A message to America from Black America.

Let me know when the Jews get over the Holocaust and never make another mention of it again. Then and only then would I take your advice.

How long was that anyway? Like, a summer or some shit.

We just had the anniversary of 9/11 which was one day. Did anyone say get over it or would doing so be an asshole move?
Yeah that was just some bullshit towers. Why havent people gotten over that? Why are there people to this day still traumatized by 9/11 and they werent even there to experience it?

It was 14 years ago, slavery ended 150 years ago.

And 14 - 150 = 136.

What about it?

This isn't rocket surgery, 9/11 is still pretty recent so it's no surprise American's are still livid about it.
Slavery on the other hand is long gone and all's we here is whine whine whine !!!!!!!

Remind me of that the next 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Columbus day mmkaay?
How long was that anyway? Like, a summer or some shit.

We just had the anniversary of 9/11 which was one day. Did anyone say get over it or would doing so be an asshole move?
Yeah that was just some bullshit towers. Why havent people gotten over that? Why are there people to this day still traumatized by 9/11 and they werent even there to experience it?

It was 14 years ago, slavery ended 150 years ago.

And 14 - 150 = 136.

What about it?

This isn't rocket surgery, 9/11 is still pretty recent so it's no surprise American's are still livid about it.
Slavery on the other hand is long gone and all's we here is whine whine whine !!!!!!!

Remind me of that the next 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Columbus day mmkaay?

Actually I don't disagree with black people that America hasn't given them a fair shake. That much I get.

Here comes the but....

But how have blacks responded? Thug mentality, gold teeth, baby mamas, pants low, eubonics, high crime rates, not taking school serious, poverty and welfare etc. They arent improving as a society despite us.

Thats just the stuff racist pricks like you like to focus on. Its like if I presented Meth and incest as being the legacy of whites. Or rape and molestation the legacy of Catholics.

I like how you said "Hey you guys were oppressed for generations I get it....but what about your gold teeth" Pretending that gold teeth is akin to the level of having the military and govt hold your head under water.

Just like the person above pretended that being short is the same as slavery. Thats all you guys have.
I think you get the point. Take the gold out your grill pull your pants up and learn to speak.

And stop being so malcom x and be more mlk. Actually a combo of both. Malcomb made good points too like start your own business'

And when I pull mah pants up will racism be over then? DURP!!
For you it will. You'll see cops and employers treat you better.

I can't promise you won't run into a racist cop. I can only advise you to do what he says.

I realize this is from personal experience, but what the heck..

I have a friend from Jamaica that I worked with at the NYSE for 11 years. He started his own technical business and moved to Jamaica. He came back last year because of his business. At a dinner party at my place he told me he was tossed up against a car, hand cuffed and frisked. When he asked the police why this happened, they didn't answer but let him go. This is a college educated guy, clean cut, intelligent, and a business owner. He's also a sci fi nerd mixed with gym rat (We use to work out together at the Polytech Gym).

There was only one reason that happened.

Leftist like to keep blacks mad. It serves their purposes to do so. If you build people up, they will succeed, because they know they are supposed to....Oh you used to work out?..who knew? :dunno:
So "your guess" is supposed to convince me it true? Sorry but I need more than your guess. I need facts.

Well, the fact is that black Africans try to escape from their own black African countries, ruled by black leaders, and get into white countries, ruled by white "racists".

But after they become a majority in European countries, these countries will look like African countries.

It seems that these poor people do not understand that demography is destiny.

These people are running away from themselves, but they are complaining about racism.
Makes sense a few would go elsewhere. White gobal supremacy dictates that if you are not going to stay and fight at home you go find out what the enemy is doing then bring it back home. Or if you are afraid to fight you join the society that is messing things up in your country. That happens everywhere not just in Africa. Why do you think Asians come over here along with East Indians and other people of color?
Isn't it odd we don't have any poor Americans trying to leave for

Canada, Australia, Europe....
I know plenty of people that left for Canada. I almost moved there myself. Way less racism.
Rome's downfall occurred several thousand years ago...

Not even 2 thousand years ago.

... and it was at the hands of the very people they colonized.

There were many reasons.

They so rejected the Romans...

No, they just rejected the rule of Romans, but not their culture, infrastructure or language. And most Romans melted with the population of the colonies.

Any European, including Germans, has a lot of Roman genes and Roman biological ancestors.

...that Europe was plunged into a "Dark Age" based on strict adherence to Christian Religious Dogma.

They built magnificent cathedrals during these "Dark Ages", and the religious Dogma was not of European origin. Monotheism had nothing to do with Roman colonization, dude.

Most countries in Africa, have only recently gotten their independence, as in, within the last century.

After these countries had gotten their independence, they became basket cases.

And there was no demise of those who colonized them.

If the European countries disappeared, there would be no place to run away for black refugees from black countries.

If Black Moors had not reeducated europeans they would have reverted back to neanderthals. :cool-45:
Reminds me of planet of the apes. You should have never let us get smarter than you. You guys thought oh how cute these little harmless white creatures. You didn't take into consideration we would multiply the way we did or our brain size. Similar to how we underestimate Asians.
We didnt let you get smarter. You just learned how to lie and kill without regard for morals and life. Doesnt take any intelligence to lie and kill.
Every culture was enslaved at one time or another in history. Get over it.
What other culture experienced chattel slavery for 310 years and then another 80 years and counting of further racism?

Jews for one you idiot
When were Jews in chattel slavery?
Jews where targeted for extermination
Your answer had nothing to do with my question. Can you answer it?
A Message To Black People From An American:

Let me know when the Jews get over the Holocaust and never make another mention of it again. Then and only then would I take your advice.

How long was that anyway? Like, a summer or some shit.

We just had the anniversary of 9/11 which was one day. Did anyone say get over it or would doing so be an asshole move?
Yeah that was just some bullshit towers. Why havent people gotten over that? Why are there people to this day still traumatized by 9/11 and they werent even there to experience it?

It was 14 years ago, slavery ended 150 years ago.
Thats amazing. Why are people still traumatized over it and it was just one day?
Every culture was enslaved at one time or another in history. Get over it.
What other culture experienced chattel slavery for 310 years and then another 80 years and counting of further racism?

Jews for one you idiot
When were Jews in chattel slavery?
Jews where targeted for extermination
Your answer had nothing to do with my question. Can you answer it?
Yeah blacks were never targeted for extinction, unless you count the slaughter of black babies, which you don't seem to mind very much. You no doubt support it because you're a leftist
What other culture experienced chattel slavery for 310 years and then another 80 years and counting of further racism?

Jews for one you idiot
When were Jews in chattel slavery?
Jews where targeted for extermination
Your answer had nothing to do with my question. Can you answer it?
Yeah blacks were never targeted for extinction, unless you count the slaughter of black babies, which you don't seem to mind very much. You no doubt support it because you're a leftist
So you think deflecting is really going to cover up the fact that Jews never experienced chattel slavery?
Jews for one you idiot
When were Jews in chattel slavery?
Jews where targeted for extermination
Your answer had nothing to do with my question. Can you answer it?
Yeah blacks were never targeted for extinction, unless you count the slaughter of black babies, which you don't seem to mind very much. You no doubt support it because you're a leftist
So you think deflecting is really going to cover up the fact that Jews never experienced chattel slavery?

Not in recent times, but blacks also owned and sold slaves. Doesn't matter really, does it ? It's the 21st century. Black kids should be built up, not torn down and enticed to anger, by the leftist scumbags:thup:
When were Jews in chattel slavery?
Jews where targeted for extermination
Your answer had nothing to do with my question. Can you answer it?
Yeah blacks were never targeted for extinction, unless you count the slaughter of black babies, which you don't seem to mind very much. You no doubt support it because you're a leftist
So you think deflecting is really going to cover up the fact that Jews never experienced chattel slavery?

Not in recent times, but blacks also owned and sold slaves. Doesn't matter really, does it ? It's the 21st century. Black kids should be built up, not torn down and enticed to anger, by the leftist scumbags:thup:
Not in recent times or ancient times. So if Jews never experienced chattel slavery for 310 years I wont ever take the suggestion to get over the trials and tribulations we as Blacks go through seriously until Jews get over the holocaust. We are still experiencing our holocaust or Maangamizi. Anyone that has a problem with that can go suck a camels ass.
Jews where targeted for extermination
Your answer had nothing to do with my question. Can you answer it?
Yeah blacks were never targeted for extinction, unless you count the slaughter of black babies, which you don't seem to mind very much. You no doubt support it because you're a leftist
So you think deflecting is really going to cover up the fact that Jews never experienced chattel slavery?

Not in recent times, but blacks also owned and sold slaves. Doesn't matter really, does it ? It's the 21st century. Black kids should be built up, not torn down and enticed to anger, by the leftist scumbags:thup:
Not in recent times or ancient times. So if Jews never experienced chattel slavery for 310 years I wont ever take the suggestion to get over the trials and tribulations we as Blacks go through seriously until Jews get over the holocaust. We are still experiencing our holocaust or Maangamizi. Anyone that has a problem with that can go suck a camels ass.

Spare me...

In fact, it was the Africans who did the raiding and selling of the Africans to the Europeans.

Over 3,000 or 28 percent of free negroes in New Orleans owned slaves.

"Affirmative Action" and "Diversity Programs" are nothing more than nice sounding monikers for racial discrimination.
Dr. Duke also shows how Slavery is used to used to justify discrimination against White people when the historical fact is that less than 1 percent of White people ever had slaves. There is actually more likelihood of an African American having direct ancestors who owned Black slaves than a White person having a direct ancestor who owned slaves.
Your answer had nothing to do with my question. Can you answer it?
Yeah blacks were never targeted for extinction, unless you count the slaughter of black babies, which you don't seem to mind very much. You no doubt support it because you're a leftist
So you think deflecting is really going to cover up the fact that Jews never experienced chattel slavery?

Not in recent times, but blacks also owned and sold slaves. Doesn't matter really, does it ? It's the 21st century. Black kids should be built up, not torn down and enticed to anger, by the leftist scumbags:thup:
Not in recent times or ancient times. So if Jews never experienced chattel slavery for 310 years I wont ever take the suggestion to get over the trials and tribulations we as Blacks go through seriously until Jews get over the holocaust. We are still experiencing our holocaust or Maangamizi. Anyone that has a problem with that can go suck a camels ass.

Spare me...

In fact, it was the Africans who did the raiding and selling of the Africans to the Europeans.

Over 3,000 or 28 percent of free negroes in New Orleans owned slaves.

"Affirmative Action" and "Diversity Programs" are nothing more than nice sounding monikers for racial discrimination.
Dr. Duke also shows how Slavery is used to used to justify discrimination against White people when the historical fact is that less than 1 percent of White people ever had slaves. There is actually more likelihood of an African American having direct ancestors who owned Black slaves than a White person having a direct ancestor who owned slaves.

Spare you what? In every holocaust there were always be and always have been turncoats. I think you forget Jews were responsible for killing millions of Jews under Stalin and Hitler.
Yeah blacks were never targeted for extinction, unless you count the slaughter of black babies, which you don't seem to mind very much. You no doubt support it because you're a leftist
So you think deflecting is really going to cover up the fact that Jews never experienced chattel slavery?

Not in recent times, but blacks also owned and sold slaves. Doesn't matter really, does it ? It's the 21st century. Black kids should be built up, not torn down and enticed to anger, by the leftist scumbags:thup:
Not in recent times or ancient times. So if Jews never experienced chattel slavery for 310 years I wont ever take the suggestion to get over the trials and tribulations we as Blacks go through seriously until Jews get over the holocaust. We are still experiencing our holocaust or Maangamizi. Anyone that has a problem with that can go suck a camels ass.

Spare me...

In fact, it was the Africans who did the raiding and selling of the Africans to the Europeans.

Over 3,000 or 28 percent of free negroes in New Orleans owned slaves.

"Affirmative Action" and "Diversity Programs" are nothing more than nice sounding monikers for racial discrimination.
Dr. Duke also shows how Slavery is used to used to justify discrimination against White people when the historical fact is that less than 1 percent of White people ever had slaves. There is actually more likelihood of an African American having direct ancestors who owned Black slaves than a White person having a direct ancestor who owned slaves.

Spare you what?

Your fake outrage

So you think deflecting is really going to cover up the fact that Jews never experienced chattel slavery?

Not in recent times, but blacks also owned and sold slaves. Doesn't matter really, does it ? It's the 21st century. Black kids should be built up, not torn down and enticed to anger, by the leftist scumbags:thup:
Not in recent times or ancient times. So if Jews never experienced chattel slavery for 310 years I wont ever take the suggestion to get over the trials and tribulations we as Blacks go through seriously until Jews get over the holocaust. We are still experiencing our holocaust or Maangamizi. Anyone that has a problem with that can go suck a camels ass.

Spare me...

In fact, it was the Africans who did the raiding and selling of the Africans to the Europeans.

Over 3,000 or 28 percent of free negroes in New Orleans owned slaves.

"Affirmative Action" and "Diversity Programs" are nothing more than nice sounding monikers for racial discrimination.
Dr. Duke also shows how Slavery is used to used to justify discrimination against White people when the historical fact is that less than 1 percent of White people ever had slaves. There is actually more likelihood of an African American having direct ancestors who owned Black slaves than a White person having a direct ancestor who owned slaves.

Spare you what?

Your fake outrage

I'm not outraged. What gave you that idea? Its just a fact I know and will not let die. I see you skipped over the fact that Jews participated in killing other Jews. Did you have a point you were trying to make but failed? Here is your Jewish mass murderer of other Jews.
Genrikh Yagoda

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Not in recent times, but blacks also owned and sold slaves. Doesn't matter really, does it ? It's the 21st century. Black kids should be built up, not torn down and enticed to anger, by the leftist scumbags:thup:
Not in recent times or ancient times. So if Jews never experienced chattel slavery for 310 years I wont ever take the suggestion to get over the trials and tribulations we as Blacks go through seriously until Jews get over the holocaust. We are still experiencing our holocaust or Maangamizi. Anyone that has a problem with that can go suck a camels ass.

Spare me...

In fact, it was the Africans who did the raiding and selling of the Africans to the Europeans.

Over 3,000 or 28 percent of free negroes in New Orleans owned slaves.

"Affirmative Action" and "Diversity Programs" are nothing more than nice sounding monikers for racial discrimination.
Dr. Duke also shows how Slavery is used to used to justify discrimination against White people when the historical fact is that less than 1 percent of White people ever had slaves. There is actually more likelihood of an African American having direct ancestors who owned Black slaves than a White person having a direct ancestor who owned slaves.

Spare you what?

Your fake outrage

I'm not outraged. What gave you that idea? Its just a fact I know and will not let die. I see you skipped over the fact that Jews participated in killing other Jews. Did you have a point you were trying to make but failed?

I already made the point...ill repeat it for you Black kids should be build up, to be proud of who they are. Not used by the leftist scumbags, who spread anger and victim-hood which they uses for their own purposes.
Not in recent times or ancient times. So if Jews never experienced chattel slavery for 310 years I wont ever take the suggestion to get over the trials and tribulations we as Blacks go through seriously until Jews get over the holocaust. We are still experiencing our holocaust or Maangamizi. Anyone that has a problem with that can go suck a camels ass.

Spare me...

In fact, it was the Africans who did the raiding and selling of the Africans to the Europeans.

Over 3,000 or 28 percent of free negroes in New Orleans owned slaves.

"Affirmative Action" and "Diversity Programs" are nothing more than nice sounding monikers for racial discrimination.
Dr. Duke also shows how Slavery is used to used to justify discrimination against White people when the historical fact is that less than 1 percent of White people ever had slaves. There is actually more likelihood of an African American having direct ancestors who owned Black slaves than a White person having a direct ancestor who owned slaves.

Spare you what?

Your fake outrage

I'm not outraged. What gave you that idea? Its just a fact I know and will not let die. I see you skipped over the fact that Jews participated in killing other Jews. Did you have a point you were trying to make but failed?

I already made the point...ill repeat it for you Black kids should be build up, to be proud of who they are. Not used by the leftist scumbags, who spread anger and victim-hood which they uses for their own purposes.

Part of building them up is warning them about the racism they will experience and the hypocrisy of this country in its founding. This is especially important in navigating this racist society. Makes no sense to fill someones head up with bullshit and watch them crash and burn when they hit the obstacles put in place by racism. I know that wasnt your point because you were trying to pretend that because Black people owned slaves (even though the vast majority were family) that somehow the US was not racist.

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