A Moore win will confirm what Trump once stated....

Hows this one. A Democrat could let a woman drown and not report it and still get elected.

He got in a car accident, your guy rapes children

You've forgot about Teddy's infamous rape of a waitress . It was called the waitress sandwich Remember that.?

And you really are pathetic with your lies about Moore raping children.

I don’t remember. You must be way older than me. My concern is with the sex predator that targets children you’ve thrown your lot in with.
My concern is with the sex predator that targets children you’ve thrown your lot in with.

Moore will be taking lessons from Rep. Mark Foley

Foley's IM Exchange With Underage Page - ABC News

Sep 29, 2006 - The following is an instant message exchange a former page says he had with Rep.Foley (R) in 2003. Warning: sexually explicit language, reader discretion is advised
I know Nat, I feel so stoopid! Economy starting to show signs of revving up, long-simmering world matters finally being settled, ISIS not growing but my IRA is growing 3%/mo for a year, National lands given back to states, useless mafia shakedown regulations ended ...... all under dumb Donald. Almost all by himself and a few chosen workers. The RINO/DEM circus is slow and ineffective. wait until he learns how to "do the job" LAND O' GOSHEN!
Does everyone remember this "brilliant" quote?

On 23 January 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump caused controversy when he stated the following during a campaign rally in Iowa:

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters."

Well, apparently he was "correct" given the low intelligence level of his base......

Tonight, Alabamans will once again prove Trump correct in that there is NOTHING that Moore could have ever done that would make these hicks vote "sanity and ethics"....over.... "party"...

Let Alabama and Mississippi fight over last place in IQ (and front teeth).....Nov. 2018 will fix the rudder on the Trump Titanic,
Ah. Preemptive ass hurt.

That appears to be the worst sort of deflection, the sort that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Please excuse Frankie.....currently he's looking up the meaning of that darn difficult word, "deflection"....
A Moore win confirms that the democratic party doesn't have a winning platform anymore.

It's Alabama

A place where the last election for Senate got the Republicans 97.3% of the vote

Before that Sessions got 63.3%, 58.6%, and the Democrats haven't won this seat since 1990. Come on.

It will prove that most people in the south and plains states don't give two shits about such and they want a radically different America from us democrats.
I honestly think that the US should just break into little countries....I live in California and most here don't have anything in common with let's say Alabama, Mississippi ect....being there is like being in a third world country with all due respect.....let them live the way they want to....let us go forward.
I honestly think that the US should just break into little countries....I live in California and most here don't have anything in common with let's say Alabama, Mississippi ect....being there is like being in a third world country with all due respect.....let them live the way they want to....let us go forward.

God forgive me.........But I've often stated that Lincoln made a mistake in not letting the south secede......
TODAY, we'd be debating building a Trump wall along the Mason-Dixon line.

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