A Muslim and a Professor Argue… The UCSD Student admits she is FOR the eradication of ALL Jews.


I don't support genocide you bitter empty old man.

So THAT'S why you defend those who support it with every fiber of your being.

It's because you don't support it.


If you're going to judge someone - doing so based upon one exchange only - is a bit unfair. With any other person, I suspect you would apply that principle. Going further, and using that one exchange to then broad brush all Muslim students as supporting genocide is weak but typical.

I don't support genocide. I've never supported genocide.

If you claim it then provide a link. I won't hold my breath because you constantly make claims about others then refuse to back it up.
Also like like how that ugly little rat didn't answer her question and played the "woe is me, I am a Jew" victim card.

I'll pay for this guy's first class ticket to Israel since he loves it so much.
If you're going to judge someone - doing so based upon one exchange only - is a bit unfair. With any other person, I suspect you would apply that principle. Going further, and using that one exchange to then broad brush all Muslim students as supporting genocide is weak but typical.

I don't support genocide. I've never supported genocide.

If you claim it then provide a link. I won't hold my breath because you constantly make claims about others then refuse to back it up.

A link? Sure. Here you go. Your entire repulsive body of work can be seen in this thread here:

A Muslim and a Professor Argue The UCSD Student admits she is FOR the eradication of ALL Jews. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
If you're going to judge someone - doing so based upon one exchange only - is a bit unfair. With any other person, I suspect you would apply that principle. Going further, and using that one exchange to then broad brush all Muslim students as supporting genocide is weak but typical.

I don't support genocide. I've never supported genocide.

If you claim it then provide a link. I won't hold my breath because you constantly make claims about others then refuse to back it up.

A link? Sure. Here you go. Your entire repulsive body of work can be seen in this thread here:

A Muslim and a Professor Argue The UCSD Student admits she is FOR the eradication of ALL Jews. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Like I thought. No link. You're such a fraud.
Fuck Israel and Palestine. Both can blow each other off the map for all I care and the world will be better off without them.

These fifth column yids and kebabs have no place in Western Civilization.
Like I thought. No link. You're such a fraud.

No, I gave the link. Your methods are as obvious as they are disgusting. You show solidarity with the genocidal and then turn around and try to claim this solidarity isn't what it is.

It's almost as if your very cellular structure is slimy, this duplicitous double talk defines you so thoroughly. You have certainly mastered the art of taqiyya, that's for sure.
Like I thought. No link. You're such a fraud.

No, I gave the link. Your methods are as obvious as they are disgusting. You show solidarity with the genocidal and then turn around and try to claim this solidarity isn't what it is.

It's almost as if your very cellular structure is slimy, this duplicitous double talk defines you so thoroughly. You have certainly mastered the art of taqiyya, that's for sure.

I have never ever supported genocide in any way shape or form. What I've said (multiple times) in this thread is that I'm not going to judge a college student based on two words in one heated exchange - something your ilk is making a lot of and a judgement I suspect you would not apply were the positions flipped.

You are deeply immersed your own hateful propoganda, a type of propoganda that will brook no argument, no attempt at reason and that at it's logical conclusion leads to justifying human rights abuses and even genocide. You certainly don't seem to counter that.

So at least we've established that, once again, you have no link to support your claim that I support genocide. Bitter, angry, empty old man. Rhetoric is all you have left.
You wouldn't know a liberal if it bit you on the foot so please don't feel offended if I don't consider you a reputable source.

this what I see as liberal :


and this:


You think it is this:


and that is because you are devoid of knowledge, decency, honesty or class. Being that you are what you are, I certainly do not worry if a repulsive propagandist such as you thinks it is me who lacks credibility.

I could care less what delusions you operate under.

These are my liberals:







There are many more.

Wow -- all those people defended Islamists at every turn, including those who wanted to kill all Jews?

I had not known!

Thanks for pointing that out.

Like I thought. No link. You're such a fraud.

No, I gave the link. Your methods are as obvious as they are disgusting. You show solidarity with the genocidal and then turn around and try to claim this solidarity isn't what it is.

It's almost as if your very cellular structure is slimy, this duplicitous double talk defines you so thoroughly. You have certainly mastered the art of taqiyya, that's for sure.

I have never ever supported genocide in any way shape or form. What I've said (multiple times) in this thread is that I'm not going to judge a college student based on two words in one heated exchange - something your ilk is making a lot of and a judgement I suspect you would not apply were the positions flipped.

You are deeply immersed your own hateful propoganda, a type of propoganda that will brook no argument, no attempt at reason and that at it's logical conclusion leads to justifying human rights abuses and even genocide. You certainly don't seem to counter that.

So at least we've established that, once again, you have no link to support your claim that I support genocide. Bitter, angry, empty old man. Rhetoric is all you have left.

How do you judge? You act as if you know what this women has in her heart over and above her unscripted comment?. You're telling us she didn't mean what she said? How can you know this?
I have never ever supported genocide in any way shape or form. What I've said (multiple times) in this thread is that I'm not going to judge a college student based on two words in one heated exchange - something your ilk is making a lot of and a judgement I suspect you would not apply were the positions flipped.

You are deeply immersed your own hateful propoganda, a type of propoganda that will brook no argument, no attempt at reason and that at it's logical conclusion leads to justifying human rights abuses and even genocide. You certainly don't seem to counter that.

So at least we've established that, once again, you have no link to support your claim that I support genocide. Bitter, angry, empty old man. Rhetoric is all you have left.

Yes, on several occasions you have offered some very pitiful excuses to show your solidarity with this fat Islamist toad's desire for genocide of Jews.

If a member of the KKK were to be similarly aggressive during a talk on race relations and answered "yes" to a question asking if they wanted to kill all black people, should we assume you would be resorting to this same sort of slime in order to defend? You just can't judge by one isolated incident where a member of a hate group expresses the desire for genocide,you know.

Again, though, your feeble attempts to establish that objecting to the genocide of Jews is the actual act of hatred is duly noted. May you reveal exactly what kind of creature you are with ever increasing clarity.

Again, though, your feeble attempts to establish that objecting to the genocide of Jews is the actual act of hatred is duly noted. May you reveal exactly what kind of creature you are with ever increasing clarity.

They are RETALIATING against the zionuts.

You fuckers have no right to be in Palestine. The Muslims have the right to remove you by any means necessary.

They are RETALIATING against the zionuts.

You fuckers have no right to be in Palestine. The Muslims have the right to remove you by any means necessary.


Well, that adds one more vote for the "hooray for genocide of Jews" crowd.
They are RETALIATING against the zionuts.

You fuckers have no right to be in Palestine. The Muslims have the right to remove you by any means necessary.


Well, that adds one more vote for the "hooray for genocide of Jews" crowd.

You should have though of that BEFORE deciding to move to Palestine then murdering/removing disappearing the Palestinian Farmers.

Expulsion of the Palestinians—Lydda and Ramleh in 1948

Two American news correspondents witnessed what happened in the ensuing assault. Keith Wheeler of the Chicago Sun Times wrote in an article titled "Blitz Tactics Won Lydda" that "practically everything in their way died. Riddled corpses lay by the roadside." Kenneth Bilby of the New York Herald Tribune wrote that he saw "the corpses of Arab men, women and even children strewn about in the wake of the ruthlessly brilliant charge."2


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