATO charter and reason for existence. You
attack one of us you attack all of us. If Russia would have attempted
to annex the Crimea, NATO would go to war with Russia.

NATO gave the Crimea to the Russians led by America's Coon-in-Charge.
You stop a bully by getting in his face...not by cowering or showing

When we didn't allow The Ukraine into NATO, the Russians KNEW they
had us...and they took the Crimea.

The NATO meetings aren't about The Donald being Pro-NATO or Pro-Putin
it's about the NATO nations having to decide do they want to be protected
by American Nuclear Power or do they want to critique America at every
turn. The Donald isn't going to allow them to do both anymore. They
re not going to fuck us on trade or tariff's and they aren't going to call the
Military shots. They will do what we want them to do or we will form
our own alliance with the Eastern European Countries (former Warsaw Pact
Countries) and Italy and move our troops and men.
-------------------------Good post number 186 i like your message and reasoning , Thanks DJT !!
and to answer the first question opening question , President TRUMP is PRO whatever is best for the USA and Americans Nat , Nia88 , Doktor and all other lefties .
How come pis Trump bashes all our ex allies but kisses butts of those not friendly like Russia and NK? The world has their tariffs all ready to go the instant that moron dares to pull the trigger and 10's of 1000's mostly in repub states will feel the pain In a way I welcome that
If he hated her he would want her in office, he had tons of material to use to blackmail her into doing whatever he wanted.

Mr. Tuna (aka, fuckhead).....would you like to post exactly what Putin has among his "tons of material to use to blackmail [Clinton]"????

I mean, since we all here rely on your fucked-up-ness to share your insight.........we anxiously await just a few of those TONS of materials......

(what an ASSHOLE........LOL)

what does Putin have on Hillary? is that your question?

145 million to the Clinton foundation
the Benghazi cover up
the fake Trump dossier, paid for by the Clinton campaign
the "reset"
the Iran deal, brokered by Putin
her 30,000 missing emails
the uranium one deal

just for starters

and once again we see you revert to juvenile insults when you cannot post something sensible and accurate, attack those that speak the truth, right gnat

Inter alia for the above Hannity-inspired, Trump cult speaking points

DID Russia give millions to the Clinton Foundation?....Yes or No?

The Clinton Foundation received $145 million in pledges and donations from original investors in Uranium One, PRIOR to its sale to Rosatom.

Most of the $145 million in Clinton Foundation donations came from one person, a major Uranium One investor named Frank Giustra. Mr. Giustra has said that he sold all his shares in Uranium One about 1-1/2 years before Mrs. Clinton became secretary of State – and three years before Rosatom and its Russian cash came calling.

There is no direct evidence of a quid pro quo between Clinton and Uranium One backers. As one of nine members of a US committee weighing the deal, it was not within Clinton’s power to approve the deal on her own. There is no evidence Clinton was even informed of the prospective deal while she was secretary of State. While cabinet heads make up the committee, that is a nominal position. As often the case in government, subordinates go to the meetings and do the work.

What's the real story behind Hillary Clinton, Russia, and uranium ...


The Clinton Foundation received $145 million in pledges and donations from original investors in Uranium One,

$145 million from business partners of Russian oligarchs.
And Bill got speaking fees from Russians. Was it half a million? More?

On the other side, Russians bought a couple thousand dollars of Facebook ads.
Yeah, it's clear who they supported.
to answer the first question opening question

Of course, you're "correct",Pismore....After all, WHO could possibly doubt what Trump tells you to swallow???..................LOL
Let me get this straight. NATO was outraged by Russia taking over the

In 2004 W pressed NATO to admit the Ukraine. The Western European
members balked and said no. Why?

Simple, moron........To have a NATO country right next to the Russian border would be the equivalent of the U.S. shrugging off if Canada had become Russian ally.

Find a grown up to explain world politics to you.

To have a NATO country right next to the Russian border would be the equivalent of the U.S. shrugging off if Canada had become Russian ally.

That's only equivalent if the US had previously enslaved neighboring Canadian provinces.
To have a NATO country right next to the Russian border would be the equivalent of the U.S. shrugging off if Canada had become Russian ally.

That's only equivalent if the US had previously enslaved neighboring Canadian provinces.

In your eternal fucked-up-ness, Toddie.....you're actually agreeing with me without your half brain realizing it.........Thanks......LOL
If he hated her he would want her in office, he had tons of material to use to blackmail her into doing whatever he wanted.

Mr. Tuna (aka, fuckhead).....would you like to post exactly what Putin has among his "tons of material to use to blackmail [Clinton]"????

I mean, since we all here rely on your fucked-up-ness to share your insight.........we anxiously await just a few of those TONS of materials......

(what an ASSHOLE........LOL)

what does Putin have on Hillary? is that your question?

145 million to the Clinton foundation
the Benghazi cover up
the fake Trump dossier, paid for by the Clinton campaign
the "reset"
the Iran deal, brokered by Putin
her 30,000 missing emails
the uranium one deal

just for starters

and once again we see you revert to juvenile insults when you cannot post something sensible and accurate, attack those that speak the truth, right gnat

Inter alia for the above Hannity-inspired, Trump cult speaking points

DID Russia give millions to the Clinton Foundation?....Yes or No?

The Clinton Foundation received $145 million in pledges and donations from original investors in Uranium One, PRIOR to its sale to Rosatom.

Most of the $145 million in Clinton Foundation donations came from one person, a major Uranium One investor named Frank Giustra. Mr. Giustra has said that he sold all his shares in Uranium One about 1-1/2 years before Mrs. Clinton became secretary of State – and three years before Rosatom and its Russian cash came calling.

There is no direct evidence of a quid pro quo between Clinton and Uranium One backers. As one of nine members of a US committee weighing the deal, it was not within Clinton’s power to approve the deal on her own. There is no evidence Clinton was even informed of the prospective deal while she was secretary of State. While cabinet heads make up the committee, that is a nominal position. As often the case in government, subordinates go to the meetings and do the work.

What's the real story behind Hillary Clinton, Russia, and uranium ...


The Clinton Foundation received $145 million in pledges and donations from original investors in Uranium One,

$145 million from business partners of Russian oligarchs.
And Bill got speaking fees from Russians. Was it half a million? More?

On the other side, Russians bought a couple thousand dollars of Facebook ads.
Yeah, it's clear who they supported.
Non partisan Senate intel says it's clear WHO to believe ...them or a trumpette??
NATO is too expensive and obsolete. Europeans are capable of defending themselves at this point. The EU is very strong and wealthy. It can handle its own security now.

And NATO has become an aggressor. It's no longer about 'Defense.' The Libyan War should have proved that to everyone. It wasn't a 'Defensive' action in any way, shape, or form. In that case, NATO started a bloody war. Its time for it to be disbanded. It no longer represents its original purpose.
To have a NATO country right next to the Russian border would be the equivalent of the U.S. shrugging off if Canada had become Russian ally.

That's only equivalent if the US had previously enslaved neighboring Canadian provinces.

In your eternal fucked-up-ness, Toddie.....you're actually agreeing with me without your half brain realizing it.........Thanks......LOL

I'm agreeing that former enslaved nations have every reason to be afraid of Russia.
They have every reason to ally themselves with NATO.

How is that equivalent to your Russian/Canadian stupidity?

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