A message to America from Black America.

"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

And the subhuman "culture" of the white goyim thankfully is dying off

Do you really believe that?

Or are you just trolling?

Nope, The fact is the demographic shift is taking care of the white chirstian "culture" and their narrative that goes along with it

America's Getting Less White, and That Will Save It



Why Whites Should Fear Demographic Change

YOu words are unclear.

You do realize that Whites will remain the largest single ethnic group even after "minorities" together become the "majority", right?

And when us whites still have all the money.

Plus I promise you in 2 generations you will consider Hispanic and Arabic people as white. Chinese and Indians too. They all assimilate into white America. Look at the Mindy project. Her kids will be white Americans. Lucy lu? Her kids will be white. My Arab Iranian friends are just dark skinned whites. Other than not being blond they're just as white as I am.

Unless you go to a kkk rally then none of us are white enough.
YOur opinion on that is another matter.

THe point is they did not switch sides because of the dems flipping on Civil RIghts. The poor southern whites didn't flip until the 90s, 30 years after the point the Southern Strategy was supposed to have done it's Evul Work.
Bs. Do you know who Reagan's Karl Rove was? Can't think of his name right now but he worked for Reagan and implemented the southern strategy.

Lee Atwater. That's his name. Look him up. That was the 80's my friend.

Interestingly enough. A friend of my girlfriend's did an excellent documentary on him. You should check it out.

Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story (2008) - IMDb

Willie Horton was a murderer let out of prison by Dukakis who raped and assaulted a woman and her husband for hours.

It was a completely valid issue, and reveal Dukakis to be a typical soft on crime lib.
Except Reagan had the very same furlough program.

If he released a convicted murderer serving a life sentence who went on a rampage and raped and assaulted a couple for hours, do you not think that that would reflect poorly on his administration and judgement and polices?
No. You Ben gazid him.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

And the subhuman "culture" of the white goyim thankfully is dying off

Do you really believe that?

Or are you just trolling?

Nope, The fact is the demographic shift is taking care of the white chirstian "culture" and their narrative that goes along with it

America's Getting Less White, and That Will Save It



Why Whites Should Fear Demographic Change

YOu words are unclear.

You do realize that Whites will remain the largest single ethnic group even after "minorities" together become the "majority", right?

And when us whites still have all the money.

Plus I promise you in 2 generations you will consider Hispanic and Arabic people as white. Chinese and Indians too. They all assimilate into white America. Look at the Mindy project. Her kids will be white Americans. Lucy lu? Her kids will be white. My Arab Iranian friends are just dark skinned whites. Other than not being blond they're just as white as I am.

Unless you go to a kkk rally then none of us are white enough.

YOu hope.

Regardless, two generations?

So, defacto one party rule for two generations, with unbridled anti-white discrimination and dem policies including continued high levels of Third World immigration during that time?

Yeah, that's going to work out GREAT.

I hope you enjoy the polite public discourse we have now, because these are the Good Old Days.
Bs. Do you know who Reagan's Karl Rove was? Can't think of his name right now but he worked for Reagan and implemented the southern strategy.

Lee Atwater. That's his name. Look him up. That was the 80's my friend.

Interestingly enough. A friend of my girlfriend's did an excellent documentary on him. You should check it out.

Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story (2008) - IMDb

Willie Horton was a murderer let out of prison by Dukakis who raped and assaulted a woman and her husband for hours.

It was a completely valid issue, and reveal Dukakis to be a typical soft on crime lib.
Except Reagan had the very same furlough program.

If he released a convicted murderer serving a life sentence who went on a rampage and raped and assaulted a couple for hours, do you not think that that would reflect poorly on his administration and judgement and polices?
No. You Ben gazid him.

The issue blew up in his face and his political opponents hit him with it.

He was held accountable for his policies.

It was completely valid.
In the Myth of the Southern Strategy, research is presented that shows that poor whites in the south continued to vote based on economic interests after the Dems finally started supporting Civil Rights.

From that right wing rag the New York Times.


"Everyone knows that race has long played a decisive role in Southern electoral politics. From the end of Reconstruction until the beginning of the civil rights era, the story goes, the national Democratic Party made room for segregationist members — and as a result dominated the South. But in the 50s and 60s, Democrats embraced the civil rights movement, costing them the white Southern vote. Meanwhile, the Republican Party successfully wooed disaffected white racists with a “Southern strategy” that championed “states’ rights.”

It’s an easy story to believe, but this year two political scientists called it into question. In their book “The End of Southern Exceptionalism,” Richard Johnston of the University of Pennsylvania and Byron Shafer of the University of Wisconsin argue that the shift in the South from Democratic to Republican was overwhelmingly a question not of race but of economic growth. In the postwar era, they note, the South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, not surprisingly, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interests: the G.O.P. Working-class whites, however — and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats. (This was true until the 90s, when the nation as a whole turned rightward in Congressional voting.)

The two scholars support their claim with an extensive survey of election returns and voter surveys. To give just one example: in the 50s, among Southerners in the low-income tercile, 43 percent voted for Republican Presidential candidates, while in the high-income tercile, 53 percent voted Republican; by the 80s, those figures were 51 percent and 77 percent, respectively. Wealthy Southerners shifted rightward in droves but poorer ones didn’t.

To be sure, Shafer says, many whites in the South aggressively opposed liberal Democrats on race issues. “But when folks went to the polling booths,” he says, “they didn’t shoot off their own toes. They voted by their economic preferences, not racial preferences.” Shafer says these results should give liberals hope. “If Southern politics is about class and not race,” he says, “then they can get it back.” "
These poor dumb southerners don't realize they vote against their own financial interests. Even the middle class ones are hurting themselves but they don't know it because they are middle class.

Middle class ppl shouldn't vote GOP either. They do because of wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism.
That's possibly the biggest load of horse manure I've ever seen.
Because you are one of them you don't see it. LOL
One of what?

The conservative message is that of the personal trainer. The liberal message is that of Santa Claus. Most voters appear to be children.
What state do you live in and how much do you make? How much does the average citizen around you make?

Do you know how rich Oakland County Michigan was before you guys ran all the manufacturing out of the country? High paid American workers ran them out? No shit. Who helped them by giving them tax breaks while leaving the country? That would be the GOP. Who would do that other than a party purposely trying to help corporations lower wages? Who would turn a blind eye for so many years and say Mexicans were only here doing jobs Americans wouldn't do, and now just 6 years later you racists are so stupid you don't remember it was your own party fucking you. We have an illegal employer problem here in America bub. Not an illegal immigrant problem. Because if you went after the employers the cockaroaches would scurry back to Mexico pronto andale aleba aleba fast as speedy gonzales.

Obama working for more immigration. Yeah Obama we need more poor immigrants

And the subhuman "culture" of the white goyim thankfully is dying off

Do you really believe that?

Or are you just trolling?
Nope, The fact is the demographic shift is taking care of the white chirstian "culture" and their narrative that goes along with it

America's Getting Less White, and That Will Save It



Why Whites Should Fear Demographic Change

YOu words are unclear.

You do realize that Whites will remain the largest single ethnic group even after "minorities" together become the "majority", right?

And when us whites still have all the money.

Plus I promise you in 2 generations you will consider Hispanic and Arabic people as white. Chinese and Indians too. They all assimilate into white America. Look at the Mindy project. Her kids will be white Americans. Lucy lu? Her kids will be white. My Arab Iranian friends are just dark skinned whites. Other than not being blond they're just as white as I am.

Unless you go to a kkk rally then none of us are white enough.

YOu hope.

Regardless, two generations?

So, defacto one party rule for two generations, with unbridled anti-white discrimination and dem policies including continued high levels of Third World immigration during that time?

Yeah, that's going to work out GREAT.

I hope you enjoy the polite public discourse we have now, because these are the Good Old Days.

I think we are done giving blacks aa. Time for them to stop asking for favors and making kids. If you are broke, don't reproduce.

All we have to do is start going after illegal employers like we did before bush stopped in 2000.

And don't forget as late as 2007 McCain said they were just here doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. You have amnesia?
Do you really believe that?

Or are you just trolling?
Nope, The fact is the demographic shift is taking care of the white chirstian "culture" and their narrative that goes along with it

America's Getting Less White, and That Will Save It



Why Whites Should Fear Demographic Change

YOu words are unclear.

You do realize that Whites will remain the largest single ethnic group even after "minorities" together become the "majority", right?

And when us whites still have all the money.

Plus I promise you in 2 generations you will consider Hispanic and Arabic people as white. Chinese and Indians too. They all assimilate into white America. Look at the Mindy project. Her kids will be white Americans. Lucy lu? Her kids will be white. My Arab Iranian friends are just dark skinned whites. Other than not being blond they're just as white as I am.

Unless you go to a kkk rally then none of us are white enough.

YOu hope.

Regardless, two generations?

So, defacto one party rule for two generations, with unbridled anti-white discrimination and dem policies including continued high levels of Third World immigration during that time?

Yeah, that's going to work out GREAT.

I hope you enjoy the polite public discourse we have now, because these are the Good Old Days.

I think we are done giving blacks aa. Time for them to stop asking for favors and making kids. If you are broke, don't reproduce.

All we have to do is start going after illegal employers like we did before bush stopped in 2000.

And don't forget as late as 2007 McCain said they were just here doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. You have amnesia?

We might be done with AA, but "we" aren't in charge anymore. AA is the law of the land, and as demographic change works it's magic, it is going to INCREASE NOT DECREASE.

In the New Haven FIrefighter case, every dem appointed Justice voted for blatant anti-white discrimination caused by Disparate Impact Theory.

Once they are the Majority, AA will become MORE egregious, not less.

"We" aren't going to do shit. Unless Trump wins, and maybe not even then. Employers are NOT going to be punished. High levels of Third World immigration will continue. Any attempt to even address it will be demagogued to death.

Not sure of your point with McCain. I have often admitted that the GOP is complicit in the immigration crisis.

You could be Glenn Beck's brother ..White boy:wtf:

Nope, The fact is the demographic shift is taking care of the white chirstian "culture" and their narrative that goes along with it

America's Getting Less White, and That Will Save It



Why Whites Should Fear Demographic Change

YOu words are unclear.

You do realize that Whites will remain the largest single ethnic group even after "minorities" together become the "majority", right?

And when us whites still have all the money.

Plus I promise you in 2 generations you will consider Hispanic and Arabic people as white. Chinese and Indians too. They all assimilate into white America. Look at the Mindy project. Her kids will be white Americans. Lucy lu? Her kids will be white. My Arab Iranian friends are just dark skinned whites. Other than not being blond they're just as white as I am.

Unless you go to a kkk rally then none of us are white enough.

YOu hope.

Regardless, two generations?

So, defacto one party rule for two generations, with unbridled anti-white discrimination and dem policies including continued high levels of Third World immigration during that time?

Yeah, that's going to work out GREAT.

I hope you enjoy the polite public discourse we have now, because these are the Good Old Days.

I think we are done giving blacks aa. Time for them to stop asking for favors and making kids. If you are broke, don't reproduce.

All we have to do is start going after illegal employers like we did before bush stopped in 2000.

And don't forget as late as 2007 McCain said they were just here doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. You have amnesia?

We might be done with AA, but "we" aren't in charge anymore. AA is the law of the land, and as demographic change works it's magic, it is going to INCREASE NOT DECREASE.

In the New Haven FIrefighter case, every dem appointed Justice voted for blatant anti-white discrimination caused by Disparate Impact Theory.

Once they are the Majority, AA will become MORE egregious, not less.

"We" aren't going to do shit. Unless Trump wins, and maybe not even then. Employers are NOT going to be punished. High levels of Third World immigration will continue. Any attempt to even address it will be demagogued to death.

Not sure of your point with McCain. I have often admitted that the GOP is complicit in the immigration crisis.

What should we do about the thousands of companies that knowingly hire illegals? We wouldn't need a wall if employers were worried about it. What does trump say about this?
YOu words are unclear.

You do realize that Whites will remain the largest single ethnic group even after "minorities" together become the "majority", right?
And when us whites still have all the money.

Plus I promise you in 2 generations you will consider Hispanic and Arabic people as white. Chinese and Indians too. They all assimilate into white America. Look at the Mindy project. Her kids will be white Americans. Lucy lu? Her kids will be white. My Arab Iranian friends are just dark skinned whites. Other than not being blond they're just as white as I am.

Unless you go to a kkk rally then none of us are white enough.

YOu hope.

Regardless, two generations?

So, defacto one party rule for two generations, with unbridled anti-white discrimination and dem policies including continued high levels of Third World immigration during that time?

Yeah, that's going to work out GREAT.

I hope you enjoy the polite public discourse we have now, because these are the Good Old Days.
I think we are done giving blacks aa. Time for them to stop asking for favors and making kids. If you are broke, don't reproduce.

All we have to do is start going after illegal employers like we did before bush stopped in 2000.

And don't forget as late as 2007 McCain said they were just here doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. You have amnesia?

We might be done with AA, but "we" aren't in charge anymore. AA is the law of the land, and as demographic change works it's magic, it is going to INCREASE NOT DECREASE.

In the New Haven FIrefighter case, every dem appointed Justice voted for blatant anti-white discrimination caused by Disparate Impact Theory.

Once they are the Majority, AA will become MORE egregious, not less.

"We" aren't going to do shit. Unless Trump wins, and maybe not even then. Employers are NOT going to be punished. High levels of Third World immigration will continue. Any attempt to even address it will be demagogued to death.

Not sure of your point with McCain. I have often admitted that the GOP is complicit in the immigration crisis.
What should we do about the thousands of companies that knowingly hire illegals? We wouldn't need a wall if employers were worried about it. What does trump say about this?

IMO, we should F**K them a lot. And not in a nice way.

Trump? NOt sure. What I have heard from him is far and away the most aggressive stance on the issue of any serious candidate.

I agree that if employers were not offering jobs to them that would greatly reduce the problem.
YOu words are unclear.

You do realize that Whites will remain the largest single ethnic group even after "minorities" together become the "majority", right?
And when us whites still have all the money.

Plus I promise you in 2 generations you will consider Hispanic and Arabic people as white. Chinese and Indians too. They all assimilate into white America. Look at the Mindy project. Her kids will be white Americans. Lucy lu? Her kids will be white. My Arab Iranian friends are just dark skinned whites. Other than not being blond they're just as white as I am.

Unless you go to a kkk rally then none of us are white enough.

YOu hope.

Regardless, two generations?

So, defacto one party rule for two generations, with unbridled anti-white discrimination and dem policies including continued high levels of Third World immigration during that time?

Yeah, that's going to work out GREAT.

I hope you enjoy the polite public discourse we have now, because these are the Good Old Days.
I think we are done giving blacks aa. Time for them to stop asking for favors and making kids. If you are broke, don't reproduce.

All we have to do is start going after illegal employers like we did before bush stopped in 2000.

And don't forget as late as 2007 McCain said they were just here doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. You have amnesia?

We might be done with AA, but "we" aren't in charge anymore. AA is the law of the land, and as demographic change works it's magic, it is going to INCREASE NOT DECREASE.

In the New Haven FIrefighter case, every dem appointed Justice voted for blatant anti-white discrimination caused by Disparate Impact Theory.

Once they are the Majority, AA will become MORE egregious, not less.

"We" aren't going to do shit. Unless Trump wins, and maybe not even then. Employers are NOT going to be punished. High levels of Third World immigration will continue. Any attempt to even address it will be demagogued to death.

Not sure of your point with McCain. I have often admitted that the GOP is complicit in the immigration crisis.
What should we do about the thousands of companies that knowingly hire illegals? We wouldn't need a wall if employers were worried about it. What does trump say about this?
They should be fined and sanctioned for hiring illegals. Let the illegals go back home. Why is Obama granting them executive amnesty? Why are the unions supporting Obama's amnesty? They sold out.Unions used to be against illegals..

And when us whites still have all the money.

Plus I promise you in 2 generations you will consider Hispanic and Arabic people as white. Chinese and Indians too. They all assimilate into white America. Look at the Mindy project. Her kids will be white Americans. Lucy lu? Her kids will be white. My Arab Iranian friends are just dark skinned whites. Other than not being blond they're just as white as I am.

Unless you go to a kkk rally then none of us are white enough.

YOu hope.

Regardless, two generations?

So, defacto one party rule for two generations, with unbridled anti-white discrimination and dem policies including continued high levels of Third World immigration during that time?

Yeah, that's going to work out GREAT.

I hope you enjoy the polite public discourse we have now, because these are the Good Old Days.
I think we are done giving blacks aa. Time for them to stop asking for favors and making kids. If you are broke, don't reproduce.

All we have to do is start going after illegal employers like we did before bush stopped in 2000.

And don't forget as late as 2007 McCain said they were just here doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. You have amnesia?

We might be done with AA, but "we" aren't in charge anymore. AA is the law of the land, and as demographic change works it's magic, it is going to INCREASE NOT DECREASE.

In the New Haven FIrefighter case, every dem appointed Justice voted for blatant anti-white discrimination caused by Disparate Impact Theory.

Once they are the Majority, AA will become MORE egregious, not less.

"We" aren't going to do shit. Unless Trump wins, and maybe not even then. Employers are NOT going to be punished. High levels of Third World immigration will continue. Any attempt to even address it will be demagogued to death.

Not sure of your point with McCain. I have often admitted that the GOP is complicit in the immigration crisis.
What should we do about the thousands of companies that knowingly hire illegals? We wouldn't need a wall if employers were worried about it. What does trump say about this?
They should be fined and sanctioned for hiring illegals. Let the illegals go back home. Why is Obama granting them executive amnesty? Why are the unions supporting Obama's amnesty? They sold out.Unions used to be against illegals..

Because if you refuse to go after the illegal employers, and if employers aren't lying when they say they can't find Americans to do the work, may as well make it legal. It's like you want to keep fucking the neighbors daughter but you don't want to marry her
Notice jroc can only go so far as to impose a small fine and "sanction" them? Whatever the fuck that means.

In other words a slap on the wrist.

Republicans don't really want to solve this problem.

And notice too Republicans can argue and flip flop on any issue. They are the masters of spin. 8 years ago it was jobs Americans won't do this year it's unions fault. You people are unfuckingbelievable.
YOu hope.

Regardless, two generations?

So, defacto one party rule for two generations, with unbridled anti-white discrimination and dem policies including continued high levels of Third World immigration during that time?

Yeah, that's going to work out GREAT.

I hope you enjoy the polite public discourse we have now, because these are the Good Old Days.
I think we are done giving blacks aa. Time for them to stop asking for favors and making kids. If you are broke, don't reproduce.

All we have to do is start going after illegal employers like we did before bush stopped in 2000.

And don't forget as late as 2007 McCain said they were just here doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. You have amnesia?

We might be done with AA, but "we" aren't in charge anymore. AA is the law of the land, and as demographic change works it's magic, it is going to INCREASE NOT DECREASE.

In the New Haven FIrefighter case, every dem appointed Justice voted for blatant anti-white discrimination caused by Disparate Impact Theory.

Once they are the Majority, AA will become MORE egregious, not less.

"We" aren't going to do shit. Unless Trump wins, and maybe not even then. Employers are NOT going to be punished. High levels of Third World immigration will continue. Any attempt to even address it will be demagogued to death.

Not sure of your point with McCain. I have often admitted that the GOP is complicit in the immigration crisis.
What should we do about the thousands of companies that knowingly hire illegals? We wouldn't need a wall if employers were worried about it. What does trump say about this?
They should be fined and sanctioned for hiring illegals. Let the illegals go back home. Why is Obama granting them executive amnesty? Why are the unions supporting Obama's amnesty? They sold out.Unions used to be against illegals..

Because if you refuse to go after the illegal employers, and if employers aren't lying when they say they can't find Americans to do the work, may as well make it legal. It's like you want to keep fucking the neighbors daughter but you don't want to marry her

Who refuse Obama and the RINOs? who supports the Chamber of commerce?certainly not most conservatives
Notice jroc can only go so far as to impose a small fine and "sanction" them? Whatever the fuck that means.

In other words a slap on the wrist.

Republicans don't really want to solve this problem.

And notice too Republicans can argue and flip flop on any issue. They are the masters of spin. 8 years ago it was jobs Americans won't do this year it's unions fault. You people are unfuckingbelievable.
LOL.... We defeated Bush's amnesty attempt where you been? Don't put words in my mouth boy:slap:
All these illegals need to be going home, because our business cant hire them ..Romney called it self deportation and he was laughed at
YOu hope.

Regardless, two generations?

So, defacto one party rule for two generations, with unbridled anti-white discrimination and dem policies including continued high levels of Third World immigration during that time?

Yeah, that's going to work out GREAT.

I hope you enjoy the polite public discourse we have now, because these are the Good Old Days.
I think we are done giving blacks aa. Time for them to stop asking for favors and making kids. If you are broke, don't reproduce.

All we have to do is start going after illegal employers like we did before bush stopped in 2000.

And don't forget as late as 2007 McCain said they were just here doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. You have amnesia?

We might be done with AA, but "we" aren't in charge anymore. AA is the law of the land, and as demographic change works it's magic, it is going to INCREASE NOT DECREASE.

In the New Haven FIrefighter case, every dem appointed Justice voted for blatant anti-white discrimination caused by Disparate Impact Theory.

Once they are the Majority, AA will become MORE egregious, not less.

"We" aren't going to do shit. Unless Trump wins, and maybe not even then. Employers are NOT going to be punished. High levels of Third World immigration will continue. Any attempt to even address it will be demagogued to death.

Not sure of your point with McCain. I have often admitted that the GOP is complicit in the immigration crisis.
What should we do about the thousands of companies that knowingly hire illegals? We wouldn't need a wall if employers were worried about it. What does trump say about this?
They should be fined and sanctioned for hiring illegals. Let the illegals go back home. Why is Obama granting them executive amnesty? Why are the unions supporting Obama's amnesty? They sold out.Unions used to be against illegals..

Because if you refuse to go after the illegal employers, and if employers aren't lying when they say they can't find Americans to do the work, may as well make it legal. It's like you want to keep fucking the neighbors daughter but you don't want to marry her

But they are lying.

They can't find Americans to do the work, for the shit wages they want pay.
All these illegals need to be going home, because our business cant hire them ..Romney called it self deportation and he was laughed at
But they do. Why? Because work raids and fines stopped when bush got in. And this all started on Reagan's watch. Before him migrant fruit pickers came and left at the end of the summer. The GOP wanted to flood the market with workers. It lowers wages. That's the GOP wet dream.

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