A Muslim Brit nails it again on the New Zealand attack

The man who killed 50 people last week at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, described President Donald Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.”

What other political commentary was in his manifesto?
Who gives a fuck. Isn't this enough?

described President Donald Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.”
So the new zealand shooter cited trump.

The white supremacist coast guard member cited trump.

The mail bomber cited trump.

The synagogue shooter cited trump.

Hmm...is there a pattern?
Trump is gaining new voters every day.
The only nut on our side so far has been the guy who shot up the republican softball game. You know how you can tell he was a liberal? No one died. Terrible shot. Clearly not a gun nut. LOL

That's flippant and it plays into their moronic rhetoric. I condemn that act as strongly as I do the Christchurch horror. And that act no more is indicative of liberals or even "bernie bros" than the Christchurch massacre is indicative of anyone BUT white nationalists and those that condone them and what they do

Or people who defend the white nationalists as good people.

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'
The president backtracked from his remarks on Charlottesville just a day earlier.
White Nationalist = Patriotic Caucasian
It does not = White Supremacist
You are stupid as you demonstrate time and time again .

Equating two things that are entirely different is an act of apologia.

We're Jews running all over the world killing people to spread Judaism? Was Judaism created by a mass murderer, rapist and Thief? Was Judaism spread by the Sword? Do Jews kill their daughters and call it honor? Do Jews support the imprisonment or death of fellow Jews who abandon Judaism.

Again, I realize you are a profoundly stupid and dishonest individual, so you haven't the foggiest understanding of anything at all, but the answer to all these questions is no.

So, having been reminded, twice, that the statement in question compared the rhetoric used by Jew haters to that of Muslim haters, you still don't understand what is at issue. Third time:

"I wonder if people realize that their rhetoric is exactly the same as that used by Jew haters for centuries ... with a different noun."

Read as often as necessary for it to sink in. And, if at all possible, try not to insult everyone's intelligence, again.
The rhetoric used to demonize Jews employees themes of manipulation ,undue power, secrecy, and untrustwortiness.

Criticisms of your idology centers on your vulence, disregard for human life, totalitarianism, supremacism and intolerance.

Antisemitism scapegoats a small minority and is based on something that isn't true. Criticisms of your ideology address a worldwide phenomenon and are all true.

I realize you are the product of countless generations of serious imbreeding, but really now.
Those were emergencies...

Not a different way to complete ridiculous campaign promises.

Wasn’t Mexico supposed to be paying for the wall anyway?
so is the border. obammy said so himself as did Schumer. you know this right?

They declared a national emergency?
yes they did.

Media had no problem calling it a border 'crisis' in 2014 under Obama

"Both Democrats and most news media are yelling as often as they can that there is no border "crisis," even though they spent the last year telling everyone there was and even though they had no problem explicitly calling it a "crisis" in 2014, when the situation was the exact same as it is now.

"We now have an actual humanitarian crisis on the borer that only underscores the need to drop the politics and fix our immigration system once and for all," then-President Barack Obama said in the Rose Garden in 2014. "In recent weeks we've seen a surge of unaccompanied children arrive at the border, brought here and to other countries by smugglers and traffickers.""

Link to the national emergency declaration please. You dance. We’ll wait.
I quote Maajid Nawaz regularly here. He is the liberal Muslim Brit who coined the term "Regressive Left", horrified by the way many on the Left make a bad situation worse by coddling the worst elements of Islam in the West. Mr. Nawaz can see both sides of this issue. I know being able to see both sides of an issue is not considered a good thing here.

He risks his life every day, pushing for reform of his beloved religion. He was assaulted, again, just the other day (I suspect he'll be attacked here, too - that's how they operate). Here's his take on the predictable madness that has followed the New Zealand attack.

The New Zealand Mosque Massacre Blame Game Is Out of Control

LONDON—The anti-Muslim terrorist attack at two mosques in New Zealand marked perhaps the lowest point for Muslim communities in the West since the Bosnia genocide. It has left no doubt that far-right extremism is on the march once more.

But the sheer human tragedy of this attack against my Muslim communities has not deterred extremists from those other two ends of our political spectrum, the far left and the theocratic Islamists, from seeking to exploit it for their own nefarious purposes.

So it is with no surprise that I noticed, a mere day after 50 of my fellow Muslims were so publicly and tragically killed, while the blood was still wet and the bodies remained unburied, that the ideologues had circled like vultures. Opportunistic Islamist and far-left extremists began calling for a purge of people whose politics they disagree with, and started publishing McCarthyite lists of personae non grata to target. Few have come under fiercer assault than my friend and collaborator in dialogue, Sam Harris. The following spectacle has been incredibly unedifying.

Of course, inflammatory anti-Muslim language must be condemned by us all, and many anti-Muslim provocateurs should take a hard look at themselves after New Zealand, just as we must condemn inflammatory Islamist and far-left language. That is different, though, from trying to silence an entire policy concern like Western foreign policy or opposing immigration and critiquing Islam respectively. Only the extremists wish to shut down debate. And so it is crucial that we do not respond to far-right extremism in such a way that we inadvertently empower extremists from other ends of the political spectrum. Terrorists prefer the bullet to the ballot. Let us not become pawns in their game.


So he is saying that if somebody will censor the Christians he will work to censor Muslims ?
The only nut on our side so far has been the guy who shot up the republican softball game. You know how you can tell he was a liberal? No one died. Terrible shot. Clearly not a gun nut. LOL

That's flippant and it plays into their moronic rhetoric. I condemn that act as strongly as I do the Christchurch horror. And that act no more is indicative of liberals or even "bernie bros" than the Christchurch massacre is indicative of anyone BUT white nationalists and those that condone them and what they do
what is a white nationalist? come on poindexter tell us.
It's a nice way of saying a nazi
A correct way of saying Nazi is Progressive Democrat.....*COMMUNIST*

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

by George Reisman
[Posted on the website of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Friday, November 11, 2005]
My purpose today is to make just two main points: (1) To show why Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And (2) to show why socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

The identification of Nazi Germany as a socialist state was one of the many great contributions of Ludwig von Mises.

When one remembers that the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party — Mises's identification might not appear all that noteworthy. For what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

Nevertheless, apart from Mises and his readers, practically no one thinks of Nazi Germany as a socialist state. It is far more common to believe that it represented a form of capitalism, which is what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed.

The basis of the claim that Nazi Germany was capitalist was the fact that most industries in Nazi Germany appeared to be left in private hands.

What Mises identified was that private ownership of the means of production existed in name only under the Nazis and that the actual substance of ownership of the means of production resided in the German government. For it was the German government and not the nominal private owners that exercised all of the substantive powers of ownership: it, not the nominal private owners, decided what was to be produced, in what quantity, by what methods, and to whom it was to be distributed, as well as what prices would be charged and what wages would be paid, and what dividends or other income the nominal private owners would be permitted to receive. The position of the alleged private owners, Mises showed, was reduced essentially to that of government pensioners. Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
on the road to Marxist utopia

it ok.JPG
So he is saying that if somebody will censor the Christians he will work to censor Muslims ?
Wow, that's just completely wrong.

He wants to censor no one. He wants the hatred from both ends of this to end so that we can make some progress.

That would have to be done voluntarily. More reasonable and civil behavior. Like normal adults.
The man who killed 50 people last week at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, described President Donald Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.”

What other political commentary was in his manifesto?
Who gives a fuck. Isn't this enough?

described President Donald Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.”
So the new zealand shooter cited trump.

The white supremacist coast guard member cited trump.

The mail bomber cited trump.

The synagogue shooter cited trump.

Hmm...is there a pattern?
So you finally can't deny it so this is what you come back with. We know you are an intellectually dishonest person.
The man who killed 50 people last week at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, described President Donald Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.”

What other political commentary was in his manifesto?
Who gives a fuck. Isn't this enough?

described President Donald Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.”
So the new zealand shooter cited trump.

The white supremacist coast guard member cited trump.

The mail bomber cited trump.

The synagogue shooter cited trump.

Hmm...is there a pattern?
So you finally can't deny it so this is what you come back with. We know you are an intellectually dishonest person.
Trump had nothing to do with those... Are you trying to guilt by association again?
on the road to Marxist utopia

View attachment 251095

You poor white losers. You do realize that still over 90% of the CEO's of the fortune 500 companies are white men right?

So you poor white men are finally starting to realize to the rich, you are all n*$$ers to them.

Only you aren't realizing it. It's been happening since the 1980's. The middle class, which was mostly white men, have been taking a hit ever since Republicans waged war on workers. Union membership used to be 35% of Americas work force. Today it's like 8%. As membership went down, so did wages.

And CEO pay skyrocketed.

It's these rich white men who are telling you it's brown people's fault. You are such a fucking loser to fall for it.

I was killing it in 2015 and I'm killing it now. Who am I at war with? No one. The only reason I won't vote Republican is because they will do away with my social security and medicare. And you know what? When they do they'll blame dark people and liberals and you'll fall for it.

I love listening to loser white men.

Any white supremacist is a loser. Either a successful one who has hate in his heart or a loser looking to blame someone else for their woes.

If you want to blame someone blame Republicans. They invented NAFTA, said illegals were here just doing shit Americans wouldn't do and they loved buying cheap shit from China which killed a lot of small business' here in America donchaknow.
So he is saying that if somebody will censor the Christians he will work to censor Muslims ?
Wow, that's just completely wrong.

He wants to censor no one. He wants the hatred from both ends of this to end so that we can make some progress.

That would have to be done voluntarily. More reasonable and civil behavior. Like normal adults.

Normal adults said they don’t want a Muslim invasion. Maybe we should respond to people’s concerns rather than calling their concerns unreasonable?
What other political commentary was in his manifesto?
Who gives a fuck. Isn't this enough?

described President Donald Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.”
So the new zealand shooter cited trump.

The white supremacist coast guard member cited trump.

The mail bomber cited trump.

The synagogue shooter cited trump.

Hmm...is there a pattern?
So you finally can't deny it so this is what you come back with. We know you are an intellectually dishonest person.
Trump had nothing to do with those... Are you trying to guilt by association again?

How deeply has President Trump taken our politics into the gutter? Consider this from President Bill Clinton's first term. Sen. Jesse Helms, the ultraconservative and Republican from North Carolina was asked about whether Clinton should visit the troops at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.

Helms responded the President shouldn't come down to his state because the military hated him because he had avoided service in Vietnam and reduced military spending. The senator told a radio station, "Mr. Clinton better watch out if he comes down here. He'd better have a bodyguard."

The remark provoked an inquiry from the Secret Service and front-page coverage in all of America's newspapers.

Fast forward to 2019 and now we have President Trump telling Breitbart News, "I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of Bikers for Trump -- I have tough people, but they don't play it tough until they go to a certain point and then it would be very, very bad." Twenty-five years after the Helms incident, though, there certainly won't be an apology from Trump for threatening violence against his political opponents, there won't be an investigation and I bet we don't find it on the front page of any newspaper.
So he is saying that if somebody will censor the Christians he will work to censor Muslims ?
Wow, that's just completely wrong.

He wants to censor no one. He wants the hatred from both ends of this to end so that we can make some progress.

That would have to be done voluntarily. More reasonable and civil behavior. Like normal adults.

Normal adults said they don’t want a Muslim invasion. Maybe we should respond to people’s concerns rather than calling their concerns unreasonable?
I can see that you can only see one side of this.

That's part of the problem.
"Of course, inflammatory anti-Muslim language must be condemned by us all". Or so said one Mr. Nawaz. Very ominously, he completely failed at doing that, in an article concerning the results this inflammatory anti-Muslim language engenders. Instead, he insists inflammatory anti-Muslim language must be provided a platform, and be enabled to normalize inflammatory anti-Muslim language.

Of course, there are the ubiquitous howls about shutting down debate. Then arrives one Mac on the scene, shutting down debate by preempting criticism of one Mr. Nawaz, and waving his own bloody shirt. Again.

Just days ago, fifty Muslims were brutally murdered, children, elderly, women. Mr. Nawaz finds words countering the brutalization and murder of Muslims, mentions the Bosnian genocide and the New Zealand mass-murder as lowest points for Muslim communities "in the West", a fine distinction dividing Muslims into convenient groups, which allows him completely to forget the criminal war of aggression on Iraq and the hundreds of thousands of dead Muslims there. The New Zealand murderer's manifesto exposed an internationally connected White-supremacist network. Within 24 hours of the attack, Facebook alone had to delete more than 1.5 million more or less gleefully shared / uploaded videos of the attack. At this time, in this context, Mr. Nawaz informs us this is the time to criticize Muslims and Islam.

To sum that up, Mr. Nawaz is a crackpot with an agenda that clouds his vision. At the very least, it's advisable to take his hasty, repetitive scribbling with a grain of salt. Make that, a huge block of salt.
White Nationalist = Patriotic Caucasian
It does not = White Supremacist

The rhetoric used to demonize Jews employees themes of manipulation ,undue power, secrecy, and untrustwortiness.

Criticisms of your idology centers on your vulence, disregard for human life, totalitarianism, supremacism and intolerance.

Antisemitism scapegoats a small minority and is based on something that isn't true. Criticisms of your ideology address a worldwide phenomenon and are all true.

I realize you are the product of countless generations of serious imbreeding, but really now.

The upshot of what you're saying is that Jews didn't deserve the horrific treatment they got but Muslims do?

Dude...people like you amaze me. This all goes to hell and we end up with a couple million Muslims in ovens and people will look back and say

How did this happen?

Look around yourself...you are setting the conditions for a second Holocaust
Those were emergencies...

Not a different way to complete ridiculous campaign promises.

Wasn’t Mexico supposed to be paying for the wall anyway?
so is the border. obammy said so himself as did Schumer. you know this right?

They declared a national emergency?
yes they did.
Well, to the surprise of exactly nobody, you're a shameless liar:

President Barack Obama

  • Oct. 23, 2009: Declaration of a National Emergency With Respect to the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic was never terminated or continued.
  • April 12, 2010 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in Somalia, continued in 2018.
  • Feb. 25, 2011 (still in effect): Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Libya, continued in February 2018.
  • July 24, 2011 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations, continued in July 2018.
  • May 16, 2012 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen, continued in May 2012.
  • June 25, 2012: Blocking Property of the Government of the Russian Federation Relating to the Disposition of Highly Enriched Uranium Extracted from Nuclear Weapons, revoked in 2015.
  • March 6, 2014 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine, continued in March 2018.
  • April 3, 2014 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons With Respect to South Sudan, continued in March 2018.
  • May 12, 2014 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in the Central African Republic, continued in May 2018.
  • March 8, 2015 (still in effect): Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Venezuela, continued in March 2018.
  • April 1, 2015 (still in effect): Blocking the Property of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities, continued in March 2018.
  • Nov. 22, 2015 (still in effect): Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Burundi, continued in November 2018.
But declaring a national emergency is unconstitutional !!!!!!!

Looting the treasury may be. We’re gonna see

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