A Man Of God Doing The Right Thing: Franklin Graham Blasts Buttigieg For Being Gay

Franklin Graham was cautioning Buttplug not to flaunt his homosexuality. Graham should have just shut up and the little weak chinned queen continue being obnoxious.

I disagree, from both a political and a religious perspective.

Politically, it's rarely a good idea to let your opponent's assertion of "fact" go unchallenged.

Religiously, challenging false prophets is part of his job description.

But people like graham ARE false prophets. He doesn't represent the Supreme Being on earth.
As it is written....
Through the Mighty Name of Jesus, you are compelled to
and by The Word of God, are commanded to....


Jesus spent more time chastising hypocrites than any other brand of fuckwit.

He never once criticized homosexuals.

He did call people who divorce and remarry adulterers, though.

You know, like Trump (three marriages). And Kim Davis (four marriages). And Newt Gingrich (three marriages). And Rush Limbaugh (four marriages).

The Bible condemns homosexuality.

Ever heard of separation of church and state? And, like I said, I don't care who he loves, what he does in his private time, I care about what his policies are, where his vision is for this country. You know, important stuff.

His sexuality has no impact on whether or not I will vote for him. His policies will.

The Bible condemns Homosexuality plain and simple. I said nothing about Politics.

but doesn't condemn slavery... & has sanctioned abortion.... but i digress. this is a secular nation, remember? the constitution is the law of the land, not ANY religious book, whether it's the bible, the torah, or quran.

I invite you to point out where I injected Politics into this.

if you think someone shouldn't serve their country, whether it be public office or even the military, then indeed politics has become part of it.
But people like graham ARE false prophets. He doesn't represent the Supreme Being on earth.

On what do you base that opinion on?

The impression that graham seeks to give the public that he is a spokesperson for the Supreme Being, which he is not. I don't think that Pope Francis, or the Archbishop of Canterbury, or the Dalai Lama are anointed spokespeople for the Supreme Being, not to mention the Orthodox Christian Pope, the Coptic Christian Pope, the Chief Iman of Mecca, or the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem.

graham is just another cult guy. Have fun following Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Your kosher kitchen sounds yummy. How are those side-curls coming?

The impression that Graham seeks to give the public is that he's a minister who preaches the doctrines of Christianity, which is true. What is NOT true is when Pope Francis seeks to give the impression that HE is the spokesperson for the Supreme Being, instead of just another minister. Ditto the Archbishop of Canterbury, and any other religious leader who believes in a Supreme Being. The Dalai Lama, being Buddhist, doesn't believe in a Supreme Being. I would think a self-proclaimed "religious expert and moral arbiter of the universe" like you would know that.

Graham is just another minister. Cults aren't defined by "believing something that hate-filled morons like Lice don't like". Have fun trying to judge and condemn people who scorn your existence. How is that pretending to matter coming?

graham THINKS (maybe) that he is "preaching to doctrines of Christianity" like he is some sort of expert and has some direct line to the Supreme Being. Poor you if you believe his nonsense. He's just another guy with a big mouth. Believe what you want. Whatever cult leader you want. If you choose to follow the religion captained by graham, jeffress, swaggart, robertson, I would advise you to refuse an offer of Kool-Aid.

No, Graham IS preaching the doctrines of Christianity. You can tell by how everything he has said can be sourced to the Bible, and also to the teachings of every major Christian church for centuries. As to being an expert, he attended seminary and got ordained as a minister. That actually does qualify him as an expert on the subject.

And, I'm sorry, your "expert" qualifications to say he's wrong about Christian doctrines would be . . . ?

talking the talk doesn't mean anything if you don't walk the walk.... preachers in the limelight, voicing what they believe how laws & politics should reflect their special view of christianity & getting mixed up in 'worldly matters' is going against the very doctrine they try to peddle.
A man of God doing the right thing...


Look at that face; Trump, a 'man of God' smiling like there is no tomorrow, grabbing Heff's ass

trump isn't a man of God nor does he claim to be

you're 1/2 right

but he's claims to 'have done more for christians' than anybody else.... ever. & of course, sarah honey boo boo - who's daddy is a 'preacher' has even said that god sent donny here to be prez.
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But people like graham ARE false prophets. He doesn't represent the Supreme Being on earth.

On what do you base that opinion on?

The impression that graham seeks to give the public that he is a spokesperson for the Supreme Being, which he is not. I don't think that Pope Francis, or the Archbishop of Canterbury, or the Dalai Lama are anointed spokespeople for the Supreme Being, not to mention the Orthodox Christian Pope, the Coptic Christian Pope, the Chief Iman of Mecca, or the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem.

graham is just another cult guy. Have fun following Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Your kosher kitchen sounds yummy. How are those side-curls coming?

Was following you until the last paragraph and then you lost me. Hope you get well soon.

It was meant for those idiots who quote SOME portions of Leviticus and Deuteronomy and then "forget" to quote the other parts. A person who quotes from these books should be following a strict Ultra-Orthodox Jewish regimen.

This has been addressed about a zillion times. There are different types of laws in the bible, you are conflating ceremonial and civil laws that were only meant for the Israelites at that time, with God's moral laws which are universal and timeless. This isn't that difficult. Another way to know that homosexuality is a sin (still) is because it is repeated in the New Testament. If something is listed as a sin in both the Old AND New testaments, then why argue that it is not? I mean, it should be pretty dang obvious that it's not God's will, never was and never will be.

It was never repeated by Jesus. I think that it came from saul/paul, who never even met Jesus. You do understand that the Supreme Being did not write the bible, don't you?

Moreover, an individual's "sins" are between themselves and their Maker, having to do only with where they go when they die, according to the narrative. This is not public business. There is a plethora of "sins", both sexual and non-sexual, that call for "repentance" if one does not want to be condemned by the Supreme Being.

Just to restrict the argument to people who have committed "sins" in the area of sexual conduct, and omit the others, must they "repent"? trump, for example: on his knees before the Supreme Being after a life of non-marital sex, two failed marriages, adultery, attacks on women? How about a member of the military, who had non-marital sex while on overseas assignment? Those who have hired prostitutes?

Remember that the standard, as has been articulated by people identifying as Christians, is that the Supreme Being requires that an individual remain celibate until married, and remain faithful to the individual whom he or she has chosen to marry, until death. How are the millions who have violated this standard going to "repent"?

This "repent" thing is a total joke.
He doesn't blast him for being gay, he blasts him for defying God and glorifying sin.

It's one thing to *be gay*, we're all sinners.
It's another thing to tell Christians that it isn't a sin.

Or to tell them that you're a better Christian, because you made up your own version of Christianity that says anything you want to do is fine.
Can you link to Mayor Pete saying he is a better Christian?

I can quote it, although I will tell you in advance that I know you're going to invoke the "being obtuse as a debate strategy" gambit.

“The left is rightly committed to a separation of church and state … but we need to not be afraid to invoke arguments that are convincing on why Christian faith is going to point you in a progressive direction.”

“When I think about where most of Scripture points me, it is toward defending the poor, and the immigrant, and the stranger, and the prisoner, and the outcast, and those who are left behind by the way society works. And what we have now is this exaltation of wealth and power, almost for its own sake, that in my reading of Scripture couldn't be more contrary to the message of Christianity. So I think it's really important to carry a message (to the public), knitting together a lot of groups that have already been on this path for some time, but giving them more visibility in the public sphere.”

“I'm reluctant to comment on another person's faith, but I would say it is hard to look at this president's actions and believe that they're the actions of somebody who believes in God,” he said. “I just don't understand how you can be as worshipful of your own self as he is and be prepared to humble yourself before God. I've never seen him humble himself before anyone. And the exaltation of yourself, especially a self that's about wealth and power, could not be more at odds with at least my understanding of the teachings of the Christian faith.”

“Well, obviously, I want them to change,” he noted. “But I also want to recognize the struggle they might be having and get them there. And in getting there, I want some kind of healing to go on, so that they can recognize ... that our marriages are just as good as theirs. Because people who are on what I would call the wrong side of this issue and of history probably don't think of themselves as hateful. So we've got to make sure that they feel good about themselves in the process of coming to a more accepting view.”

"If me being gay was a choice, it was made far, far above my pay grade ... Thats the thing that I wish the Mike Pences of the world would understand that if you got a problem with who I am your problem is not with me, your quarrel sir, is with my creator."

Yes, I do realize this requires literacy and an ability with logical thinking. You'll just have to muddle through as best you can.

No where does he say he is a better Christian. That sort of hubris is the sole ownership of ungodly people like Franklin Graham.

"I will tell you in advance that I know you're going to invoke the "being obtuse as a debate strategy" gambit."

Well, I called THAT ball and pocket.

You didn't "call" anything. You have spin is all you have. Mayor Pete is not claiming his brand of Christianity is better than anyone else's. That you feel inferior is on you not him. I'd say that God is trying to tell you you're a hypocrite...
The Bible condemns homosexuality.

Ever heard of separation of church and state? And, like I said, I don't care who he loves, what he does in his private time, I care about what his policies are, where his vision is for this country. You know, important stuff.

His sexuality has no impact on whether or not I will vote for him. His policies will.

The Bible condemns Homosexuality plain and simple. I said nothing about Politics.

but doesn't condemn slavery... & has sanctioned abortion.... but i digress. this is a secular nation, remember? the constitution is the law of the land, not ANY religious book, whether it's the bible, the torah, or quran.

I invite you to point out where I injected Politics into this.

if you think someone shouldn't serve their country, whether it be public office or even the military, then indeed politics has become part of it.

LOL, once again kid I did not introduce politics into the discussion, you did.
Buttigieg has as much right as anyone to be a Christian. What he does NOT have a right to do is to redefine Christianity to suit what he wants to do.

You mean the way Christianity has been redefined to allow blacks to marry whites, allow women to be clergy, to stop stoning adulterers...stuff like that?

Oh how terrible...:rolleyes:

No, I can assure you that nothing I say will mean some half-assed reinterpretation of Christianity that fools like you have made up as a straw man to attack.
Those were all times where Christianity was redefined. Denial of the truth does not make it less true. Christianity "redefines" itself quite often, thankfully.

Those were all times which bore little resemblance to your uneducated, simple-minded, and hate-filled talking points about them.

What I CAN tell you which might actually make sense on your dumbed-down level is that at no time has Christianity ever been redefined according to what ignorant religiophobes wanted it to be. To the extent that Christianity "redefines" itself, IT does it; evil-spewing outsiders like you don't.

PS. Nope, looks like I still didn't dumb it down enough, but it's just so damned hard to speak in only one-syllable words.

You just used a wall of words that said nothing to counter the facts I presented. Christianity has adapted to society, thankfully, and it keeps adapting to a changing society. If it doesn't evolve, it will die..
We all know that heterosexual men are repulsed by gay guys...

While at the same time lesbians have a different effect.

While I will use homo humor to degrade libtards, I really have no

animosity towards them. I don’t like the fact that anyone that

that disagrees with their lifestyle is demonized like the baker

that didn’t want to make a gay wedding cake for religious reasons...

Long story short I think they are born that way....

I just can’t see a normal man waking up one day and deciding to go gay......
We all know that heterosexual men are repulsed by gay guys...

While at the same time lesbians have a different effect.

you do bring up a good point, just about every porn flick ever made for guys has woman one woman sex...for a reason
What is going on here with Graham Jr. reminds me of this bible passage... the cases of so called 'sin' are a little different, but the gist of the lesson Christ/Jesus is trying to teach to the holier than thou Pharisees and all present at the dinner, is probably the same lesson that Christ... if here today, would be trying to teach the Rev Graham Jr. imho. And remember, Jesus said He came for the sinners, not the righteous.

Luke 7:36–50

When one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, he went to the Pharisee's house and reclined at the table.

A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume.

As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.

When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner."

Jesus answered him, "Simon, I have something to tell you." "Tell me, teacher," he said. "Two people owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii,[6] and the other fifty. Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?" Simon replied, "I suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven." "You have judged correctly," Jesus said.

Then he turned toward the woman and said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet.

Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little." Then Jesus said to her, "Your sins are forgiven."

The other guests began to say among themselves, "Who is this who even forgives sins?"

Jesus said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace."
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