A non-combative, serious question for the left.

One could ask the same question about working class people voting to protect the interests of the wealthy. The answer to both questions are the same, from my prospective: people have core motivations that go beyond their material self-interest.

Feel free to start a thread about it.

I'm answering the question you asked. Economic issues aren't the only ones in the world and they're far less important to upper income voters. Those voters are going to place a higher value on social issues and foreign policy. If they have left-wing views on those issues, they'll vote for liberal candidates, even though it may cause some harm to their bottom line. It's also possible they are also liberals on economic issues, placing a higher value on fairness and equality than pursuit of wealth at all costs.

Well put. And, says a lot about the right wing.

From everything we see, its about money for them. More for the wealthy and taking it from the working class.
Note to self:

There are a very few Obama supporters that are interested in doing anything other than bashing anyone who disagrees.

And there are very few Romney supports who are interested in anything other than that. Most political discussions turn in to huge pissing matches.
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, and Obama supporters, I need to hear your thoughts on this question. Information gathering here, I may ask follow-up questions but it is not my intention to argue.

Why is it that the hollywood elite, somebusinessmen like Warren Buffet, and other rich Americans throw their full support behind obama? Even when they know that "spread the wealth" means money being taken away from them? Why would these people want everyone to have the same stuff when it would mean that they themselves had no more than anyone else?

I ask because I'm cynical about their motives.

NOTE: Serious answers will be read and concidered, right wing bashing for it's own sake will be ignored.

Well since Dems hate rich people and these people are rich dems the (il)logical conclusion to the right is that the rich dems hate themselves and are cowards because they want to raise the taxes on themselves.

Now for my answer: They do it because unlike yourself they know more than bumper sticker talk of socialism coming to America. They do it because they know that the rich (themselves) dont pay enough in taxes. There is no need to call for a "fair tax" and saying its about fairness. If fairness was a concern the repubs wouldnt mock income inequality.

Your question is essentially: Why arent the rich that support Obama more selfish?


You dont know how proud that non response made me :D
Note to self:

There are a very few Obama supporters that are interested in doing anything other than bashing anyone who disagrees.

sorry dude, but from your question it was set up from the beginning to get that sort of response. When you say "why do they want everyone to have the same stuff" its a made up argument. Just like "why does the right hate the poor?
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, and Obama supporters, I need to hear your thoughts on this question. Information gathering here, I may ask follow-up questions but it is not my intention to argue.

Why is it that the hollywood elite, somebusinessmen like Warren Buffet, and other rich Americans throw their full support behind obama? Even when they know that "spread the wealth" means money being taken away from them? Why would these people want everyone to have the same stuff when it would mean that they themselves had no more than anyone else?

I ask because I'm cynical about their motives.

NOTE: Serious answers will be read and concidered, right wing bashing for it's own sake will be ignored.

"Spread the wealth" means "sharing" and not hogging all the wealth - which does not inherently mean everyone having the same stuff or having no more than anyone else. Lefties don't want an Ayn Rand society. Americans could learn a lot from Brazil.

Don't Despair: Consider Some Radical Approaches That Have Worked in a Country Almost the Size of Ours | | AlterNet
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, and Obama supporters, I need to hear your thoughts on this question. Information gathering here, I may ask follow-up questions but it is not my intention to argue.

Why is it that the hollywood elite, somebusinessmen like Warren Buffet, and other rich Americans throw their full support behind obama? Even when they know that "spread the wealth" means money being taken away from them? Why would these people want everyone to have the same stuff when it would mean that they themselves had no more than anyone else?

I ask because I'm cynical about their motives.

NOTE: Serious answers will be read and concidered, right wing bashing for it's own sake will be ignored.

Because Obama isn't trying to "spread the wealth". No one on the left is seriously calling for "everyone to have the same stuff". That's hyperbole, not reality.

This isn't a matter of black and white. Support for a progressive income tax system doesn't mean support of "equalizing wealth".
It has not been an unusual occurrence for very wealthy men to attempt to leave a narcissistic philanthropic mark on the world such as building opera houses and endowing colleges, others go further and try to leave a positive mark on humanity, the republican party is certainly not the vehicle for such an aim that is nevertheless still narcissistic and vain. The left does not need them and would be better off without their vain meddling in populist matters.
The Dem rich want to pay their fair share (the richest have almost tripled their wealth under voodoo while the country and the rest are slowly ruined), they want the unfortunate to get the basics, and they aren't OCD selfish and know when Pubs are lying and spreading hate. They know raising their taxes a little doesn't mean communism, and will help the middle class and bring back DEMAND..
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, and Obama supporters, I need to hear your thoughts on this question. Information gathering here, I may ask follow-up questions but it is not my intention to argue.

Why is it that the hollywood elite, somebusinessmen like Warren Buffet, and other rich Americans throw their full support behind obama? Even when they know that "spread the wealth" means money being taken away from them? Why would these people want everyone to have the same stuff when it would mean that they themselves had no more than anyone else?

I ask because I'm cynical about their motives.

NOTE: Serious answers will be read and concidered, right wing bashing for it's own sake will be ignored.
Obviously they feel some things are important than accumulating more millions than they will every need. For many people, it's not having the money that's important; it's making it. Putting money into political causes you believe in can be more satisfying to some people than accumulating more toys and investments. There are plenty of wealthy people that aren't celebrities that are doing the same thing; you just don't hear about it.
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, and Obama supporters, I need to hear your thoughts on this question. Information gathering here, I may ask follow-up questions but it is not my intention to argue.

Why is it that the hollywood elite, somebusinessmen like Warren Buffet, and other rich Americans throw their full support behind obama? Even when they know that "spread the wealth" means money being taken away from them? Why would these people want everyone to have the same stuff when it would mean that they themselves had no more than anyone else?

I ask because I'm cynical about their motives.

NOTE: Serious answers will be read and concidered, right wing bashing for it's own sake will be ignored.

Some rich don't mind paying their fair share and are not owened by money.

True. Humans are not motivated by fear and greed alone.
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, and Obama supporters, I need to hear your thoughts on this question. Information gathering here, I may ask follow-up questions but it is not my intention to argue.

Why is it that the hollywood elite, somebusinessmen like Warren Buffet, and other rich Americans throw their full support behind obama? Even when they know that "spread the wealth" means money being taken away from them? Why would these people want everyone to have the same stuff when it would mean that they themselves had no more than anyone else?

I ask because I'm cynical about their motives.

NOTE: Serious answers will be read and concidered, right wing bashing for it's own sake will be ignored.

False premise(s).

Spreading the wealth is not akin even distribution of wealth

huge fail

move-on is more than just a dot org
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, and Obama supporters, I need to hear your thoughts on this question. Information gathering here, I may ask follow-up questions but it is not my intention to argue.

Why is it that the hollywood elite, somebusinessmen like Warren Buffet, and other rich Americans throw their full support behind obama? Even when they know that "spread the wealth" means money being taken away from them? Why would these people want everyone to have the same stuff when it would mean that they themselves had no more than anyone else?

I ask because I'm cynical about their motives.

NOTE: Serious answers will be read and concidered, right wing bashing for it's own sake will be ignored.
Obviously they feel some things are important than accumulating more millions than they will every need. For many people, it's not having the money that's important; it's making it. Putting money into political causes you believe in can be more satisfying to some people than accumulating more toys and investments. There are plenty of wealthy people that aren't celebrities that are doing the same thing; you just don't hear about it.

The OP is full of false premises, so any answer you get will be nonsensical. The very idea that spreading the wealth means everyone being given an equal share is not only fantasy, but madness on public display. Yet you deign to lend legitimacy to the argument? Think about it...

Maybe I'm a little cynical too, but maybe the answer is that the PR mileage they get from backing a cause that they know has no chance of ever coming to fruition - at least in their lifetimes - buys them a lot more than what they get from standing in line at the trough.
Cash has dwindling returns for some people. If you are a greedy ban owner there is never enough, but if you are not psychotically obsessed with more and more wealth there comes a point where more money becomes rather pointless. There is only so much you can spend before the spending becomes rather pointless in relation to your happiness. At the high end it seems the happiness gotten from spending becomes relative to your position to the people around you. In other words it is good to own a one of a ind thing not because it brings quality to your life, but because it is something others do not have. If you do not define your self worth by what you have that others do not then having more money really doesn't bring much to your life at a certain point where you can afford whatever it is you want and do not worry about having what others want.

I would have to wonder if certain people famous for their talents and accomplishments have a higher degree of probability to associate their self worth with their artistic accomplishments therefor do not so easily fall into the realm of having to buy greatness as talentless rich people have to.

At any rate it seems clear that different people get different things from wealth. While some people's greed can never be satiated and therefor higher taxes become a problem for them despite having enough to never have to worry about survival and doing what they want to ever again, others find that they come to a point where money no longer matters to them so if it helps other people they can have some. In the end I don't thin a few taxes are going to stop warren buffet from doing whatever he wants and being happy, and I would imagine warren knows that also which is why he doesn't care if he loses some income to taxes.
nobody said that Warren should give up everything or anything, but he made his money on the backs of workers, all workers want is ajob at decent pay and to stop hiring illegals.
Warren Buffett plays both sides of th isle wherever they can scheme and scam there way into more money, but is there not a limit to how much one person has? Does having grossly more than you need make you feel satisfied when there are people that have not?
Just like Warren goe to church, why should he or many others that do not really practiced what was taught by Jesus. We know what he stated about being rich and the poor. It does not jibe with what rich christians have done. I am mainly talking about billionaires since they seem like they have millions they don't need and I heard hoarding(even valubles and money) is a mental illness.

so lets soak him with an increased tax rate. Our benevolent government will make sure the increase taken out of his largesse will be well spent.
I mean, Obama himself is very wealthy, Sarah Jessica Parker is too, a local douchebag ambulance chaser who hosted Obama's visit to Orlando is very rich. Are these people willing, say if obama wins and coud get his way, to give away all their money and property so that the poor can have homes, three squares, cars, TVs, iPhones, etc.

Obama is relatively well-off today/will definitely be after he leaves office, but he didn't come in to politics with a wad of cash. He was still paying back student loans when he was in the Senate.

i guess any questions about his motivations have been answered
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, and Obama supporters, I need to hear your thoughts on this question. Information gathering here, I may ask follow-up questions but it is not my intention to argue.

Why is it that the hollywood elite, somebusinessmen like Warren Buffet, and other rich Americans throw their full support behind obama? Even when they know that "spread the wealth" means money being taken away from them? Why would these people want everyone to have the same stuff when it would mean that they themselves had no more than anyone else?

I ask because I'm cynical about their motives.

NOTE: Serious answers will be read and concidered, right wing bashing for it's own sake will be ignored.

Another question..........................why is it that celebrities like Ted Nugent and Donald Trump throw their full support behind Romney and nobody questions it?

I guess the GOP can't get the A list celebrities.
Why is it that the hollywood elite, somebusinessmen like Warren Buffet, and other rich Americans throw their full support behind obama? Even when they know that "spread the wealth" means money being taken away from them? Why would these people want everyone to have the same stuff when it would mean that they themselves had no more than anyone else?

Because they know that ‘spread the wealth’ is a myth. They know that nothing will be ‘taken away from them.’ And they know that their wealth and privilege is in 's no way threatened by Obama or the democrats.

They know that both the president and members of his party are avid supporters of the free market system and capitalism.

They’re also pragmatists, they understand that government can have a positive effect on those less fortunate and there are issues appropriate for the public sector alone to address.

Last, they’re advocates of protecting civil rights and individual liberties, so naturally they support the president and his party.


Why have you failed to respond to this post and Dante's posts about why your questions are dishonest to start with.

You asked for mature responses and these two were generous enough to give them to you. Please respond.
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, and Obama supporters, I need to hear your thoughts on this question. Information gathering here, I may ask follow-up questions but it is not my intention to argue.

Why is it that the hollywood elite, somebusinessmen like Warren Buffet, and other rich Americans throw their full support behind obama? Even when they know that "spread the wealth" means money being taken away from them? Why would these people want everyone to have the same stuff when it would mean that they themselves had no more than anyone else?

I ask because I'm cynical about their motives.

NOTE: Serious answers will be read and concidered, right wing bashing for it's own sake will be ignored.

BTW, the premise of your thread is disingenuous bullshit, which is easy to spot because of your choice of words and phrasing.

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