A Little Transparency Would Be Nice

Then they should be arrested see how easy that is. Why didn't Madonna get arrested when she said on TV she wanted to blow up the Whitehouse? You're a hypocrite.

At least we know you lied when you claimed this wasn’t happening. You surely don’t have a problem with the FBI helping in the effort to bring these criminals to justice.
“Take the country back” is the exact kind of fascist thing I’m worried about. When you can’t win, you quickly fall back on the use of force.






I'd suggest that if you can't offer credible proof of what you're alleging, then maybe YOU are making shit up.
Nope. I don't make stuff up. I learned long ago that it is self defeating to argue something without valid reason to believe it is true. There are several threats mentioned in the following link to indicate concern If you can show that any of them listed were just made up, you might have a point.
Is it really a 'right', or is it something parents just came up with? I don't give a fuck about how you feel about me being a parent. Just know, I'll bash you into bits at the first thought of you ever getting it into your magaturd head that you could ever harm my family. I'd likely burn down everything you hold sacred.
Nope. I don't make stuff up. I learned long ago that it is self defeating to argue something without valid reason to believe it is true. There are several threats mentioned in the following link to indicate concern If you can show that any of them listed were just made up, you might have a point.
So how do we know that the people alleging those threats aren't just lying liberal democrats? Now there's a novel idea to entertain for a while! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

LIBERALS LIE!!!!!!!!!!
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Read Boebert’s letter and then read the letter from the school board association. They’re in different universes.

The School Board association and the DoJ have made it perfectly clear this is about violent threats, yet Boebert claims that they’re talking about going after “law abiding” people exercising freedom of speech. She’s a liar.

If you were interesting in going after facts, how come you missed that one?
I read the school board letter you posted and yes, on the surface is polar opposite from the CRT letter I referenced in the OP.

For the sake of argument, let’s take out the temporary variables of mask wearing as well as the political push for CRT for the moment.

Let’s look at the big picture view. What is the most crucial aspect to public education? To provide all students with an education that leads to full self-reliance or, when self-reliance is not physically and/or mentally possible, to provide them the tools to thrive as independently as possible.

Teachers that facilitate an engaged classroom do not teach their students to take short-cuts like copying from another’s work to be able to pass, nor do they teach students to rely on excuses to get by…the excuse that the dog ate the homework isn’t given a pass. High expectations are better than low expectations every single time.

Comparing the importance of a concrete foundation versus politically-driven superficial (temporary) changes? It’s important to make sure that temporary changes, driven often by political subsets or community leaders, do not harm the foundation. This is why CRT has caused major public backlash. Anytime a political or social group attempts to go overboard with overkill in the name of fairness, you wind up with nonsense. Kind of like deciding to capitalize the ‘b’ in Black but keep the ‘w’ in white lowercase, totally non-sensical.

We’re likely going to have to agree to disagree if you place the political pursuit of CRT and student mask wearing to be more important than long-term outcome. The intention to shift our populace into becoming more dependent on the government comes from a subset of lowly mindsets. At the head of this trend is Biden’s handlers, who are not named and certainly void of any attempt at transparency. This is intentional by design, and the commoners like me aren’t happy about it. Freedom will prevail whether supporters of total dependency like it or not.
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So how do we know that the people alleging those threats aren't just lying liberal democrats? Now there's a novel idea to entertain for a while! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

LIBERALS LIE!!!!!!!!!!
Not very novel. Crazy right wingers shout "IT'S A LIE" in every statement they make.

Don't know. Since each incident is documented, I guess you could go to the trouble of double checking the documentation. If you could show that that organization was sending a letter with a bunch of lies to the president, I'll bet they would interview you on fox. Go for it.
Not very novel. Crazy right wingers shout "IT'S A LIE" in every statement they make.

Don't know. Since each incident is documented, I guess you could go to the trouble of double checking the documentation. If you could show that that organization was sending a letter with a bunch of lies to the president, I'll bet they would interview you on fox. Go for it.
Maybe we should get some commercial grade fireworks and shoot them at the administrators. Like blm did to the police.
See, this is why one should never engage people like you. There’s no pleasing you. You pretend like something isn’t happening then you switch to pretending like it’s no big deal.

Just admit you’re okay with people threatening school boards because of your bullshit culture war.
“Take the country back” is the exact kind of fascist thing I’m worried about. When you can’t win, you quickly fall back on the use of force.
We are trying to work with you people over this indoctrination of our children. Now it's got to protesting to get the attention of those in charge. If they don't they will be voted out, the way it works. Just like the blood bath coming nest year. Beat you at the ballot box, that's how you take your country back.
I read the school board letter you posted and yes, on the surface is polar opposite from the CRT letter I referenced in the OP.

For the sake of argument, let’s take out the temporary variables of mask wearing as well as the political push for CRT for the moment.

Let’s look at the big picture view. What is the most crucial aspect to public education? To provide all students with an education that leads to full self-reliance or, when self-reliance is not physically and/or mentally possible, to provide them the tools to thrive as independently as possible.

Teachers that facilitate an engaged classroom do not teach their students to take short-cuts like copying from another’s work to be able to pass, nor do they teach students to rely on excuses to get by…the excuse that the dog ate the homework isn’t given a pass. High expectations are better than low expectations every single time.

Comparing the importance of a concrete foundation versus politically-driven superficial (temporary) changes? It’s important to make sure that temporary changes, driven often by political subsets or community leaders, do not harm the foundation. This is why CRT has caused major public backlash. Anytime a political or social group attempts to go overboard with overkill in the name of fairness, you wind up with nonsense. Kind of like deciding to capitalize the ‘b’ in Black but keep the ‘w’ in white lowercase, totally non-sensical.

We’re likely going to have to agree to disagree if you place the political pursuit of CRT and student mask wearing to be more important than long-term outcome. The intention to shift our populace into becoming more dependent on the government comes from a subset of lowly mindsets. At the head of this trend is Biden’s handlers, who are not named and certainly void of any attempt at transparency. This is intentional by design, and the commoners like me aren’t happy about it. Freedom will prevail whether supporters of total dependency like it or not.
Two big problems.

One, wearing masks in school facilitates kids remaining in school where they can learn the fundamentals.

Two, CRT is not a grade school topic. Teaching kids that racism happens and is not okay is good. Sometimes our history is embarrassing, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t get taught. Ruby Bridges was harassed by mobs of white people as she went to school. That should be taught as part of our history to learn from even if it doesn’t paint white people in a flattering light.
We are trying to work with you people over this indoctrination of our children. Now it's got to protesting to get the attention of those in charge. If they don't they will be voted out, the way it works. Just like the blood bath coming nest year. Beat you at the ballot box, that's how you take your country back.
Acting like animals is not “tying to work” with anyone. It’s harassment and intimidation.

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