A military coup??

you republicans are to blame you pull the craziest shit and got away with it

There was no crazy shit on our part. That enforcing the law and wanting to bring back jobs strikes you as, not only crazy, but crazy enough to justify a military coup,

shows that you personally and you as a representative of the left, are completely bat shit crazy.
Silverman is ahead of the curve on this. As the Russian agent continues to disengage with our former allies, overreach on domestic policy, act to further his business interests at the expense of the country, removal from his position becomes more and more necessary. If his GOP lackeys won't act out of fear for their survival and that of their families, military intervention will be necessary. I hope that a military coup isn't necessary, but if it is required, like cancer surgery is, then we must undergo the process.

Its retty clear you and many on the left are mentally ill, and beyond stupid. "Overreach on domestic policy" she says...its called enforcing ALREADY EXISTING IMMIGRATION laws, you fucking idiot.

Now the leftist c-nts are threatening the lives of people who voted republican; well sonny boy I can pretty much guarantee you that the right is armed A FUCK OF A LOT MORE than you leftist dogshit. You don't like elections or their results? Go live in fucking iran or cuba where you pieces of shit can enjoy not having any.
No, you are not tuffies, hissy boy. The hard left whipped you people out on the streets during the campaign. The only thing that protects you is LEO and the military, as they should. If your militias try to mix it up with the hard left, they will dirt nap the militias.

The hard left whipped you people out on the streets during the campaign.

Thanks, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day.

If your militias try to mix it up with the hard left, they will dirt nap the militias.

After kicking liberal asses, I'm sure the militias will need a nap. DERP!
Actress Sarah Silverman called for a military coup against President Trump on Wednesday night in the midst of violent riots in Berkeley, California.

In a screaming all-capital-letters tweet exhorted her almost 10 million followers to “wake up & join the resistance,” a term from World War II that anti-Trump rioters have used to define themselves.

She then outlined her preferred scenario for the violent overthrow of the legitimately elected government, still in all capital letters.

“Once the military is w us fascists get overthrown. Mad king & his handlers go bye bye,” Ms. Silverman posted.

She ended her post with four heart emojis, presumably signifying love.

What did Hillary say about people not accepting the result of the election?
Actress Sarah Silverman called for a military coup against President Trump on Wednesday night in the midst of violent riots in Berkeley, California.

In a screaming all-capital-letters tweet exhorted her almost 10 million followers to “wake up & join the resistance,” a term from World War II that anti-Trump rioters have used to define themselves.

She then outlined her preferred scenario for the violent overthrow of the legitimately elected government, still in all capital letters.

“Once the military is w us fascists get overthrown. Mad king & his handlers go bye bye,” Ms. Silverman posted.

She ended her post with four heart emojis, presumably signifying love.
Actress Sarah Silverman called for a military coup against President Trump on Wednesday night in the midst of violent riots in Berkeley, California.

In a screaming all-capital-letters tweet exhorted her almost 10 million followers to “wake up & join the resistance,” a term from World War II that anti-Trump rioters have used to define themselves.

She then outlined her preferred scenario for the violent overthrow of the legitimately elected government, still in all capital letters.

“Once the military is w us fascists get overthrown. Mad king & his handlers go bye bye,” Ms. Silverman posted.

She ended her post with four heart emojis, presumably signifying love.

What did Hillary say about people not accepting the result of the election?
you listen to a loser???
Actress Sarah Silverman called for a military coup against President Trump on Wednesday night in the midst of violent riots in Berkeley, California.

In a screaming all-capital-letters tweet exhorted her almost 10 million followers to “wake up & join the resistance,” a term from World War II that anti-Trump rioters have used to define themselves.

She then outlined her preferred scenario for the violent overthrow of the legitimately elected government, still in all capital letters.

“Once the military is w us fascists get overthrown. Mad king & his handlers go bye bye,” Ms. Silverman posted.

She ended her post with four heart emojis, presumably signifying love.
View attachment 110323

It's fun arguing with idiots ..

You're getting it..
Actress Sarah Silverman called for a military coup against President Trump on Wednesday night in the midst of violent riots in Berkeley, California.

In a screaming all-capital-letters tweet exhorted her almost 10 million followers to “wake up & join the resistance,” a term from World War II that anti-Trump rioters have used to define themselves.

She then outlined her preferred scenario for the violent overthrow of the legitimately elected government, still in all capital letters.

“Once the military is w us fascists get overthrown. Mad king & his handlers go bye bye,” Ms. Silverman posted.

She ended her post with four heart emojis, presumably signifying love.

What did Hillary say about people not accepting the result of the election?
you listen to a loser???

Actress Sarah Silverman called for a military coup against President Trump on Wednesday night in the midst of violent riots in Berkeley, California.

In a screaming all-capital-letters tweet exhorted her almost 10 million followers to “wake up & join the resistance,” a term from World War II that anti-Trump rioters have used to define themselves.

She then outlined her preferred scenario for the violent overthrow of the legitimately elected government, still in all capital letters.

“Once the military is w us fascists get overthrown. Mad king & his handlers go bye bye,” Ms. Silverman posted.

She ended her post with four heart emojis, presumably signifying love.

What did Hillary say about people not accepting the result of the election?
you listen to a loser???
No one listens to you....:lol:
Silverman is ahead of the curve on this. As the Russian agent continues to disengage with our former allies, overreach on domestic policy, act to further his business interests at the expense of the country, removal from his position becomes more and more necessary. If his GOP lackeys won't act out of fear for their survival and that of their families, military intervention will be necessary. I hope that a military coup isn't necessary, but if it is required, like cancer surgery is, then we must undergo the process.

Its retty clear you and many on the left are mentally ill, and beyond stupid. "Overreach on domestic policy" she says...its called enforcing ALREADY EXISTING IMMIGRATION laws, you fucking idiot.

Now the leftist c-nts are threatening the lives of people who voted republican; well sonny boy I can pretty much guarantee you that the right is armed A FUCK OF A LOT MORE than you leftist dogshit. You don't like elections or their results? Go live in fucking iran or cuba where you pieces of shit can enjoy not having any.
No, you are not tuffies, hissy boy. The hard left whipped you people out on the streets during the campaign. The only thing that protects you is LEO and the military, as they should. If your militias try to mix it up with the hard left, they will dirt nap the militias.

The hard left whipped you people out on the streets during the campaign.

Thanks, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day.

If your militias try to mix it up with the hard left, they will dirt nap the militias.

After kicking liberal asses, I'm sure the militias will need a nap. DERP!
Silly you. The far right are yelling that the far left was beating them up. The militia was complaining that the LEO were hurting the Bundy's feelings. No one is his or her right mind is concerned by the militias actually doing anything. They are snow flakes. Well, Finicum was not a snow flake, but he got melted.
trump is far more deplorable he lied and bashed his way into the presidency and far too many of our citizens bought his crap
Thanks for agreeing Hillary is deplorable and that you are unable to defend her.
Thanks to both of you.

Both Trump and Clinton are deplorable, and the two major parties, imo, were deplorable to let the campaign turn out as it did.

One question now, I think, is one that Pence needs to answer for himself. Sec 4 Amendment 25 allows him to become president at anytime he and a majority of the Cabinet agree that Trump is incapable of serving further as president.
Jammie-boi, you seem to forget that Vice President Pence is an actual Republican. I understand you believe you are one as well and that your belief is as strong as that you have in The Tooth Fairy. If those things bring you peace? Well.....no harm in that.
I bet Soros is behind all that sh*t. He's fulfilled quite a few coups already and knows very well how to make them happen. His last "success" was a coup in my home country of Ukraine in 2014. He paid the protesters and at one point snipers started shooting both the protesters and the policemen. After the first blood the coup was a lot easier to finish. And they blamed it on Russia of course.

Trump supporters, be alert!

And they blamed it on Russia of course.

Poor Russia. Beset on all sides by tiny, weak nations.
Never did anything bad to anyone.
I hope she'll be okay.

treasonous rightwinguts are so funny.

if this had happened while Obama was president, you hacks would be demanding his impeachment and arrest

if this had happened while Obama was president, you hacks would be demanding his impeachment and arrest

If what had happened? Be specific.
Silverman is ahead of the curve on this. As the Russian agent continues to disengage with our former allies, overreach on domestic policy, act to further his business interests at the expense of the country, removal from his position becomes more and more necessary. If his GOP lackeys won't act out of fear for their survival and that of their families, military intervention will be necessary. I hope that a military coup isn't necessary, but if it is required, like cancer surgery is, then we must undergo the process.

Its retty clear you and many on the left are mentally ill, and beyond stupid. "Overreach on domestic policy" she says...its called enforcing ALREADY EXISTING IMMIGRATION laws, you fucking idiot.

Now the leftist c-nts are threatening the lives of people who voted republican; well sonny boy I can pretty much guarantee you that the right is armed A FUCK OF A LOT MORE than you leftist dogshit. You don't like elections or their results? Go live in fucking iran or cuba where you pieces of shit can enjoy not having any.
No, you are not tuffies, hissy boy. The hard left whipped you people out on the streets during the campaign. The only thing that protects you is LEO and the military, as they should. If your militias try to mix it up with the hard left, they will dirt nap the militias.

The hard left whipped you people out on the streets during the campaign.

Thanks, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day.

If your militias try to mix it up with the hard left, they will dirt nap the militias.

After kicking liberal asses, I'm sure the militias will need a nap. DERP!
Silly you. The far right are yelling that the far left was beating them up. The militia was complaining that the LEO were hurting the Bundy's feelings. No one is his or her right mind is concerned by the militias actually doing anything. They are snow flakes. Well, Finicum was not a snow flake, but he got melted.

The far right are yelling that the far left was beating them up.

When did the left beat someone up? Where? Link?

The militia was complaining that the LEO were hurting the Bundy's feelings.

Militia...LEO...where is the left in this scenario?

No one is his or her right mind is concerned by the militias actually doing anything.

You clowns brought it up...and laughably claimed your fellow leftists would somehow beat them.

They are snow flakes.

But enough about the left.
you republicans are to blame you pull the craziest shit and got away with it
What are you blaming the Republicans for? Running the two most deplorable candidates in living history?

Get away with what?
trump is far more deplorable he lied and bashed his way into the presidency and far too many of our citizens bought his crap

Trump is not defined by the bat shit crazy lies the LEfty media spread about him, much as you might be confused by that fact.

Hillary is defined by the way she was happy to tear this country apart for partisan gain, the vile evil deplorable bitch.
The left isn't much of a student of history, are they? If they were they'd study the results of past military coups in other nations. Some occurring just years ago. They'd see the disasters that followed.

What the left should do is get their act together and put forth an outstanding party platform. Then find outstanding candidates for the congressional midterms. Followed by nominating a great presidential candidate to run against Trump in 2020.

But as of yet they've done none of that. They've done nothing but threaten to impeach (or worse) a president who was fairly elected. The democrats are on a path to complete failure.
and of course "fairly elected"" rejects all the suppression used by red states to turn away dem voters?

Now you're starting to sound like Trump and his nonsense claim about millions of illegals voting.
Irina Tell me in no uncertain words that you don't believe Repubs in red states suppressed votes

Where some democratic votes suppressed? Probably.
Did some illegals vote for Clinton? Probably

But neither happened in large enough amounts to impact the election.

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