A little "test" for Trump: Is he pro-NATO or pro-Putin?

For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?

He wants the other NATO countries to pay their share for their defense, numb nuts...... and his actual policies are anti-putin, from his pipeline and energy policy which hurts the Russian energy sector, to his arming Ukraine with lethal weapons to his killing Russian troops in Syria...

If you guys would pay attention and get your heads out of your asses you would see the truth...
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?

You sure can't deny Europe is absolutely in love with NATO. That said the US has footed the largest percentage of the NATO bill for far too long. Are we still naïve enough to believe a to the death war between the US and Russia will be a conventional one? We do not need large numbers of US troops in Europe, but Europe certainly thinks we do. NATO is a final barrier of actual peace with Russia. Remember the Warsaw Pact? It's long gone. NATO is an expensive relic and potential cause of war with Russia. Either we end NATO or welcome Russia in.

They want U.S. troops in Europe because we pay for them. If we leave, they would have to actually pay for their own militaries.....and they would have to actually pay a lot in order for them to be more than show troops...that would mean they couldn't give away all those tax dollars on social welfare programs and the youth of Europe would actually have to join the military, instead of bitching about the U.S. military...
They want U.S. troops in Europe because we pay for them. If we leave, they would have to actually pay for their own militaries.....and they would have to actually pay a lot in order for them to be more than show troops...that would mean they couldn't give away all those tax dollars on social welfare programs and the youth of Europe would actually have to join the military, instead of bitching about the U.S. military...

Here you go, moron........lol

STUTTGART, Germany — The U.S. Army is scouting locations in Germany for potentially basing more soldiers in Europe, where a post-Cold War period of military downsizing is undergoing a reappraisal.

A team from U.S. Army Europe recently visited two military facilities in northern Germany, the Army said, a region without a current U.S. military presence.

“The purpose was to assess the sites if there was growth in permanently assigned U.S. Forces in Germany,” USAREUR said in a statement. “At this time no decisions have been made; we are engaged in prudent planning only.”

The downsizing of the Army in Europe had been steady after the end of the Cold War, but Russia’s intervention in Ukraine has prompted the Pentagon to reconsider its force structure on the Continent.

Army eyes new bases in Europe as Pentagon reviews force structure
[You like gulags? Spend a vacation or two there?

Logic and rationality are not your strong suit, Comrade.

Putin is a KGB thug, and a scumbag.

Does that somehow make the Bolshevik Progressive movement in America justified?

Does that justify Hillary and the FSB paying Putin for fabricated dirt on Trump as your party tried to rig the election?
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Actually it was the Soviet Union.

And modern Russia is a very different animal. Much smaller and weaker for one thing, also, not totalitarian.

Other than that, good post. LOL!!!
UN spits in trumps eye

Fuck the UN.

A collection of terrorists, rapists, and dictators.

BREAKING: NBC News is reporting that U.S. intelligence agencies told them "There is absolutely unequivocal evidence North Korea is Increasing Nuclear Production at Secret Sites"

So these "intelligence agencies" are reporting the MS-13NBC directly?

Oh, you mean "UNNAMED SOURCES"

You fucking traitorous scum..

Leaking on national security is treason, give leakers the needle.
WTF is Hannity?

You have to have sympathy for gnat and his fellow traitors.

Two years ago they had the world in their hand. Hillary would win the election, she would fill a vacant SCOTUS seat with a dedicated Marxist, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendments would be gone in 6th months. America was done, the Marxist dream was a reality.

But then it all blew up. The Normals revolted against the rule of the Left. Now gnat and his fellow Stalinists face the strongest economy in 70 years. The lowest unemployment in 40 years. the lowest black unemployment ever in history, the lowest hispanic unemployment ever in history. Blacks are defecting from the democrat plantation en mass. Jews are defecting from the Pro-Hamas, Pro-Hezbollah, Pro-ISIS democrats. The Scalia seat was filled with a pro-Constitution justice. Now the Kennedy seat will be filled with another dedicated Constitutionalist. The dream of ending the Constitution and civil rights, which were ASSURED to the Stalinists, are gone - for at least a generation, maybe longer.

The "blue wave" that would save the Bolshevik movement turned out to be nothing more than a toilet backing up in Alabama. The democrats are a radical left Marxist party who have nothing to offer the American people other than hate.

Hate just isn't selling the way the Marxists hoped. Mad Maxine is out advocating and inciting violence, but it isn't enough to put the Stalinists in power.

Life sucks for evil little fucks like gnat.

It's GREAT for America, GREAT for normals, but things couldn't go worse for gnat and his ilk.

Tell me what in there disputes my points that

1. Russia is not the Soviet Union

2. Russia is much smaller than the Soviet Union

3. Russia is not totalitarian

Because, I'm betting that NOTHING in there disputes my points, and that you just threw a bunch of shit against the wall as part of the Logical Fallacy of Shotgun argument.

You lose.
Life sucks for evil little fucks like gnat.

It's GREAT for America, GREAT for normals, but things couldn't go worse for gnat and his ilk.


We did back you against the Nazis, then it turned out YOU are the Nazis - utterly no difference...

Did you miss the history component of your GED lessons??? lol


Yeah, you Stalinists are WAY different.

I mean, the Nazis were a Totalitarian Regime as opposed to Stalin who ran a Totalitarian Regime. The Nazis were a one party rule state where dissenters were murdered as opposed to Stalin who had a one party rule state where dissenters were murdered. The Nazis murdered millions of people in concentration camps as opposed to Stalin who murdered millions of people in concentration camps.

Couldn't get much more different, could they fucktard?

gnat, you're an evil little shit, but you're stupid, so easy to trounce.

Yeah, you Stalinists are WAY different.

I mean, the Nazis were a Totalitarian Regime as opposed to Stalin who ran a Totalitarian Regime. The Nazis were a one party rule state where dissenters were murdered as opposed to Stalin who had a one party rule state where dissenters were murdered. The Nazis murdered millions of people in concentration camps as opposed to Stalin who murdered millions of people in concentration camps.

Couldn't get much more different, could they fucktard?

gnat, you're an evil little shit, but you're stupid, so easy to trounce.

Moron....you're too fucking stupid to understand....but for others....

Nazis (like fascists) believed in NATIONALISM with zealotry

Communists believed in UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD which, obviously (for less dense idiots than you) was the antithesis of Fascism.

Bye, bye, nitwit.....I have little time to educate Trump cult members.

Yeah, you Stalinists are WAY different.

I mean, the Nazis were a Totalitarian Regime as opposed to Stalin who ran a Totalitarian Regime. The Nazis were a one party rule state where dissenters were murdered as opposed to Stalin who had a one party rule state where dissenters were murdered. The Nazis murdered millions of people in concentration camps as opposed to Stalin who murdered millions of people in concentration camps.

Couldn't get much more different, could they fucktard?

gnat, you're an evil little shit, but you're stupid, so easy to trounce.

Moron....you're too fucking stupid to understand....but for others....

Nazis (like fascists) believed in NATIONALISM with zealotry

Communists believed in UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD which, obviously (for less dense idiots than you) was the antithesis of Fascism.

Bye, bye, nitwit.....I have little time to educate Trump cult members.

Oh "Universal Brotherhood."

Well no wonder you gush over them.

gnat, you're an evil little kunt - celebrating the slaughter of some 65 million peace time people as "Universal Brotherhood."

Antithesis you say? They we identical, you lying fuck. Both had centrally planned and managed economies where the state determined the output through absolute control of the means of production. Yeah, you think Stalin was really swell because - DUH.

You're an ignorant lying scumbag.You have no brains to educate anyone. You spew retarded lies and then have a tantrum because your betters point out what a stupid little fuck you are.
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?

UN spits in trumps eye
BREAKING: NBC News is reporting that U.S. intelligence agencies told them "There is absolutely unequivocal evidence North Korea is Increasing Nuclear Production at Secret Sites"

NBC? right, no bias there. But if it is true Trump has told Kim that if he restarts his nuke program, all bets are off and he better watch his back because there will be a big target on it.

To further discredit this NBC bullshit, china has also told Kim to stop the nuke program or they too will target him.

As usual, gnat, you are totally FOS and your Trump-hate makes you more stupid every day.
UN spits in trumps eye

Fuck the UN.

A collection of terrorists, rapists, and dictators.

BREAKING: NBC News is reporting that U.S. intelligence agencies told them "There is absolutely unequivocal evidence North Korea is Increasing Nuclear Production at Secret Sites"

So these "intelligence agencies" are reporting the MS-13NBC directly?

Oh, you mean "UNNAMED SOURCES"

You fucking traitorous scum..

Leaking on national security is treason, give leakers the needle.
What about your trump moron saying nk is no longer a nuke threat?? Now meeting with Putin? Trump is way over his head Should get back to screwing women and those working for him
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?

Trump is pro America Dumb Ass....
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?

UN spits in trumps eye
BREAKING: NBC News is reporting that U.S. intelligence agencies told them "There is absolutely unequivocal evidence North Korea is Increasing Nuclear Production at Secret Sites"

NBC? right, no bias there. But if it is true Trump has told Kim that if he restarts his nuke program, all bets are off and he better watch his back because there will be a big target on it.

To further discredit this NBC bullshit, china has also told Kim to stop the nuke program or they too will target him.

As usual, gnat, you are totally FOS and your Trump-hate makes you more stupid every day.
NBC is right again and once more a trump supporter is wrong

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