A Mothers Love Runs Deep

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Start with how everybody is waxing poetic about how normal it is to be sexually stimulated while nursing your infant.

As opposed to you waxing perverted because you cannot get your own mind beyond the sick obsessions of sexual abuse.

Are you fixated because you were abused as a child? If that is the case then you should seek professional help to deal with what happened to you.

There is nothing in the OP about child abuse. There is nothing about pedophilia since that was erased from the OP. The topic is the normal and natural results of breastfeeding an infant and the hormonal effects that has on a woman's body.

If you cannot deal with the OP then you need to start your own thread about child abuse because that is not the topic of this thread that you are attempting to derail.
I don't think it's prudish to find it alarming that people are proposing that it's normal and natural to be sexually excited when you nurse your infant.

I think it's the way normal people react, out of a desire to protect children from abuse and inappropriate interactions.

Your perverted mischaracterization of what was reported in the OP is your problem.

Normal people don't share your perversion with regard to a perfectly natural hormonal occurrence during breast feeding.

"Can a lady actually get in the mood when breastfeeding?" "...it can even be arousing."

"...up to 50 percent of women found breastfeeding to be an erotic experience.."

Arousal while breastfeeding | Go Ask Alice!

Does this mean that 50% of women are "perverts"?

The world is not so black and white, kg.

"Women", as a subset of Monkeydom, aren't half saints and half whores, they're complicated.

We have to learn to tolerate feelings and respond to behavior. All other options eventually lead to war.
As I pointed out, the OP originally had that word in the title. The OP's intent was to point out that mothers who are breastfeeding are enjoying sexual pleasure via their infants. That is the discussion.

It's hard to discuss the sexual pleasure that women feel while breastfeeding, without referencing child abuse and the attitudes of people towards infants.

:disbelief: Seriously?!?

You have my pity.

Er...I said the THREAD TITLE had the term in it, and the OP's INTENT was to establish that breast feeding stimulates sexual arousal in mothers.

And then he used the article to support it.

The POINT of the OP was to make the connection.

The discussion is how normal sexual stimulation caused by breast feeding is.

In other words, feeling sexually aroused while feeding..or watching someone else feed...and infant.

It doesn't matter. That was then and this is now. It's time to move on. If you want to start a FlameFest, we have a forum for that.
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