A Muslim Brit nails it again on the New Zealand attack

Mr. Nawaaz is risking his life trying to reform his beloved but troubled religion.

He is calling for civility and accountability and decency and communication, and an end to hatred and violence, as part of the process.

And a few here are more than willing to attack and insult him for it.

What does that tell you?
Is the shooter Left or Right?
It's not clear.
What is clear that he was unbalanced.
However, there is a yoog difference in the magnitude of the hate and violence of the Jihadist and the West's responses to it.

These terrorist attacks on Muslims are kind of rare in comparison.
We have been taking it for a long time.

The only nut on our side so far has been the guy who shot up the republican softball game. You know how you can tell he was a liberal? No one died. Terrible shot. Clearly not a gun nut. LOL

That's flippant and it plays into their moronic rhetoric. I condemn that act as strongly as I do the Christchurch horror. And that act no more is indicative of liberals or even "bernie bros" than the Christchurch massacre is indicative of anyone BUT white nationalists and those that condone them and what they do

Or people who defend the white nationalists as good people.

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'
The president backtracked from his remarks on Charlottesville just a day earlier.
White Nationalist = Patriotic Caucasian
It does not = White Supremacist
dude this is what they are trying to do. they want you and I to become obsolete, the new muslims.
so is the border. obammy said so himself as did Schumer. you know this right?

They declared a national emergency?
yes they did.

Media had no problem calling it a border 'crisis' in 2014 under Obama

"Both Democrats and most news media are yelling as often as they can that there is no border "crisis," even though they spent the last year telling everyone there was and even though they had no problem explicitly calling it a "crisis" in 2014, when the situation was the exact same as it is now.

"We now have an actual humanitarian crisis on the borer that only underscores the need to drop the politics and fix our immigration system once and for all," then-President Barack Obama said in the Rose Garden in 2014. "In recent weeks we've seen a surge of unaccompanied children arrive at the border, brought here and to other countries by smugglers and traffickers.""

Link to the national emergency declaration please. You dance. We’ll wait.
The National Emergencies Obama Declared Show He & Trump Shared At Least One Concern

"As CBS News reported, President Obama made 12 emergency declarations during his two terms in office. Of these 12 emergencies, 10 are still ongoing. As CNN reported, it's not uncommon for states of emergency to continue after a president leaves office."
So he is saying that if somebody will censor the Christians he will work to censor Muslims ?
Wow, that's just completely wrong.

He wants to censor no one. He wants the hatred from both ends of this to end so that we can make some progress.

That would have to be done voluntarily. More reasonable and civil behavior. Like normal adults.

Normal adults said they don’t want a Muslim invasion. Maybe we should respond to people’s concerns rather than calling their concerns unreasonable?
I can see that you can only see one side of this.

That's part of the problem.
and yet...

Normal adults said they don’t want a Muslim invasion. Maybe we should respond to people’s concerns rather than calling their concerns unreasonable?
Mr. Nawaaz is risking his life trying to reform his beloved but troubled religion.

He is calling for civility and accountability and decency and communication, and an end to hatred and violence, as part of the process.

And a few here are more than willing to attack and insult him for it.

What does that tell you?
how's he doing on ISIS?
Sounds like he expects his religion to change rather than the world changing for his religion
To sum that up, Mr. Nawaz is a crackpot with an agenda that clouds his vision. At the very least, it's advisable to take his hasty, repetitive scribbling with a grain of salt. Make that, a huge block of salt.
Did I call it?
He was assaulted, again, just the other day (I suspect he'll be attacked here, too - that's how they operate).
They literally can't help themselves.

Wait. You think Olde Europe is a regressive lefty?
So he is saying that if somebody will censor the Christians he will work to censor Muslims ?
Wow, that's just completely wrong.

He wants to censor no one. He wants the hatred from both ends of this to end so that we can make some progress.

That would have to be done voluntarily. More reasonable and civil behavior. Like normal adults.

Normal adults said they don’t want a Muslim invasion. Maybe we should respond to people’s concerns rather than calling their concerns unreasonable?
I can see that you can only see one side of this.

That's part of the problem.
and yet...

Normal adults said they don’t want a Muslim invasion. Maybe we should respond to people’s concerns rather than calling their concerns unreasonable?
Yes we should.

People on the other end of this issue have reasonable concerns too.

Perhaps you could list a few.
So he is saying that if somebody will censor the Christians he will work to censor Muslims ?
Wow, that's just completely wrong.

He wants to censor no one. He wants the hatred from both ends of this to end so that we can make some progress.

That would have to be done voluntarily. More reasonable and civil behavior. Like normal adults.

Normal adults said they don’t want a Muslim invasion. Maybe we should respond to people’s concerns rather than calling their concerns unreasonable?
I can see that you can only see one side of this.

That's part of the problem.
and yet...

Normal adults said they don’t want a Muslim invasion. Maybe we should respond to people’s concerns rather than calling their concerns unreasonable?
Yes we should.

People on the other end of this issue have reasonable concerns too.

Perhaps you could list a few.
reasonable persons can always be reasonable. find me some from the muslim world. Is ISIS under control? How about Al-qaeda? how about the Middle East?
That is such bull. You didn’t take time to read his manifesto. Only bits your leaders chose, to try to push such a fake scenario.
He explained that when leaders pump up their followers by promising them utopian visions, and then fail to deliver on those promises, followers take action into their own hands. He expressed his concern that disappointed followers of Trump will "end up joining fascist or far-right groups" and take matters into their own hands against the eight million Muslims in the United States"
I wonder what happens in your mind when you read him say things about your end of this, the damage you're causing.

I wonder if you immediately ignore it, or if your mind is trained to just not see it.

He would ask you to open your mind a bit, I'd bet.
YOU seem to be ignoring his warnings about the right wing danger that Trump is encouraging.

Ya know...like Christchurch

Not from the manifesto, moron.
Wow, that's just completely wrong.

He wants to censor no one. He wants the hatred from both ends of this to end so that we can make some progress.

That would have to be done voluntarily. More reasonable and civil behavior. Like normal adults.

Normal adults said they don’t want a Muslim invasion. Maybe we should respond to people’s concerns rather than calling their concerns unreasonable?
I can see that you can only see one side of this.

That's part of the problem.
and yet...

Normal adults said they don’t want a Muslim invasion. Maybe we should respond to people’s concerns rather than calling their concerns unreasonable?
Yes we should.

People on the other end of this issue have reasonable concerns too.

Perhaps you could list a few.
reasonable persons can always be reasonable. find me some from the muslim world. Is ISIS under control? How about Al-qaeda? how about the Middle East?
Mr. Nawaaz.
Normal adults said they don’t want a Muslim invasion. Maybe we should respond to people’s concerns rather than calling their concerns unreasonable?
I can see that you can only see one side of this.

That's part of the problem.
and yet...

Normal adults said they don’t want a Muslim invasion. Maybe we should respond to people’s concerns rather than calling their concerns unreasonable?
Yes we should.

People on the other end of this issue have reasonable concerns too.

Perhaps you could list a few.
reasonable persons can always be reasonable. find me some from the muslim world. Is ISIS under control? How about Al-qaeda? how about the Middle East?
Mr. Nawaaz.
who's he working with on the Middle East?
I can see that you can only see one side of this.

That's part of the problem.
and yet...

Normal adults said they don’t want a Muslim invasion. Maybe we should respond to people’s concerns rather than calling their concerns unreasonable?
Yes we should.

People on the other end of this issue have reasonable concerns too.

Perhaps you could list a few.
reasonable persons can always be reasonable. find me some from the muslim world. Is ISIS under control? How about Al-qaeda? how about the Middle East?
Mr. Nawaaz.
who's he working with on the Middle East?
Muslims and Christians primarily in England.

Perhaps you should do some research on the guy.

The Regressives here don't care much for him.

I agree with that 100%.

You’ve won me over!
I quote Maajid Nawaz regularly here. He is the liberal Muslim Brit who coined the term "Regressive Left", horrified by the way many on the Left make a bad situation worse by coddling the worst elements of Islam in the West. Mr. Nawaz can see both sides of this issue. I know being able to see both sides of an issue is not considered a good thing here.

He risks his life every day, pushing for reform of his beloved religion. He was assaulted, again, just the other day (I suspect he'll be attacked here, too - that's how they operate). Here's his take on the predictable madness that has followed the New Zealand attack.

The New Zealand Mosque Massacre Blame Game Is Out of Control

LONDON—The anti-Muslim terrorist attack at two mosques in New Zealand marked perhaps the lowest point for Muslim communities in the West since the Bosnia genocide. It has left no doubt that far-right extremism is on the march once more.

But the sheer human tragedy of this attack against my Muslim communities has not deterred extremists from those other two ends of our political spectrum, the far left and the theocratic Islamists, from seeking to exploit it for their own nefarious purposes.

So it is with no surprise that I noticed, a mere day after 50 of my fellow Muslims were so publicly and tragically killed, while the blood was still wet and the bodies remained unburied, that the ideologues had circled like vultures. Opportunistic Islamist and far-left extremists began calling for a purge of people whose politics they disagree with, and started publishing McCarthyite lists of personae non grata to target. Few have come under fiercer assault than my friend and collaborator in dialogue, Sam Harris. The following spectacle has been incredibly unedifying.

Of course, inflammatory anti-Muslim language must be condemned by us all, and many anti-Muslim provocateurs should take a hard look at themselves after New Zealand, just as we must condemn inflammatory Islamist and far-left language. That is different, though, from trying to silence an entire policy concern like Western foreign policy or opposing immigration and critiquing Islam respectively. Only the extremists wish to shut down debate. And so it is crucial that we do not respond to far-right extremism in such a way that we inadvertently empower extremists from other ends of the political spectrum. Terrorists prefer the bullet to the ballot. Let us not become pawns in their game.

well, good for this guy. The problem is he doesn't see both sides. he is still requesting to stop anti muslim hate, and anti muslim hate is there due to the fact that leftists and muslims can't denounce radical muslims. just can't. until that day is here, the mere fact that some innocent lives were taken, doesn't change the dialogue in the rest of the world. And just because you or him want that can kiss my ass. Radical muslims terrorize this planet almost daily. In Syria, in Lebanon, in Isreal, in the US and anywhere else a muslim culture exists. Muslim hate is due to the radical fks you all can't denounce. DENOUNCE RADICAL MUSLIM BEHAVIOR first!!!!
Obviously you didn't read the piece.

It has the Regressives here very upset.

And you too.


I’m not upset by this guy in the least.
and yet...

Normal adults said they don’t want a Muslim invasion. Maybe we should respond to people’s concerns rather than calling their concerns unreasonable?
Yes we should.

People on the other end of this issue have reasonable concerns too.

Perhaps you could list a few.
reasonable persons can always be reasonable. find me some from the muslim world. Is ISIS under control? How about Al-qaeda? how about the Middle East?
Mr. Nawaaz.
who's he working with on the Middle East?
Muslims and Christians primarily in England.

Perhaps you should do some research on the guy.

The Regressives here don't care much for him.
why? he hasn't been on any tv station or show here in the US. if he were so influential, I'd have thought he had been recognized and yet.

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