A message to America from Black America.

More on Greece.
Safety walking alone during daylight

77.83 High
Safety walking alone during night

43.91 Moderate
Public is just pissed off because he is at the bottom of any totem pole.

He found a wiki link about some obscure Greek 'mafia' which never amounted to much and seeks to justify, for some bewildering reason, endemic black violence and crime. For generations, Greeks migrated to America and true to their culture rarely formed crime families nor gangs as did many others, including obviously Italians.

Greeks assimilated and realized the American dream with hard work and traditional family support despite usually being poor, not speaking English and facing discrimination themselves.

This is something black America has not, and seemingly cannot do.

While I acknowledge the stupidity of the Greek electorate in giving power to radical left-wing governments, I am proud of my maternal roots and their accomplishment in antiquity and even today.

This is something else black America has not, and seemingly cannot do.
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Public is just pissed off because he is at the bottom of any totem pole.

He found a wiki link about some obscure Greek 'mafia' which never amounted to much and seeks to justify, for some bewildering reason, endemic black violence and crime. For generations Greek migrated to America and true to their culture rarely formed crime families nor gangs as did many others including obviously Italians.

Greeks assimilated and realized the American dream with hard work and traditional family support despite usually being poor, not speaking English and facing discrimination themselves.

This is something black America has not, and seemingly cannot do.

While I acknowledge the stupidity of the Greek electorate in giving power to radical left-wing governments, I am proud of my maternal roots and their accomplishment in antiquity and even today.

This is something else black America has not, and seemingly cannot do.
It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.

Blacks were disproportionately likely to commit homicide and to be the victims. In 2008 the offending rate for blacks was seven times higher than for whites and the victimisation rate was six times higher.

As we found yesterday, 93 per cent of black victims were killed by blacks and 84 per cent of white victims were killed by whites.

Alternative statistics from the FBI are more up to date but include many crimes where the killer’s race is not recorded. These numbers tell a similar story.

In 2013, the FBI has black criminals carrying out 38 per cent of murders, compared to 31.1 per cent for whites. The offender’s race was “unknown” in 29.1 per cent of cases.

What about violent crime more generally? FBI arrest rates are one way into this. Over the last three years of data – 2011 to 2013 – 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black.

Clearly, these figures are problematic. We’re talking about arrests not convictions, and high black arrest rates could be taken as evidence that the police are racist.

But academics have noted that the proportion of black suspects arrested by the police tends to match closely the proportion of offenders identified as black by victims in the National Crime Victimization Survey.

This doesn’t support the idea that the police are unfairly discriminating against the black population when they make arrests.

So why are black offenders – and young black men in particular – over-represented in America’s crime statistics?

Judging from online comments, there is a wide spectrum of views on this, from unapologetic racism to militant refusal to blame the problem on anything but historic white racism.

Some criminologists think we could be simply confusing race for poverty or inequality: black people tend to offend more because they tend to be more disadvantaged, living in poorer urban areas with less access to public services, and so on.

If you control for deprivation, people of different races ought to be similarly predisposed to commit crime. Or that’s the theory, at least.

There is a lot of research in this area, but a lot of it is contradictory.

This study of violent crime in deprived neighbourhoods in Cleveland, Ohio, found that reductions in poverty led to reductions in the crime rate in exactly the same way in predominantly black and white areas, suggesting poverty, not race, is the biggest factor.

Other studies get different results.

All sociologists have suffered from the same basic problem: finding urban white communities that are as disadvantaged as the poorest black neighbourhoods, so that you can get a fair comparison.

Some thinkers play down the importance of poverty in favour of the “violent subculture theory”.

This is the idea that some black communities, for some reason, have developed cultural values that are more tolerant of crime and violence.

Some commentators on the unrest in Ferguson – mostly right-wing, though not all white – seem to favour this idea, but naturally it remains highly controversial.

The verdict

There is evidence in the official police-recorded figures that black Americans are more likely to commit certain types of crime than people of other races.

While it would be naïve to suggest that there is no racism in the US criminal justice system, victim reports don’t support the idea that this is because of mass discrimination.

Higher poverty rates among various urban black communities might explain the difference in crime rates, although the evidence is mixed.

There are few simple answers and links between crime and race are likely to remain the subject of bitter argument.
libs dont care about blacks; they pretend to to keep their vote. If they really cared they'd be making some progress in 50 years.
It's hard when not only does the right fight our ideas, so do blacks.

How can you say you are for blacks but you're OK with American companies that don't hire any blacks?

Do you know how many blacks have worked for Ford and gm the last 65 years? If it weren't for us liberals Ford and gm would be 100% white.

Affirmative action happened because you guys weren't hiring blacks.
Your case?

You have no power dummy. I know I could give a flying fuck what you think. I'm more than certain that any Black person would laugh at you if you had the balls to talk your inane bullshit in their face. Its amusing when you retarded white boys actually believe your opinion is even given a moment of consideration.
What if as a metro detroiter I asked you what you think should be done about the city of Detroit? It's a mess. Lots of poverty, high crime.

Would every bit of advice be what whites need to do or would you have any criticism of the citizens?

Do you think they should take school more seriously? Do you think you should advise young girls to not get pregnant before they are ready? Do you think more companies would come in if detroiters made an effort to clean up the crime? Don't you think good blacks, if you say most are, should be working with the cops instead of treating them like the enemy?

Blacks need to stop being ghetto. I see lots of well spoken educated brothers outside the hoods doing well.

Yes poor whites do too but they aren't claiming the rich are keeping them poor because of their skin color. And I see a few things your people do that contribute to your cultures poverty and high crime.

I don't tell you this to be mean. As a neutral 3rd party observer I see all your points as being valid.

But if you refuse to take any criticism from Herman Cain Ben carson me or bill Cosby, well then you're just not being honest.

GREEK: Γιατί δεν ζητάτε από την ελληνική κυβέρνηση σχετικά με το Ντιτρόιτ;

ENGLISH: why don't you ask the Greek government about Detroit?
You make a great point. Are there Greek gangs now in Greece? Is their problems because they are greeks? Am i defending greeks? Do Greek women raise their kids so they can't speak proper Greek?

You can bet you the birth rate is down in Greece. If they can't afford kids, they don't have them. And smart Greeks left Greece. Lots you could learn studying the Greeks.

The Greek Mafia is the colloquial term used to refer to various organized crime elements originating from Greece. Indigenous organized criminal groups are well-entrenched in the largest Greek urban centers, particularly in Athens. This is not only in thanks to the widespread political corruption in the country itself.[1] The Greek mafia should not be confused with Greek street gangs, who take part in smaller street crime. Outside of the domestic Greek criminal organizations the Sicilian mafia, Camorra, the Albanian, Russian and Georgian mafia groups have been operating in Greece in collaboration with the domestic criminal syndicates.[2]

In the United States, ethnic Greek organized crime groups include the Philadelphia Greek Mob andVelentzas crime family.

Black birthrate declined more than any other between 1990 and 2010:

Level of crime in Greece is Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery High

And it is almost all the illegal immigrants.

Detroit has the highest murder and violent crime rate of any major city in the country, according to the FBI. FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics released Monday show that Detroit logged 316 murders and non-negligent manslaughters last year, with a rate of 45 per 100,000 people.

Detroit's Staggering Murder Rate Is 'A Public Health Issue'

Your culture is producing a public health issue.

You are more obtuse than I thought.
Crime is increasing in Greece due to austerity measures being taken by the government to get a handle on their economic crisis. Even YOU have suggested that there is a correlation between poverty and crime.... Well, Grecians are no less human than anyone else...poverty will cause crime to increase there too.

My culture is not based in Detroit and is certainly not defined by the gangsters and thugs roaming about committing violent acts. No, my culture is one of hard work and sacrifice... community, and; social interaction with peaceful people who profess Christianity and altruism. Is yours superior to that?

In your small mind, Detroit has become the symbol of Black life everywhere. You are caught up in it and nothing can break you free of that mental image. All Blacks are Detroiters to you no matter where they live.. To you Detroit is the essence of Black culture and thats it... there is nothing else.... Blacks are ALL Detroiters.
What if as a metro detroiter I asked you what you think should be done about the city of Detroit? It's a mess. Lots of poverty, high crime.

Would every bit of advice be what whites need to do or would you have any criticism of the citizens?

Do you think they should take school more seriously? Do you think you should advise young girls to not get pregnant before they are ready? Do you think more companies would come in if detroiters made an effort to clean up the crime? Don't you think good blacks, if you say most are, should be working with the cops instead of treating them like the enemy?

Blacks need to stop being ghetto. I see lots of well spoken educated brothers outside the hoods doing well.

Yes poor whites do too but they aren't claiming the rich are keeping them poor because of their skin color. And I see a few things your people do that contribute to your cultures poverty and high crime.

I don't tell you this to be mean. As a neutral 3rd party observer I see all your points as being valid.

But if you refuse to take any criticism from Herman Cain Ben carson me or bill Cosby, well then you're just not being honest.

GREEK: Γιατί δεν ζητάτε από την ελληνική κυβέρνηση σχετικά με το Ντιτρόιτ;

ENGLISH: why don't you ask the Greek government about Detroit?
You make a great point. Are there Greek gangs now in Greece? Is their problems because they are greeks? Am i defending greeks? Do Greek women raise their kids so they can't speak proper Greek?

You can bet you the birth rate is down in Greece. If they can't afford kids, they don't have them. And smart Greeks left Greece. Lots you could learn studying the Greeks.

The Greek Mafia is the colloquial term used to refer to various organized crime elements originating from Greece. Indigenous organized criminal groups are well-entrenched in the largest Greek urban centers, particularly in Athens. This is not only in thanks to the widespread political corruption in the country itself.[1] The Greek mafia should not be confused with Greek street gangs, who take part in smaller street crime. Outside of the domestic Greek criminal organizations the Sicilian mafia, Camorra, the Albanian, Russian and Georgian mafia groups have been operating in Greece in collaboration with the domestic criminal syndicates.[2]

In the United States, ethnic Greek organized crime groups include the Philadelphia Greek Mob andVelentzas crime family.

Black birthrate declined more than any other between 1990 and 2010:

Level of crime in Greece is Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery High

And it is almost all the illegal immigrants.

Detroit has the highest murder and violent crime rate of any major city in the country, according to the FBI. FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics released Monday show that Detroit logged 316 murders and non-negligent manslaughters last year, with a rate of 45 per 100,000 people.

Detroit's Staggering Murder Rate Is 'A Public Health Issue'

Your culture is producing a public health issue.

You are more obtuse than I thought.
Crime is increasing in Greece due to austerity measures being taken by the government to get a handle on their economic crisis. Even YOU have suggested that there is a correlation between poverty and crime.... Well, Grecians are no less human than anyone else...poverty will cause crime to increase there too.

My culture is not based in Detroit and is certainly not defined by the gangsters and thugs roaming about committing violent acts. No, my culture is one of hard work and sacrifice... community, and; social interaction with peaceful people who profess Christianity and altruism. Is yours superior to that?

In your small mind, Detroit has become the symbol of Black life everywhere. You are caught up in it and nothing can break you free of that mental image. All Blacks are Detroiters to you no matter where they live.. To you Detroit is the essence of Black culture and thats it... there is nothing else.... Blacks are ALL Detroiters.
OK, stop jumping up and down. Instead of only Detroit, let's add Chicago, Baltimore, Ferguson, East Saint Louis, Oakland, Atlanta or any other shit hole with a large black population. You're trying to pick up a turd by the clean end.

Any way you do it, you fail. Things are what they are.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

We are all just humans.
I'd like to think racism is over in the US. Then I visit this message board and realize it hasn't ended.
What if as a metro detroiter I asked you what you think should be done about the city of Detroit? It's a mess. Lots of poverty, high crime.

Would every bit of advice be what whites need to do or would you have any criticism of the citizens?

Do you think they should take school more seriously? Do you think you should advise young girls to not get pregnant before they are ready? Do you think more companies would come in if detroiters made an effort to clean up the crime? Don't you think good blacks, if you say most are, should be working with the cops instead of treating them like the enemy?

Blacks need to stop being ghetto. I see lots of well spoken educated brothers outside the hoods doing well.

Yes poor whites do too but they aren't claiming the rich are keeping them poor because of their skin color. And I see a few things your people do that contribute to your cultures poverty and high crime.

I don't tell you this to be mean. As a neutral 3rd party observer I see all your points as being valid.

But if you refuse to take any criticism from Herman Cain Ben carson me or bill Cosby, well then you're just not being honest.

GREEK: Γιατί δεν ζητάτε από την ελληνική κυβέρνηση σχετικά με το Ντιτρόιτ;

ENGLISH: why don't you ask the Greek government about Detroit?
You make a great point. Are there Greek gangs now in Greece? Is their problems because they are greeks? Am i defending greeks? Do Greek women raise their kids so they can't speak proper Greek?

You can bet you the birth rate is down in Greece. If they can't afford kids, they don't have them. And smart Greeks left Greece. Lots you could learn studying the Greeks.

The Greek Mafia is the colloquial term used to refer to various organized crime elements originating from Greece. Indigenous organized criminal groups are well-entrenched in the largest Greek urban centers, particularly in Athens. This is not only in thanks to the widespread political corruption in the country itself.[1] The Greek mafia should not be confused with Greek street gangs, who take part in smaller street crime. Outside of the domestic Greek criminal organizations the Sicilian mafia, Camorra, the Albanian, Russian and Georgian mafia groups have been operating in Greece in collaboration with the domestic criminal syndicates.[2]

In the United States, ethnic Greek organized crime groups include the Philadelphia Greek Mob andVelentzas crime family.

Black birthrate declined more than any other between 1990 and 2010:

Level of crime in Greece is Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery High

And it is almost all the illegal immigrants.

Detroit has the highest murder and violent crime rate of any major city in the country, according to the FBI. FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics released Monday show that Detroit logged 316 murders and non-negligent manslaughters last year, with a rate of 45 per 100,000 people.

Detroit's Staggering Murder Rate Is 'A Public Health Issue'

Your culture is producing a public health issue.

You are more obtuse than I thought.
Crime is increasing in Greece due to austerity measures being taken by the government to get a handle on their economic crisis. Even YOU have suggested that there is a correlation between poverty and crime.... Well, Grecians are no less human than anyone else...poverty will cause crime to increase there too.

My culture is not based in Detroit and is certainly not defined by the gangsters and thugs roaming about committing violent acts. No, my culture is one of hard work and sacrifice... community, and; social interaction with peaceful people who profess Christianity and altruism. Is yours superior to that?

In your small mind, Detroit has become the symbol of Black life everywhere. You are caught up in it and nothing can break you free of that mental image. All Blacks are Detroiters to you no matter where they live.. To you Detroit is the essence of Black culture and thats it... there is nothing else.... Blacks are ALL Detroiters.
Now that isn't true. I know individually black people are no different than whites. And I have even admitted that blacks are not 100% to blame for how things are in our countries ghettos. I know black people and they are good. I feel bad talking about black people when I think of them. But even they shake their heads when they look at places like Detroit. Don't forget I don't just live near Detroit. I also live near flint and Saginaw. 3 of the 10 worst places in America. All black.

And notice in Greece the Greeks are being told they have to start making changes. Pay more taxes and work. And don't have kids you can't afford. Will they take the advice or act like blacks?

And Greeks are leaving Greece for a better life. Maybe detroiters should leave too. OK to bring your culture with you but leave the crime and chip at home.

Obtuse? Whats that prison movie where Andy told the warden that and he through him in the hole?

Of course anything I say about black people doesn't apply to good hard working blacks. I'm bitching about the hood as a whole. Cleaning up the hoods of America. And I admit whites need to help.

What I'm saying is blacks need to do better on their own. I know speaking proper English won't guarantee you a job but try it. I know lowering crime won't get every company to come to Detroit but try and see if things don't get better.

I'm only complaining about Americas worst neighborhoods, all of which are black.

And I'm simply pointing out things blacks can do while they sit around waiting for reparations.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

We are all just humans.
I'd like to think racism is over in the US. Then I visit this message board and realize it hasn't ended.

Racism will never be over until white people learn to do better. They put the system into place and they dont plan on tearing it down because it benefits them. As long as there is racism there will be racists thoughts.
GREEK: Γιατί δεν ζητάτε από την ελληνική κυβέρνηση σχετικά με το Ντιτρόιτ;

ENGLISH: why don't you ask the Greek government about Detroit?
You make a great point. Are there Greek gangs now in Greece? Is their problems because they are greeks? Am i defending greeks? Do Greek women raise their kids so they can't speak proper Greek?

You can bet you the birth rate is down in Greece. If they can't afford kids, they don't have them. And smart Greeks left Greece. Lots you could learn studying the Greeks.

The Greek Mafia is the colloquial term used to refer to various organized crime elements originating from Greece. Indigenous organized criminal groups are well-entrenched in the largest Greek urban centers, particularly in Athens. This is not only in thanks to the widespread political corruption in the country itself.[1] The Greek mafia should not be confused with Greek street gangs, who take part in smaller street crime. Outside of the domestic Greek criminal organizations the Sicilian mafia, Camorra, the Albanian, Russian and Georgian mafia groups have been operating in Greece in collaboration with the domestic criminal syndicates.[2]

In the United States, ethnic Greek organized crime groups include the Philadelphia Greek Mob andVelentzas crime family.

Black birthrate declined more than any other between 1990 and 2010:

Level of crime in Greece is Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery High

And it is almost all the illegal immigrants.

Detroit has the highest murder and violent crime rate of any major city in the country, according to the FBI. FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics released Monday show that Detroit logged 316 murders and non-negligent manslaughters last year, with a rate of 45 per 100,000 people.

Detroit's Staggering Murder Rate Is 'A Public Health Issue'

Your culture is producing a public health issue.

You are more obtuse than I thought.
Crime is increasing in Greece due to austerity measures being taken by the government to get a handle on their economic crisis. Even YOU have suggested that there is a correlation between poverty and crime.... Well, Grecians are no less human than anyone else...poverty will cause crime to increase there too.

My culture is not based in Detroit and is certainly not defined by the gangsters and thugs roaming about committing violent acts. No, my culture is one of hard work and sacrifice... community, and; social interaction with peaceful people who profess Christianity and altruism. Is yours superior to that?

In your small mind, Detroit has become the symbol of Black life everywhere. You are caught up in it and nothing can break you free of that mental image. All Blacks are Detroiters to you no matter where they live.. To you Detroit is the essence of Black culture and thats it... there is nothing else.... Blacks are ALL Detroiters.
OK, stop jumping up and down. Instead of only Detroit, let's add Chicago, Baltimore, Ferguson, East Saint Louis, Oakland, Atlanta or any other shit hole with a large black population. You're trying to pick up a turd by the clean end.

Any way you do it, you fail. Things are what they are.
That was a good analogy you used with the turd. The problem is that your people are the ones that laid the turd then want Blacks to pick it up. When are you white boys going to learn to use a toilet? Youre a bunch of cave monkeys. :laugh:
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

We are all just humans.
I'd like to think racism is over in the US. Then I visit this message board and realize it hasn't ended.

Racism will never be over until white people learn to do better. They put the system into place and they dont plan on tearing it down because it benefits them. As long as there is racism there will be racists thoughts.

Says the racists ignoring the last 50 years of Civil RIghts and AA supported by both parties.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

We are all just humans.
I'd like to think racism is over in the US. Then I visit this message board and realize it hasn't ended.

Racism will never be over until white people learn to do better. They put the system into place and they dont plan on tearing it down because it benefits them. As long as there is racism there will be racists thoughts.

Says the racists ignoring the last 50 years of Civil RIghts and AA supported by both parties.

I guess you think having to have a Civil Rights act is an achievement in a country that 400 plus years ago was founded on freedom and said all men were created equal? Get the fuck out of here. :laugh:

AA has benefited white women more than any other demographic and doesnt even count the 400 years of white AA that proceeded it. Wake me when there is some real AA strictly for Black people.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

We are all just humans.
I'd like to think racism is over in the US. Then I visit this message board and realize it hasn't ended.

Racism will never be over until white people learn to do better. They put the system into place and they dont plan on tearing it down because it benefits them. As long as there is racism there will be racists thoughts.

Says the racists ignoring the last 50 years of Civil RIghts and AA supported by both parties.

I guess you think having to have a Civil Rights act is an achievement in a country that 400 plus years ago was founded on freedom and said all men were created equal? Get the fuck out of here. :laugh:

AA has benefited white women more than any other demographic and doesnt even count the 400 years of white AA that proceeded it. Wake me when there is some real AA strictly for Black people.

Obviously it is an achievement. If you think it took to long too get started, you are welcome to travel in time and whine to the people of the past about that.

YOur dismissal of what we have done so far is great. I love the way you have disgusted Seely.

I could never have convinced him, that was all you and yours.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

We are all just humans.
I'd like to think racism is over in the US. Then I visit this message board and realize it hasn't ended.

Racism will never be over until white people learn to do better. They put the system into place and they dont plan on tearing it down because it benefits them. As long as there is racism there will be racists thoughts.

Says the racists ignoring the last 50 years of Civil RIghts and AA supported by both parties.

I guess you think having to have a Civil Rights act is an achievement in a country that 400 plus years ago was founded on freedom and said all men were created equal? Get the fuck out of here. :laugh:

AA has benefited white women more than any other demographic and doesnt even count the 400 years of white AA that proceeded it. Wake me when there is some real AA strictly for Black people.

Obviously it is an achievement. If you think it took to long too get started, you are welcome to travel in time and whine to the people of the past about that.

YOur dismissal of what we have done so far is great. I love the way you have disgusted Seely.

I could never have convinced him, that was all you and yours.

Pointing out your hypocrisy and correcting you is not whining. Its educating you. I know my dismissal of you and your kind is great. Thats why I do it. Whoever Seely is tell him/her they better suck it up because what they are disgusted with doesnt register on my list of concerns. Especially if its a white person.
We are all just humans.
I'd like to think racism is over in the US. Then I visit this message board and realize it hasn't ended.
Racism will never be over until white people learn to do better. They put the system into place and they dont plan on tearing it down because it benefits them. As long as there is racism there will be racists thoughts.

Says the racists ignoring the last 50 years of Civil RIghts and AA supported by both parties.
I guess you think having to have a Civil Rights act is an achievement in a country that 400 plus years ago was founded on freedom and said all men were created equal? Get the fuck out of here. :laugh:

AA has benefited white women more than any other demographic and doesnt even count the 400 years of white AA that proceeded it. Wake me when there is some real AA strictly for Black people.

Obviously it is an achievement. If you think it took to long too get started, you are welcome to travel in time and whine to the people of the past about that.

YOur dismissal of what we have done so far is great. I love the way you have disgusted Seely.

I could never have convinced him, that was all you and yours.
Pointing out your hypocrisy and correcting you is not whining. Its educating you. I know my dismissal of you and your kind is great. Thats why I do it. Whoever Seely is tell him/her they better suck it up because what they are disgusted with doesnt register on my list of concerns. Especially if its a white person.

It will.

In time you will lose you lib allies, or at least most of them.

When you hear them say you should "just get over it"...this is what they're telling you to just get over...

When you hear them say you should "just get over it"...this is what they're telling you to just get over...

How long ago was that? 100 years? 150?

Get over it.

Cause throwing it in our faces at this point, doesn't impress us, at all.

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