A Model for Polygamy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Polygamy (from Late Greek πολυγαμία, polygamía, "state of marriage to many spouses") involves marriage with more than one spouse. When a man is married to more than one wife at a time, it is called polygyny. When a woman is married to more than one husband at a time, it is called polyandry. If a marriage includes multiple husbands and wives, it can be called a group marriage (source of information: Wikipedia).

Over time, many of those who rejected the Latter-Day Saints Church's relinquishment of plural marriage formed small, close-knit communities in areas of the Rocky Mountains. These groups continue to practice "the Principle". In the 1940s, LDS Church apostle Mark E. Petersen coined the term "Mormon fundamentalist" to describe such people. Fundamentalists either practice as individuals, as families, or as part of organized denominations. Today, the LDS Church objects to the use of the term "Mormon fundamentalists" and suggests using the term "polygamist sects" to avoid confusion about whether the main body of Mormon believers teach or practice polygamy (source of information: Wikipedia).

Polygamy has been considered as unusual and alternative as other unrecognized/taboo practices such as cannibalism and slavery.

However, polygamy is not considered 'alien' to those who practice it and consider it an expression of the joy of consensual intercourse and the preservability of sworn oaths, no matter how complex or offbeat.

Polygamy should therefore not be likened to 'promiscuity' or terrorism. So how can we form a workable 'model' for polygamy to deal with modern age problems regarding promiscuity among the younger night-club going community?


GOD: A man has difficulty honoring more than one wife.
SATAN: It is difficult but according to men not impossible...
GOD: It may be possible but that does not make it 'easy.'
SATAN: Any contract requires vigilance.
GOD: Free-speech is necessary for the proper evaluation of contracts.
SATAN: How do we coordinate free-speech with racism?
GOD: Inter-racial marriage discourse should be professional and scholarly.
SATAN: You mean organized and presented in an orderly fashion to the public?
GOD: For any cultural/behavioral issue that raises political/civics concerns, one must rely on democracy.
SATAN: Jesus was slain for endorsing free-speech.
GOD: Yet Christian 'chatter' assigns him a harmless girlfriend sometimes --- Mary Magdalene.
SATAN: "Behind every good man...is a better woman!"
GOD: There's nothing 'criminal' about pedestrian daydreams.
SATAN: Should Mormons be 'praised' for pro-polygamy views?
GOD: They should be commended for any pro-democracy initiative regarding peaceful pluralism talk.
SATAN: Humans will always consider homosexuality unnatural and against genetics/evolution.
GOD: An oath is made with the mind, not the hormones.
SATAN: Then let the minstrels play, in the streets, and beckon the 'ethereal wits' of love/affection!





WOMAN: Women are more sensitive than men.
MAN: Men are more willing to explore options than women.
WOMAN: Polygyny is more 'popular' than polyandry.
MAN: Women are unwilling to deal with more than one man at a time.
WOMAN: Men are unwilling to deal with a woman's male companions/confidantes.
MAN: Women are not serious about polygamy.
WOMAN: Men are not serious about monogamy.
MAN: Birth-control and abortion issues become complicated with polygamy.
WOMAN: What are you implying?
MAN: I'm simply saying that monogamy seems to make health discussions more comfortable.
WOMAN: That's because relationship histories are always more complex than relationship status.
MAN: I propose a polygamous (or 'group') marriage experiment with the therapeutic value of a giant pizza.
WOMAN: Can everyone agree on the toppings?
MAN: No one minds spinach.
WOMAN: A spinach-pizza blessed polyandry ceremony in NYC...what do you think?
MAN: Be sure to have the family doctor's phone-number at hand...


I know this is one of your typical anti-Mormon rants but cannot help from asking -

why not similar outrage over the millions of Muslim men with multiple wives, some as young as 8 or 9 years of age?
I am polyamorous. I have no outrage at all over polygamy. I think there would need to be some rewriting of marriage & divorce laws. But thats about it. As long is everyone is an adult and everyone knows about everyone else, it's none of our business.

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