A message to America from Black America.

Do you often claim people said something because you have bad reading skills? You are making yourself look like an idiot. I know my awesomeness intimidates you but you are falling to pieces on this thread. Everybody can see that.

everybody can see you are nothing but a loser Black bigot

that's all normal people can see
and no you didnt outwork anybody; you just cry like you had to

which is why nobody is defending you here
Now youre replying to yourself?

it was an added thought to the point i made.

you're pathetic dude. if you are what you call an example of that kind of hard-working Black man that makes his race proud, i feel sorry for you
Youre stressed. I know it. You know it. Practically everyone knows it. You keep yawning out of nervousness. Youre embarrassing yourself boy.

i actually didnt yawn on that last one dullard

keep trying though......................................
What African states are you talking about?

I am talking about Sub Saharan African states that are basket cases, we have now to accommodate black refugees from these countries, these black people prefer to live in the "racist" European countries.

BTW, are there any Sub Saharan African countries that are not basket cases?
The only one that has a bit of infrastructure, industry and an iota of high culture has, of course, a significant white population. As with everywhere else in the world where the tow races cohabit, whites are the elite and blacks are the dregs of their society.
What African states are you talking about?

I am talking about Sub Saharan African states that are basket cases, we have now to accommodate black refugees from these countries, these black people prefer to live in the "racist" European countries.

BTW, are there any Sub Saharan African countries that are not basket cases?
Do you mean the African countries that were colonized and destabilized by white countries. The same ones that had genocides forced upon them by the Belgium and Germans? The same ones that the World Bank keeps propping up dictators or the successful countries in Africa. Sorry but I dont allow people to set limits on what I define as Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa is an invention of whites. They have no credibility.

more excuses

did anybody expect anything different?
^^^ This clown thinks reasons = excuses.
What African states are you talking about?

I am talking about Sub Saharan African states that are basket cases, we have now to accommodate black refugees from these countries, these black people prefer to live in the "racist" European countries.

BTW, are there any Sub Saharan African countries that are not basket cases?
Do you mean the African countries that were colonized and destabilized by white countries. The same ones that had genocides forced upon them by the Belgium and Germans? The same ones that the World Bank keeps propping up dictators or the successful countries in Africa. Sorry but I dont allow people to set limits on what I define as Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa is an invention of whites. They have no credibility.

more excuses

did anybody expect anything different?
^^^ This clown thinks reasons = excuses.

the question dummy

answer it
Africans are washing up dead on the shores of southern Europe; desperate to leave their shithole countries

I am wondering why are these African states today more backward than it was the case during the colonial period, when these countries were ruled by whites?

Now all these countries are ruled by black leaders, there are no white "racists" in these countries any more, no racism at all.

Why are black people so eager to leave their own black countries, why do they prefer to live in the "racist" countries with a "racist" white majority, if there are black countries without any white "racists"?

Does that make any sense?
everybody can see you are nothing but a loser Black bigot

that's all normal people can see
and no you didnt outwork anybody; you just cry like you had to

which is why nobody is defending you here
Now youre replying to yourself?

it was an added thought to the point i made.

you're pathetic dude. if you are what you call an example of that kind of hard-working Black man that makes his race proud, i feel sorry for you
Youre stressed. I know it. You know it. Practically everyone knows it. You keep yawning out of nervousness. Youre embarrassing yourself boy.

i actually didnt yawn on that last one dullard

keep trying though......................................
Youve been yawning all through this thread. Youre stressed. Is ok but just know I know.
which is why nobody is defending you here
Now youre replying to yourself?

it was an added thought to the point i made.

you're pathetic dude. if you are what you call an example of that kind of hard-working Black man that makes his race proud, i feel sorry for you
Youre stressed. I know it. You know it. Practically everyone knows it. You keep yawning out of nervousness. Youre embarrassing yourself boy.

i actually didnt yawn on that last one dullard

keep trying though......................................
Youve been yawning all through this thread. Youre stressed. Is ok but just know I know.

i know you are making a fool of yourself here; i dont need to be fully awake to see that
So was chattel slavery, Jim Crow etc. An attack on my Black nation.

there is no Black Nation, no White Nation. Why dont you come and join us Americans; and put aside your petty grievances of things that happened in the past and cant be undone? Nobody is telling you to forget about anything; not even telling you to "get over it", since NONE OF IT HAPPENED TO YOU anyway.

why cant you just be an American assclapper?
Try harder to convince me there is no Black or white nation for that matter. I wont be joining anything until you white boys dismantle your racist system. Not my fault you cant compete on an equal playing field.
You can't assimilate in? We got to dismantle the system for you? That's your demand?
No I wont assimilate in. Why would I do that? If you want me to join white americans then yes you do have to dismantle the racist system. Thats not a demand thats a condition. No skin off my nose if you dont. I will just out work you.

again; there is no racist system here. anybody can be anything

My immigrant father moved to Detroit late 50s and tried to start a business with other Greeks. Those Greeks screwed him.

Like many black detroiters he got a job at ford. Now what did he do differently? First he didn't have any baby mamas. Then he moved us out of Detroit to a better school system. Both his sons graduated college. One got a masters and is the VP of a fortune 500 company. It wasn't racism that kept me out of that masters program. That was my choice. And I do alright. Point is if a foreigner can do that why can't a black?
Africans are washing up dead on the shores of southern Europe; desperate to leave their shithole countries

I am wondering why are these African states today more backward than it was the case during the colonial period, when these countries were ruled by whites?

Now all these countries are ruled by black leaders, there are no white "racists" in these countries any more, no racism at all.

Why are black people so eager to leave their own black countries, why do they prefer to live in the "racist" countries with a "racist" white majority, if there are black countries without any white "racists"?

Does that make any sense?
No your post makes no sense. What makes you think that after colonialism and imperialism destroyed traditional boundaries and dictators are propped up by european countries so they can exploit and take the wealth in Africa that more African countries would be in a better state now? Who told you Black people are even eager to leave their countries to come to european countries? There are a million times more Black people that are content to stay right where they are in Africa.
Africans are washing up dead on the shores of southern Europe; desperate to leave their shithole countries

I am wondering why are these African states today more backward than it was the case during the colonial period, when these countries were ruled by whites?

Now all these countries are ruled by black leaders, there are no white "racists" in these countries any more, no racism at all.

Why are black people so eager to leave their own black countries, why do they prefer to live in the "racist" countries with a "racist" white majority, if there are black countries without any white "racists"?

Does that make any sense?
No your post makes no sense. What makes you think that after colonialism and imperialism destroyed traditional boundaries and dictators are propped up by european countries so they can exploit and take the wealth in Africa that more African countries would be in a better state now? Who told you Black people are even eager to leave their countries to come to european countries? There are a million times more Black people that are content to stay right were they are in Africa.

UM NOT REALLY IDIOT; the dead Black bodies floating in the Mediterranean Sea tell me people are desperate to leave Africa. and of the millions that dont even try, it's because the are too far away to even try

keep trying........................

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