A Man Of God Doing The Right Thing: Franklin Graham Blasts Buttigieg For Being Gay

What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay

Franklin Graham is the servant of Satan. He has disavowed everything he believes in to back Trump. Graham and the other fake Christians remind me of the moneychangers who Jesus chased out of the temple. Or even Judas as they have sold their values down the river for a few pieces of silver.

Marybeth Glenn Retweeted
Brooke Rogers ‏Verified account @bkerogers 20h20 hours ago
Evangical leaders who support Trump while pretending to care about the sanctity of marriage sure are a riot.

Is it painful to be such a giant frigging hypocrite that you're even hypocritical about hypocrisy?

You are the hypocrite. If you support Trump then you are not a Christian. You are the hypocrite spawn of Satan.

what exactly has Trump done as president the Christians should object to as unforgiveable?
Pretty sure Franklin Graham condemned TRUMP past behavior and he wasn't on board with TRUMP during the campaign. The difference with TRUMP is he is not promoting his past behavior, Pete Butt is and that is the issue Graham is touching on.
Ya think that there might be a difference -morally speaking- between two consenting adults who happen to be of the same gender getting married , and a pussy groper who fucked around behind his pregnant wife, divorced twice, and paid off porn stars to hide his affairs?

Ya think there might be difference between not actually feeling invested in people's private lives, and claiming not to while actually feeling the need to condemn anyone you don't like?

Let me be clear: if your response to "Homosexuality is a sin, and Mayor Pete doesn't get to redefine Christianity to dismiss that" is "Well, DONALD TRUMP FUCKED WOMEN, SO THERE!" then it's pretty clear you not only have no valid, rational argument, but also that you're the village idiot who should be pitied.

Adultery is a sin. Homosexuality is also a sin. Donald Trump has never, to my knowledge, told anyone that adultery is not a sin, and that God is perfectly okay with it. Mayor Pete HAS tried to say that homosexuality is not a sin, and that God is okay with it.

Everyone commits sins, because no one is perfect. Christians do not expect people to be perfect, and believe in redemption. Leftists demand that anyone who has ever committed a sin while also being someone that the left doesn't like must be condemned and shunned and reviled for the rest of their lives for it, all while screeching like deranged parakeets that Christians are the ones who are judgemental and intolerant.

I hope this clarifies things for you, although I have no real expectation of it.

Which Bible verses specifically call homosexuality a sin? (Hint: there are zero verses that specifically call homosexuality a sin).

If it ain't specifically called a sin, I don't call it one either.
The bible calls it an abomination, unrighteous, and also specifically states that homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of god.

So it's not much of a leap to call it a sin.

Well, the verse that calls it an abomination is from Leviticus, which is the manual for Jewish priests, not Christians.

As far as the other parts? Those were the opinions of the apostle Paul, not Jesus.

so the bible doesn't call it a sin other than the verses you knew about and want to make excuses why they don't apply.

In other words you straight out lied
To Republicans, the Bible is a checklist. There’s things in there they can use to hate opponents. They can use things in the Bible to beat others they don’t like over the head. But they don’t really share these beliefs themselves.

Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NAB)
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

View attachment 258060

20 Commandments of Mohammad the founder of Islam
1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:34
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
7. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don't want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.

Two can play that game:

Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NAB)
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.(Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

(Jesus being quoted by Luke)
The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it. “But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given.” (Luke 12:47-48 NLT)

(Kill those of other religions)
“If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst.” (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)

In that day those the LORD has slaughtered will fill the earth from one end to the other. No one will mourn for them or gather up their bodies to bury them. They will be scattered like dung on the ground. (Jeremiah 25:33 NLT)

(Self mutilation - sounds fun)
For there are eunuchs, that were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are eunuchs, that were made eunuchs by men: and there are eunuchs, that made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. (Matthew 19:12 ASV)

You know I can keep this up all day.

The Bible is a big book. With more of this gunk.
Dying Words: Jesus and Muhammad
i really dont think that 60% of Normal People are ready for a President who's name is a body part

I don t recall anyone having a problem with the following presidents be cause of their names:

Andrew Johnson
Lyndon Johnson
Richard Nixon
George HW Bush
George W Bush
To Republicans, the Bible is a checklist. There’s things in there they can use to hate opponents. They can use things in the Bible to beat others they don’t like over the head. But they don’t really share these beliefs themselves.

Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NAB)
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

View attachment 258060

20 Commandments of Mohammad the founder of Islam
1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:34
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
7. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don't want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.

Two can play that game:

Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NAB)
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.(Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

(Jesus being quoted by Luke)
The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it. “But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given.” (Luke 12:47-48 NLT)

(Kill those of other religions)
“If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst.” (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)

In that day those the LORD has slaughtered will fill the earth from one end to the other. No one will mourn for them or gather up their bodies to bury them. They will be scattered like dung on the ground. (Jeremiah 25:33 NLT)

(Self mutilation - sounds fun)
For there are eunuchs, that were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are eunuchs, that were made eunuchs by men: and there are eunuchs, that made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. (Matthew 19:12 ASV)

You know I can keep this up all day.

The Bible is a big book. With more of this gunk.
Dying Words: Jesus and Muhammad
i really dont think that 60% of Normal People are ready for a President who's name is a body part

I don t recall anyone having a problem with the following presidents be cause of their names:

Andrew Johnson
Lyndon Johnson
Richard Nixon
George HW Bush
George W Bush
what about anthony weener and Richard Assman?
View attachment 258060

20 Commandments of Mohammad the founder of Islam
1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:34
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
7. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don't want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.

Two can play that game:

Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NAB)
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.(Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

(Jesus being quoted by Luke)
The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it. “But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given.” (Luke 12:47-48 NLT)

(Kill those of other religions)
“If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst.” (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)

In that day those the LORD has slaughtered will fill the earth from one end to the other. No one will mourn for them or gather up their bodies to bury them. They will be scattered like dung on the ground. (Jeremiah 25:33 NLT)

(Self mutilation - sounds fun)
For there are eunuchs, that were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are eunuchs, that were made eunuchs by men: and there are eunuchs, that made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. (Matthew 19:12 ASV)

You know I can keep this up all day.

The Bible is a big book. With more of this gunk.
Dying Words: Jesus and Muhammad
i really dont think that 60% of Normal People are ready for a President who's name is a body part

I don t recall anyone having a problem with the following presidents be cause of their names:

Andrew Johnson
Lyndon Johnson
Richard Nixon
George HW Bush
George W Bush
what about anthony weener and Richard Assman?

When were they president?
Two can play that game:

Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NAB)
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.(Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

(Jesus being quoted by Luke)
The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it. “But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given.” (Luke 12:47-48 NLT)

(Kill those of other religions)
“If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst.” (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)

In that day those the LORD has slaughtered will fill the earth from one end to the other. No one will mourn for them or gather up their bodies to bury them. They will be scattered like dung on the ground. (Jeremiah 25:33 NLT)

(Self mutilation - sounds fun)
For there are eunuchs, that were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are eunuchs, that were made eunuchs by men: and there are eunuchs, that made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. (Matthew 19:12 ASV)

You know I can keep this up all day.

The Bible is a big book. With more of this gunk.
Dying Words: Jesus and Muhammad
i really dont think that 60% of Normal People are ready for a President who's name is a body part

I don t recall anyone having a problem with the following presidents be cause of their names:

Andrew Johnson
Lyndon Johnson
Richard Nixon
George HW Bush
George W Bush
what about anthony weener and Richard Assman?

When were they president?
let me check the history,,,brb
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay

I might be homophobic. I also have deep spiritual convictions. But I stop short of publicly blasting a person for something they probably have little/no choice in, their sexual orientation/preferences. I just wouldn't vote for the guy and at most would disagree with his making his sexual identity a public voting issue. Man, woman, black, white, straight, gay, these are not things that should be driving elections. These are personal social issues. At best, it is identity politics. I don't want my candidate running for me because I'm white, straight or religious, I want them running for PEOPLE on the basis of:
  1. JOBS
  2. WAGES
  4. CRIME
  8. TRADE.
Take your sexual orientations AND your religious self-riotousness and stick both of them up your asses. I want candidates with real ideas, innovation and solutions for everyone, not special interest lobbyists. The other stuff will take care of itself.
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay

I might be homophobic. I also have deep spiritual convictions. But I stop short of publicly blasting a person for something they probably have little/no choice in, their sexual orientation/preferences. I just wouldn't vote for the guy and at most would disagree with his making his sexual identity a public voting issue. Man, woman, black, white, straight, gay, these are not things that should be driving elections. These are personal social issues. At best, it is identity politics. I don't want my candidate running for me because I'm white, straight or religious, I want them running for PEOPLE on the basis of:
  1. JOBS
  2. WAGES
  4. CRIME
  8. TRADE.
Take your sexual orientations AND your religious self-riotousness and stick both of them up your asses. I want candidates with real ideas, innovation and solutions for everyone, not special interest lobbyists. The other stuff will take care of itself.
i cant help but think of that character "ButtKiss" from south park whenever I hear this guys name
But people like graham ARE false prophets. He doesn't represent the Supreme Being on earth.

On what do you base that opinion on?

The impression that graham seeks to give the public that he is a spokesperson for the Supreme Being, which he is not. I don't think that Pope Francis, or the Archbishop of Canterbury, or the Dalai Lama are anointed spokespeople for the Supreme Being, not to mention the Orthodox Christian Pope, the Coptic Christian Pope, the Chief Iman of Mecca, or the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem.

graham is just another cult guy. Have fun following Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Your kosher kitchen sounds yummy. How are those side-curls coming?

The impression that Graham seeks to give the public is that he's a minister who preaches the doctrines of Christianity, which is true. What is NOT true is when Pope Francis seeks to give the impression that HE is the spokesperson for the Supreme Being, instead of just another minister. Ditto the Archbishop of Canterbury, and any other religious leader who believes in a Supreme Being. The Dalai Lama, being Buddhist, doesn't believe in a Supreme Being. I would think a self-proclaimed "religious expert and moral arbiter of the universe" like you would know that.

Graham is just another minister. Cults aren't defined by "believing something that hate-filled morons like Lice don't like". Have fun trying to judge and condemn people who scorn your existence. How is that pretending to matter coming?

graham THINKS (maybe) that he is "preaching to doctrines of Christianity" like he is some sort of expert and has some direct line to the Supreme Being. Poor you if you believe his nonsense. He's just another guy with a big mouth. Believe what you want. Whatever cult leader you want. If you choose to follow the religion captained by graham, jeffress, swaggart, robertson, I would advise you to refuse an offer of Kool-Aid.

No, Graham IS preaching the doctrines of Christianity. You can tell by how everything he has said can be sourced to the Bible, and also to the teachings of every major Christian church for centuries. As to being an expert, he attended seminary and got ordained as a minister. That actually does qualify him as an expert on the subject.

And, I'm sorry, your "expert" qualifications to say he's wrong about Christian doctrines would be . . . ?

What seminary did he attend? In what religion is he a minister? There is a seminary about a mile or two from where I live. It is on "Seminary Road." Among it's graduates is a priest and noted author, now so up in years, who has provided much food for thought on the issue of gays. I remember going to hear him speak on the topic of gays at a church in DC, and his experience of being humbled and enlightened by LGBT people he worked with

Face it. The various sects of Christianity are clashing for not the first time in history.That's the deal, just like at the time of the schisms between the Gnostics and what became the Roman church, between the Roman Church and the Orthodox Church, and the Roman Church and protester factions who all split off.

frankie graham means absolutely nothing to me. He has insulted just about everybody, even declaring that the Muslim faith is not a religion. He has racist ties like falwell. I would not be surprised if he is involved in the hatred of women in any role but useful sexual bodies that some fundie protestants spew, as well as anti-anti-Semitism (both of which must be dressed up in "I love you" garbage). Now he is attacking a Christian who is gay. frankie is worthless and certainly no spokesman for th Supreme Being.
I disagree, from both a political and a religious perspective.

Politically, it's rarely a good idea to let your opponent's assertion of "fact" go unchallenged.

Religiously, challenging false prophets is part of his job description.

But people like graham ARE false prophets. He doesn't represent the Supreme Being on earth.

On what do you base that opinion on?

The impression that graham seeks to give the public that he is a spokesperson for the Supreme Being, which he is not. I don't think that Pope Francis, or the Archbishop of Canterbury, or the Dalai Lama are anointed spokespeople for the Supreme Being, not to mention the Orthodox Christian Pope, the Coptic Christian Pope, the Chief Iman of Mecca, or the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem.

graham is just another cult guy. Have fun following Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Your kosher kitchen sounds yummy. How are those side-curls coming?

Was following you until the last paragraph and then you lost me. Hope you get well soon.

It was meant for those idiots who quote SOME portions of Leviticus and Deuteronomy and then "forget" to quote the other parts. A person who quotes from these books should be following a strict Ultra-Orthodox Jewish regimen.

It isn’t law however the principles and intent behind the laws are what many Christians follow. I see no reason a person can’t quote the Hebrew Scriptures. Principles are principles.
But people like graham ARE false prophets. He doesn't represent the Supreme Being on earth.

On what do you base that opinion on?

The impression that graham seeks to give the public that he is a spokesperson for the Supreme Being, which he is not. I don't think that Pope Francis, or the Archbishop of Canterbury, or the Dalai Lama are anointed spokespeople for the Supreme Being, not to mention the Orthodox Christian Pope, the Coptic Christian Pope, the Chief Iman of Mecca, or the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem.

graham is just another cult guy. Have fun following Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Your kosher kitchen sounds yummy. How are those side-curls coming?

Was following you until the last paragraph and then you lost me. Hope you get well soon.

It was meant for those idiots who quote SOME portions of Leviticus and Deuteronomy and then "forget" to quote the other parts. A person who quotes from these books should be following a strict Ultra-Orthodox Jewish regimen.

It isn’t law however the principles and intent behind the laws are what many Christians follow. I see no reason a person can’t quote the Hebrew Scriptures. Principles are principles.

So you cherry pick. By what method is it that you choose to follow some things and not others as "principles"? Such bullshit! Put down that shrimp! And get going on your animal sacrifices. A ritual bath might also be in order.
On what do you base that opinion on?

The impression that graham seeks to give the public that he is a spokesperson for the Supreme Being, which he is not. I don't think that Pope Francis, or the Archbishop of Canterbury, or the Dalai Lama are anointed spokespeople for the Supreme Being, not to mention the Orthodox Christian Pope, the Coptic Christian Pope, the Chief Iman of Mecca, or the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem.

graham is just another cult guy. Have fun following Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Your kosher kitchen sounds yummy. How are those side-curls coming?

Was following you until the last paragraph and then you lost me. Hope you get well soon.

It was meant for those idiots who quote SOME portions of Leviticus and Deuteronomy and then "forget" to quote the other parts. A person who quotes from these books should be following a strict Ultra-Orthodox Jewish regimen.

It isn’t law however the principles and intent behind the laws are what many Christians follow. I see no reason a person can’t quote the Hebrew Scriptures. Principles are principles.

So you cherry pick. By what method is it that you choose to follow some things and not others as "principles"? Such bullshit! Put down that shrimp! And get going on your animal sacrifices. A ritual bath might also be in order.

You don’t cherry pick, you follow principles.
I disagree, from both a political and a religious perspective.

Politically, it's rarely a good idea to let your opponent's assertion of "fact" go unchallenged.

Religiously, challenging false prophets is part of his job description.

But people like graham ARE false prophets. He doesn't represent the Supreme Being on earth.

On what do you base that opinion on?

The impression that graham seeks to give the public that he is a spokesperson for the Supreme Being, which he is not. I don't think that Pope Francis, or the Archbishop of Canterbury, or the Dalai Lama are anointed spokespeople for the Supreme Being, not to mention the Orthodox Christian Pope, the Coptic Christian Pope, the Chief Iman of Mecca, or the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem.

graham is just another cult guy. Have fun following Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Your kosher kitchen sounds yummy. How are those side-curls coming?

Was following you until the last paragraph and then you lost me. Hope you get well soon.

It was meant for those idiots who quote SOME portions of Leviticus and Deuteronomy and then "forget" to quote the other parts. A person who quotes from these books should be following a strict Ultra-Orthodox Jewish regimen.

This has been addressed about a zillion times. There are different types of laws in the bible, you are conflating ceremonial and civil laws that were only meant for the Israelites at that time, with God's moral laws which are universal and timeless. This isn't that difficult. Another way to know that homosexuality is a sin (still) is because it is repeated in the New Testament. If something is listed as a sin in both the Old AND New testaments, then why argue that it is not? I mean, it should be pretty dang obvious that it's not God's will, never was and never will be.
The impression that graham seeks to give the public that he is a spokesperson for the Supreme Being, which he is not. I don't think that Pope Francis, or the Archbishop of Canterbury, or the Dalai Lama are anointed spokespeople for the Supreme Being, not to mention the Orthodox Christian Pope, the Coptic Christian Pope, the Chief Iman of Mecca, or the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem.

graham is just another cult guy. Have fun following Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Your kosher kitchen sounds yummy. How are those side-curls coming?

Was following you until the last paragraph and then you lost me. Hope you get well soon.

It was meant for those idiots who quote SOME portions of Leviticus and Deuteronomy and then "forget" to quote the other parts. A person who quotes from these books should be following a strict Ultra-Orthodox Jewish regimen.

It isn’t law however the principles and intent behind the laws are what many Christians follow. I see no reason a person can’t quote the Hebrew Scriptures. Principles are principles.

So you cherry pick. By what method is it that you choose to follow some things and not others as "principles"? Such bullshit! Put down that shrimp! And get going on your animal sacrifices. A ritual bath might also be in order.

You don’t cherry pick, you follow principles.

I don't think Lys understands following principles
On what do you base that opinion on?

The impression that graham seeks to give the public that he is a spokesperson for the Supreme Being, which he is not. I don't think that Pope Francis, or the Archbishop of Canterbury, or the Dalai Lama are anointed spokespeople for the Supreme Being, not to mention the Orthodox Christian Pope, the Coptic Christian Pope, the Chief Iman of Mecca, or the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem.

graham is just another cult guy. Have fun following Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Your kosher kitchen sounds yummy. How are those side-curls coming?

The impression that Graham seeks to give the public is that he's a minister who preaches the doctrines of Christianity, which is true. What is NOT true is when Pope Francis seeks to give the impression that HE is the spokesperson for the Supreme Being, instead of just another minister. Ditto the Archbishop of Canterbury, and any other religious leader who believes in a Supreme Being. The Dalai Lama, being Buddhist, doesn't believe in a Supreme Being. I would think a self-proclaimed "religious expert and moral arbiter of the universe" like you would know that.

Graham is just another minister. Cults aren't defined by "believing something that hate-filled morons like Lice don't like". Have fun trying to judge and condemn people who scorn your existence. How is that pretending to matter coming?

graham THINKS (maybe) that he is "preaching to doctrines of Christianity" like he is some sort of expert and has some direct line to the Supreme Being. Poor you if you believe his nonsense. He's just another guy with a big mouth. Believe what you want. Whatever cult leader you want. If you choose to follow the religion captained by graham, jeffress, swaggart, robertson, I would advise you to refuse an offer of Kool-Aid.

No, Graham IS preaching the doctrines of Christianity. You can tell by how everything he has said can be sourced to the Bible, and also to the teachings of every major Christian church for centuries. As to being an expert, he attended seminary and got ordained as a minister. That actually does qualify him as an expert on the subject.

And, I'm sorry, your "expert" qualifications to say he's wrong about Christian doctrines would be . . . ?

What seminary did he attend? In what religion is he a minister? There is a seminary about a mile or two from where I live. It is on "Seminary Road." Among it's graduates is a priest and noted author, now so up in years, who has provided much food for thought on the issue of gays. I remember going to hear him speak on the topic of gays at a church in DC, and his experience of being humbled and enlightened by LGBT people he worked with

Face it. The various sects of Christianity are clashing for not the first time in history.That's the deal, just like at the time of the schisms between the Gnostics and what became the Roman church, between the Roman Church and the Orthodox Church, and the Roman Church and protester factions who all split off.

frankie graham means absolutely nothing to me. He has insulted just about everybody, even declaring that the Muslim faith is not a religion. He has racist ties like falwell. I would not be surprised if he is involved in the hatred of women in any role but useful sexual bodies that some fundie protestants spew, as well as anti-anti-Semitism (both of which must be dressed up in "I love you" garbage). Now he is attacking a Christian who is gay. frankie is worthless and certainly no spokesman for th Supreme Being.
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth,
because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie,
he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

John 8:44
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