A new, official, national anti-domestic terrorism strategy


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
This is good to see. These aren't violent, ignorant, idiot kids like Antifa --- these are people proud to brag about how many guns they have, proud to brag about their military training, already planning and threatening more attacks, and driven into a misguided, hysterical paranoia by their alternate universe to literally attack and damage our very electoral system:

The plan gives the White House imprimatur to a shift in counterterrorism priorities that began in recent years in response to a rise in deadly hate-fueled attacks and picked up momentum after the stunning Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol. Last week, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray told Congress that the bureau had made “close to 500 arrests” in connection with the Capitol attack. Wray has said that the total number of domestic terrorism investigations increased to 2,000 from 1,400 at the end of last year.

The rise of domestic extremism in America

The Trump administration was reluctant to confront domestic extremism, or did so by touting a false equivalency between the extreme right and Black Lives Matter, antifa and other movements on the left. The Trump-era counterterrorism strategy did mention domestic extremism, and a Homeland Security report from that time called violent white supremacy “one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism.”
or did so by touting a false equivalency between the extreme right and Black Lives Matter, antifa and other movements on the left.
Please explain how that is possible.
They burn, loot and murder in the name of politics. That is the very definition of terrorism.

The problem of definitions in politics today...


Still the number 1 USMB definition.... By ANTIFA

NAZIs are not fascists, but trump supporters are

So if you thought hitler was a fascist, you would qualify as being too literate to join ANTIFA
This is good to see. These aren't violent, ignorant, idiot kids like Antifa --- these are people proud to brag about how many guns they have, proud to brag about their military training, already planning and threatening more attacks, and driven into a misguided, hysterical paranoia by their alternate universe to literally attack and damage our very electoral system:
I'm starting to buy into your alternate-universe or alternate-reality theory. Are you?
touting a false equivalency between the extreme right and Black Lives Matter, antifa and other movements on the left
That "fiery, but mostly peaceful protest" false equivalency?


I'm sure you had no problem with that bit of reporting, but no fire, no one armed, nothing but a bit of trespassing out of political protest and it was suddenly INSURRECTION and ATTEMPTED COUP, and NOW full blown DOMESTIC TERRORISM, but that fiery, but mostly peaceful protest was anything but.

Where's the false equivalency?
This is good to see. These aren't violent, ignorant, idiot kids like Antifa --- these are people proud to brag about how many guns they have, proud to brag about their military training, already planning and threatening more attacks, and driven into a misguided, hysterical paranoia by their alternate universe to literally attack and damage our very electoral system:

The plan gives the White House imprimatur to a shift in counterterrorism priorities that began in recent years in response to a rise in deadly hate-fueled attacks and picked up momentum after the stunning Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol. Last week, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray told Congress that the bureau had made “close to 500 arrests” in connection with the Capitol attack. Wray has said that the total number of domestic terrorism investigations increased to 2,000 from 1,400 at the end of last year.

The rise of domestic extremism in America

The Trump administration was reluctant to confront domestic extremism, or did so by touting a false equivalency between the extreme right and Black Lives Matter, antifa and other movements on the left. The Trump-era counterterrorism strategy did mention domestic extremism, and a Homeland Security report from that time called violent white supremacy “one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism.”
Yeah that's the kind of lunatic leftist garbage I'd expect to see coming from the DIAMOND member of the democrat propaganda wing, the washpo. It's straight out of the radical Alinsky toilet.
This is good to see. These aren't violent, ignorant, idiot kids like Antifa --- these are people proud to brag about how many guns they have, proud to brag about their military training, already planning and threatening more attacks, and driven into a misguided, hysterical paranoia by their alternate universe to literally attack and damage our very electoral system:

The plan gives the White House imprimatur to a shift in counterterrorism priorities that began in recent years in response to a rise in deadly hate-fueled attacks and picked up momentum after the stunning Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol. Last week, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray told Congress that the bureau had made “close to 500 arrests” in connection with the Capitol attack. Wray has said that the total number of domestic terrorism investigations increased to 2,000 from 1,400 at the end of last year.

The rise of domestic extremism in America

The Trump administration was reluctant to confront domestic extremism, or did so by touting a false equivalency between the extreme right and Black Lives Matter, antifa and other movements on the left. The Trump-era counterterrorism strategy did mention domestic extremism, and a Homeland Security report from that time called violent white supremacy “one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism.”
Yeah that's the kind of lunatic leftist garbage I'd expect to see coming from the DIAMOND member of the democrat propaganda wing, the washpo. It's straight out of the radical Alinsky toilet.
This thread went down in a blaze of fiery, but mostly peaceful, glory.
........These aren't violent, ignorant, idiot kids like Antifa --- .......


When they are out of high school they are not what you describe and should be held accountable to society for their actions as the seditious insurrectionists they are which includes those who support them.


Hopefully no more surprises like Jan 6. Our law enforcement authorities are now paying full attention.

"The White House released a 30-page plan for increased information sharing between federal and local officials and social media companies, additional resources to identify and prosecute threats and new deterrents to prevent Americans from joining dangerous groups.

"The administration conducted a sweeping assessment earlier this year of domestic terrorism that labeled white supremacists and militia groups as top national security threats. The issue took on new urgency after a Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump who were trying to overturn Biden's election victory."
This is good to see. These aren't violent, ignorant, idiot kids like Antifa --- these are people proud to brag about how many guns they have, proud to brag about their military training, already planning and threatening more attacks, and driven into a misguided, hysterical paranoia by their alternate universe to literally attack and damage our very electoral system:

The plan gives the White House imprimatur to a shift in counterterrorism priorities that began in recent years in response to a rise in deadly hate-fueled attacks and picked up momentum after the stunning Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol. Last week, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray told Congress that the bureau had made “close to 500 arrests” in connection with the Capitol attack. Wray has said that the total number of domestic terrorism investigations increased to 2,000 from 1,400 at the end of last year.

The rise of domestic extremism in America

The Trump administration was reluctant to confront domestic extremism, or did so by touting a false equivalency between the extreme right and Black Lives Matter, antifa and other movements on the left. The Trump-era counterterrorism strategy did mention domestic extremism, and a Homeland Security report from that time called violent white supremacy “one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism.”
Fascist government is what you want and as long as this illegitimate administration is in power that is what you will get. People with different political beliefs are not terrorists. Why are you so stupid to believe they are?
This is good to see. These aren't violent, ignorant, idiot kids like Antifa --- these are people proud to brag about how many guns they have, proud to brag about their military training, already planning and threatening more attacks, and driven into a misguided, hysterical paranoia by their alternate universe to literally attack and damage our very electoral system:

The plan gives the White House imprimatur to a shift in counterterrorism priorities that began in recent years in response to a rise in deadly hate-fueled attacks and picked up momentum after the stunning Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol. Last week, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray told Congress that the bureau had made “close to 500 arrests” in connection with the Capitol attack. Wray has said that the total number of domestic terrorism investigations increased to 2,000 from 1,400 at the end of last year.

The rise of domestic extremism in America

The Trump administration was reluctant to confront domestic extremism, or did so by touting a false equivalency between the extreme right and Black Lives Matter, antifa and other movements on the left. The Trump-era counterterrorism strategy did mention domestic extremism, and a Homeland Security report from that time called violent white supremacy “one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism.”
Yeah that's the kind of lunatic leftist garbage I'd expect to see coming from the DIAMOND member of the democrat propaganda wing, the washpo. It's straight out of the radical Alinsky toilet.
This thread went down in a blaze of fiery, but mostly peaceful, glory.
The OP is the proverbial "bag of flaming shit" some asshole leaves on your doorstep and rings your doorbell.

I didn't even finish reading it. It's pure radical leftist propaganda. Could have been written by Heir Goebbels.
This is good to see. These aren't violent, ignorant, idiot kids like Antifa --- these are people proud to brag about how many guns they have, proud to brag about their military training, already planning and threatening more attacks, and driven into a misguided, hysterical paranoia by their alternate universe to literally attack and damage our very electoral system:

The plan gives the White House imprimatur to a shift in counterterrorism priorities that began in recent years in response to a rise in deadly hate-fueled attacks and picked up momentum after the stunning Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol. Last week, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray told Congress that the bureau had made “close to 500 arrests” in connection with the Capitol attack. Wray has said that the total number of domestic terrorism investigations increased to 2,000 from 1,400 at the end of last year.

The rise of domestic extremism in America

The Trump administration was reluctant to confront domestic extremism, or did so by touting a false equivalency between the extreme right and Black Lives Matter, antifa and other movements on the left. The Trump-era counterterrorism strategy did mention domestic extremism, and a Homeland Security report from that time called violent white supremacy “one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism.”
Yeah that's the kind of lunatic leftist garbage I'd expect to see coming from the DIAMOND member of the democrat propaganda wing, the washpo. It's straight out of the radical Alinsky toilet.
This thread went down in a blaze of fiery, but mostly peaceful, glory.
The OP is the proverbial "bag of flaming shit" some asshole leaves on your doorstep and rings your doorbell.

I didn't even finish reading it. It's pure radical leftist propaganda. Could have been written by Heir Goebbels.
Mac's drive-by troll threads are getting increasingly desperate.

Fiery....but mostly peaceful...
This is good to see. These aren't violent, ignorant, idiot kids like Antifa --- these are people proud to brag about how many guns they have, proud to brag about their military training, already planning and threatening more attacks, and driven into a misguided, hysterical paranoia by their alternate universe to literally attack and damage our very electoral system:

The plan gives the White House imprimatur to a shift in counterterrorism priorities that began in recent years in response to a rise in deadly hate-fueled attacks and picked up momentum after the stunning Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol. Last week, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray told Congress that the bureau had made “close to 500 arrests” in connection with the Capitol attack. Wray has said that the total number of domestic terrorism investigations increased to 2,000 from 1,400 at the end of last year.

The rise of domestic extremism in America

The Trump administration was reluctant to confront domestic extremism, or did so by touting a false equivalency between the extreme right and Black Lives Matter, antifa and other movements on the left. The Trump-era counterterrorism strategy did mention domestic extremism, and a Homeland Security report from that time called violent white supremacy “one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism.”
Yeah that's the kind of lunatic leftist garbage I'd expect to see coming from the DIAMOND member of the democrat propaganda wing, the washpo. It's straight out of the radical Alinsky toilet.
This thread went down in a blaze of fiery, but mostly peaceful, glory.
The OP is the proverbial "bag of flaming shit" some asshole leaves on your doorstep and rings your doorbell.

I didn't even finish reading it. It's pure radical leftist propaganda. Could have been written by Heir Goebbels.
Mac's drive-by troll threads are getting increasingly desperate.

Fiery....but mostly peaceful...
They're scared. Like I was reading I was reading about chuckie cheese schumer with his little faggot red glasses permanently hanging off the end of his nose, he knows their time is short. He knows next year they're going to get their asses handed to them, so they're pushing their garbage as hard and fast as they can. What they NEVER seem to think about, is how it WILL BACKFIRE on them. They just don't seem to care. They want to impose their radical anti American, racist, fascist crap on everyone come hell or high water.

So be it. The shit storm is coming, and it'll be before next year.
This is good to see. These aren't violent, ignorant, idiot kids like Antifa --- these are people proud to brag about how many guns they have, proud to brag about their military training, already planning and threatening more attacks, and driven into a misguided, hysterical paranoia by their alternate universe to literally attack and damage our very electoral system:

The plan gives the White House imprimatur to a shift in counterterrorism priorities that began in recent years in response to a rise in deadly hate-fueled attacks and picked up momentum after the stunning Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol. Last week, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray told Congress that the bureau had made “close to 500 arrests” in connection with the Capitol attack. Wray has said that the total number of domestic terrorism investigations increased to 2,000 from 1,400 at the end of last year.

The rise of domestic extremism in America

The Trump administration was reluctant to confront domestic extremism, or did so by touting a false equivalency between the extreme right and Black Lives Matter, antifa and other movements on the left. The Trump-era counterterrorism strategy did mention domestic extremism, and a Homeland Security report from that time called violent white supremacy “one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism.”
Yeah that's the kind of lunatic leftist garbage I'd expect to see coming from the DIAMOND member of the democrat propaganda wing, the washpo. It's straight out of the radical Alinsky toilet.
This thread went down in a blaze of fiery, but mostly peaceful, glory.
The OP is the proverbial "bag of flaming shit" some asshole leaves on your doorstep and rings your doorbell.

I didn't even finish reading it. It's pure radical leftist propaganda. Could have been written by Heir Goebbels.
Mac's drive-by troll threads are getting increasingly desperate.

Fiery....but mostly peaceful...
They're scared. Like I was reading I was reading about chuckie cheese schumer. He knows their time is short. He knows next year they're going to get their asses handed to them, so they're pushing their garbage as hard and fast as they can. What they NEVER seem to think about, is how it WILL BACKFIRE on them. They just don't seem to care. They want to impose their radical anti American, racist, fascist crap on everyone come hell or high water.

So be it. The shit storm is coming, and it'll be before next year.
And there ya go.

I don't know why you guys complain so vociferously about news like this, and then demonstrate precisely why the precautions are needed.

Okay, just kidding. I know why.
This is good to see. These aren't violent, ignorant, idiot kids like Antifa --- these are people proud to brag about how many guns they have, proud to brag about their military training, already planning and threatening more attacks, and driven into a misguided, hysterical paranoia by their alternate universe to literally attack and damage our very electoral system:

The plan gives the White House imprimatur to a shift in counterterrorism priorities that began in recent years in response to a rise in deadly hate-fueled attacks and picked up momentum after the stunning Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol. Last week, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray told Congress that the bureau had made “close to 500 arrests” in connection with the Capitol attack. Wray has said that the total number of domestic terrorism investigations increased to 2,000 from 1,400 at the end of last year.

The rise of domestic extremism in America

The Trump administration was reluctant to confront domestic extremism, or did so by touting a false equivalency between the extreme right and Black Lives Matter, antifa and other movements on the left. The Trump-era counterterrorism strategy did mention domestic extremism, and a Homeland Security report from that time called violent white supremacy “one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism.”
Yeah that's the kind of lunatic leftist garbage I'd expect to see coming from the DIAMOND member of the democrat propaganda wing, the washpo. It's straight out of the radical Alinsky toilet.
This thread went down in a blaze of fiery, but mostly peaceful, glory.
The OP is the proverbial "bag of flaming shit" some asshole leaves on your doorstep and rings your doorbell.

I didn't even finish reading it. It's pure radical leftist propaganda. Could have been written by Heir Goebbels.
Mac's drive-by troll threads are getting increasingly desperate.

Fiery....but mostly peaceful...
They're scared. Like I was reading I was reading about chuckie cheese schumer. He knows their time is short. He knows next year they're going to get their asses handed to them, so they're pushing their garbage as hard and fast as they can. What they NEVER seem to think about, is how it WILL BACKFIRE on them. They just don't seem to care. They want to impose their radical anti American, racist, fascist crap on everyone come hell or high water.

So be it. The shit storm is coming, and it'll be before next year.
And there ya go.

I don't know why you guys complain so vociferously about news like this, and then demonstrate precisely why the precautions are needed.

Okay, just kidding. I know why.
What are you talking about? He is talking about the 2022 mid-terms. YOU???

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