A majority of Americans in highly vaccinated counties now live in covid hot spots


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Well that's weird. How's that work exactly?

By how they defined the terms.

The Post classified the highest top quarter of counties as high vaccination, with at least 54% of the population fully vaccinated.

The lowest quarter of counties were classified as low vaccination, with fewer than 40% of the population fully vaccinated.

Instead of the recognized limits of 70% and 30%

Moving the definitions by 10-15% completely skews the results.
I was just reading about the alleged hospitalizations of covid patients. I highly doubt this. What they are doing is that anyone who goes into hospital gets diagnosed with covid. Its all b.s. Hospitals are milking the system for all it is worth. And since the demo'rats run the system... every one gets away with it.
Well that's weird. How's that work exactly?

It works because the vaccines are poor at handling Delta.
I was just reading about the alleged hospitalizations of covid patients. I highly doubt this. What they are doing is that anyone who goes into hospital gets diagnosed with covid. Its all b.s. Hospitals are milking the system for all it is worth. And since the demo'rats run the system... every one gets away with it.
Do I have to remind you, the first 500,000 covid deaths occurred while Trump was running the show.

If he definitions were corrupted, Trump did the corruption.
There haven't been 500,000 covid deaths. I see you're coming down on that number too.

Good idea.
And let me remind you...it wasn't President Trump that engineered the deaths of thousands of Elderly patients in nursing homes. You can hang that on The NY Luv Gov and other Blue State Tyrant Governors.
There haven't been 500,000 covid deaths. I see you're coming down on that number too.

Good idea.
I counted the 500,0 under Trump.
There have been an additional 110,000 after January 20th.

I was counting those counted under Trump rules.
I repeat...there have not been 500,000 covid deaths.

The current number for our entertainment is 637K. Problem is, you have to divide the number by 2-3 on Trump's watch to get a more clear picture, while on Xiden's watch the numbers are more tamed.

So correct, there have NOT been 500K COVID deaths in the USA. Their numbers are BS.

Aguirre, who said that he works with the geriatric population in the largest skilled nursing facility in Oahu, said the major media is misrepresenting what is happening with hospitalized Covid patients.

"The people moved to the Covid unit, didn’t have Covid. They tested positive with the PCR test, but most of them were asymptomatic and only suffering from their pre-existing conditions," Aguirre said, adding that people with terminal illnesses were put on the Covid death lists, which he says is “complete fraud.”

Aguirre said that he worked as a “Director of Rehab” in one skilled nursing facility for 5 months, and he saw where the billing department would have his therapist change medical diagnosis codes from things like pulmonary disorder to Covid because of higher reimbursements. He said this even happened with cases that were not only asymptomatic, but sometimes they did not even have a positive PCR test result for Covid.

"It’s just fraud on every level," he said.

Aguirre said he has reached out to politicians, including the governor, in Hawaii to expose the fraud, but none have responded.

His last advice in the interview:

"My advice to people: if your elderly are sick, your grandmother, your great grandmother, your mom, don’t send them to a skilled nursing facility. They’re not going to receive adequate care. Treatment is going to be withheld from them. They’re going to be forced to wear a mask all day, and social distance. They’re going to become depressed and want to commit suicide. Because that is what I am seeing in our facilities."
Well that's weird. How's that work exactly?

Recent data from 68 countries shows the vaccines are broken.

(Peer-reviewed study published in European Journal of Epidemiology)

Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States​

In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.

Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States - European Journal of Epidemiology


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