A little "test" for Trump: Is he pro-NATO or pro-Putin?

For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?
---------------------------------- 'muslim turkey' shouldn't be a member of 'nato' . USA is better off with allies like Russia , Japan , Eastern Europe rather than the effete 'western euros' Nat .

a factual statement. We have been funding NATO for years and the other members contribute very little and expect us to protect them.
IDIOT by protecting them we help protect ourselves

1. Which does not explain why they should not carry their fair share.

2. And not since the Soviet Union collapsed. Russia is not a threat to the world.
Their neighbors have a different opinion
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?
---------------------------------- 'muslim turkey' shouldn't be a member of 'nato' . USA is better off with allies like Russia , Japan , Eastern Europe rather than the effete 'western euros' Nat .

a factual statement. We have been funding NATO for years and the other members contribute very little and expect us to protect them.
IDIOT by protecting them we help protect ourselves
------------------------------------------- might be time for a change Edward .
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?
---------------------------------- 'muslim turkey' shouldn't be a member of 'nato' . USA is better off with allies like Russia , Japan , Eastern Europe rather than the effete 'western euros' Nat .

a factual statement. We have been funding NATO for years and the other members contribute very little and expect us to protect them.
IDIOT by protecting them we help protect ourselves

from who?
Try Trumps pal the murderer Putin ,,,,,,for starters

tell us how US bases in Germany protect the US from Putin. Russia does not want to take over Europe. If they did, they would have to deal with the muslim invaders that have taken over Germany, France, Italy, Greece, etc.

once you fail to answer that, tell us why good relations with Russia would be bad for the USA and the world.
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?
---------------------------------- 'muslim turkey' shouldn't be a member of 'nato' . USA is better off with allies like Russia , Japan , Eastern Europe rather than the effete 'western euros' Nat .

a factual statement. We have been funding NATO for years and the other members contribute very little and expect us to protect them.
IDIOT by protecting them we help protect ourselves

1. Which does not explain why they should not carry their fair share.

2. And not since the Soviet Union collapsed. Russia is not a threat to the world.
Their neighbors have a different opinion

so what? why are we obligated to protect them from an imagined, or real, threat?
---------------------------------- 'muslim turkey' shouldn't be a member of 'nato' . USA is better off with allies like Russia , Japan , Eastern Europe rather than the effete 'western euros' Nat .

a factual statement. We have been funding NATO for years and the other members contribute very little and expect us to protect them.
IDIOT by protecting them we help protect ourselves

from who?
Try Trumps pal the murderer Putin ,,,,,,for starters

tell us how US bases in Germany protect the US from Putin. Russia does not want to take over Europe. If they did, they would have to deal with the muslim invaders that have taken over Germany, France, Italy, Greece, etc.

once you fail to answer that, tell us why good relations with Russia would be bad for the USA and the world.
The first answer is too obvious ,,,,,and the 2nd you go to bed with dogs you wake up with fleas You should have learned that lesson going to bed with trump
and all this talk about MURDERER Putin . Seems to me that the 'english' monarchy has probably murdered more people throughout its history then Putin ever did . Not an excuse but hey , 'english queens and kings' of the recent past were practical people but they were not nice people .
and all this talk about MURDERER Putin . Seems to me that the 'english' monarchy has probably murdered more people throughout its history then Putin ever did . Not an excuse but hey , 'english queens and kings' are not nice people .
Hey pis Bet the church has murdered more throughout history than the English
and all this talk about MURDERER Putin . Seems to me that the 'english' monarchy has probably murdered more people throughout its history then Putin ever did . Not an excuse but hey , 'english queens and kings' are not nice people .
Hey pis Bet the church has murdered more throughout history than the English
-------------------------------------- maybe , -------------- course i think that legally instituted governments , many elected by their people have killed the most people Edward .
a factual statement. We have been funding NATO for years and the other members contribute very little and expect us to protect them.
IDIOT by protecting them we help protect ourselves

from who?
Try Trumps pal the murderer Putin ,,,,,,for starters

tell us how US bases in Germany protect the US from Putin. Russia does not want to take over Europe. If they did, they would have to deal with the muslim invaders that have taken over Germany, France, Italy, Greece, etc.

once you fail to answer that, tell us why good relations with Russia would be bad for the USA and the world.
The first answer is too obvious ,,,,,and the 2nd you go to bed with dogs you wake up with fleas You should have learned that lesson going to bed with trump

if its obvious you should be able to articulate it, please share your wisdom with us.

"lie down with dogs and wake up with fleas" but you want to open our borders to all kinds of dogs, with no flea spray. sounds a bit hypocritical, dude.
and all this talk about MURDERER Putin . Seems to me that the 'english' monarchy has probably murdered more people throughout its history then Putin ever did . Not an excuse but hey , 'english queens and kings' are not nice people .
Hey pis Bet the church has murdered more throughout history than the English

to be more correct, more people have been killed in the name of religion than any other cause. Muslims are doing in by the thousands as we speak. Christians gave that up about 500 years ago.
and all this talk about MURDERER Putin . Seems to me that the 'english' monarchy has probably murdered more people throughout its history then Putin ever did . Not an excuse but hey , 'english queens and kings' are not nice people .
Hey pis Bet the church has murdered more throughout history than the English
-------------------------------------- maybe , -------------- course i think that legally instituted governments , many elected by their people have killed the most people Edward .
Like GWB elected by Republicans??
IDIOT by protecting them we help protect ourselves

from who?
Try Trumps pal the murderer Putin ,,,,,,for starters

tell us how US bases in Germany protect the US from Putin. Russia does not want to take over Europe. If they did, they would have to deal with the muslim invaders that have taken over Germany, France, Italy, Greece, etc.

once you fail to answer that, tell us why good relations with Russia would be bad for the USA and the world.
The first answer is too obvious ,,,,,and the 2nd you go to bed with dogs you wake up with fleas You should have learned that lesson going to bed with trump

if its obvious you should be able to articulate it, please share your wisdom with us.

"lie down with dogs and wake up with fleas" but you want to open our borders to all kinds of dogs, with no flea spray. sounds a bit hypocritical, dude.
Open borders ?? BS No illegal entries and you believe that BS like you believed Benghazi 2 1/2 years of BS with o indictments vs 1 year of Mueller investigations with 20 Amazing when repubs IQ's take a downturn
---------------------------------- 'muslim turkey' shouldn't be a member of 'nato' . USA is better off with allies like Russia , Japan , Eastern Europe rather than the effete 'western euros' Nat .

a factual statement. We have been funding NATO for years and the other members contribute very little and expect us to protect them.
IDIOT by protecting them we help protect ourselves

1. Which does not explain why they should not carry their fair share.

2. And not since the Soviet Union collapsed. Russia is not a threat to the world.
Their neighbors have a different opinion

so what? why are we obligated to protect them from an imagined, or real, threat?
Here red maybe this might help
There are several reasons why the US still has military bases in Germany and many other EU countries. For starters, a big reason is that with the US being part of NATO and one of the biggest militaries in NATO it makes sense to have the military presence local. In case of a conflict, power can be projected quickly from a local base or unit until reinforcements can arrive from the Americas. This gives the US flexibility in supporting its NATO partners, not to mention, many smaller EU countries want the US within their borders. The bases in Germany are just a piece of a larger whole.
Talking about Germany in particular, the huge base in Ramstein, Germany is very strategically placed. If you are flying from the continental US to any place in Europe or on to other locations, this AF base is right in the middle. This is perfect for length of flight and fuel usage. The Ramstein area is also a major communications hub for the same reason. It is a good halfway point between the US and all other NATO countries.
One other point to consider is econom
What about your trump moron saying nk is no longer a nuke threat?? Now meeting with Putin? Trump is way over his head Should get back to screwing women and those working for him

Because that's totally what he said, right you fucking liar?
What about your trump moron saying nk is no longer a nuke threat?? Now meeting with Putin? Trump is way over his head Should get back to screwing women and those working for him

Because that's totally what he said, right you fucking liar?
Speaking of douchbags Un shows up
NBC quoted five unidentified US officials as saying that in recent months North Korea had stepped up production of enriched uranium for nuclear weapons.


This undated picture released by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency on 2 September 2017 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un in Pyongyang. Picture: AFP.
Reuters | a day ago
WASHINGTON - US intelligence agencies believe North Korea has increased production of fuel for nuclear weapons at multiple secret sites in recent months and may try to hide these while seeking concessions in nuclear talks with the United States, NBC News quoted US officials as saying.

In a report on Friday, the network said what it described as the latest US intelligence assessment appeared to go counter to sentiments expressed by President Donald Trump, who tweeted after an unprecedented 12 June summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that “there is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea.”

NBC quoted five unidentified US officials as saying that in recent months North Korea had stepped up production of enriched uranium for nuclear weapons, even as it engaged in diplomacy with the United States.

The network cited US officials as saying that the intelligence assessment concludes that North Korea has more than one secret nuclear site in addition to its known nuclear fuel production facility at Yongbyon.
When draft dodger Bill Clinton was demonstrating against his own Country while a student in England he caught the eye of comrades in the KGB and the next thing you know he is on an all expense trip to Russia. Years later his wife paved the way for the Russians to obtain lucrative uranium sites. Somehow the left got it in their pretty little empty heads that civilian candidate Donald Trump was guilty of colluding with the Russians while the Russians were paying off the Clintons. Now the crazy angry left has convinced themselves that a new cold war (or a shooting war) with Russia is preferable to negotiations with the 2nd most prolific nuclear power on the freaking planet
When draft dodger Bill Clinton was demonstrating against his own Country while a student in England he caught the eye of comrades in the KGB and the next thing you know he is on an all expense trip to Russia. Years later his wife paved the way for the Russians to obtain lucrative uranium sites. Somehow the left got it in their pretty little empty heads that civilian candidate Donald Trump was guilty of colluding with the Russians while the Russians were paying off the Clintons. Now the crazy angry left has convinced themselves that a new cold war (or a shooting war) with Russia is preferable to negotiations with the 2nd most prolific nuclear power on the freaking planet
You would negotiate with the country led by a slime like Putin ,,shake hands on deals ??A country with the Rep Russia has ?? Really ?? Yeah I know about keep your friends close and your enemies closer
What about your trump moron saying nk is no longer a nuke threat?? Now meeting with Putin? Trump is way over his head Should get back to screwing women and those working for him

Because that's totally what he said, right you fucking liar?
Speaking of douchbags Un shows up
NBC quoted five unidentified US officials as saying that in recent months North Korea had stepped up production of enriched uranium for nuclear weapons.


This undated picture released by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency on 2 September 2017 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un in Pyongyang. Picture: AFP.
Reuters | a day ago
WASHINGTON - US intelligence agencies believe North Korea has increased production of fuel for nuclear weapons at multiple secret sites in recent months and may try to hide these while seeking concessions in nuclear talks with the United States, NBC News quoted US officials as saying.

In a report on Friday, the network said what it described as the latest US intelligence assessment appeared to go counter to sentiments expressed by President Donald Trump, who tweeted after an unprecedented 12 June summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that “there is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea.”

NBC quoted five unidentified US officials as saying that in recent months North Korea had stepped up production of enriched uranium for nuclear weapons, even as it engaged in diplomacy with the United States.

The network cited US officials as saying that the intelligence assessment concludes that North Korea has more than one secret nuclear site in addition to its known nuclear fuel production facility at Yongbyon.

Regardless, you are still a shameless fucking liar. You made a claim of Trump saying something which you simply made up to slander him.

You're a fucking liar, and it shows your desperation as well as your abject lack of honor.
What about your trump moron saying nk is no longer a nuke threat?? Now meeting with Putin? Trump is way over his head Should get back to screwing women and those working for him

Because that's totally what he said, right you fucking liar?
Speaking of douchbags Un shows up
NBC quoted five unidentified US officials as saying that in recent months North Korea had stepped up production of enriched uranium for nuclear weapons.


This undated picture released by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency on 2 September 2017 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un in Pyongyang. Picture: AFP.
Reuters | a day ago
WASHINGTON - US intelligence agencies believe North Korea has increased production of fuel for nuclear weapons at multiple secret sites in recent months and may try to hide these while seeking concessions in nuclear talks with the United States, NBC News quoted US officials as saying.

In a report on Friday, the network said what it described as the latest US intelligence assessment appeared to go counter to sentiments expressed by President Donald Trump, who tweeted after an unprecedented 12 June summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that “there is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea.”

NBC quoted five unidentified US officials as saying that in recent months North Korea had stepped up production of enriched uranium for nuclear weapons, even as it engaged in diplomacy with the United States.

The network cited US officials as saying that the intelligence assessment concludes that North Korea has more than one secret nuclear site in addition to its known nuclear fuel production facility at Yongbyon.

Regardless, you are still a shameless fucking liar. You made a claim of Trump saying something which you simply made up to slander him.

You're a fucking liar, and it shows your desperation as well as your abject lack of honor.
It was RIGHT THERE in the post I cut and pasted Can't you read either?
President Donald Trump, who tweeted after an unprecedented 12 June summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that “there is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea.”

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