A new, official, national anti-domestic terrorism strategy

Hopefully no more surprises like Jan 6. Our law enforcement authorities are now paying full attention.

"The White House released a 30-page plan for increased information sharing between federal and local officials and social media companies, additional resources to identify and prosecute threats and new deterrents to prevent Americans from joining dangerous groups.

"The administration conducted a sweeping assessment earlier this year of domestic terrorism that labeled white supremacists and militia groups as top national security threats. The issue took on new urgency after a Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump who were trying to overturn Biden's election victory."
Has he come up with a 30 page plan to prevent peaceful protestors from looting, committing arson, and causing other damage?
Not that I know of. They're clearly far more concerned with those who brag about their guns, have military training, and have already displayed a propensity for attacking our nation's capitol while our electoral process was being carried out in an effort to stop that process.

I guess you don't see any difference. There is nothing I can do about that.

Yet the people at the capital were unarmed.
And can you blame them for being pissed? You did steal the election.
They were armed. After all, a hockey stick can be more deadly than a baseball bat considering its length and reach and the speed that blade could be traveling when the hockey stick is swung with full force.

LOL.....and the capital police have real weapons.
...which they chose not to use because they were vastly outnumbered.

But they did kill Ashely Babbit for no fucken reason.
And besides,they let the protesters in.
They let the protester inside the bldg. from the outer doors (only some of them), but they blocked the protesters from entering the inner doors which they blocked with furniture. Babbitt broke one of the inner door windows and tried to crawl through the broken window when she was shot. You would have done the exact same thing if someone tried to enter your home that way, especially if you were protecting your wife and kids. And if anyone dared to call you a murderer, you probably would punch them in the face, and who could blame you for that?
There is one big difference between what happened and at the home.
There was plenty of armed federal agents there verus you alone with your family at home.
your thread is a lie and you are the enabler for pushing that lie.
You're saying they didn't introduce a new strategy?

They did.

So I don't know what you're talking about. It's not fake news.
No idiot the plan is based on a lie
There is no more a threat from white supremacy than BLM and antifa hell from what we've witnessed BLM and Antifa is the greatest thread not to exclude the democrat party and the democrat propagandist media
your thread is a lie and you are the enabler for pushing that lie.
You're saying they didn't introduce a new strategy?

They did.

So I don't know what you're talking about. It's not fake news.
No idiot the plan is based on a lie
There is no more a threat from white supremacy than BLM and antifa hell from what we've witnessed BLM and Antifa is the greatest thread not to exclude the democrat party and the democrat propagandist media
Then the thread isn't a lie. I simply reported a fact.

This is pretty complicated for you, huh?
your thread is a lie and you are the enabler for pushing that lie.
You're saying they didn't introduce a new strategy?

They did.

So I don't know what you're talking about. It's not fake news.
No idiot the plan is based on a lie
There is no more a threat from white supremacy than BLM and antifa hell from what we've witnessed BLM and Antifa is the greatest thread not to exclude the democrat party and the democrat propagandist media
Then the thread isn't a lie. I simply reported a fact.

This is pretty complicated for you, huh?
ok where is the white supremacist threat if your thread isn't based on a lie?
your thread is a lie and you are the enabler for pushing that lie.
You're saying they didn't introduce a new strategy?

They did.

So I don't know what you're talking about. It's not fake news.
No idiot the plan is based on a lie
There is no more a threat from white supremacy than BLM and antifa hell from what we've witnessed BLM and Antifa is the greatest thread not to exclude the democrat party and the democrat propagandist media
Then the thread isn't a lie. I simply reported a fact.

This is pretty complicated for you, huh?
ok where is the white supremacist threat if your thread isn't based on a lie?
So now the thread isn't a lie, but the report is.

Maybe you should sit out a few plays, huh?
your thread is a lie and you are the enabler for pushing that lie.
You're saying they didn't introduce a new strategy?

They did.

So I don't know what you're talking about. It's not fake news.
No idiot the plan is based on a lie
There is no more a threat from white supremacy than BLM and antifa hell from what we've witnessed BLM and Antifa is the greatest thread not to exclude the democrat party and the democrat propagandist media
Then the thread isn't a lie. I simply reported a fact.

This is pretty complicated for you, huh?
ok where is the white supremacist threat if your thread isn't based on a lie?
So now the thread isn't a lie, but the report is.

Maybe you should sit out a few plays, huh?
yes idiot your thread is based on a lie
or did so by touting a false equivalency between the extreme right and Black Lives Matter, antifa and other movements on the left.
Please explain how that is possible.
They burn, loot and murder in the name of politics. That is the very definition of terrorism.
BLM is comprised of an overwhelmingly number of peaceful protesters. Unfortunately, two things have happened during their protests. For one thing, some opportunists have shown up in an effort to create problems. Some of them were garden variety criminals. It's also unfortunate that some of the people who showed up to cause problems were members of RW groups like the Proud Boys who wanted a violent confrontation with the BLM protestors.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Guess when I saw my first BLM protest which, by the way, was peaceful? It was on a summer evening of 2015 in downtown Denver.
Hopefully no more surprises like Jan 6. Our law enforcement authorities are now paying full attention.

"The White House released a 30-page plan for increased information sharing between federal and local officials and social media companies, additional resources to identify and prosecute threats and new deterrents to prevent Americans from joining dangerous groups.

"The administration conducted a sweeping assessment earlier this year of domestic terrorism that labeled white supremacists and militia groups as top national security threats. The issue took on new urgency after a Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump who were trying to overturn Biden's election victory."
Has he come up with a 30 page plan to prevent peaceful protestors from looting, committing arson, and causing other damage?
Not that I know of. They're clearly far more concerned with those who brag about their guns, have military training, and have already displayed a propensity for attacking our nation's capitol while our electoral process was being carried out in an effort to stop that process.

I guess you don't see any difference. There is nothing I can do about that.

Yet the people at the capital were unarmed.
And can you blame them for being pissed? You did steal the election.
They were armed. After all, a hockey stick can be more deadly than a baseball bat considering its length and reach and the speed that blade could be traveling when the hockey stick is swung with full force.

LOL.....and the capital police have real weapons.
...which they chose not to use because they were vastly outnumbered.

But they did kill Ashely Babbit for no fucken reason.
And besides,they let the protesters in.
They let the protester inside the bldg. from the outer doors (only some of them), but they blocked the protesters from entering the inner doors which they blocked with furniture. Babbitt broke one of the inner door windows and tried to crawl through the broken window when she was shot. You would have done the exact same thing if someone tried to enter your home that way, especially if you were protecting your wife and kids. And if anyone dared to call you a murderer, you probably would punch them in the face, and who could blame you for that?

Thats bullshit.
The doors were heavily blockcaded and there was noway she was getting through them.
Whoever shot Ashley was a fucken coward.
And isnt it strange that we still dont know who pulled the trigger?
Hopefully no more surprises like Jan 6. Our law enforcement authorities are now paying full attention.

"The White House released a 30-page plan for increased information sharing between federal and local officials and social media companies, additional resources to identify and prosecute threats and new deterrents to prevent Americans from joining dangerous groups.

"The administration conducted a sweeping assessment earlier this year of domestic terrorism that labeled white supremacists and militia groups as top national security threats. The issue took on new urgency after a Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump who were trying to overturn Biden's election victory."
Has he come up with a 30 page plan to prevent peaceful protestors from looting, committing arson, and causing other damage?
Not that I know of. They're clearly far more concerned with those who brag about their guns, have military training, and have already displayed a propensity for attacking our nation's capitol while our electoral process was being carried out in an effort to stop that process.

I guess you don't see any difference. There is nothing I can do about that.

Yet the people at the capital were unarmed.
And can you blame them for being pissed? You did steal the election.
They were armed. After all, a hockey stick can be more deadly than a baseball bat considering its length and reach and the speed that blade could be traveling when the hockey stick is swung with full force.

LOL.....and the capital police have real weapons.
...which they chose not to use because they were vastly outnumbered.

But they did kill Ashely Babbit for no fucken reason.
And besides,they let the protesters in.
They let the protester inside the bldg. from the outer doors (only some of them), but they blocked the protesters from entering the inner doors which they blocked with furniture. Babbitt broke one of the inner door windows and tried to crawl through the broken window when she was shot. You would have done the exact same thing if someone tried to enter your home that way, especially if you were protecting your wife and kids. And if anyone dared to call you a murderer, you probably would punch them in the face, and who could blame you for that?
There is one big difference between what happened and at the home.
There was plenty of armed federal agents there verus you alone with your family at home.
It's the responsibility of those Federal Agents and Capitol Police to protect the Senators and House members and their staff from any and all danger, and that's exactly what they were doing.
It's a really bad day when a black man must hire two other black men to create a hate crime against that other black man lol
or did so by touting a false equivalency between the extreme right and Black Lives Matter, antifa and other movements on the left.
Please explain how that is possible.
They burn, loot and murder in the name of politics. That is the very definition of terrorism.

They did it with the wording of the statement and identifying White Supremacists (or the extreme-right) as the ...
"the most persistent, and lethal threat in domestic terrorism".

The statement is relatively correct in that White Supremacists have been around for a while, and aren't going away.
They are also well armed and are more likely to kill someone, than loot a Foot Locker and burn their own neighborhood down.

Last edited:
Hopefully no more surprises like Jan 6. Our law enforcement authorities are now paying full attention.

"The White House released a 30-page plan for increased information sharing between federal and local officials and social media companies, additional resources to identify and prosecute threats and new deterrents to prevent Americans from joining dangerous groups.

"The administration conducted a sweeping assessment earlier this year of domestic terrorism that labeled white supremacists and militia groups as top national security threats. The issue took on new urgency after a Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump who were trying to overturn Biden's election victory."
Has he come up with a 30 page plan to prevent peaceful protestors from looting, committing arson, and causing other damage?
Not that I know of. They're clearly far more concerned with those who brag about their guns, have military training, and have already displayed a propensity for attacking our nation's capitol while our electoral process was being carried out in an effort to stop that process.

I guess you don't see any difference. There is nothing I can do about that.

Yet the people at the capital were unarmed.
And can you blame them for being pissed? You did steal the election.
They were armed. After all, a hockey stick can be more deadly than a baseball bat considering its length and reach and the speed that blade could be traveling when the hockey stick is swung with full force.

LOL.....and the capital police have real weapons.
...which they chose not to use because they were vastly outnumbered.

But they did kill Ashely Babbit for no fucken reason.
And besides,they let the protesters in.
They let the protester inside the bldg. from the outer doors (only some of them), but they blocked the protesters from entering the inner doors which they blocked with furniture. Babbitt broke one of the inner door windows and tried to crawl through the broken window when she was shot. You would have done the exact same thing if someone tried to enter your home that way, especially if you were protecting your wife and kids. And if anyone dared to call you a murderer, you probably would punch them in the face, and who could blame you for that?
There is one big difference between what happened and at the home.
There was plenty of armed federal agents there verus you alone with your family at home.
It's the responsibility of those Federal Agents and Capitol Police to protect the Senators and House members and their staff from any and all danger, and that's exactly what they were doing.

So thats why they let them in?
This was a complete set up.
Hopefully no more surprises like Jan 6. Our law enforcement authorities are now paying full attention.

"The White House released a 30-page plan for increased information sharing between federal and local officials and social media companies, additional resources to identify and prosecute threats and new deterrents to prevent Americans from joining dangerous groups.

"The administration conducted a sweeping assessment earlier this year of domestic terrorism that labeled white supremacists and militia groups as top national security threats. The issue took on new urgency after a Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump who were trying to overturn Biden's election victory."
Has he come up with a 30 page plan to prevent peaceful protestors from looting, committing arson, and causing other damage?
Not that I know of. They're clearly far more concerned with those who brag about their guns, have military training, and have already displayed a propensity for attacking our nation's capitol while our electoral process was being carried out in an effort to stop that process.

I guess you don't see any difference. There is nothing I can do about that.

Yet the people at the capital were unarmed.
And can you blame them for being pissed? You did steal the election.
They were armed. After all, a hockey stick can be more deadly than a baseball bat considering its length and reach and the speed that blade could be traveling when the hockey stick is swung with full force.

LOL.....and the capital police have real weapons.
...which they chose not to use because they were vastly outnumbered.

But they did kill Ashely Babbit for no fucken reason.
And besides,they let the protesters in.
They let the protester inside the bldg. from the outer doors (only some of them), but they blocked the protesters from entering the inner doors which they blocked with furniture. Babbitt broke one of the inner door windows and tried to crawl through the broken window when she was shot. You would have done the exact same thing if someone tried to enter your home that way, especially if you were protecting your wife and kids. And if anyone dared to call you a murderer, you probably would punch them in the face, and who could blame you for that?
There is one big difference between what happened and at the home.
There was plenty of armed federal agents there verus you alone with your family at home.
It's the responsibility of those Federal Agents and Capitol Police to protect the Senators and House members and their staff from any and all danger, and that's exactly what they were doing.
that doesn't refute what I said
Hopefully no more surprises like Jan 6. Our law enforcement authorities are now paying full attention.

"The White House released a 30-page plan for increased information sharing between federal and local officials and social media companies, additional resources to identify and prosecute threats and new deterrents to prevent Americans from joining dangerous groups.

"The administration conducted a sweeping assessment earlier this year of domestic terrorism that labeled white supremacists and militia groups as top national security threats. The issue took on new urgency after a Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump who were trying to overturn Biden's election victory."
Has he come up with a 30 page plan to prevent peaceful protestors from looting, committing arson, and causing other damage?
Not that I know of. They're clearly far more concerned with those who brag about their guns, have military training, and have already displayed a propensity for attacking our nation's capitol while our electoral process was being carried out in an effort to stop that process.

I guess you don't see any difference. There is nothing I can do about that.

Yet the people at the capital were unarmed.
And can you blame them for being pissed? You did steal the election.
They were armed. After all, a hockey stick can be more deadly than a baseball bat considering its length and reach and the speed that blade could be traveling when the hockey stick is swung with full force.

LOL.....and the capital police have real weapons.
...which they chose not to use because they were vastly outnumbered.

But they did kill Ashely Babbit for no fucken reason.
And besides,they let the protesters in.
They let the protester inside the bldg. from the outer doors (only some of them), but they blocked the protesters from entering the inner doors which they blocked with furniture. Babbitt broke one of the inner door windows and tried to crawl through the broken window when she was shot. You would have done the exact same thing if someone tried to enter your home that way, especially if you were protecting your wife and kids. And if anyone dared to call you a murderer, you probably would punch them in the face, and who could blame you for that?

Thats bullshit.
The doors were heavily blockcaded and there was noway she was getting through them.
Whoever shot Ashley was a fucken coward.
And isnt it strange that we still dont know who pulled the trigger?
The cop should have shot a few more of the rioters for good measure and then reloaded. After reloading, the officer should have again pointed his weapon at the remaining rioters who were left standing and asked them if they wanted some more of what the others had just gotten.
Hopefully no more surprises like Jan 6. Our law enforcement authorities are now paying full attention.

"The White House released a 30-page plan for increased information sharing between federal and local officials and social media companies, additional resources to identify and prosecute threats and new deterrents to prevent Americans from joining dangerous groups.

"The administration conducted a sweeping assessment earlier this year of domestic terrorism that labeled white supremacists and militia groups as top national security threats. The issue took on new urgency after a Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump who were trying to overturn Biden's election victory."
Has he come up with a 30 page plan to prevent peaceful protestors from looting, committing arson, and causing other damage?
Not that I know of. They're clearly far more concerned with those who brag about their guns, have military training, and have already displayed a propensity for attacking our nation's capitol while our electoral process was being carried out in an effort to stop that process.

I guess you don't see any difference. There is nothing I can do about that.

Yet the people at the capital were unarmed.
And can you blame them for being pissed? You did steal the election.
They were armed. After all, a hockey stick can be more deadly than a baseball bat considering its length and reach and the speed that blade could be traveling when the hockey stick is swung with full force.

LOL.....and the capital police have real weapons.
...which they chose not to use because they were vastly outnumbered.

But they did kill Ashely Babbit for no fucken reason.
And besides,they let the protesters in.
They let the protester inside the bldg. from the outer doors (only some of them), but they blocked the protesters from entering the inner doors which they blocked with furniture. Babbitt broke one of the inner door windows and tried to crawl through the broken window when she was shot. You would have done the exact same thing if someone tried to enter your home that way, especially if you were protecting your wife and kids. And if anyone dared to call you a murderer, you probably would punch them in the face, and who could blame you for that?
There is one big difference between what happened and at the home.
There was plenty of armed federal agents there verus you alone with your family at home.
It's the responsibility of those Federal Agents and Capitol Police to protect the Senators and House members and their staff from any and all danger, and that's exactly what they were doing.

So thats why they let them in?
This was a complete set up.
I've never seen a federal building that had unlocked doors, have you?
Hopefully no more surprises like Jan 6. Our law enforcement authorities are now paying full attention.

"The White House released a 30-page plan for increased information sharing between federal and local officials and social media companies, additional resources to identify and prosecute threats and new deterrents to prevent Americans from joining dangerous groups.

"The administration conducted a sweeping assessment earlier this year of domestic terrorism that labeled white supremacists and militia groups as top national security threats. The issue took on new urgency after a Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump who were trying to overturn Biden's election victory."
Has he come up with a 30 page plan to prevent peaceful protestors from looting, committing arson, and causing other damage?
Not that I know of. They're clearly far more concerned with those who brag about their guns, have military training, and have already displayed a propensity for attacking our nation's capitol while our electoral process was being carried out in an effort to stop that process.

I guess you don't see any difference. There is nothing I can do about that.

Yet the people at the capital were unarmed.
And can you blame them for being pissed? You did steal the election.
They were armed. After all, a hockey stick can be more deadly than a baseball bat considering its length and reach and the speed that blade could be traveling when the hockey stick is swung with full force.

LOL.....and the capital police have real weapons.
...which they chose not to use because they were vastly outnumbered.

But they did kill Ashely Babbit for no fucken reason.
And besides,they let the protesters in.
They let the protester inside the bldg. from the outer doors (only some of them), but they blocked the protesters from entering the inner doors which they blocked with furniture. Babbitt broke one of the inner door windows and tried to crawl through the broken window when she was shot. You would have done the exact same thing if someone tried to enter your home that way, especially if you were protecting your wife and kids. And if anyone dared to call you a murderer, you probably would punch them in the face, and who could blame you for that?

Thats bullshit.
The doors were heavily blockcaded and there was noway she was getting through them.
Whoever shot Ashley was a fucken coward.
And isnt it strange that we still dont know who pulled the trigger?
The cop should have shot a few more of the rioters for good measure and then reloaded. After reloading, the officer should have again pointed his weapon at the remaining rioters who were left standing and asked them if they wanted some more of what the others had just gotten.

I'd go along with that, but only if...

you allow cops in cities with violent protestors burning, looting, etc to do it as well.
Hopefully no more surprises like Jan 6. Our law enforcement authorities are now paying full attention.

"The White House released a 30-page plan for increased information sharing between federal and local officials and social media companies, additional resources to identify and prosecute threats and new deterrents to prevent Americans from joining dangerous groups.

"The administration conducted a sweeping assessment earlier this year of domestic terrorism that labeled white supremacists and militia groups as top national security threats. The issue took on new urgency after a Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump who were trying to overturn Biden's election victory."
Has he come up with a 30 page plan to prevent peaceful protestors from looting, committing arson, and causing other damage?
Not that I know of. They're clearly far more concerned with those who brag about their guns, have military training, and have already displayed a propensity for attacking our nation's capitol while our electoral process was being carried out in an effort to stop that process.

I guess you don't see any difference. There is nothing I can do about that.

Yet the people at the capital were unarmed.
And can you blame them for being pissed? You did steal the election.
They were armed. After all, a hockey stick can be more deadly than a baseball bat considering its length and reach and the speed that blade could be traveling when the hockey stick is swung with full force.

LOL.....and the capital police have real weapons.
...which they chose not to use because they were vastly outnumbered.

But they did kill Ashely Babbit for no fucken reason.
And besides,they let the protesters in.
They let the protester inside the bldg. from the outer doors (only some of them), but they blocked the protesters from entering the inner doors which they blocked with furniture. Babbitt broke one of the inner door windows and tried to crawl through the broken window when she was shot. You would have done the exact same thing if someone tried to enter your home that way, especially if you were protecting your wife and kids. And if anyone dared to call you a murderer, you probably would punch them in the face, and who could blame you for that?

Thats bullshit.
The doors were heavily blockcaded and there was noway she was getting through them.
Whoever shot Ashley was a fucken coward.
And isnt it strange that we still dont know who pulled the trigger?
The cop should have shot a few more of the rioters for good measure and then reloaded. After reloading, the officer should have again pointed his weapon at the remaining rioters who were left standing and asked them if they wanted some more of what the others had just gotten.
I'm sure you feel the same at a BLM riot
Hopefully no more surprises like Jan 6. Our law enforcement authorities are now paying full attention.

"The White House released a 30-page plan for increased information sharing between federal and local officials and social media companies, additional resources to identify and prosecute threats and new deterrents to prevent Americans from joining dangerous groups.

"The administration conducted a sweeping assessment earlier this year of domestic terrorism that labeled white supremacists and militia groups as top national security threats. The issue took on new urgency after a Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump who were trying to overturn Biden's election victory."
Has he come up with a 30 page plan to prevent peaceful protestors from looting, committing arson, and causing other damage?
Not that I know of. They're clearly far more concerned with those who brag about their guns, have military training, and have already displayed a propensity for attacking our nation's capitol while our electoral process was being carried out in an effort to stop that process.

I guess you don't see any difference. There is nothing I can do about that.

Yet the people at the capital were unarmed.
And can you blame them for being pissed? You did steal the election.
They were armed. After all, a hockey stick can be more deadly than a baseball bat considering its length and reach and the speed that blade could be traveling when the hockey stick is swung with full force.

LOL.....and the capital police have real weapons.
...which they chose not to use because they were vastly outnumbered.

But they did kill Ashely Babbit for no fucken reason.
And besides,they let the protesters in.
They let the protester inside the bldg. from the outer doors (only some of them), but they blocked the protesters from entering the inner doors which they blocked with furniture. Babbitt broke one of the inner door windows and tried to crawl through the broken window when she was shot. You would have done the exact same thing if someone tried to enter your home that way, especially if you were protecting your wife and kids. And if anyone dared to call you a murderer, you probably would punch them in the face, and who could blame you for that?

Thats bullshit.
The doors were heavily blockcaded and there was noway she was getting through them.
Whoever shot Ashley was a fucken coward.
And isnt it strange that we still dont know who pulled the trigger?
The cop should have shot a few more of the rioters for good measure and then reloaded. After reloading, the officer should have again pointed his weapon at the remaining rioters who were left standing and asked them if they wanted some more of what the others had just gotten.

But they shouldnt shoot rioters burning down federal buildings with people inside?

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