A message to America from Black America.

White gobal supremacy ...

What are you talking about?

If white Europeans really controlled the European or Western countries, why would they destroy their own countries, allowing non-European migration from backward countries?

No, there is no "White global supremacy", dude.
White countries are being destroyed, we can see it with our own eyes, and that disproves the thesis about "white supremacy".
Melanin. You guys are dying.

PASPCR Meeting 2015
Name an African state that was never colonized by Europe.

The territory of Germany and most of Europe was colonized by the Romans, and Romans brought their culture and created an infrastructure in huge parts of Europe.

It is natural that more advanced cultures create colonies, dude.

No sane German or other European would whine and complain about Roman colonization.

I cannot understand why Africans whine about European colonization.

Did they have any culture or any infrastructure before this colonization?

And are they doing better after they got rid of Europeans?

If yes, why do they not live in their independent countries and do not make them into nice places? Why are Africans so eager to live in white "racist" countries?
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Melanin. You guys are dying.

Another stupid argument.

Black people have little chances to survive in North Europe on the long run, because they will get depressions and suffer from the lack of Vitamin D.
In a couple of thousand years they will disappear because of natural selection.

If that was not the case, North Europe would be already populated by black people.

The "black genes" disappeared from the genome of North Europeans, because black skin is not needed in North Europe, where the solar radiation is not sufficient to supply the organism with Vitamin D, unless you have white skin.
Name an African state that was never colonized by Europe.

The territory of Germany and most of Europe was colonized by the Romans, and Romans brought their culture and created an infrastructure in huge parts of Europe.

It is natural that more advanced cultures create colonies, dude.

No sane German or other European would whine and complain about Roman colonization.

I cannot understand why Africans whine about European colonization.

Did they have any culture or any infrastructure before this colonization?

And are they doing better after they got rid of Europeans?

If yes, why do they not live in their independent countries and do not make them into nice places? Why are Africans so eager to live in white "racist" countries.

Rome's downfall occurred a couple of thousand years ago, and it was at the hands of the very people they colonized. They so rejected the Romans that Europe was plunged into a "Dark Age" based on strict adherence to Christian Religious Dogma.

Most countries in Africa, have only recently gotten their independence, as in, within the last century. And there was no demise of those who colonized them.
Rome's downfall occurred several thousand years ago...

Not even 2 thousand years ago.

... and it was at the hands of the very people they colonized.

There were many reasons.

They so rejected the Romans...

No, they just rejected the rule of Romans, but not their culture, infrastructure or language. And most Romans melted with the population of the colonies.

Any European, including Germans, has a lot of Roman genes and Roman biological ancestors.

...that Europe was plunged into a "Dark Age" based on strict adherence to Christian Religious Dogma.

They built magnificent cathedrals during these "Dark Ages", and the religious Dogma was not of European origin. Monotheism had nothing to do with Roman colonization, dude.

Most countries in Africa, have only recently gotten their independence, as in, within the last century.

After these countries had gotten their independence, they became basket cases.

And there was no demise of those who colonized them.

If the European countries disappeared, there would be no place to run away for black refugees from black countries.

Melanin. You guys are dying.

Another stupid argument.

Black people have little chances to survive in North Europe on the long run, because they will get depressions and suffer from the lack of Vitamin D.
In a couple of thousand years they will disappear because of natural selection.

If that was not the case, North Europe would be already populated by black people.

The "black genes" disappeared from the genome of North Europeans, because black skin is not needed in North Europe, where the solar radiation is not sufficient to supply the organism with Vitamin D, unless you have white skin.
Sorry buddy. Your post has nothing to do with science. You are a mutation. :itsok:

Light skin colour in Europeans stems from ONE 10,000-year-old ancestor

"Light skin in Europeans stems from a gene mutation from a single person who lived 10,000 years ago.

This is according to a new U.S. study that claims the colour is due to an ancient ancestor who lived somewhere between the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.

Scientists made the discovery after identifying a key gene that contributes to lighter skin colour in Europeans.

Read more: Light skin colour in Europeans stems from ONE 10,000-year-old ancestor
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Rome's downfall occurred several thousand years ago...

Not even 2 thousand years ago.

... and it was at the hands of the very people they colonized.

There were many reasons.

They so rejected the Romans...

No, they just rejected the rule of Romans, but not their culture, infrastructure or language. And most Romans melted with the population of the colonies.

Any European, including Germans, has a lot of Roman genes and Roman biological ancestors.

...that Europe was plunged into a "Dark Age" based on strict adherence to Christian Religious Dogma.

They built magnificent cathedrals during these "Dark Ages", and the religious Dogma was not of European origin. Monotheism had nothing to do with Roman colonization, dude.

Most countries in Africa, have only recently gotten their independence, as in, within the last century.

After these countries had gotten their independence, they became basket cases.

And there was no demise of those who colonized them.

If the European countries disappeared, there would be no place to run away for black refugees from black countries.

If Black Moors had not reeducated europeans they would have reverted back to neanderthals. :cool-45:
Suffice to say, Art, your point fell flat on it's face.

Rome was utterly destroyed. And by the people who were under it's empire. Rome's cities, towns and villages were pillaged, the women raped and many of the men killed.

The newly liberated European countries were scratching in the dirt until the "Renaissance".
Sorry buddy. Your post has nothing to do with science. You are a mutation.

Mutations are the motor of evolution.

Homo Sapiens was also a result of mutation, dude.

If mutations are useful, then the individuals with these mutations are selected by evolution.

If there were no mutation, then some apes with mutations would not have evolved into humans.

So what is your point?
Sorry buddy. Your post has nothing to do with science. You are a mutation.

Mutations are the motor of evolution.

Homo Sapiens was also a result of mutation, dude.

If mutations are useful, then the individuals with these mutations are selected by evolution.

If there were no mutation, then some apes with mutations would not have evolved into humans.

So what is your point?
Mutations dont have to be useful. In fact there are plenty of them that are decidedly deadly. Dont expose your lack of scientific knowledge. I'm way smarter than you.



Researchers have discovered genetic mutations that cause a rare and deadly lung disease. The disease, pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis or PCH, is a rare cause of pulmonary hypertension, which occurs predominantly in young adults. PCH affects less than one in a million people, and has been extremely difficult and expensive to diagnose, as well as challenging to treat."

The mutation occurred in the Indian subcontinent not in europe. That pretty much kills your aborted point. Melinated skin evolved to protect. Its natures best design.
Rome was utterly destroyed.

Idiotic statement.

And by the people who were under it's empire. Rome's cities, towns and villages were pillaged, the women raped and many of the men killed.

Some cities were destroyed, some men were killed, some women were raped, and not only after the fall of Rome. That is the natural historical process, dude. History of mankind is a history of wars, destructions and reconstructions.

The newly liberated European countries were scratching in the dirt until the "Renaissance".

Another idiotic statement, what "new liberated countries" are you talking about?

In North Europe there were Kingdoms, and Romans never colonized North Europe.
The Vikings were better sailors, than Romans, they created colonies even in North America.
Germanic tribes were superior in their military skills, and that is why they could beat the Romans.

So there was just a normal competition between European people.
Romans conquered the Greeks and adopted their culture, Germanic tribes conquered the Romans and adopted their culture, like the Franks who became French.

But Germanic warlords did not reject the Roman culture, they called their Empire "Sacrum Imperium Romanum".

Rome remained a magnificent city, and East-Rome, speak Constantinople, too.

Educate yourself, dude!

A Message To Black People From An American:

Let me know when the Jews get over the Holocaust and never make another mention of it again. Then and only then would I take your advice.

How long was that anyway? Like, a summer or some shit.

We just had the anniversary of 9/11 which was one day. Did anyone say get over it or would doing so be an asshole move?
Yeah that was just some bullshit towers. Why havent people gotten over that? Why are there people to this day still traumatized by 9/11 and they werent even there to experience it?

It was 14 years ago, slavery ended 150 years ago.
Rome's downfall occurred several thousand years ago...

Not even 2 thousand years ago.

... and it was at the hands of the very people they colonized.

There were many reasons.

They so rejected the Romans...

No, they just rejected the rule of Romans, but not their culture, infrastructure or language. And most Romans melted with the population of the colonies.

Any European, including Germans, has a lot of Roman genes and Roman biological ancestors.

...that Europe was plunged into a "Dark Age" based on strict adherence to Christian Religious Dogma.

They built magnificent cathedrals during these "Dark Ages", and the religious Dogma was not of European origin. Monotheism had nothing to do with Roman colonization, dude.

Most countries in Africa, have only recently gotten their independence, as in, within the last century.

After these countries had gotten their independence, they became basket cases.

And there was no demise of those who colonized them.

If the European countries disappeared, there would be no place to run away for black refugees from black countries.

If Black Moors had not reeducated europeans they would have reverted back to neanderthals. :cool-45:

A Message To Black People From An American:

Let me know when the Jews get over the Holocaust and never make another mention of it again. Then and only then would I take your advice.

How long was that anyway? Like, a summer or some shit.

We just had the anniversary of 9/11 which was one day. Did anyone say get over it or would doing so be an asshole move?
Yeah that was just some bullshit towers. Why havent people gotten over that? Why are there people to this day still traumatized by 9/11 and they werent even there to experience it?

It was 14 years ago, slavery ended 150 years ago.

And 14 - 150 = 136.

What about it?
Rome was utterly destroyed.

Idiotic statement.

And by the people who were under it's empire. Rome's cities, towns and villages were pillaged, the women raped and many of the men killed.

Some cities were destroyed, some men were killed, some women were raped, and not only after the fall of Rome. That is the natural historical process, dude. History of mankind is a history of wars, destructions and reconstructions.

The newly liberated European countries were scratching in the dirt until the "Renaissance".

Another idiotic statement, what "new liberated countries" are you talking about?

In North Europe there were Kingdoms, and Romans never colonized North Europe.
The Vikings were better sailors, than Romans, they created colonies even in North America.
Germanic tribes were superior in their military skills, and that is why they could beat the Romans.

So there was just a normal competition between European people.
Romans conquered the Greeks and adopted their culture, Germanic tribes conquered the Romans and adopted their culture, like the Franks who became French.

But Germanic warlords did not reject the Roman culture, they called their Empire "Sacrum Imperium Romanum".

Rome remained a magnificent city, and East-Rome, speak Constantinople, too.

Educate yourself, dude!

LOL..take your own advice.

I've actually travelled to all those places.

And read the history.

Europe after the Roman Empire was a pretty dismal place. Hence the term "Dark Ages".
So "your guess" is supposed to convince me it true? Sorry but I need more than your guess. I need facts.

Well, the fact is that black Africans try to escape from their own black African countries, ruled by black leaders, and get into white countries, ruled by white "racists".

But after they become a majority in European countries, these countries will look like African countries.

It seems that these poor people do not understand that demography is destiny.

These people are running away from themselves, but they are complaining about racism.
Makes sense a few would go elsewhere. White gobal supremacy dictates that if you are not going to stay and fight at home you go find out what the enemy is doing then bring it back home. Or if you are afraid to fight you join the society that is messing things up in your country. That happens everywhere not just in Africa. Why do you think Asians come over here along with East Indians and other people of color?
Isn't it odd we don't have any poor Americans trying to leave for

Canada, Australia, Europe....
Rome's downfall occurred several thousand years ago...

Not even 2 thousand years ago.

... and it was at the hands of the very people they colonized.

There were many reasons.

They so rejected the Romans...

No, they just rejected the rule of Romans, but not their culture, infrastructure or language. And most Romans melted with the population of the colonies.

Any European, including Germans, has a lot of Roman genes and Roman biological ancestors.

...that Europe was plunged into a "Dark Age" based on strict adherence to Christian Religious Dogma.

They built magnificent cathedrals during these "Dark Ages", and the religious Dogma was not of European origin. Monotheism had nothing to do with Roman colonization, dude.

Most countries in Africa, have only recently gotten their independence, as in, within the last century.

After these countries had gotten their independence, they became basket cases.

And there was no demise of those who colonized them.

If the European countries disappeared, there would be no place to run away for black refugees from black countries.

If Black Moors had not reeducated europeans they would have reverted back to neanderthals. :cool-45:
Reminds me of planet of the apes. You should have never let us get smarter than you. You guys thought oh how cute these little harmless white creatures. You didn't take into consideration we would multiply the way we did or our brain size. Similar to how we underestimate Asians.
A Message To Black People From An American:

Let me know when the Jews get over the Holocaust and never make another mention of it again. Then and only then would I take your advice.

How long was that anyway? Like, a summer or some shit.

We just had the anniversary of 9/11 which was one day. Did anyone say get over it or would doing so be an asshole move?
Yeah that was just some bullshit towers. Why havent people gotten over that? Why are there people to this day still traumatized by 9/11 and they werent even there to experience it?

It was 14 years ago, slavery ended 150 years ago.

And 14 - 150 = 136.

What about it?

This isn't rocket surgery, 9/11 is still pretty recent so it's no surprise American's are still livid about it.
Slavery on the other hand is long gone and all's we here is whine whine whine !!!!!!!

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