A Little Too Late? Calls Begin Within DNC For Pelosi Oust


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The record number of election losses continue to mount, even after having lost the House, the Senate, and WH.

Despite Hillary's and the Democrats' never-ending excuses and 'blame tours', Democrats have begun rumblings about a need to replace Pelosi.

Ya think?! Bwuhahahaha...

Good News: The Democratic Party is actually showing signs of finally recognizing 1,000+ election losses, back-to-back historic election losses, and being 0 - 5 in special elections now is actually THEIR fault, that they may actually realize 'Hate' and 'We hate Trump' is not a winning platform / message...

Nah...they're not that smart....

The record number of election losses continue to mount, even after having lost the House, the Senate, and WH.

Despite Hillary's and the Democrats' never-ending excuses and 'blame tours', Democrats have begun rumblings about a need to replace Pelosi.

Ya think?! Bwuhahahaha...

Good News: The Democratic Party is actually showing signs of finally recognizing 1,000+ election losses, back-to-back historic election losses, and being 0 - 5 in special elections now is actually THEIR fault, that they may actually realize 'Hate' and 'We hate Trump' is not a winning platform / message...

Nah...they're not that smart....

You're right, they're not recognizing the problem, but it's not about intelligence, it's about the mutants who have taken over the party, and their ideology.

"I hate Trump, I want him dead, you're a racist, you're an Islamophobe, you're a homophobe, you're a stupid rube and I need a safe space" is not sound political messaging.
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Pelosi is a problem for the demoquacks but far far from the only problem. The entire party is in disarray and like a rudderless ship.
Pelosi is merely one tiny piece of the Return-To-Political-Power puzzle for the Democrats, but she's the target of the latest Leftist Eat-Your-Own campaign...

The vicious little pissants oftentimes turn on their own...it's much easier than honest and realistic inward-focused scrutiny.

Why take that long, hard look in the mirror for the underlying cause(s) of your defeats, when you can delude yourself that it's all the fault of Democrat Biotch A or B?

The country rejected the Democratic stance on Illegal Aliens, and it rejected the Democratic stance on continued Muslim immigration.

So what do the a$$hole Democrats do?

They double-down on Stupid, and install a Hispanic for DNC Chair and a Muslim for DNC Vice Chair !!!!


If the Democrats want to return to power anytime soon, they are going to have to bite the bullet on a number of party platform planks...
  • They are going to have to kiss-and-make-up with White, Straight, Christian Middle America
  • They are going to have to throw Illegal Aliens under the bus
  • They are going to have to throw Muslim immigration under the bus
  • They are going to have to throw the Gay Mafia under the bus
  • They are going to have to throw their world-without-borders mentality under the bus
  • They are going to have to recapture the confidence of labor-union rank-and-file memberships
  • They are going to have to stop dealing in moral relativism
  • They are going to have to come up with better foreign policy strategies and tactics
  • They are going to have to come up with better domestic policy strategies and tactics
  • They are going to have to snap-out-of-it and abandon their Welfare State mentality
...and on and on and on.

There is a lot wrong with the Democratic Party at present.

Nancy Pelosi is just the tip of a very large iceberg, and is taking an unfair and disproportionate amount of heat for a much broader array of weaknesses.
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The record number of election losses continue to mount, even after having lost the House, the Senate, and WH.

Despite Hillary's and the Democrats' never-ending excuses and 'blame tours', Democrats have begun rumblings about a need to replace Pelosi.

Ya think?! Bwuhahahaha...

Good News: The Democratic Party is actually showing signs of finally recognizing 1,000+ election losses, back-to-back historic election losses, and being 0 - 5 in special elections now is actually THEIR fault, that they may actually realize 'Hate' and 'We hate Trump' is not a winning platform / message...

Nah...they're not that smart....


I support nancy pelosi.....she needs to keep her leadership position in the democrat party.......we still have lots of democrat seats all over the country that need to be replaced with conservative republicans....and without her....it might be harder to do.....
The record number of election losses continue to mount, even after having lost the House, the Senate, and WH.

Despite Hillary's and the Democrats' never-ending excuses and 'blame tours', Democrats have begun rumblings about a need to replace Pelosi.

Ya think?! Bwuhahahaha...

Good News: The Democratic Party is actually showing signs of finally recognizing 1,000+ election losses, back-to-back historic election losses, and being 0 - 5 in special elections now is actually THEIR fault, that they may actually realize 'Hate' and 'We hate Trump' is not a winning platform / message...

Nah...they're not that smart....


I support nancy pelosi.....she needs to keep her leadership position in the democrat party.......we still have lots of democrat seats all over the country that need to be replaced with conservative republicans....and without her....it might be harder to do.....
I sure as hell don't know what goes on behind the scenes in DC, but I really don't think Pelosi is a significant problem. She's just another partisan politician, meh.

The Dems' REAL problem is its large and growing population of nasty, hateful narcissists in real life and in popular culture who are so repulsive in their behaviors.

Seems to me that manifests itself in voting decisions more than what some individual pol is blabbering about, and it transcends issues.
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The Democrat Party has become a coalition of all the vile despicable greedy elements of our society. Blacks that vote their race and welfare checks, anti gun nuts, welfare queens, environmental wackos, Feminazis, abortionists, union bosses, illegals, socialists, queers, confused college kids and their Marxist professors.

Peloski is a great leader for that coalition of despicables. She has alienated the Democrat Party from Heartland America and that is a good thing because it resulted in them losing 1,000 offices the Congress and the Presidency.
If they are sweeping out the trash, they should not forget to rid themselves of Chucky Schumer, Al Franken, and Dianne Feinstein as well. All of whom are just as retarded as Pelosi.

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