A new science breakthrough possibly equal to the E=(MC)**2 one


VIP Member
Jan 4, 2015
Most of us know the huge impact Einstein’s equations have had on the advancement of science and the resulting amazing achievements coming from that. Well it appears another such discovery has happened. This blows my mind, and I imagine many science fiction authors are sharpening their pencils on this one.

Einstein’s work gave us an entirely new perspective on the world of physics, on both the micro and macro levels. But the physics of the small (quantum mechanics) and the physics of the large (from what we can see on up to astrophysics) could not be reconciled in our mathematical calculations. The laws of physics did not hold.

Astrophysicists speculated that something called “dark matter” must be affecting the results because the gravitational pulls aren’t right.

Quantum physicists have their problems too. Is the particle solid, or just a wave of energy for example.

Well, our human imagination was a great thing for Einstein, and this ability continues to help us uncover new horizons. One scientist about ten years ago started to imagine something completely off the wall. Maybe he watched The Matrix movie; I don’t know. But he started to think, what if we really were living in a holographic universe? Suddenly things started to make sense.

It took a great deal of time to start convincing others, but slowly they started to pay attention. Today scientists around the world have jumped on the train and are doing the calculations with excitement. As one said, these figures are so compelling they are difficult to ignore.

Equations are coming together that appear to solve many things. For one thing, the theory of dark matter is no longer needed. Dark matter likely does not exist – what a surprise.

When you look at a hologram, from one angle you see it; from another you don’t. A quantum particle may be here, or it may be there. Strange indeed.

I find science exciting. Do you?

Check out the Science Channel program Space’s Deepest Secrets, episode 6 – Is The Universe a Hologram?

Space's Deepest Secrets | Watch Full Episodes & More! - Science
I just wish they would find a way to get heavy mass into orbit without rockets and find a way to travel in the solar system without coasting most of the way there and back.
Equations are coming together that appear to solve many things. For one thing, the theory of dark matter is no longer needed. Dark matter likely does not exist – what a surprise.

I've long thought about dark matter / dark energy in rather derogatory terms. Even as concepts they seemed unsatisfactory, to put it mildly. So yes, I am looking forward to anything that would eliminate the need for them, though for the time being I remain unconvinced by what you were talking about.

BTW, just for some nitpicking, the formula is: e=mc**2 (speed of light squared, not [mass times speed of light] squared).
Equations are coming together that appear to solve many things. For one thing, the theory of dark matter is no longer needed. Dark matter likely does not exist – what a surprise.

I've long thought about dark matter / dark energy in rather derogatory terms. Even as concepts they seemed unsatisfactory, to put it mildly. So yes, I am looking forward to anything that would eliminate the need for them, though for the time being I remain unconvinced by what you were talking about.

BTW, just for some nitpicking, the formula is: e=mc**2 (speed of light squared, not [mass times speed of light] squared).

Yikes, you are right! Thanks for catching the error.
Touches my desk & computer.
No, not a Hologram, at least doesn't seem so.

Have you seen the Enterprise D holodeck on STAR TREK TNG? All solid until someone says, "End program."

Now scientists are speculating that the third dimension is an illusion. Our universe exists on the surface of a bubble.

Hmm. Some scientists theorize there are many universe bubbles, which they have been calling the multiverse. I'd love to know what Einstein's reaction to all of this would have been.

Can anyone prove any of us were here more than a nanosecond ago.


Can anyone prove any of us were here more than a nanosecond ago.
Proofs are for mathematics. But I can provide evidence.


If everything is a holographic projection then the only evidence you have was created in the last nanosecond which makes it..... Wait for it...... no proof/evidence at all.


If everything is a holographic projection then the only evidence you have was created in the last nanosecond which makes it..
False. The fact that it is a holographic projection has no bearing on that. You should shut up immediately, as you clearly have no understanding of this material.
If everything is a holographic projection then the only evidence you have was created in the last nanosecond which makes it..
False. The fact that it is a holographic projection has no bearing on that. You should shut up immediately, as you clearly have no understanding of this material.


Actually you should provide "your evidence" and quit flaming/trolling in what's now considered a Zone 2 area.

However we realize that the scientific illiterates, such as yourself, can't keep up with multitasking due to neural inefficiencies caused by the programming error that happened in your character when everything was booted up a nanosecond ago.

Now can we get back to the subject at hand or has the dark matter under discussion in the OP totally corrupted your cerebral functions?


If everything is a holographic projection then the only evidence you have was created in the last nanosecond which makes it..
False. The fact that it is a holographic projection has no bearing on that. You should shut up immediately, as you clearly have no understanding of this material.


Actually you should provide "your evidence" and quit flaming/trolling in what's now considered a Zone 2 area.

However we realize that the scientific illiterates, such as yourself, can't keep up with multitasking due to neural inefficiencies caused by the programming error that happened in your character when everything was booted up a nanosecond ago.

Now can we get back to the subject at hand or has the dark matter under discussion in the OP totally corrupted your cerebral functions?



Thays adorable.

So, back to your completely fabricated claim about the evidence and nanoseconds. To ahead and explain it, in detail.
I just wish they would find a way to get heavy mass into orbit without rockets and find a way to travel in the solar system without coasting most of the way there and back.

Some recent news.

A Real World 'Star Trek' Replicator Is Now Possible Thanks To New Breakthrough

Of note...

''A startup with alumni from MIT and Yale says it's made a breakthrough in creating a next-generation material that should make it possible to 3-d print literally anything out of thin air.

New York-based Mattershift has managed to create large-scale carbon nanotube (CNT) membranes that are able to combine and separate individual molecules.

"This technology gives us a level of control over the material world that we've never had before," said Mattershift Founder and CEO Dr. Rob McGinnis in a release. "For example, right now we're working to remove CO2 from the air and turn it into fuels. This has already been done using conventional technology, but it's been too expensive to be practical. Using our tech, I think we'll be able to produce carbon-zero gasoline, diesel, and jet fuels that are cheaper than fossil fuels."

The company says their breakthrough brings down the difficulty and cost of manufacturing the material, which should allow the technology to burst out of the confines of university labs.

Toward the end of the article there's this:

"It should be possible to combine different types of our CNT membranes in a machine that does what molecular factories have long been predicted to do: to make anything we need from basic molecular building blocks," said McGinnis. "We're talking about printing matter from the air. Imagine having one of these devices with you on Mars. You could print food, fuels, building materials, and medicines from the atmosphere and soil or recycled parts without having to transport them from Earth."

A molecular factory is a long-predicted technology that, in theory, should be able to accomplish some of what the Replicator from "Star Trek" does, although not nearly as cleanly as on the show.

If everything is a holographic projection then the only evidence you have was created in the last nanosecond which makes it..
False. The fact that it is a holographic projection has no bearing on that. You should shut up immediately, as you clearly have no understanding of this material.


Actually you should provide "your evidence" and quit flaming/trolling in what's now considered a Zone 2 area.

However we realize that the scientific illiterates, such as yourself, can't keep up with multitasking due to neural inefficiencies caused by the programming error that happened in your character when everything was booted up a nanosecond ago.

Now can we get back to the subject at hand or has the dark matter under discussion in the OP totally corrupted your cerebral functions?



Thays adorable.

So, back to your completely fabricated claim about the evidence and nanoseconds. To ahead and explain it, in detail.


I see... So now you're saying that you're incapable of providing your evidence and that you incapable of understanding the subject matter of the OP much less the nuances of where my opening statement leads too.

Thought so.

How fast did your myelin sheaths melt down when E=MC squared was mentioned early on in the thread?


When you look at a hologram, from one angle you see it; from another you don’t. A quantum particle may be here, or it may be there. Strange indeed.

Holograms are based on the idea that our universe is a simulation and part of simulation theory. It goes along with the idea of solipism or what we observe is not trustworthy. It leads to someone creating the simulation or intelligence behind it like the ID'ers support. It also leads to ideas along the lines of can we interact with whatever is producing these holograms and that they are part of our reality. I think theoretical physicists are big on this such as with string theory.

Astrophysicists speculated that something called “dark matter” must be affecting the results because the gravitational pulls aren’t right.

Equations are coming together that appear to solve many things. For one thing, the theory of dark matter is no longer needed. Dark matter likely does not exist – what a surprise

It's not the gravitational pulls aren't right, but the velocities of the galaxies from the gravitational pull of the stars and gases. It's from Fritz Zwicky's observations in 1933. And you can't just disprove dark matter by saying it likely does not exist. The secular scientists have CMB and their big bang to supposedly back up dark matter exists on the cosmological scale. However, they have not been able to demonstrate it dark matter experiments at LHC, so the arguments continue to go on.
Holograms are based on the idea that our universe is a simulation and part of simulation theory. It goes along with the idea of solipism or what we observe is not trustworthy.
Wrong on literally every point. Like, you couldn't be more wrong if you tried. This theory has literally no effect on the teustworthiness of any observation. Its a mathematical model that attempts to help explain the observations, not why they are not trustworthy.

Goddamn, will ONE of you religious nutballs PLEASE try to read and understand this material before vomiting your ignorant opinions on it?
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Touches my desk & computer.
No, not a Hologram, at least doesn't seem so.
Would a character in a video game understand "reality" outside his own "universe"?

I believe our universe is God's "video game," and we are its characters.
Touches my desk & computer.
No, not a Hologram, at least doesn't seem so.
Would a character in a video game understand "reality" outside his own "universe"?

I believe our universe is God's "video game," and we are its characters.

What about "Free will"?
Touches my desk & computer.
No, not a Hologram, at least doesn't seem so.
Would a character in a video game understand "reality" outside his own "universe"?

I believe our universe is God's "video game," and we are its characters.
Touches my desk & computer.
No, not a Hologram, at least doesn't seem so.
Would a character in a video game understand "reality" outside his own "universe"?

I believe our universe is God's "video game," and we are its characters.

What about "Free will"?

You got it. Choose wisely

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