A One State Solution

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What does the enfranchisement of the inhabitants under the control of Israel have to do with anything you wrote?

You conveniently forgot to quote the conversation in a cowardly attempt to avoid getting your ass spanked again but if your comment is directed at something I've posted, the answer is the Palestinians are under control of their duly elected gov'ts (Hamas, Pa) and the myriad of gangs which pass for governance.

It has been the responsibility (and abject failure) of those gov'ts to enfranchise their inhabitants, particularly in any of the 19 years in which they controlled of all the land (1948-1967, including all of Jerusalem) they now claim would satisfy their bloodlust.

Any rational observer would conclude that they have had far more interest in destroying Israel than in creating their own state.

There was once a chance that a sovereign Palestinian state could have been established. That is no longer the case due to facts on the ground and the intention of the Israeli in power not to permit the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state...

The Arabs have indeed had many opportunities to create a state but eschewed them all in favor of violent Rejectionism and squalid "refugee" camps.

Only a flaming idiot would blame Israel for the Arab's mistakes.

There is a price all adults must pay for poor choices and those hapless Arab "refugees" have paid and are paying a steep price for their actions, those of their forebears, and the exhortations of "supporters" with nefarious agendas.

Any rational observer would conclude that they have had far more interest in destroying Israel than in creating their own state.
DGS49, et al,

Like the Secretary-General says, "Nothing can justify terrorism — ever. No grievance, no goal, no cause can excuse terrorist acts." Not even this disparity in equipment and technological superior arms. THAT IS AN INVALID EXCUSE. But it is one that the Hostile Arab-Palestinian uses quite frequently.

You silly goose, there is no way the indigenous Arabs could win an "all out war" because of the gross disparity in equipment and men-at-arms. This is why they resort to isolated "terror" attacks.

I don't know what the "solution" is in Palestine, but I do know that until the U.S. gets serious about protecting the human rights of the indigenous Arabs the situation can never get any better.

American Jewry is one of several constituencies that our politicians are simply unwilling to confront rationally. Much the pity.

You act as if the US has some duty to defend the aggressor. Where did the US acquire that responsibility. The US does have a mutual defense arrangement with the Gulf Oil States; it a constantly evolving agreement. And we do give the Palestinians funding every year. "Since the establishment of limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed approximately $5 billion in bilateral assistance to the Palestinians, who are among the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid." (Source: U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians Jim Zanotti Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs )

But we need to terminate those aid programs altogether to open-up opportunities for the Arab League to contribute.

Most Respectfully,

It would probably be best if the U.S. did end aid to the Palestinians. It would be replaced by either the EU and Gulf States. The aid allows the U.S. to claim to be an "honest broker" when it is not.
International Aid & the Palestinians: Supporting Israel's Occupation?

What does the enfranchisement of the inhabitants under the control of Israel have to do with anything you wrote?

You conveniently forgot to quote the conversation in a cowardly attempt to avoid getting your ass spanked again but if your comment is directed at something I've posted, the answer is the Palestinians are under control of their duly elected gov'ts (Hamas, Pa) and the myriad of gangs which pass for governance.

It has been the responsibility (and abject failure) of those gov'ts to enfranchise their inhabitants, particularly in any of the 19 years in which they controlled of all the land (1948-1967, including all of Jerusalem) they now claim would satisfy their bloodlust.

Any rational observer would conclude that they have had far more interest in destroying Israel than in creating their own state.

There was once a chance that a sovereign Palestinian state could have been established. That is no longer the case due to facts on the ground and the intention of the Israeli in power not to permit the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state. So the choice for Israel is enfranchisement or Apartheid. You have not "spanked" anyone but yourself using your own childish language.
P F Tinmore, montelatici, et al,

This is a bit confusing.

It would probably be best if the U.S. did end aid to the Palestinians. It would be replaced by either the EU and Gulf States. The aid allows the U.S. to claim to be an "honest broker" when it is not.
International Aid & the Palestinians: Supporting Israel's Occupation?


Nadia Hijab, vacillates back and forth.

She complains that the she is unhappy with which the aid is being use. Then she says that the Palestinians are dependent on the aid. The back to aid is detrimental to Palestinians. Then back to many Palestinians owe their paychecks to the various aid projects.

She has no real handle on the way forward. She is merely pushing for conflict. She want the world to gang-up on Israel, in an effort to tear-down Israel (engineering a failed state) which is exactly what no one else wants to see --- another failed state being influenced by --- radical muslims.

First she wants the aid to stop; but the Palestinians are dependent on the aid...

So she wants the aid to continue,; but she wants to vocalize how unhappy and ungrateful the Palestinians are towards the aid.

The only thing I can see is that the US should (as our friend "montelatici" suggests) discontinue aid to the Palestinians and let the quasi-State (a state that cannot stand on its own, that has no borders, that does not want to establish peace with Israel and does not want to negotiate) collapse or stand.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, montelatici, et al,

This is a bit confusing.

It would probably be best if the U.S. did end aid to the Palestinians. It would be replaced by either the EU and Gulf States. The aid allows the U.S. to claim to be an "honest broker" when it is not.
International Aid & the Palestinians: Supporting Israel's Occupation?


Nadia Hijab, vacillates back and forth.

She complains that the she is unhappy with which the aid is being use. Then she says that the Palestinians are dependent on the aid. The back to aid is detrimental to Palestinians. Then back to many Palestinians owe their paychecks to the various aid projects.

She has no real handle on the way forward. She is merely pushing for conflict. She want the world to gang-up on Israel, in an effort to tear-down Israel (engineering a failed state) which is exactly what no one else wants to see --- another failed state being influenced by --- radical muslims.

First she wants the aid to stop; but the Palestinians are dependent on the aid...

So she wants the aid to continue,; but she wants to vocalize how unhappy and ungrateful the Palestinians are towards the aid.

The only thing I can see is that the US should (as our friend "montelatici" suggests) discontinue aid to the Palestinians and let the quasi-State (a state that cannot stand on its own, that has no borders, that does not want to establish peace with Israel and does not want to negotiate) collapse or stand.

Most Respectfully,

You need to listen more closely.
montelatici, et al,

And just what requires Israel to pay anything to a hostile nation?

Israel pays nothing to support the Palestinians, the EU, the UN and the US do. In fact, it often keeps the taxes Palestinians pay for themselves.

The Israelis make millions on the backs of the Palestinians.

The E.U. however, is threatening to make Israel pay for the occupation as occupiers have always done in the past.

"EU official threatens funding to PA, saying Israel should pay for its occupation -

“the EU cannot fund the Israeli occupation anymore. Israel needs to be responsible for its occupation. This means no more EU money to the PA.”

- See more at: EU official threatens funding to PA, saying Israel should pay for its occupation

See more at: EU official threatens funding to PA, saying Israel should pay for its occupation

All Israel has to do is handle Area "C" Areas "A" and "B" are the Palestinians responsibility.

If the Palestinians don't want US Aid, all they need to do is notify the US Ambassador in Israel.

Most Respectfully,
montelatici, et al,

And just what requires Israel to pay anything to a hostile nation?

Israel pays nothing to support the Palestinians, the EU, the UN and the US do. In fact, it often keeps the taxes Palestinians pay for themselves.

The Israelis make millions on the backs of the Palestinians.

The E.U. however, is threatening to make Israel pay for the occupation as occupiers have always done in the past.

"EU official threatens funding to PA, saying Israel should pay for its occupation -

“the EU cannot fund the Israeli occupation anymore. Israel needs to be responsible for its occupation. This means no more EU money to the PA.”

- See more at: EU official threatens funding to PA, saying Israel should pay for its occupation

See more at: EU official threatens funding to PA, saying Israel should pay for its occupation

All Israel has to do is handle Area "C" Areas "A" and "B" are the Palestinians responsibility.

If the Palestinians don't want US Aid, all they need to do is notify the US Ambassador in Israel.

Most Respectfully,

"Taking Care of the Civilian Population

Beyond the maintenance of law and order, Occupying Powers are responsible for the care of the civilian population, including its overall health and hygiene. In particular, the Occupying Power must, to the "fullest extent of the means available to it," ensure the population receives adequate food, water, and medical treatment; if supplies in the occupied territory are inadequate, foodstuffs and medical stores must be brought in. National Red Cross and Crescent societies, like the Iraqi Red Crescent Society, must be permitted to conduct humanitarian activities, a requirement that also applies to other relief agencies, such as those that maintain public utility services, distribute aid, and conduct rescue operations....."

Law of Belligerent Occupier
montelatici, et al,

And just what requires Israel to pay anything to a hostile nation?

Israel pays nothing to support the Palestinians, the EU, the UN and the US do. In fact, it often keeps the taxes Palestinians pay for themselves.

The Israelis make millions on the backs of the Palestinians.

The E.U. however, is threatening to make Israel pay for the occupation as occupiers have always done in the past.

"EU official threatens funding to PA, saying Israel should pay for its occupation -

“the EU cannot fund the Israeli occupation anymore. Israel needs to be responsible for its occupation. This means no more EU money to the PA.”

- See more at: EU official threatens funding to PA, saying Israel should pay for its occupation

See more at: EU official threatens funding to PA, saying Israel should pay for its occupation

All Israel has to do is handle Area "C" Areas "A" and "B" are the Palestinians responsibility.

If the Palestinians don't want US Aid, all they need to do is notify the US Ambassador in Israel.

Most Respectfully,

"Taking Care of the Civilian Population

Beyond the maintenance of law and order, Occupying Powers are responsible for the care of the civilian population, including its overall health and hygiene. In particular, the Occupying Power must, to the "fullest extent of the means available to it," ensure the population receives adequate food, water, and medical treatment; if supplies in the occupied territory are inadequate, foodstuffs and medical stores must be brought in. National Red Cross and Crescent societies, like the Iraqi Red Crescent Society, must be permitted to conduct humanitarian activities, a requirement that also applies to other relief agencies, such as those that maintain public utility services, distribute aid, and conduct rescue operations....."

Law of Belligerent Occupier
Nothing in your cut and paste suggests that the Pal'istanians, with regard to their dedicated UN welfare agency, are being neglected as to their tender sensibilities.
montelatici, et al,

This is a political move by do-gooders, soft hearted humanitarian that love lost puppies, and activist that advocate constant and continuous hand-outs to their parasitic populations. This is a population that cannot maintain law and order, who are in constant conflict with the adjacent state, and claim that they need the adjacent state to provide for their people because they cannot do for themselves; --- and a population that muster an administration with the prerequisite knowledge, skills and abilities to stand alone and effectively handle routine matters.

If ever there was a territory and a incapable people, described in Article 22 of the old LoN Covenant, it is the parasitic Palestinians that subsist on the donations provided by others, so that they can reap the benefits at the expense of others.

montelatici, et al,

And just what requires Israel to pay anything to a hostile nation?

Israel pays nothing to support the Palestinians, the EU, the UN and the US do. In fact, it often keeps the taxes Palestinians pay for themselves.

The Israelis make millions on the backs of the Palestinians.

The E.U. however, is threatening to make Israel pay for the occupation as occupiers have always done in the past.

"EU official threatens funding to PA, saying Israel should pay for its occupation -

“the EU cannot fund the Israeli occupation anymore. Israel needs to be responsible for its occupation. This means no more EU money to the PA.”

- See more at: EU official threatens funding to PA, saying Israel should pay for its occupation

See more at: EU official threatens funding to PA, saying Israel should pay for its occupation

All Israel has to do is handle Area "C" Areas "A" and "B" are the Palestinians responsibility.

If the Palestinians don't want US Aid, all they need to do is notify the US Ambassador in Israel.

Most Respectfully,

"Taking Care of the Civilian Population

Beyond the maintenance of law and order, Occupying Powers are responsible for the care of the civilian population, including its overall health and hygiene. In particular, the Occupying Power must, to the "fullest extent of the means available to it," ensure the population receives adequate food, water, and medical treatment; if supplies in the occupied territory are inadequate, foodstuffs and medical stores must be brought in. National Red Cross and Crescent societies, like the Iraqi Red Crescent Society, must be permitted to conduct humanitarian activities, a requirement that also applies to other relief agencies, such as those that maintain public utility services, distribute aid, and conduct rescue operations....."

Law of Belligerent Occupier

What I hear here, is a type of political coercion. The Palestinians are crying that someone must fund their Jihad. That they cannot carry on the seven decades of conflict if they do not get donors to suck dry, while they focus on the three No's. The parasitic Hostile Arab Palestinians want the Israelis to fund their insurgency against themselves.

There is no Rule of War --- or --- International Law / Binding Resolution that compels a nation under siege (Israel) to fund the conflict, hostilities, the insurgency and terrorism with a people that have pledged: No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with Israel. (Khartoum Resolution 1967) There is no Customary Law or International Law that compels Israel help fund or support a parasitic Hostile Arab Palestinian population that has made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. (Statement of 6 February 1948 Communicated to the Secretary-General by Mr. Isa Nakhleh, Representative of the Arab Higher Committee) There is nothing under International Humanitarian Law that compels Israel to even attempt to provide humanitarian assistance to a people that pledged hostilities to the death (The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.) Under what International Law are you going to use to compel Israel to provide direct support and assistance to:

"It is neither a controversial, nor a negotiable issue; it is, rather, dogmatic fundamental cause in struggle against Israel," said al-Zahhar, referring to armed resistance, pointing out that Israel has long sought to erase the Palestinian constants, concerning the Palestinian lands, Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Al-Zahhar stressed that the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) refuses a Palestinian state within the 1967 or 1948 territories, saying "Our policy is Palestine, all of Palestine". He explained that Palestine as a whole is a part of the Islamic dogma that is derived from the Holy Qura'an.

Speaking of relations with the Islamic Jihad, al-Zahhar confirmed that both movements cooperate at political, security, military, and syndicate levels. Political leaders meet continuously, said al-Zahhar. At military level, there is a full coordination between Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, added he.

For More Visit Alresalah English http://english.alresalah.ps/en/post.php?id=4702
Which International Law advocates the "terrorism to destroy Israel." Many people think that the UN denounces the advocacy of armed conflict and terrorism for any cause.

Abbas's Fatah Calls to Conquer Israel 'By Force'
By Ari Yashar, First Publish: 5/25/2015,

Fatah 'Nakba' messages call for terrorism as 'only' way to take entire state of Israel for its own, while showing off its terror branches.

Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction marked "Nakba" day - signifying the "catastrophe" of the establishment of the modern state of Israel - by calling for terrorism to destroy Israel and conquer the state as the "only" way.
What law allows for the continued funding of terrorist activities? I thought the Security Council passed a binding resolutions [S/RES/1624 (2005)] that said:
1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;
Most Respectfully,
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Just imagine the fate of Palestinians if they ever have their own Palestinian State with self determination without Israel to suck off of to provide for them any longer.
Just imagine the fate of Palestinians if they ever have their own Palestinian State with self determination without Israel to suck off of to provide for them any longer.

Abbas declared that the other day and is printing Palestinians State passport. He will no longer recognize the state of Israel.
Time to totally shut the crossings of all deliveries and end the payments for the tariffs?
montelatici, et al,

At some point, rational people on both sides will eventually emerge and a solution has to avail itself.

Since there will never be a Palestinian state, why do any of you even speculate?

For the time being, the status quo will have to suffice. The more of a threat the Arab Palestinian present itself to be, the longer it will force (by its hostile actions) security countermeasures to remain in place.

Most Respectfully,
Unless the non-Jews present a threat, the Jews will maintain the status quo. It is human nature that a particular national/ethnic/racial/religious group will tend to maintain its supremacy if there is no resistance. The whites in South Africa and Rhodesia would still be ruling if the non-whites had passively accepted white-rule.
Since there will never be a Palestinian state, why do any of you even speculate?

That may well be the case but it is those hapless Arab "refugees" who will decide their future - such as it may be - without input from Nazi skanks.

Unless the non-Jews present a threat, the Jews will maintain the status quo. It is human nature that a particular national/ethnic/racial/religious group will tend to maintain its supremacy if there is no resistance. The whites in South Africa and Rhodesia would still be ruling if the non-whites had passively accepted white-rule.

Indeed the Israelis are operating - as any people would - in their own perceived best interest. The diff between them and the South African whites is they are a solid MAJORITY in Israel and their is little to no legit resistance to Israeli rule in Israel.

One day even hardcore Nazi types will lose interest and, as Kondor notes, the expulsion will continue apace.
Since there will never be a Palestinian state, why do any of you even speculate?

Blame that on Abbas. He refuses to recognize Israel as a Jewish State, Demands some of the 67 Territory yet he does not offer anything in return. Even the Arab League has stated it's time for BOTH sides to
" negotiate"
Since there will never be a Palestinian state, why do any of you even speculate?

Blame that on Abbas. He refuses to recognize Israel as a Jewish State, Demands some of the 67 Territory yet he does not offer anything in return. Even the Arab League has stated it's time for BOTH sides to
" negotiate"
We have already had 20 years of fake peace talks. How many more do you need?
Since there will never be a Palestinian state, why do any of you even speculate?

Blame that on Abbas. He refuses to recognize Israel as a Jewish State, Demands some of the 67 Territory yet he does not offer anything in return. Even the Arab League has stated it's time for BOTH sides to
" negotiate"
We have already had 20 years of fake peace talks. How many more do you need?

I agree there have been
Since there will never be a Palestinian state, why do any of you even speculate?

Blame that on Abbas. He refuses to recognize Israel as a Jewish State, Demands some of the 67 Territory yet he does not offer anything in return. Even the Arab League has stated it's time for BOTH sides to
" negotiate"
We have already had 20 years of fake peace talks. How many more do you need?

See above. That's why " peace talks" are fake . How much more proof do you need ?
Still can't tell us why Israel would agree to their destruction
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Since there will never be a Palestinian state, why do any of you even speculate?

That may well be the case but it is those hapless Arab "refugees" who will decide their future - such as it may be - without input from Nazi skanks.

Unless the non-Jews present a threat, the Jews will maintain the status quo. It is human nature that a particular national/ethnic/racial/religious group will tend to maintain its supremacy if there is no resistance. The whites in South Africa and Rhodesia would still be ruling if the non-whites had passively accepted white-rule.

Indeed the Israelis are operating - as any people would - in their own perceived best interest. The diff between them and the South African whites is they are a solid MAJORITY in Israel and their is little to no legit resistance to Israeli rule in Israel.

One day even hardcore Nazi types will lose interest and, as Kondor notes, the expulsion will continue apace.

The whites were a solid majority in terms of citizens, non-whites were citizens of other states surrounded by and under white South African control, the Bantustans.

The non-Jewish population is now equal to the Jewish population living on the territory controlled by Israeli Jews. And the non-Jewish population is growing at a greater rate than the Jewish population. It will be a solid majority within a generation. There will be no expulsion of the growing population of non-Jews that's just an ethnic cleanser's dream.

Israel is now an Apartheid state holding most of the non-Jews in outdoor concentration camps under complete Israeli Jew control. How long do you think that can last?
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