A Little Transparency Would Be Nice

Yet they cannot produce any evidence of any threats. Reminds me of the the senator said a tea party member called him the n word and someone put up a hundred thousand dollar reward if someone had proof. Your side lies all the time.
They’re being manipulated because angry people are easier to control.

And for that they turn into animals who can’t act like adults, and getting themselves arrested.
Like I said if they start anything that resembles blm tactics let me know. If not then shut up.
Yet they cannot produce any evidence of any threats. Reminds me of the the senator said a tea party member called him the n word and someone put up a hundred thousand dollar reward if someone had proof. Your side lies all the time.
Yet they cannot produce any evidence of any threats. Reminds me of the the senator said a tea party member called him the n word and someone put up a hundred thousand dollar reward if someone had proof. Your side lies all the time.
They lie in their dreams just to stay in practice.
Yet they cannot produce any evidence of any threats. Reminds me of the the senator said a tea party member called him the n word and someone put up a hundred thousand dollar reward if someone had proof. Your side lies all the time.
Yet they cannot produce any evidence of any threats. Reminds me of the the senator said a tea party member called him the n word and someone put up a hundred thousand dollar reward if someone had proof. Your side lies all the time.
Yet they cannot produce any evidence of any threats. Reminds me of the the senator said a tea party member called him the n word and someone put up a hundred thousand dollar reward if someone had proof. Your side lies all the time.

Lol how about they act like liberals at an abortion protest, or how about during the Kavanaugh hearings when they flooded the room yelling and screaming. Maybe follow these people in the restroom filming them outside the stall. You have no room to say shit.
Lol how about they act like liberals at an abortion protest, or how about during the Kavanaugh hearings when they flooded the room yelling and screaming. Maybe follow these people in the restroom filming them outside the stall. You have no room to say shit.
Don’t bring up abortion. This is a centerpiece of right wing terrorism no one wants to talk about.

I’ve got plenty of room to talk. You’re the one trying to deny reality.
No we are going to take the country back. Kids shod be taught English, math, science, and history. Not political views.
“Take the country back” is the exact kind of fascist thing I’m worried about. When you can’t win, you quickly fall back on the use of force.

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