A Little Transparency Would Be Nice

Better tell the Tumbleweed that. Seriously, that is what is violent for you? Trump was violent, Maxine Waters was not? The double standards do not allow for any real explanation.
Can’t even answer a fundamental question. Let me know when you are capable of honesty.
Can’t even answer a fundamental question. Let me know when you are capable of honesty.
Do you honestly think you can convince someone to take the injections if they have already made up their mind to decline? (Speaking of someone who can't or won't answer a simple question, you hypocrite. I'm still waiting for you to answer that question.)
I answered you. I am not going to let other people define violent for me. The way the Left has corrupted the language already is bad enough and I am through listening to the bullshit. You should be too.
You are bending over backwards to be sure you have an “out” to defend whatever it is your tribe is doing.
Do you honestly think you can convince someone to take the injections if they have already made up their mind to decline? (Speaking of someone who can't or won't answer a simple question, you hypocrite. I'm still waiting for you to answer that question.)
Not here, no. In person, I already have. Numerous times.
Two big problems.

One, wearing masks in school facilitates kids remaining in school where they can learn the fundamentals.

Two, CRT is not a grade school topic. Teaching kids that racism happens and is not okay is good. Sometimes our history is embarrassing, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t get taught. Ruby Bridges was harassed by mobs of white people as she went to school. That should be taught as part of our history to learn from even if it doesn’t paint white people in a flattering light.
You're teaching racism, nobody is born a racist. They are taught, why do you want to bring it up? I graduated in 1989 and race relations are worse now. Because you loons cannot shut up about it.
Probably the death threats

Gee, if I was charged with taking someone's kids all day long and the parents were so unhappy with my care of them that I refused to consider at all to the point that it came to threats, I think I'd be a little more concerned about just what these people are doing to these kids that the parents so oppose and wonder why the parents are being totally ignored (it is THEIR kids) in a matter where the parents have no say in who takes their kids and what is done with them to the point that they feel they must threaten someone as a last resort to get some/any kind of redress, instead of treating the parents themselves as the problem!
You're teaching racism, nobody is born a racist. They are taught, why do you want to bring it up? I graduated in 1989 and race relations are worse now. Because you loons cannot shut up about it.
I can't imagine why any parent would allow their child to be taught CRT -- that everyone is either a victim or an oppressor. No damn way! There is so damned much self loathing inherent in everything the left does and says.

I want a separate country. They are not Americans and I want them to leave America. Shun them. Don't give them your money or your children.
Gee, if I was charged with taking someone's kids all day long and the parents were so unhappy with my care of them that I refused to consider at all to the point that it came to threats, I think I'd be a little more concerned about just what these people are doing to these kids that the parents so oppose and wondering why the parents are being totally ignored (it is THEIR kids) in a matter where the parents have no say in who takes their kids and what is done with them, instead of treating the parents as the problem!
Imagine just trying to do your job, and parents who have been brainwashed by political leaders start regularly screaming and threatening you. Republicans call it erasing history when Democrats try to take away confederate statues that were built in the 1900 for no other reason than to protest against civil rights for black people, while they want all teaching of slavery or Jim Crow erased from history books.
You are bending over backwards to be sure you have an “out” to defend whatever it is your tribe is doing.
Really? Where have you seen that before? You do not make the rules. The liars you listen do, then they do not even follow them. For me and not for thee is a bad idea. It is submission and ignorance of the awful reality we live in today. Less than one year and this country is circling the drain.

Imagine just trying to do your job, and parents who have been brainwashed by political leaders start regularly screaming and threatening you. Republicans call it erasing history when Democrats try to take away confederate statues that were built in the 1900 for no other reason than to protest against civil rights for black people, while they want all teaching of slavery or Jim Crow erased from history books.
Teaching children that each and every one of them is either a victim or a villain is child abuse.
I can't imagine why any parent would allow their child to be taught CRT -- that everyone is either a victim or an oppressor. No damn way! There is so damned much self loathing inherent in everything the left does and says.

I want a separate country. They are not Americans and I want them to leave America.
I know when my son was in school, nothing like this crap happened. Also he isn't a racist.

Imagine just trying to do your job, and parents who have been brainwashed by political leaders start regularly screaming and threatening you. Republicans call it erasing history when Democrats try to take away confederate statues that were built in the 1900 for no other reason than to protest against civil rights for black people, while they want all teaching of slavery or Jim Crow erased from history books.
It was the Democrats that put up those statues. It was also the Democrats that opposed Civil rights. Next.

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