A message to America from Black America.

"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

My last name is only what it it is because 500 years ago my great great great great etc grandfather made his daughter marry her husband and his name just so happened to be sealybobo.

Don't you feel lucky being born in this century and in this continent?
All these illegals need to be going home, because our business cant hire them ..Romney called it self deportation and he was laughed at
But they do. Why? Because work raids and fines stopped when bush got in. And this all started on Reagan's watch. Before him migrant fruit pickers came and left at the end of the summer. The GOP wanted to flood the market with workers. It lowers wages. That's the GOP wet dream.

Is it my job to defend the GOP the establishment who has sold out to the crony capitalist? they want the cheap labor, Democrats want the votes. Reagan's ended up regretting his immigration reform, because he didn't get the enforcement, and border security he wanted. This isn't the 1980s. Wages are stagnant, immigration is out of control. and Obama takes it upon himself, not to go through congress, but to simply declare executive amnesty.
As whites become a MINORITY, we cannot afford to give preferential treatment to blacks or others.

So dont give preferential treatment to the minority because the majority will become the minority one day? If that isnt the funniest thing. He makes it sound like being a minority is a disadvantage. But that cant be true because whites tell minorities all the time how equal it is.

I fully explained the reason in the part of my post that you cut, you dishonest moron.

It doesnt matter what you "explained". What I posted is the result minus your explanation that means dick.
All these illegals need to be going home, because our business cant hire them ..Romney called it self deportation and he was laughed at
But they do. Why? Because work raids and fines stopped when bush got in. And this all started on Reagan's watch. Before him migrant fruit pickers came and left at the end of the summer. The GOP wanted to flood the market with workers. It lowers wages. That's the GOP wet dream.

Is it my job to defend the GOP the establishment who has sold out to the crony capitalist? they want the cheap labor, Democrats want the votes. Reagan's ended up regretting his immigration reform, because he didn't get the enforcement, and border security he wanted. This isn't the 1980s. Wages are stagnant, immigration is out of control. and Obama takes it upon himself, not to go through congress, but to simply declare executive amnesty.

The effect of wage suppression is not limited to illegal immigrants. This all goes back to the Kennedy Immigration Act of 65, which made the US immigration policy to import mostly unskilled Third World immigrants.
As whites become a MINORITY, we cannot afford to give preferential treatment to blacks or others.

So dont give preferential treatment to the minority because the majority will become the minority one day? If that isnt the funniest thing. He makes it sound like being a minority is a disadvantage. But that cant be true because whites tell minorities all the time how equal it is.

I fully explained the reason in the part of my post that you cut, you dishonest moron.

It doesnt matter what you "explained". What I posted is the result minus your explanation that means dick.

No, you ask a question that I have already answered, and that answer you cut so you could ask the question.

As whites become a MINORITY, we cannot afford to give preferential treatment to blacks or others.

So dont give preferential treatment to the minority because the majority will become the minority one day? If that isnt the funniest thing. He makes it sound like being a minority is a disadvantage. But that cant be true because whites tell minorities all the time how equal it is.

I fully explained the reason in the part of my post that you cut, you dishonest moron.

It doesnt matter what you "explained". What I posted is the result minus your explanation that means dick.

No, you ask a question that I have already answered, and that answer you cut so you could ask the question.


So what? That doesnt change anything about the results of your faggot ass proposal and what the results of that proposal will be
As whites become a MINORITY, we cannot afford to give preferential treatment to blacks or others.

So dont give preferential treatment to the minority because the majority will become the minority one day? If that isnt the funniest thing. He makes it sound like being a minority is a disadvantage. But that cant be true because whites tell minorities all the time how equal it is.

I fully explained the reason in the part of my post that you cut, you dishonest moron.

It doesnt matter what you "explained". What I posted is the result minus your explanation that means dick.

No, you ask a question that I have already answered, and that answer you cut so you could ask the question.


So what? That doesnt change anything about the results of your faggot ass proposal and what the results of that proposal will be

What do you think the results of my proposal will be?
I just said it dumb fucker...you quoted it

Mmm, nope. YOu made no predictions of what would occur.

What do you think the results of my proposal would be?

And while you are at it, could you state what you perceive my proposal to be? Just to make sure we are on the same page?
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

There has been many incorrect things preached to the black race over the years. This poor kid actually believes this nonsense. These lies told to blacks have made things a lot worse for whites and especially blacks. Everybody loses except for the few such as Al Sharpton and the many politicians.
I just said it dumb fucker...you quoted it

Mmm, nope. YOu made no predictions of what would occur.

What do you think the results of my proposal would be?

And while you are at it, could you state what you perceive my proposal to be? Just to make sure we are on the same page?

You asked me what I thought the results of your proposal will be. I told you, now you want to debate whether it was a thought or a prediction...

I just said it dumb fucker...you quoted it

Mmm, nope. YOu made no predictions of what would occur.

What do you think the results of my proposal would be?

And while you are at it, could you state what you perceive my proposal to be? Just to make sure we are on the same page?

You asked me what I thought the results of your proposal will be. I told you, now you want to debate whether it was a thought or a prediction...


I was talking to someone else when you jumped in, and after some raving offered that you mentioned the "results" of my proposal.

But with zero information about what you thought those results would be.

From your tone you seem against my proposal, but you have given me no information on what those results would be.

I'm curious of what terrors you imagine if we do not discriminate against whites in favor of blacks.
There has been many incorrect things preached to the black race over the years. This poor kid actually believes this nonsense. These lies told to blacks have made things a lot worse for whites and especially blacks. Everybody loses except for the few such as Al Sharpton and the many politicians.

I think that in a multi-racial society there cannot be any harmony.
Such a society is doomed.

The result will be separation, and a peaceful separation is preferable, but not always achievable.

In a multi-racial society the different races will always feel that they are discriminated because of their "otherness".

On the other hand it is understandable, that in a multi-racial society nepotism will always thrive. It is human and understandable.

Everybody prefers to be surrounded by people who are like himself.
You cannot change it, it is ingrained in human genes, and it is the result of evolution.

I fully agree with Muhammad Ali.
He is an intelligent black person.

In a society, like USA, people who constantly talk about "racism" and instigate the blacks and whites against each others, are themselves the biggest racists.

A multi-racial society is doomed, because such a society cannot be a meritocratic society.

Not the most intelligent people get the better jobs, but the people with the "right" race.

If you introduce quotas and affirmative actions, you destroy meritocracy, which is colour blind.

In a homogeneous society you do not have such problems, not the people with the "right" colour become leaders and get the better jobs, because all people are of the same race in a homogeneous society, but people with the highest IQ.

In the USA the group with better networking abilities (nepotism) will eventually dominate the society, not the most intelligent people who should be the leaders.

There is no meritocracy in the USA any more, and that is the reason why USA is going down the drain.

The Myth of American Meritocracy
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lynchings???? Blacks kill far more whites than whites kill blacks.
Could be they're trying to play catch up for the last few hundred years.
I started out in prison. Took me a FEW years. Just how stupid are they?
A white person with a criminal record is more likely to get a job than a black person with a clean record.

Resumes with black sounding names don't even get considered more often than not.

Let that sink in.

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"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

I hope someone gets to this guy and lets him know that never in any instant of history has begging the oppressor to stop oppressing worked. Forsake white culture. Teach your children the truth about who they are. Kings and Queens. Build your own community. Spend your money there first and if possible only there. Never quit.

Kids should be built up, not torn down and given excuses why they cant succeed

What's your point, that we need MORE black history?

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

I hope someone gets to this guy and lets him know that never in any instant of history has begging the oppressor to stop oppressing worked. Forsake white culture. Teach your children the truth about who they are. Kings and Queens. Build your own community. Spend your money there first and if possible only there. Never quit.

Kids should be built up, not torn down and given excuses why they cant succeed

What's your point, that we need MORE black history?

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

We do actually, build the kids up with pride in their heritage, not tear them down and make them angry at Whitey and America,and give them reason why they can't accomplish anything they set their minds to in America:thup:
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

There has been many incorrect things preached to the black race over the years. This poor kid actually believes this nonsense. These lies told to blacks have made things a lot worse for whites and especially blacks. Everybody loses except for the few such as Al Sharpton and the many politicians.

Nothing in the video is a lie.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

There has been many incorrect things preached to the black race over the years. This poor kid actually believes this nonsense. These lies told to blacks have made things a lot worse for whites and especially blacks. Everybody loses except for the few such as Al Sharpton and the many politicians.

Nothing in the video is a lie.
Please. When a video starts with jungle bunny civilizations, it's pretty much a done deal.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

I hope someone gets to this guy and lets him know that never in any instant of history has begging the oppressor to stop oppressing worked. Forsake white culture. Teach your children the truth about who they are. Kings and Queens. Build your own community. Spend your money there first and if possible only there. Never quit.

Kids should be built up, not torn down and given excuses why they cant succeed

What's your point, that we need MORE black history?

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

We do actually, build the kids up with pride in their heritage, not tear them down and make them angry at Whitey and America,and give them reason why they can't accomplish anything they set their minds to in America:thup:

That's already happening during black history month.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

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