A message to America from Black America.

what the hell
Targeting Cops: DOJ Report On Ferguson: INSANE RACISM, Extortion, etc.

LOL Wing Nut bastard Read something instead of drinking rot gut and masturbating

An extensive, six-month Department Of Justice report has recently been concluded and released to the public. It confirms what the residents ofFerguson, MO have been decrying for months: that the Ferguson/St. Louis County police regimes are not only thoroughly racist, but the city municipality itself disproportionately and illegally targets Black residents for extortion.

Hey stoner, I understand the race card being played. It's false and stupid but I understand it. What I didn't understand was how whites are profiting. When you are not stoned out of your tiny mind, explain yourself if you can.

Whites arent profiting...the state is on the backs of the citizens. If you dont understand that you should google "traffic fines state budgets".

I didn't say they were moron, the stoner did.

You must be smoking something stronger because he said "white minority used the legal system they controlled to economically exploit Black folks". And for some reason you changed it into "whites profiting" and he never said that. Nice try, next time dont quote the post you mischaracterize and itll be easier to lie about it

"Economically exploit them like an ATM machine." How fucking dense are you people really?

He didnt say "whites profiting" anything. Not sure where you are finding that but its not here.

Hey stupid, I told your ignorant ass that I'm not talking about the racism. I'm trying to get through to your poorly functioning brain that I want you to explain how whites were economically exploiting blacks like an ATM Machine. If you continue to refuse to answer then I'll waste no more time with your childish stupidity.
stop drinking alcohol you stupid ass punk white pussy and start reading the links SO YOU LEARN SOMETHING ..asshole
Lawsuits claim Missouri towns jail poor people for profit
Reuters-Feb 9, 2015
Ferguson, Missouri and a second St. Louis suburb are being ... by 20 black residents, allege that officials in Ferguson and neighboring Jennings have routinely been abusing and exploiting impoverished individuals to boost city revenues. ... They are seeking monetary damages, a declaration that the cities ..
The race-card always seems to involve a Democrat.

The KKK is and always will be a Southern Democrat club.
The racists or nationalists are usually Republican because blacks vote democratic. Please don't tell me southern kkk votes with black people or for Obama.

The kkk loves trumps message. Which party is he in? The kkk also loves libertarian. Not to mention the tea party that yells the n word.

You're a bad liar or fool.

In the Myth of the Southern Strategy, research is presented that shows that poor whites in the south continued to vote based on economic interests after the Dems finally started supporting Civil Rights.

From that right wing rag the New York Times.


"Everyone knows that race has long played a decisive role in Southern electoral politics. From the end of Reconstruction until the beginning of the civil rights era, the story goes, the national Democratic Party made room for segregationist members — and as a result dominated the South. But in the 50s and 60s, Democrats embraced the civil rights movement, costing them the white Southern vote. Meanwhile, the Republican Party successfully wooed disaffected white racists with a “Southern strategy” that championed “states’ rights.”

It’s an easy story to believe, but this year two political scientists called it into question. In their book “The End of Southern Exceptionalism,” Richard Johnston of the University of Pennsylvania and Byron Shafer of the University of Wisconsin argue that the shift in the South from Democratic to Republican was overwhelmingly a question not of race but of economic growth. In the postwar era, they note, the South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, not surprisingly, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interests: the G.O.P. Working-class whites, however — and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats. (This was true until the 90s, when the nation as a whole turned rightward in Congressional voting.)

The two scholars support their claim with an extensive survey of election returns and voter surveys. To give just one example: in the 50s, among Southerners in the low-income tercile, 43 percent voted for Republican Presidential candidates, while in the high-income tercile, 53 percent voted Republican; by the 80s, those figures were 51 percent and 77 percent, respectively. Wealthy Southerners shifted rightward in droves but poorer ones didn’t.

To be sure, Shafer says, many whites in the South aggressively opposed liberal Democrats on race issues. “But when folks went to the polling booths,” he says, “they didn’t shoot off their own toes. They voted by their economic preferences, not racial preferences.” Shafer says these results should give liberals hope. “If Southern politics is about class and not race,” he says, “then they can get it back.” "
These poor dumb southerners don't realize they vote against their own financial interests. Even the middle class ones are hurting themselves but they don't know it because they are middle class.

Middle class ppl shouldn't vote GOP either. They do because of wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism.

YOur opinion on that is another matter.

THe point is they did not switch sides because of the dems flipping on Civil RIghts. The poor southern whites didn't flip until the 90s, 30 years after the point the Southern Strategy was supposed to have done it's Evul Work.
Bs. Do you know who Reagan's Karl Rove was? Can't think of his name right now but he worked for Reagan and implemented the southern strategy.

Lee Atwater. That's his name. Look him up. That was the 80's my friend.

Interestingly enough. A friend of my girlfriend's did an excellent documentary on him. You should check it out.

Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story (2008) - IMDb
Dude, I told you to put the bong down and sober up. You didn't answer the question idiot.

I thought I told you pussy boy to stop drinking rot gut and masturbating....answer what does the Department of Justice say about Ferguson...what does it say ..are you too drunk to read it ?

I doesn't say anything about the white people profiting from the blacks in Ferguson or how they are an ATM machine. Are you stoned, stupid, or illiterate?

Thats because he never said that.

Oh damn, you screwed it up already. Shame too, you are on the right track. I guess you just can't fix stupid.
Hey stoner, I understand the race card being played. It's false and stupid but I understand it. What I didn't understand was how whites are profiting. When you are not stoned out of your tiny mind, explain yourself if you can.

Whites arent profiting...the state is on the backs of the citizens. If you dont understand that you should google "traffic fines state budgets".

I didn't say they were moron, the stoner did.

You must be smoking something stronger because he said "white minority used the legal system they controlled to economically exploit Black folks". And for some reason you changed it into "whites profiting" and he never said that. Nice try, next time dont quote the post you mischaracterize and itll be easier to lie about it

"Economically exploit them like an ATM machine." How fucking dense are you people really?

He didnt say "whites profiting" anything. Not sure where you are finding that but its not here.

It would appear that "pretty fucking dense" is the answer to my question.
Heres the deal. Blacks were wronged. And that's why black society is the way it is.
Which is stupid. People aren't a race of people, they are individuals. As has been pointed out (like it needed to be?) no white person today owned a slave and most don't even have it in their history here and many blacks don't either.

Saying your race was wronged so you act out in a xyz fashion as a result is one of the most retarded things I've ever heard of.

Well race doesn't exist in biology, it's a societal construct.

And societies do wrong "races".
"Economically exploit them like an ATM machine." How fucking dense are you people really?
How fucking drunk are you white pussy
How Ferguson's tickets, fines violated rights of blacks - CNN ...

Btw internet tough guy, the real pussy is the one who acts tough on an anonymous internet board.
Hey punk boy you came on snarking me about stoner now you gotta live with it ..punk

Like I said.....
Dude, I told you to put the bong down and sober up. You didn't answer the question idiot.

I thought I told you pussy boy to stop drinking rot gut and masturbating....answer what does the Department of Justice say about Ferguson...what does it say ..are you too drunk to read it ?

I doesn't say anything about the white people profiting from the blacks in Ferguson or how they are an ATM machine. Are you stoned, stupid, or illiterate?

Thats because he never said that.

Oh damn, you screwed it up already. Shame too, you are on the right track. I guess you just can't fix stupid.

You can go all day with varying ways to talk about someones intellect but what you cant do is put words in peoples mouth that they never said.
Dude, I told you to put the bong down and sober up. You didn't answer the question idiot.

I thought I told you pussy boy to stop drinking rot gut and masturbating....answer what does the Department of Justice say about Ferguson...what does it say ..are you too drunk to read it ?

I doesn't say anything about the white people profiting from the blacks in Ferguson or how they are an ATM machine. Are you stoned, stupid, or illiterate?

Thats because he never said that.

Oh damn, you screwed it up already. Shame too, you are on the right track. I guess you just can't fix stupid.

You can go all day with varying ways to talk about someones intellect but what you cant do is put words in peoples mouth that they never said.

Ok, "really REALLY fucking dense".
"Economically exploit them like an ATM machine." How fucking dense are you people really?
How fucking drunk are you white pussy
How Ferguson's tickets, fines violated rights of blacks - CNN ...

There you go moron. That was what I was asking for. How hard was that?

I only had to ask 3 or 4 times. You should have put the bong down like I said.

Now that you have the information time to bail out and never address it. Its easier to go into another thread claiming you know nothing about it. Make it about bongs and stuff! Yeah!
The race-card always seems to involve a Democrat.

The KKK is and always will be a Southern Democrat club.
The racists or nationalists are usually Republican because blacks vote democratic. Please don't tell me southern kkk votes with black people or for Obama.

The kkk loves trumps message. Which party is he in? The kkk also loves libertarian. Not to mention the tea party that yells the n word.

You're a bad liar or fool.

In the Myth of the Southern Strategy, research is presented that shows that poor whites in the south continued to vote based on economic interests after the Dems finally started supporting Civil Rights.

From that right wing rag the New York Times.


"Everyone knows that race has long played a decisive role in Southern electoral politics. From the end of Reconstruction until the beginning of the civil rights era, the story goes, the national Democratic Party made room for segregationist members — and as a result dominated the South. But in the 50s and 60s, Democrats embraced the civil rights movement, costing them the white Southern vote. Meanwhile, the Republican Party successfully wooed disaffected white racists with a “Southern strategy” that championed “states’ rights.”

It’s an easy story to believe, but this year two political scientists called it into question. In their book “The End of Southern Exceptionalism,” Richard Johnston of the University of Pennsylvania and Byron Shafer of the University of Wisconsin argue that the shift in the South from Democratic to Republican was overwhelmingly a question not of race but of economic growth. In the postwar era, they note, the South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, not surprisingly, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interests: the G.O.P. Working-class whites, however — and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats. (This was true until the 90s, when the nation as a whole turned rightward in Congressional voting.)

The two scholars support their claim with an extensive survey of election returns and voter surveys. To give just one example: in the 50s, among Southerners in the low-income tercile, 43 percent voted for Republican Presidential candidates, while in the high-income tercile, 53 percent voted Republican; by the 80s, those figures were 51 percent and 77 percent, respectively. Wealthy Southerners shifted rightward in droves but poorer ones didn’t.

To be sure, Shafer says, many whites in the South aggressively opposed liberal Democrats on race issues. “But when folks went to the polling booths,” he says, “they didn’t shoot off their own toes. They voted by their economic preferences, not racial preferences.” Shafer says these results should give liberals hope. “If Southern politics is about class and not race,” he says, “then they can get it back.” "
These poor dumb southerners don't realize they vote against their own financial interests. Even the middle class ones are hurting themselves but they don't know it because they are middle class.

Middle class ppl shouldn't vote GOP either. They do because of wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism.
That's possibly the biggest load of horse manure I've ever seen.
Heres Pred debating.


*Shows the evidence he's flat out wrong*

"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

And the subhuman "culture" of the white goyim thankfully is dying off

Do you really believe that?

Or are you just trolling?

Nope, The fact is the demographic shift is taking care of the white chirstian "culture" and their narrative that goes along with it

America's Getting Less White, and That Will Save It



Why Whites Should Fear Demographic Change

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Pred found his information to be so egregious that it couldnt be true. The information was so out there that he didnt believe it! IMPOSSIBLE said Pred because that would be really fucked up.

Then he was shown it was all true and what did Pred do? Complain about how many times he had to ask for the information
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