A Little Transparency Would Be Nice

Reading comprehension is a thing. Give it one more try.
No, it’s not comprehension that is a problem. It’s taking the steering wheel and veering the thread into a ditch. Better to blow up the thread than admit your party has gone crazy.
The audit was supposed to provide proof of fraud but failed to do so. I remember you proclaiming it was going to be incontrovertible evidence. The ballots themselves would be proof.

Never happened.

There is no evidence.
According to MSM.
The audit was supposed to provide proof of fraud but failed to do so. I remember you proclaiming it was going to be incontrovertible evidence. The ballots themselves would be proof.

Never happened.

There is no evidence.
This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.

The evidence was never heard. That is one way it can never be proven. Clever, aren't they? It has been proven to me.
According to the report the auditors filed that none of you bothered to read.
Did you get that from MSM, or did you personally walk into the audit and ask for that documentation?

How many of the auditors do you know personally to be of good character, not given to liberal lying?
This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.

The evidence was never heard. That is one way it can never be proven. Clever, aren't they? It has been proven to me.
Because essentially all of it is either not fraud or not credible.
Did you get that from MSM, or did you personally walk into the audit and ask for that documentation?

How many of the auditors do you know personally to be of good character, not given to liberal lying?
The “audit” released their report. It’s public.
Because essentially all of it is either not fraud or not credible.
What about the parts that are not? Why wasn't this shit investigated? There is just to much. The election was OBVIOUSLY stolen.
The “audit” released their report. It’s public.
Which says nothing. Who were the auditors? How do I know they were capable of conducting the audit impartially? I don't. Means nothing.

And the so-called "audit" has little to do with the subject matter of this thread, so whatever.
Which says nothing. Who were the auditors? How do I know they were capable of conducting the audit impartially? I don't. Means nothing.

And the so-called "audit" has little to do with the subject matter of this thread, so whatever.
True the DOJ needs to show us the threats, the details, and the legal reason to go after these parents.
What about the parts that are not? Why wasn't this shit investigated? There is just to much. The election was OBVIOUSLY stolen.
Because most of it isn’t actually fraud. Like, you can disagree about how “homebound” is defined but that doesn’t mean someone voted who shouldn’t have been able to vote. Fraud means something. This isn’t fraud. If it isn’t even an allegation of fraud, it isn’t going to be investigated.
WTF does that have to do with the topic.
Let's try this.

This thread is about parents who are angry about how their children are being treated at school. My comment was about the child abuse that I perceive to be happening in America's public schools. Got it?

I know it can be a challenge sometimes for y'all to grasp certain concepts. Just try one more time. I think you can do it.
Because most of it isn’t actually fraud. Like, you can disagree about how “homebound” is defined but that doesn’t mean someone voted who shouldn’t have been able to vote. Fraud means something. This isn’t fraud. If it isn’t even an allegation of fraud, it isn’t going to be investigated.
The election was stolen. You'll feel better once you admit it.
You are making far too many assumptions. Like, to a point of being a serious character flaw.

Masks are important to keeping kids in school. That’s my priority. All studies have flaws. All of them. We go with what makes the most sense and what has the best data. You don’t get to declare something bogus just because you don’t like it.

My parents taught me that we live together in a society. Ones actions affect others. Someone doesn’t maintain their water way, the next rain storm will wipe out a chunk of your crop. Don’t lose sight of the big picture.
I accept your personal criticism about making assumptions. For every 20 assumptions I might have daily, I seek valid answers to confirm or modify my take. My main character flaw is changing a neutral dialogue with personal observations. I apologize for suggesting you had parents who modeled dependency. You could’ve had the best parents ever and just rejected their ideas and practices fully! Lol.

I read your words that revealed your parents taught you to care about others. That is a positive message for kids.

You were good to call me out on my assumption. I’m absolutely full of flaws, but remember, self-awareness can bring about improvement when adequate effort is made from this knowledge. Or, I could choose to walk around in self-pity about my weaknesses.

Out of all human weaknesses, the most harmful in my opinion is self-pity. All Americans, including the homeless and down-trodden, need to make a day trip to South Sudan and see what that’s like living there. Then compare it with their level of hardships. I will slap myself silly if I ever fall into the “Poor, poor me syndrome” when a girl of 12 has to worry about rape or death (or worse) retrieving water from a local well for her family.

I still wasn’t successful keeping masks out of the conversation. Alas… lol seriously, how can a mask work that cannot block virus particles larger than coronavirus particles? They cannot. Oh, maybe a second character flaw is I’m a bit competitive when it comes to accurate information and who is right when both people think they are right!
Let's try this.

This thread is about parents who are angry about how their children are being treated at school. My comment was about the child abuse that I perceive to be happening in America's public schools. Got it?

I know it can be a challenge sometimes for y'all to grasp certain concepts. Just try one more time. I think you can do it.
Your post made NO mention of school.
I accept your personal criticism about making assumptions. For every 20 assumptions I might have daily, I seek valid answers to confirm or modify my take. My main character flaw is changing a neutral dialogue with personal observations. I apologize for suggesting you had pawho modeled dependency. You could’ve had the best parents ever and just rejected their ideas and practices fully! Lol.

I read your words that revealed your parents taught you to care about others. That is a positive message for kids.

You were good to call me out on my assumption. I’m absolutely full of flaws, but remember, self-awareness can bring about improvement when adequate effort is made from this knowledge. Or, I could choose to walk around in self-pity about my weaknesses.

Out of all human weaknesses, the most harmful in my opinion is self-pity. All Americans, including the homeless and down-trodden, need to make a day trip to South Sudan and see what that’s like living there. Then compare it with their level of hardships. I will slap myself silly if I ever fall into the “Poor, poor me syndrome” when a girl of 12 has to worry about rape or death (or worse) retrieving water from a local well for her family.

I still wasn’t successful keeping masks out of the conversation. Alas… lol seriously, how can a mask work that cannot block virus particles larger than coronavirus particles? They cannot. Oh, maybe a second character flaw is I’m a bit competitive when it comes to accurate information and who is right when both people think they are right!
While we're on the subject.....


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