A message to America from Black America.


As much a Correll wants blacks to forget just remember, these were the images on postcards that whites sent to family members....You have to be a sick fuck to do shit like that.

Let me try to help you again.

GEt over it.

McCain was tortured for years by the North Vietnamese.

Later as a Senator he voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

He got over it.

John McCain isnt over it, hell he made a career out of it.

He voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

That is very impressive.

I would not expect that of many people.

But I am not asking you to get over something that happened to you.

But something that happened generations ago.

Get over it.

We dont have to vote for normal relations with whites, we just did it. But again, McCain hasnt forgotten about it yet you see that as some sort of virtue.

McCain has built a career on it. You need a better example or actually not....just fall back no one cares what you think other people should do.
You make a great point. Are there Greek gangs now in Greece? Is their problems because they are greeks? Am i defending greeks? Do Greek women raise their kids so they can't speak proper Greek?

You can bet you the birth rate is down in Greece. If they can't afford kids, they don't have them. And smart Greeks left Greece. Lots you could learn studying the Greeks.

The Greek Mafia is the colloquial term used to refer to various organized crime elements originating from Greece. Indigenous organized criminal groups are well-entrenched in the largest Greek urban centers, particularly in Athens. This is not only in thanks to the widespread political corruption in the country itself.[1] The Greek mafia should not be confused with Greek street gangs, who take part in smaller street crime. Outside of the domestic Greek criminal organizations the Sicilian mafia, Camorra, the Albanian, Russian and Georgian mafia groups have been operating in Greece in collaboration with the domestic criminal syndicates.[2]

In the United States, ethnic Greek organized crime groups include the Philadelphia Greek Mob andVelentzas crime family.

Black birthrate declined more than any other between 1990 and 2010:

Level of crime in Greece is Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery High

And it is almost all the illegal immigrants.

Detroit has the highest murder and violent crime rate of any major city in the country, according to the FBI. FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics released Monday show that Detroit logged 316 murders and non-negligent manslaughters last year, with a rate of 45 per 100,000 people.

Detroit's Staggering Murder Rate Is 'A Public Health Issue'

Your culture is producing a public health issue.

You are more obtuse than I thought.
Crime is increasing in Greece due to austerity measures being taken by the government to get a handle on their economic crisis. Even YOU have suggested that there is a correlation between poverty and crime.... Well, Grecians are no less human than anyone else...poverty will cause crime to increase there too.

My culture is not based in Detroit and is certainly not defined by the gangsters and thugs roaming about committing violent acts. No, my culture is one of hard work and sacrifice... community, and; social interaction with peaceful people who profess Christianity and altruism. Is yours superior to that?

In your small mind, Detroit has become the symbol of Black life everywhere. You are caught up in it and nothing can break you free of that mental image. All Blacks are Detroiters to you no matter where they live.. To you Detroit is the essence of Black culture and thats it... there is nothing else.... Blacks are ALL Detroiters.
OK, stop jumping up and down. Instead of only Detroit, let's add Chicago, Baltimore, Ferguson, East Saint Louis, Oakland, Atlanta or any other shit hole with a large black population. You're trying to pick up a turd by the clean end.

Any way you do it, you fail. Things are what they are.
That was a good analogy you used with the turd. The problem is that your people are the ones that laid the turd then want Blacks to pick it up. When are you white boys going to learn to use a toilet? Youre a bunch of cave monkeys. :laugh:
You are pretty dense. You can't pick up a turd by the clean end. Blacks are obviously the turd. You can't win this. Sorry.

Now, get back to how your black geniuses couldn't figure out how to build mud pyramids and temples as proof of their great civilizations. That's always good for a chuckle.

As much a Correll wants blacks to forget just remember, these were the images on postcards that whites sent to family members....You have to be a sick fuck to do shit like that.

Let me try to help you again.

GEt over it.

McCain was tortured for years by the North Vietnamese.

Later as a Senator he voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

He got over it.

John McCain isnt over it, hell he made a career out of it.

He voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

That is very impressive.

I would not expect that of many people.

But I am not asking you to get over something that happened to you.

But something that happened generations ago.

Get over it.

We dont have to vote for normal relations with whites, we just did it. But again, McCain hasnt forgotten about it yet you see that as some sort of virtue.

McCain has built a career on it. You need a better example or actually not....just fall back no one cares what you think other people should do.
Maybe he should use the Jews and the Holocaust.

As much a Correll wants blacks to forget just remember, these were the images on postcards that whites sent to family members....You have to be a sick fuck to do shit like that.

Let me try to help you again.

GEt over it.

McCain was tortured for years by the North Vietnamese.

Later as a Senator he voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

He got over it.
Sorry white boy. We dont get over things because you say so. If you dont like it ....too bad. Next?

You tell me.

How do you see the future?
I see it as Black and powerful. Does that upset you?

If I thought is was true it would.

YOu do realize that even after 2050, whites, though then a minority, will still be the largest single ethnic demographic in the nation right?

And Hispanics will be far and away the SECOND largest.

You blacks will be number 3.

That does not equal "black and powerful".

That equals a fucking mess, with everyone pissed off and fighting each other.
The Greek Mafia is the colloquial term used to refer to various organized crime elements originating from Greece. Indigenous organized criminal groups are well-entrenched in the largest Greek urban centers, particularly in Athens. This is not only in thanks to the widespread political corruption in the country itself.[1] The Greek mafia should not be confused with Greek street gangs, who take part in smaller street crime. Outside of the domestic Greek criminal organizations the Sicilian mafia, Camorra, the Albanian, Russian and Georgian mafia groups have been operating in Greece in collaboration with the domestic criminal syndicates.[2]

In the United States, ethnic Greek organized crime groups include the Philadelphia Greek Mob andVelentzas crime family.

Black birthrate declined more than any other between 1990 and 2010:

Level of crime in Greece is Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery High

And it is almost all the illegal immigrants.

Detroit has the highest murder and violent crime rate of any major city in the country, according to the FBI. FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics released Monday show that Detroit logged 316 murders and non-negligent manslaughters last year, with a rate of 45 per 100,000 people.

Detroit's Staggering Murder Rate Is 'A Public Health Issue'

Your culture is producing a public health issue.

You are more obtuse than I thought.
Crime is increasing in Greece due to austerity measures being taken by the government to get a handle on their economic crisis. Even YOU have suggested that there is a correlation between poverty and crime.... Well, Grecians are no less human than anyone else...poverty will cause crime to increase there too.

My culture is not based in Detroit and is certainly not defined by the gangsters and thugs roaming about committing violent acts. No, my culture is one of hard work and sacrifice... community, and; social interaction with peaceful people who profess Christianity and altruism. Is yours superior to that?

In your small mind, Detroit has become the symbol of Black life everywhere. You are caught up in it and nothing can break you free of that mental image. All Blacks are Detroiters to you no matter where they live.. To you Detroit is the essence of Black culture and thats it... there is nothing else.... Blacks are ALL Detroiters.
OK, stop jumping up and down. Instead of only Detroit, let's add Chicago, Baltimore, Ferguson, East Saint Louis, Oakland, Atlanta or any other shit hole with a large black population. You're trying to pick up a turd by the clean end.

Any way you do it, you fail. Things are what they are.
That was a good analogy you used with the turd. The problem is that your people are the ones that laid the turd then want Blacks to pick it up. When are you white boys going to learn to use a toilet? Youre a bunch of cave monkeys. :laugh:
You are pretty dense. You can't pick up a turd by the clean end. Blacks are obviously the turd. You can't win this. Sorry.

Now, get back to how your black geniuses couldn't figure out how to build mud pyramids and temples as proof of their great civilizations. That's always good for a chuckle.


  1. a stupid person

As much a Correll wants blacks to forget just remember, these were the images on postcards that whites sent to family members....You have to be a sick fuck to do shit like that.

Let me try to help you again.

GEt over it.

McCain was tortured for years by the North Vietnamese.

Later as a Senator he voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

He got over it.

John McCain isnt over it, hell he made a career out of it.

He voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

That is very impressive.

I would not expect that of many people.

But I am not asking you to get over something that happened to you.

But something that happened generations ago.

Get over it.

We dont have to vote for normal relations with whites, we just did it. But again, McCain hasnt forgotten about it yet you see that as some sort of virtue.

McCain has built a career on it. You need a better example or actually not....just fall back no one cares what you think other people should do.
Maybe he should use the Jews and the Holocaust.

Who also made a career out of their summer of suffering. Hell, they, every year, talk about Passover when they were slaves 8000 years ago lol.

How about Correll works on them getting over Egyptian Slavery first then working his way up to Thanksgiving etc.

Once Correll is able to dictate what every should care about the world will be better lol

As much a Correll wants blacks to forget just remember, these were the images on postcards that whites sent to family members....You have to be a sick fuck to do shit like that.

Let me try to help you again.

GEt over it.

McCain was tortured for years by the North Vietnamese.

Later as a Senator he voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

He got over it.

John McCain isnt over it, hell he made a career out of it.

He voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

That is very impressive.

I would not expect that of many people.

But I am not asking you to get over something that happened to you.

But something that happened generations ago.

Get over it.

We dont have to vote for normal relations with whites, we just did it. But again, McCain hasnt forgotten about it yet you see that as some sort of virtue.

McCain has built a career on it. You need a better example or actually not....just fall back no one cares what you think other people should do.
Maybe he should use the Jews and the Holocaust.

Israel and Germany now have full normal diplomatic relations.

Germany is Israel's second largest trading partner after the US.

Get over it.

As much a Correll wants blacks to forget just remember, these were the images on postcards that whites sent to family members....You have to be a sick fuck to do shit like that.

Let me try to help you again.

GEt over it.

McCain was tortured for years by the North Vietnamese.

Later as a Senator he voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

He got over it.
Sorry white boy. We dont get over things because you say so. If you dont like it ....too bad. Next?

You tell me.

How do you see the future?
I see it as Black and powerful. Does that upset you?

If I thought is was true it would.

YOu do realize that even after 2050, whites, though then a minority, will still be the largest single ethnic demographic in the nation right?

And Hispanics will be far and away the SECOND largest.

You blacks will be number 3.

That does not equal "black and powerful".

That equals a fucking mess, with everyone pissed off and fighting each other.
It was a rhetorical question to be honest. Whats amusing is you think any of that changes how I see the future. :laugh:
Let me try to help you again.

GEt over it.

McCain was tortured for years by the North Vietnamese.

Later as a Senator he voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

He got over it.

John McCain isnt over it, hell he made a career out of it.

He voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

That is very impressive.

I would not expect that of many people.

But I am not asking you to get over something that happened to you.

But something that happened generations ago.

Get over it.

We dont have to vote for normal relations with whites, we just did it. But again, McCain hasnt forgotten about it yet you see that as some sort of virtue.

McCain has built a career on it. You need a better example or actually not....just fall back no one cares what you think other people should do.
Maybe he should use the Jews and the Holocaust.

Israel and Germany now have full normal diplomatic relations.

Germany is Israel's second largest trading partner after the US.

Get over it.
Yet they still talk about the Holocaust even though Germany paid reparations. Thanks for pointing that out. BTW.....No. I already told you what white boys want me to doesnt make it on my list of concerns.
Let me try to help you again.

GEt over it.

McCain was tortured for years by the North Vietnamese.

Later as a Senator he voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

He got over it.

John McCain isnt over it, hell he made a career out of it.

He voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

That is very impressive.

I would not expect that of many people.

But I am not asking you to get over something that happened to you.

But something that happened generations ago.

Get over it.

We dont have to vote for normal relations with whites, we just did it. But again, McCain hasnt forgotten about it yet you see that as some sort of virtue.

McCain has built a career on it. You need a better example or actually not....just fall back no one cares what you think other people should do.
Maybe he should use the Jews and the Holocaust.

Who also made a career out of their summer of suffering. Hell, they, every year, talk about Passover when they were slaves 8000 years ago lol.

How about Correll works on them getting over Egyptian Slavery first then working his way up to Thanksgiving etc.

Once Correll is able to dictate what every should care about the world will be better lol

Passover is about their Liberation from that slavery.

It is not about hating the modern day Egyptians.

Get over it.
John McCain isnt over it, hell he made a career out of it.

He voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

That is very impressive.

I would not expect that of many people.

But I am not asking you to get over something that happened to you.

But something that happened generations ago.

Get over it.

We dont have to vote for normal relations with whites, we just did it. But again, McCain hasnt forgotten about it yet you see that as some sort of virtue.

McCain has built a career on it. You need a better example or actually not....just fall back no one cares what you think other people should do.
Maybe he should use the Jews and the Holocaust.

Who also made a career out of their summer of suffering. Hell, they, every year, talk about Passover when they were slaves 8000 years ago lol.

How about Correll works on them getting over Egyptian Slavery first then working his way up to Thanksgiving etc.

Once Correll is able to dictate what every should care about the world will be better lol

Passover is about their Liberation from that slavery.

It is not about hating the modern day Egyptians.

Get over it.
What slavery? There is no proof Jews were even in Egypt.
Let me try to help you again.

GEt over it.

McCain was tortured for years by the North Vietnamese.

Later as a Senator he voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

He got over it.
Sorry white boy. We dont get over things because you say so. If you dont like it ....too bad. Next?

You tell me.

How do you see the future?
I see it as Black and powerful. Does that upset you?

If I thought is was true it would.

YOu do realize that even after 2050, whites, though then a minority, will still be the largest single ethnic demographic in the nation right?

And Hispanics will be far and away the SECOND largest.

You blacks will be number 3.

That does not equal "black and powerful".

That equals a fucking mess, with everyone pissed off and fighting each other.
It was a rhetorical question to be honest. Whats amusing is you think any of that changes how I see the future. :laugh:

oh, i don't.

I just like the idea of you years from now looking around and realizing that you were a moron and that that white guy you dismissed so long ago was completely right.

I hope the Hispanics treat you like you deserve.
John McCain isnt over it, hell he made a career out of it.

He voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

That is very impressive.

I would not expect that of many people.

But I am not asking you to get over something that happened to you.

But something that happened generations ago.

Get over it.

We dont have to vote for normal relations with whites, we just did it. But again, McCain hasnt forgotten about it yet you see that as some sort of virtue.

McCain has built a career on it. You need a better example or actually not....just fall back no one cares what you think other people should do.
Maybe he should use the Jews and the Holocaust.

Israel and Germany now have full normal diplomatic relations.

Germany is Israel's second largest trading partner after the US.

Get over it.
Yet they still talk about the Holocaust even though Germany paid reparations. Thanks for pointing that out. BTW.....No. I already told you what white boys want me to doesnt make it on my list of concerns.

Talking about something is not the same as holding on to it with all your might to make excuses for you modern failures and hatred.

I suspect you are smart enough to know that and are just lying.

If you are dumb enough to believe what you just said, I apologize for doubting your honesty.
He voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

That is very impressive.

I would not expect that of many people.

But I am not asking you to get over something that happened to you.

But something that happened generations ago.

Get over it.

We dont have to vote for normal relations with whites, we just did it. But again, McCain hasnt forgotten about it yet you see that as some sort of virtue.

McCain has built a career on it. You need a better example or actually not....just fall back no one cares what you think other people should do.
Maybe he should use the Jews and the Holocaust.

Who also made a career out of their summer of suffering. Hell, they, every year, talk about Passover when they were slaves 8000 years ago lol.

How about Correll works on them getting over Egyptian Slavery first then working his way up to Thanksgiving etc.

Once Correll is able to dictate what every should care about the world will be better lol

Passover is about their Liberation from that slavery.

It is not about hating the modern day Egyptians.

Get over it.
What slavery? There is no proof Jews were even in Egypt.

I have no interest in ancient Jewish holiday, nor your opinion on them.

IT is only relevant to the topic in this thread in that Jews are NOT using it the way you blacks are.
Sorry white boy. We dont get over things because you say so. If you dont like it ....too bad. Next?

You tell me.

How do you see the future?
I see it as Black and powerful. Does that upset you?

If I thought is was true it would.

YOu do realize that even after 2050, whites, though then a minority, will still be the largest single ethnic demographic in the nation right?

And Hispanics will be far and away the SECOND largest.

You blacks will be number 3.

That does not equal "black and powerful".

That equals a fucking mess, with everyone pissed off and fighting each other.
It was a rhetorical question to be honest. Whats amusing is you think any of that changes how I see the future. :laugh:

oh, i don't.

I just like the idea of you years from now looking around and realizing that you were a moron and that that white guy you dismissed so long ago was completely right.

I hope the Hispanics treat you like you deserve.
The problem with ideas is that you have to actually do something to make them happen. You cant stop us. Sorry white boy.
He voted for normal relations with Vietnam.

That is very impressive.

I would not expect that of many people.

But I am not asking you to get over something that happened to you.

But something that happened generations ago.

Get over it.

We dont have to vote for normal relations with whites, we just did it. But again, McCain hasnt forgotten about it yet you see that as some sort of virtue.

McCain has built a career on it. You need a better example or actually not....just fall back no one cares what you think other people should do.
Maybe he should use the Jews and the Holocaust.

Israel and Germany now have full normal diplomatic relations.

Germany is Israel's second largest trading partner after the US.

Get over it.
Yet they still talk about the Holocaust even though Germany paid reparations. Thanks for pointing that out. BTW.....No. I already told you what white boys want me to doesnt make it on my list of concerns.

Talking about something is not the same as holding on to it with all your might to make excuses for you modern failures and hatred.

I suspect you are smart enough to know that and are just lying.

If you are dumb enough to believe what you just said, I apologize for doubting your honesty.
Who told you pointing out white dysfunction is making excuses? I knew you were dumb and never thought you were smart. I apologize for breaking that to you?
We dont have to vote for normal relations with whites, we just did it. But again, McCain hasnt forgotten about it yet you see that as some sort of virtue.

McCain has built a career on it. You need a better example or actually not....just fall back no one cares what you think other people should do.
Maybe he should use the Jews and the Holocaust.

Who also made a career out of their summer of suffering. Hell, they, every year, talk about Passover when they were slaves 8000 years ago lol.

How about Correll works on them getting over Egyptian Slavery first then working his way up to Thanksgiving etc.

Once Correll is able to dictate what every should care about the world will be better lol

Passover is about their Liberation from that slavery.

It is not about hating the modern day Egyptians.

Get over it.
What slavery? There is no proof Jews were even in Egypt.

I have no interest in ancient Jewish holiday, nor your opinion on them.

IT is only relevant to the topic in this thread in that Jews are NOT using it the way you blacks are.
Obviously you do. Thats why you brought up the Jewish holiday. If you dont like me talking about then thats your problem.
You tell me.

How do you see the future?
I see it as Black and powerful. Does that upset you?

If I thought is was true it would.

YOu do realize that even after 2050, whites, though then a minority, will still be the largest single ethnic demographic in the nation right?

And Hispanics will be far and away the SECOND largest.

You blacks will be number 3.

That does not equal "black and powerful".

That equals a fucking mess, with everyone pissed off and fighting each other.
It was a rhetorical question to be honest. Whats amusing is you think any of that changes how I see the future. :laugh:

oh, i don't.

I just like the idea of you years from now looking around and realizing that you were a moron and that that white guy you dismissed so long ago was completely right.

I hope the Hispanics treat you like you deserve.
The problem with ideas is that you have to actually do something to make them happen. You cant stop us. Sorry white boy.

Stop you from what?

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