A message to America from Black America.

Pleanty of prejudice even in all monoethnic communities. Even if blacks existed on their own, they'd still fight amongst themselves just as they're doing already with 'black' vs 'less black.'

Bottom line is unless you were actually a slave, you owe a trendous thanks to slavery bringing your ancestors over here. Not like it'd have been better if you stayed in Africa. Life expectency of 560 if you're lucky. Profound poverty, every fifth or so person has HIV, famine, civil wars, general misery.

Without slavery you wouldn't be here.
Pleanty of prejudice even in all monoethnic communities. Even if blacks existed on their own, they'd still fight amongst themselves just as they're doing already with 'black' vs 'less black.'

Bottom line is unless you were actually a slave, you owe a trendous thanks to slavery bringing your ancestors over here. Not like it'd have been better if you stayed in Africa. Life expectency of 560 if you're lucky. Profound poverty, every fifth or so person has HIV, famine, civil wars, general misery.

Without slavery you wouldn't be here.

Shut up stupid...without slavery America wouldnt be what it is today. And without slavery Africa wouldnt have been raped into the ground the way it was.

Ya'll like to pretend that America would've been like this no matter what so thank your lucky stars you're here.
Pleanty of prejudice even in all monoethnic communities. Even if blacks existed on their own, they'd still fight amongst themselves just as they're doing already with 'black' vs 'less black.'

Bottom line is unless you were actually a slave, you owe a trendous thanks to slavery bringing your ancestors over here. Not like it'd have been better if you stayed in Africa. Life expectency of 560 if you're lucky. Profound poverty, every fifth or so person has HIV, famine, civil wars, general misery.

Without slavery you wouldn't be here.

Shut up stupid...without slavery America wouldnt be what it is today. And without slavery Africa wouldnt have been raped into the ground the way it was.

Ya'll like to pretend that America would've been like this no matter what so thank your lucky stars you're here.

Africa got raped because it never developed itself. Still hasn't. It's the welfare continent relying on foreign aid instead of improving things for its' own peoples. In a way slavery was the best thing that could have happened to it spreading black genes around the world whereas without it they'd have stayed there.

Sucks, but oftewn times bad things have good effects. Holocaust's the same way. Without it, Israel likely wouldn't exist as it does now. Founding of it in 1948 was a direct result of the Holocaust a few years before. WWII and the Nazis gave the world the space age. Artillery computers modern computing. Slavery too has had positive effects.
Pleanty of prejudice even in all monoethnic communities. Even if blacks existed on their own, they'd still fight amongst themselves just as they're doing already with 'black' vs 'less black.'

Bottom line is unless you were actually a slave, you owe a trendous thanks to slavery bringing your ancestors over here. Not like it'd have been better if you stayed in Africa. Life expectency of 560 if you're lucky. Profound poverty, every fifth or so person has HIV, famine, civil wars, general misery.

Without slavery you wouldn't be here.
I'm not mad at the meteor that murdered 99% of my ancestors. If it didn't I wouldn't be here.

But all those poor triceratops and wooley mammouth an velopsa raptors. God is truly evil.
Pleanty of prejudice even in all monoethnic communities. Even if blacks existed on their own, they'd still fight amongst themselves just as they're doing already with 'black' vs 'less black.'

Bottom line is unless you were actually a slave, you owe a trendous thanks to slavery bringing your ancestors over here. Not like it'd have been better if you stayed in Africa. Life expectency of 560 if you're lucky. Profound poverty, every fifth or so person has HIV, famine, civil wars, general misery.

Without slavery you wouldn't be here.

Shut up stupid...without slavery America wouldnt be what it is today. And without slavery Africa wouldnt have been raped into the ground the way it was.

Ya'll like to pretend that America would've been like this no matter what so thank your lucky stars you're here.

Africa got raped because it never developed itself. Still hasn't.

False, look up apartheid and African Colonization. It was raped to all hell by Europeans.

It's the welfare continent relying on foreign aid instead of improving things for its' own peoples. In a way slavery was the best thing that could have happened to it spreading black genes around the world whereas without it they'd have stayed there.

Again, thats a nice little theory to tie in with American blacks and welfare but do you think Portugal, Euro and French were there doing Safari's?

Sucks, but oftewn times bad things have good effects. Holocaust's the same way. Without it, Israel likely wouldn't exist as it does now. Founding of it in 1948 was a direct result of the Holocaust a few years before. WWII and the Nazis gave the world the space age. Artillery computers modern computing. Slavery too has had positive effects.

Yes, but lets stop pretending that America would be the America it is today without slavery shall we? I mean, if we're being honest and all
Pleanty of prejudice even in all monoethnic communities. Even if blacks existed on their own, they'd still fight amongst themselves just as they're doing already with 'black' vs 'less black.'

Bottom line is unless you were actually a slave, you owe a trendous thanks to slavery bringing your ancestors over here. Not like it'd have been better if you stayed in Africa. Life expectency of 560 if you're lucky. Profound poverty, every fifth or so person has HIV, famine, civil wars, general misery.

Without slavery you wouldn't be here.
I'm not mad at the meteor that murdered 99% of my ancestors. If it didn't I wouldn't be here.

But all those poor triceratops and wooley mammouth an velopsa raptors. God is truly evil.

Mixing your mass extinctions. ): Mammoths were extant not 10,000 years ago. Triceratops went bye-bye 65 million years ago. :)
Pleanty of prejudice even in all monoethnic communities. Even if blacks existed on their own, they'd still fight amongst themselves just as they're doing already with 'black' vs 'less black.'

Bottom line is unless you were actually a slave, you owe a trendous thanks to slavery bringing your ancestors over here. Not like it'd have been better if you stayed in Africa. Life expectency of 560 if you're lucky. Profound poverty, every fifth or so person has HIV, famine, civil wars, general misery.

Without slavery you wouldn't be here.

Shut up stupid...without slavery America wouldnt be what it is today. And without slavery Africa wouldnt have been raped into the ground the way it was.

Ya'll like to pretend that America would've been like this no matter what so thank your lucky stars you're here.

Telling people to shut up instead of conversing. You must be an American Liberal. Because your so much better and smarter, every thing isn't as black and white as you make it out to be. America would still be great, we were great despite slavery. Guess you never heard of the yin and the yang, with good comes bad and with bad comes good, its just life, you can't go back and change it but if you want to play the blame game you can make everyone miserable including yourself
Pleanty of prejudice even in all monoethnic communities. Even if blacks existed on their own, they'd still fight amongst themselves just as they're doing already with 'black' vs 'less black.'

Bottom line is unless you were actually a slave, you owe a trendous thanks to slavery bringing your ancestors over here. Not like it'd have been better if you stayed in Africa. Life expectency of 560 if you're lucky. Profound poverty, every fifth or so person has HIV, famine, civil wars, general misery.

Without slavery you wouldn't be here.

Shut up stupid...without slavery America wouldnt be what it is today. And without slavery Africa wouldnt have been raped into the ground the way it was.

Ya'll like to pretend that America would've been like this no matter what so thank your lucky stars you're here.

Telling people to shut up instead of conversing. You must be an American Liberal.

Ok, I can see where this is going. Ignore the topic and wag a finger at someone

Because your so much better and smarter, every thing isn't as black and white as you make it out to be.

Saying you disagree without pointing out the disagreement. Classic nothing statement!

America would still be great, we were great despite slavery.

Assertive statements that attempts to push your ideas as "fact"

Guess you never heard of the yin and the yang, with good comes bad and with bad comes good, its just life, you can't go back and change it but if you want to play the blame game you can make everyone miserable including yourself

Again, a nothing statement like "water is wet" and including another personal dig. Wow, you've convinced me sir...Yin and Yang, Slavery! Got it
Pleanty of prejudice even in all monoethnic communities. Even if blacks existed on their own, they'd still fight amongst themselves just as they're doing already with 'black' vs 'less black.'

Bottom line is unless you were actually a slave, you owe a trendous thanks to slavery bringing your ancestors over here. Not like it'd have been better if you stayed in Africa. Life expectency of 560 if you're lucky. Profound poverty, every fifth or so person has HIV, famine, civil wars, general misery.

Without slavery you wouldn't be here.

Shut up stupid...without slavery America wouldnt be what it is today. And without slavery Africa wouldnt have been raped into the ground the way it was.

Ya'll like to pretend that America would've been like this no matter what so thank your lucky stars you're here.

Telling people to shut up instead of conversing. You must be an American Liberal.

Ok, I can see where this is going. Ignore the topic and wag a finger at someone

Because your so much better and smarter, every thing isn't as black and white as you make it out to be.

Saying you disagree without pointing out the disagreement. Classic nothing statement!

America would still be great, we were great despite slavery.

Assertive statements that attempts to push your ideas as "fact"

Guess you never heard of the yin and the yang, with good comes bad and with bad comes good, its just life, you can't go back and change it but if you want to play the blame game you can make everyone miserable including yourself

Again, a nothing statement like "water is wet" and including another personal dig. Wow, you've convinced me sir...Yin and Yang, Slavery! Got it

Why is that Arab countries are so backwards? They've been raping and pillaging others for centuries, They should be much more advanced. Truth is there are many other factors to a society than the blame you can place on someone else. You just like to blame America first
Thanks, now you've abandoned the thread topic which shows I have you over a barrel. Good job there buddy.
Thanks, now you've abandoned the thread topic which shows I have you over a barrel. Good job there buddy.

Well that's your opinion, But I don't think comparables are abandoning the thread. Without Oil. Much of the Middle East would be much more backwards.

Part of Africa's problem historically is their geography and their lack of sailing fleets, Their geography was not as conducive to the need and development for that, as European countries , always had a place close by they needed to sail to. They had a much greater need for new inventions and technology increased by necessity.

Africans had less of a need for invention because of many natural factors, they were rather self sustaining. Blaming others for Africa's lack of development , tells a part of the story by not the greater story
Pleanty of prejudice even in all monoethnic communities. Even if blacks existed on their own, they'd still fight amongst themselves just as they're doing already with 'black' vs 'less black.'

Bottom line is unless you were actually a slave, you owe a trendous thanks to slavery bringing your ancestors over here. Not like it'd have been better if you stayed in Africa. Life expectency of 560 if you're lucky. Profound poverty, every fifth or so person has HIV, famine, civil wars, general misery.

Without slavery you wouldn't be here.
I dont owe anything for slavery bringing my ancestors here. You sound like a retard.
Pleanty of prejudice even in all monoethnic communities. Even if blacks existed on their own, they'd still fight amongst themselves just as they're doing already with 'black' vs 'less black.'

Bottom line is unless you were actually a slave, you owe a trendous thanks to slavery bringing your ancestors over here. Not like it'd have been better if you stayed in Africa. Life expectency of 560 if you're lucky. Profound poverty, every fifth or so person has HIV, famine, civil wars, general misery.

Without slavery you wouldn't be here.

Shut up stupid...without slavery America wouldnt be what it is today. And without slavery Africa wouldnt have been raped into the ground the way it was.

Ya'll like to pretend that America would've been like this no matter what so thank your lucky stars you're here.

Africa got raped because it never developed itself. Still hasn't. It's the welfare continent relying on foreign aid instead of improving things for its' own peoples. In a way slavery was the best thing that could have happened to it spreading black genes around the world whereas without it they'd have stayed there.

Sucks, but oftewn times bad things have good effects. Holocaust's the same way. Without it, Israel likely wouldn't exist as it does now. Founding of it in 1948 was a direct result of the Holocaust a few years before. WWII and the Nazis gave the world the space age. Artillery computers modern computing. Slavery too has had positive effects.
What whites consider "developed" doesnt hold merit. This is why people of color the world over consider you whites a virus. Thats why I always say fuck what a white boy thinks.
how long has slavery been over? how long is everything wrong in these peoples lives going to be dumped on the other people living in this country. 100 years isn't enough to go make something of yourself. it's beyond pathetic and people fed up with you already. go get a life
Slavery has never been over dummy. Why do you clowns never do your research and figure it out?
an educated Black man is only a threat to Progressives. And of course an educated Black man's education is worthless if he allows himself to be a petty, race-baiting Progressive brainwashed loser anyway....................like somebody here.....................ijs
Gimme a break. An educated Black man is a threat to the white racist system constructed here in the US. Practically everyone knows that.
The most dangerous thing in America is a Black man with a library card.
Not a gun?
No they like us to have guns so we can go to jail for killing another Black person and hopefully get a 2 for 1. A Black man thats educated understands the system and teaches other Black people how to succeed.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

As a Filipino I feel for the African-American since we also knew how it felt like to undergo lies and oppression.

After the Philippine-American war, President Mckinley was quoted in saying that the "Filipinos need to be civilized, Christianized and taught democracy"

And the ironic thing is that, in order to spread democracy, the Americans obliterated the democratically elected First Philippine Republic, they also claimed to want to spread Christianity to the heathen Filipinos, when in fact we were already Christian since the 1500s and we were to be "Civilized" when we were already home to civilizations far older than in America.

The Americans lied, cheated and then ruthlessly massacred my people once.

"Kill everyone over the age of ten"
~Jacob H Smith (On the Philippine-American War)

So, considering our history. We feel very deeply with the issue of black welfare and black rights, considering that we too were trampled upon and desecrated by an overbearing oppressive system.

However, hearkening back over and over to the past will not change anything. Instead, we should take a more progressive approach and learn to heal and forgive old wounds and also, moving forward.

Yes, the common American will never get to feel the pain and struggle of being black, but blacks should not linger in self-pity and pull themselves out of it.

There is a saying: "Victory has many fathers, while defeat is an orphan". If African-Americans can't be strong for themselves? Who else will? People should stop living in pity.

Nevertheless, you have a mission to serve as a conscience to the white man.

And tell them to stop their bloodthirsty oppression. If we don't stand together, then the opression of, the slavery in Louisiana, the massacre of Native-Americans, the extermination of the Hawaiian royal family, the Philippine-American War, the Vietnam war or Iraq war will simply continue to repeat itself over and over again.

Stay strong, stay vigilant.

What happened in the Philippines is one of the darkest chapters in American History.

I am always amazed by the Friendship and Warmness of the Filipino people toward Americans.
how long has slavery been over? how long is everything wrong in these peoples lives going to be dumped on the other people living in this country. 100 years isn't enough to go make something of yourself. it's beyond pathetic and people fed up with you already. go get a life

Systemic racism still exists, it's just not as bad as it was pre 1970. No thanks to folks like yourself.

you're the biggest race hustler and bigot on this board.


The first is a made up, bullshit term conservatives use to attack advocates.

The second? You have no idea what it's meaning actually is..

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