A Little Transparency Would Be Nice

Two big problems.

One, wearing masks in school facilitates kids remaining in school where they can learn the fundamentals.

Two, CRT is not a grade school topic. Teaching kids that racism happens and is not okay is good. Sometimes our history is embarrassing, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t get taught. Ruby Bridges was harassed by mobs of white people as she went to school. That should be taught as part of our history to learn from even if it doesn’t paint white people in a flattering light.
OK, so you can’t go big picture and you have to keep the mask issue inserted into the conversation. Got it. As an informal rule, I usually try twice on here to break through a mental barrier. Some people don’t like learning.

As an elementary teacher, I never lose hope until I meet the parents. It’s evident with particular parents who do not back education either. They expect a pass for their kids who by choice would do nothing without passing being a factor. Go figure.

I’m going make a big assumption here and say that you and I had totally different upbringings, in the way that my parents fully supported self-reliance and modeled such behavior. Did yours? I can only judge you from your words so that would be a no, they did not. I was very lucky in that way because not all kids have good role models, some have the pits. Even if you had parents who were on governmental aid by choice not need, good parents would’ve taught you the value of self-sufficiency.

The CDC study you referenced is lacking in several ways particularly having such a ridiculously, small study group. There were several other shortcomings mentioned at the end of that article, if you missed them you might go back and look. IOW-that CDC study is bogus. There are medical studies from virology researchers and similar I can post if you’re interested that show otherwise. Here is one, when I have more time I’ll come back and post two or three more.

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No conservative I have ever asked has ever been able to tell me a single verifiable thing that's in CRT, or how and where it is being taught. All you know is what your thought leaders say.

That is no answer. Just one more blanket dismissal of anything "conservative." You don't understand these people at all so you just put them down. You did not answer nor even address a single thing of the FIVE questions I asked you! All you do is repeat the same old tired partisan crap like a broken record, so off to IGNORE with you. I shant waste any further time trying to have a mature conversation with you. Go talk to your fellow moonbats who all tell each other the same crap, then you can all pat each other on the back agreeing with each other. Bye.
That is no answer. Just one more blanket dismissal of anything "conservative." You don't understand these people at all so you just put them down. You did not answer nor even address a single thing of the FIVE questions I asked you! All you do is repeat the same old tired partisan crap like a broken record, so off to IGNORE with you. I shant waste any further time trying to have a mature conversation with you. Go talk to your fellow moonbats who all tell each other the same crap, then you can all pat each other on the back agreeing with each other. Bye.
What I really like about this board is that it's not a leftist echo chamber, and we can banish them.
That is no answer. Just one more blanket dismissal of anything "conservative." You don't understand these people at all so you just put them down. You did not answer nor even address a single thing of the FIVE questions I asked you! All you do is repeat the same old tired partisan crap like a broken record, so off to IGNORE with you. I shant waste any further time trying to have a mature conversation with you. Go talk to your fellow moonbats who all tell each other the same crap, then you can all pat each other on the back agreeing with each other. Bye.
I don't have to answer your stupid questions. CRT is just like Net Neutrality. You probably still think Net Neutrality is about keeping speech neutral on the internet. Your betters knew you wouldn't care to look it up. Who should you hate more, a person who doesn't understand you, or your thought leaders who understand perfectly how stupid you are and use it for their advantage?
OK, so you can’t go big picture and you have to keep the mask issue inserted into the conversation. Got it. As an informal rule, I usually try twice on here to break through a mental barrier. Some people don’t like learning. As an elementary teacher, I never lose hope until I meet the parents. It’s evident with particular parents who do not back education either. They expect a pass for their kids who by choice would do nothing without passing being a factor. Go figure.

I’m going make a big assumption here and say that you and I had totally different upbringings, in the way that my parents fully supported self-reliance and modeled such behavior. Did yours? I can only judge you from your words so that would be a no, they did not. I was very lucky in that way because not all kids have good role models, some have the pits. Even if you had parents who were on governmental aid by choice not need, good parents would’ve taught you the value of self-sufficiency.

The CDC study you referenced is lacking in several ways particularly having such a ridiculously, small study group. There were several other shortcomings mentioned at the end of that article, if you missed them you might go back and look. IOW-that CDC study is bogus. There are medical studies from virology researchers and similar I can post if you’re interested that show otherwise. Here is one, when I have more time I’ll come back and post two or three more.

You are making far too many assumptions. Like, to a point of being a serious character flaw.

Masks are important to keeping kids in school. That’s my priority. All studies have flaws. All of them. We go with what makes the most sense and what has the best data. You don’t get to declare something bogus just because you don’t like it.

My parents taught me that we live together in a society. Ones actions affect others. Someone doesn’t maintain their water way, the next rain storm will wipe out a chunk of your crop. Don’t lose sight of the big picture.
Sexualizing them at horrifically inappropriate ages. I know this for a fact. I was sexualized at far too young an age and anyone -- ANYONE -- who does that to a child needs to be hung.

Just one example.
WTF does that have to do with the topic.
We know differently. We can't help it if you are a sucker for MSM lies, slave.

I don't recell who said it, but a phrase comes to mind: "There are no chains stronger than the chains of belief". (paraphrasing)
You don’t “know” shit. You believe because your ego can’t take it.
You think that is it? Mountains of evidence that never saw the inside of a courtroom.

Why would it stop me. I watched the state hearings I have seen the virtually impossible statistics. I have also seen Democrats trying to stop any audit and investigation. I also know for a fact Dominion ran the election in AZ. and will not be transparent. They should have never let that happen. It is illegal when a government official is not in charge.
The evidence didn’t see the courtroom because it didn’t exist. Lindell proved that.
The evidence didn’t see the courtroom because it didn’t exist. Lindell proved that.
I am not talking about that evidence. I still think the evidence is valid. But there is so much more that was dismissed with no more than it did not happen from proven liars. AZ. shows how comically elections were run in 2020. It is far from over.
I am not talking about that evidence. I still think the evidence is valid. But there is so much more that was dismissed with no more than it did not happen from proven liars. AZ. shows how comically elections were run in 2020. It is far from over.
The audit was supposed to provide proof of fraud but failed to do so. I remember you proclaiming it was going to be incontrovertible evidence. The ballots themselves would be proof.

Never happened.

There is no evidence.

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