A message to America from Black America.

Africans are washing up dead on the shores of southern Europe; desperate to leave their shithole countries

I am wondering why are these African states today more backward than it was the case during the colonial period, when these countries were ruled by whites?

Now all these countries are ruled by black leaders, there are no white "racists" in these countries any more, no racism at all.

Why are black people so eager to leave their own black countries, why do they prefer to live in the "racist" countries with a "racist" white majority, if there are black countries without any white "racists"?

Does that make any sense?
No your post makes no sense. What makes you think that after colonialism and imperialism destroyed traditional boundaries and dictators are propped up by european countries so they can exploit and take the wealth in Africa that more African countries would be in a better state now? Who told you Black people are even eager to leave their countries to come to european countries? There are a million times more Black people that are content to stay right were they are in Africa.

UM NOT REALLY IDIOT; the dead Black bodies floating in the Mediterranean Sea tell me people are desperate to leave Africa. and of the millions that dont even try, it's because the are too far away to even try

keep trying........................
So all of Africa is empty and headed for europe? When did that happen?

(My Love & Pride) The Africa They Never Show You.
Why are there no sub-Sarahan written languages???
Who told you there were no written languages in Africa?

Your opponent was referring to Sub Saharan Africa, speak to black Africa.
All of Africa is Black Africa. Some parts have been taken over by caucasians.

not even close to true
Is that you very best rebuttal? I hope you dont think I'm taking your word for it are you? :laugh:
All of Africa is Black Africa. Some parts have been taken over by caucasians.

No, the ancient Greeks did not mention any Black Africans in North Africa.
North Africa was as white, as South Europe 2000 years ago.
Thats weird. Herodotus was Greek and he said the Egyptians were Black. Not that time started with the Greeks or anything but even your own white boys said it.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle writes in the 4th century B.C. in Physiognomonica that the "Egyptians and Ethiopians were very black."
So all of Africa is empty and headed for europe?

I guess that if more people could move from Africa to Europe, they would do it.
But there is a natural barrier between Europe and Africa, the Mediterranean sea.
You have to cross this barrier, and only young and healthy men can do that.
oh well; enough toying with this petty clown, poor excuse of a strong Black man that he is.

time to go
So all of Africa is empty and headed for europe?

I guess that if more people could move from Africa to Europe, they would do it.
But there is a natural barrier between Europe and Africa, the Mediterranean sea.
You have to cross this barrier, and only young and healthy men can do that.
So "your guess" is supposed to convince me it true? Sorry but I need more than your guess. I need facts.
Yup! They're called the rich.

Yes, they are rich, but they usually belong to a group, that defines itself as a separate ethnic or religious group, often with loyalty to another state.

Ah the Jews!

I don't believe the Jews own America. They have too much influence in our government and they might be some of the private bankers but I find it hard to believe they are behind it all.

And bush and Clinton both serve the Jews?

The Jews are just one of many lobbyists lobbying for the rich. All presidents meet with adelstein to discuss foreign policy. Who is he? Why does he have the presidents ear?
So "your guess" is supposed to convince me it true? Sorry but I need more than your guess. I need facts.

Well, the fact is that black Africans try to escape from their own black African countries, ruled by black leaders, and get into white countries, ruled by white "racists".

But after they become a majority in European countries, these countries will look like African countries.

It seems that these poor people do not understand that demography is destiny.

These people are running away from themselves, but they are complaining about racism.
And bush and Clinton both serve the Jews?

The last American president, who tried to serve the Americans, was JFK...

And Nixon even admitted in a private conversation with Graham, that he is just a puppet, and if he openly tells what he thinks about Jews, he will be kicked out from his position.

He said: ""So do I. I can't ever say that but I believe it...".

An American president could not openly say what he believed in?
It is unbelievable!!!

And Nixon believed that America was going down the drain.
If an American president serves Americans, then he is obliged to prevent America from going down the drain, isn't he?

So "your guess" is supposed to convince me it true? Sorry but I need more than your guess. I need facts.

Well, the fact is that black Africans try to escape from their own black African countries, ruled by black leaders, and get into white countries, ruled by white "racists".

But after they become a majority in European countries, these countries will look like African countries.

It seems that these poor people do not understand that demography is destiny.

These people are running away from themselves, but they are complaining about racism.
Makes sense a few would go elsewhere. White gobal supremacy dictates that if you are not going to stay and fight at home you go find out what the enemy is doing then bring it back home. Or if you are afraid to fight you join the society that is messing things up in your country. That happens everywhere not just in Africa. Why do you think Asians come over here along with East Indians and other people of color?
In other words terrorists.

Just black Africans who do not want to live in their black African countries.

They want to live in "racist" white countries, and that does not make any sense.

Why not work in their own black countries and make them better?
White gobal supremacy ...

What are you talking about?

If white Europeans really controlled the European or Western countries, why would they destroy their own countries, allowing non-European migration from backward countries?

No, there is no "White global supremacy", dude.
White countries are being destroyed, we can see it with our own eyes, and that disproves the thesis about "white supremacy".

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