A novel textile material that keeps itself germ-free


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
A novel textile material that keeps itself germ-free
October 5, 2017
Scientists have developed a novel weapon in the battle against deadly hospital-acquired infections - a textile that disinfects itself.

And independent tests show it can reduce bacteria levels by more than 90 per cent.

By incorporating the specially-engineered textile in a device designed to be used on hospital doors instead of the traditional aluminium door plate, that part of the door that people push to open it - they aim to bolster hand hygiene.

The self-disinfecting device - known as Surfaceskins - has been developed by a spin out company from the University of Leeds and is the culmination of seven years research and development.

Read more at: https://phys.org/new...m-free.html#jCp

A lot of pain and lives could be saved this way...
Guy goes to the doctor for a physical and the doctor says, "I'm gonna need a urine, stool, and sperm sample from you "

The guy says, "Doc, I'm in a big hurry. Can I just leave my underwear with you?"
They have been working with metals (Zinc, Copper, Silver, Cobalt) as an antibacterial in textile manufacture for a while now. This is an interesting take on an old usage.

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