A parody site

is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
Trump doesn't need to tell anyone to stand down. Real Americans are getting tired of your terrorist organization, black lives matter rioting and looting. The time is fixing to come, when we take them out.
You're not gonna do shit, boy.
There are a lot of lefties who say if this continues it doesnt end well for the left....the right, well you guys call us gun nuts, nazis, ect....so there will be a point....of no return....and then we can clean house, the old fashioned way.
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
Dude, again, you just repeat talking points. Did you ever take a speech class and learn to debate, you're awful at it.
UNite the Right was done by Richard Spencer...a Biden supporter....so lets have him disavow Dick in a debate, ok?
Now tell me what does Richard Spencer and the republican party or trump agree on. HE agrees with you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than me on issues...

and Jason Kessler a former Obama supporter that was kicked out of the Proud Boys...they booted him....

Up to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held liberal views. He had worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. According to a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[16]

But when he stopped, I dont know, don't care, we don't deal with white supremacists...... so

And then you have Robert Byrd, who was a fucking Klansman.....THE klan...and Biden called him a mentor.
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
IT was organized by two people

Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler

Richard Spencer: Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia

Look at his views, they are much closer to yours than to mine, on almost every issue.

HE is supporting Biden......

Jason Kesseler: Jason Kessler - Wikipedia

He was an Obama voter:

p to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held liberal views. He had worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. According to a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[

And he was kicked out of the Proud Boys when they saw he was racist:

Kessler was sworn in as a member of the far-right organization the Proud Boys.[23] Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes said that he kicked Kessler out of the group once his views on race became known.[24]

So Spencer is supporting Biden and Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys, and no one has hear from him since 2017. I think Biden needs to disavow more than Trump. The Proud Boys are not racist and they kick anyone with those views out, while actual racists support Biden, who has never been asked to condemn them in a public setting.
Repeating the facts is more like it.

The facts are this.

The FBI labeled the proud boys a right wing extremist group.
Proud Boys members organized the Charlottesville riots that saw neo-nazis marching with tiki torches shouting nazi slogans.
You yourself said they are vigilantes and they "beat the ass" of others.
The President on Tuesday told them to "stand by" when asked to denounce them.

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute

I appreciate that I'm now taking my 19th victory lap in our conversation but
This isn't about me...

Repeating the facts is more like it.
not really the facts

The FBI labeled the proud boys a right wing extremist group.


Proud Boys members organized the Charlottesville riots that saw neo-nazis marching with tiki torches shouting nazi slogans.

One member helped organize Charlottesville. He was given his walking papers for that action.

The President on Tuesday told them to "stand by" when asked to denounce them.
He was asked about White Supremacist groups, and the idiot moderator gave him the name of a non-White Supremacist group.

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute

They are in dispute, as I've just shown.

I appreciate that I'm now taking my 19th victory lap in our conversation but

Is your wheelchair manual, or electric?

Because you entire argument is LAME.
Are they vigilantes?
.by definition, yes.

"a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate."

as are BLM, ANTIFA, etc

Should the President be telling vigilante groups to "stand by"? I'm sure you'll tap dance around it and not criticize your lord and master.... as is always the case with some non-trump supporters

and I'm sure, no matter what I say, you'll still claim I'm a Trump supporter.

Which makes you a fool.

Your facts are etched in concrete in the space between your ears, but the concrete is crumbling.
Gee, you danced around answering the question....

What a shock!

Why bother answering?

I don't have a jackhammer to break thru the concrete between your ears.
You're talking to a troll....he's wifully ignorant, just posts a NYT article with the headling and doesnt even read it...that's what you're dealing with.
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
Dude, again, you just repeat talking points. Did you ever take a speech class and learn to debate, you're awful at it.
UNite the Right was done by Richard Spencer...a Biden supporter....so lets have him disavow Dick in a debate, ok?
Now tell me what does Richard Spencer and the republican party or trump agree on. HE agrees with you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than me on issues...

and Jason Kessler a former Obama supporter that was kicked out of the Proud Boys...they booted him....

Up to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held liberal views. He had worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. According to a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[16]

But when he stopped, I dont know, don't care, we don't deal with white supremacists...... so

And then you have Robert Byrd, who was a fucking Klansman.....THE klan...and Biden called him a mentor.
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
IT was organized by two people

Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler

Richard Spencer: Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia

Look at his views, they are much closer to yours than to mine, on almost every issue.

HE is supporting Biden......

Jason Kesseler: Jason Kessler - Wikipedia

He was an Obama voter:

p to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held liberal views. He had worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. According to a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[

And he was kicked out of the Proud Boys when they saw he was racist:

Kessler was sworn in as a member of the far-right organization the Proud Boys.[23] Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes said that he kicked Kessler out of the group once his views on race became known.[24]

So Spencer is supporting Biden and Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys, and no one has hear from him since 2017. I think Biden needs to disavow more than Trump. The Proud Boys are not racist and they kick anyone with those views out, while actual racists support Biden, who has never been asked to condemn them in a public setting.
Repeating the facts is more like it.

The facts are this.

The FBI labeled the proud boys a right wing extremist group.
Proud Boys members organized the Charlottesville riots that saw neo-nazis marching with tiki torches shouting nazi slogans.
You yourself said they are vigilantes and they "beat the ass" of others.
The President on Tuesday told them to "stand by" when asked to denounce them.

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute

I appreciate that I'm now taking my 19th victory lap in our conversation but
This isn't about me...

Repeating the facts is more like it.
not really the facts

The FBI labeled the proud boys a right wing extremist group.


Proud Boys members organized the Charlottesville riots that saw neo-nazis marching with tiki torches shouting nazi slogans.

One member helped organize Charlottesville. He was given his walking papers for that action.

The President on Tuesday told them to "stand by" when asked to denounce them.
He was asked about White Supremacist groups, and the idiot moderator gave him the name of a non-White Supremacist group.

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute

They are in dispute, as I've just shown.

I appreciate that I'm now taking my 19th victory lap in our conversation but

Is your wheelchair manual, or electric?

Because you entire argument is LAME.
Are they vigilantes?
Again, what do you think he meant by stand by?

Again, when I've been told to "stand by" it was that I would soon be needed.

Again, when I've been told to "stand by" it was that I would soon be needed.

no, IF needed

Ahh, the tap dance continues. So in summary, the President is okay with vigilantes. In this case, the vigilantes have been labeled an extremist group. In this case, the vigilantes have organized neo nazi gatherings in Charlottesville. In this case. the vigilantes have had people sent to prison for violent acts.

But you're cool with it....

Good to know you're not supporting the blob.

In this case, the vigilantes have organized neo nazi gatherings in Charlottesville

Don't you read links?

The Proud Boy that helped organize the neo nazi gathering in Charlottesville was given his walking papers shortly after that gathering.

Have ANTIFA and BLM been labeled extremist groups?

If no, why not?

IF Biden told them to 'stand down', would they?

After the gathering that resulted in riots, neo nazi marches, vehicular homicide....

Not before....

I'm sure there is no difference in your mind.
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
Dude, again, you just repeat talking points. Did you ever take a speech class and learn to debate, you're awful at it.
UNite the Right was done by Richard Spencer...a Biden supporter....so lets have him disavow Dick in a debate, ok?
Now tell me what does Richard Spencer and the republican party or trump agree on. HE agrees with you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than me on issues...

and Jason Kessler a former Obama supporter that was kicked out of the Proud Boys...they booted him....

Up to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held liberal views. He had worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. According to a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[16]

But when he stopped, I dont know, don't care, we don't deal with white supremacists...... so

And then you have Robert Byrd, who was a fucking Klansman.....THE klan...and Biden called him a mentor.
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
IT was organized by two people

Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler

Richard Spencer: Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia

Look at his views, they are much closer to yours than to mine, on almost every issue.

HE is supporting Biden......

Jason Kesseler: Jason Kessler - Wikipedia

He was an Obama voter:

p to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held liberal views. He had worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. According to a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[

And he was kicked out of the Proud Boys when they saw he was racist:

Kessler was sworn in as a member of the far-right organization the Proud Boys.[23] Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes said that he kicked Kessler out of the group once his views on race became known.[24]

So Spencer is supporting Biden and Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys, and no one has hear from him since 2017. I think Biden needs to disavow more than Trump. The Proud Boys are not racist and they kick anyone with those views out, while actual racists support Biden, who has never been asked to condemn them in a public setting.
Repeating the facts is more like it.

The facts are this.

The FBI labeled the proud boys a right wing extremist group.
Proud Boys members organized the Charlottesville riots that saw neo-nazis marching with tiki torches shouting nazi slogans.
You yourself said they are vigilantes and they "beat the ass" of others.
The President on Tuesday told them to "stand by" when asked to denounce them.

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute

I appreciate that I'm now taking my 19th victory lap in our conversation but
This isn't about me...

Repeating the facts is more like it.
not really the facts

The FBI labeled the proud boys a right wing extremist group.


Proud Boys members organized the Charlottesville riots that saw neo-nazis marching with tiki torches shouting nazi slogans.

One member helped organize Charlottesville. He was given his walking papers for that action.

The President on Tuesday told them to "stand by" when asked to denounce them.
He was asked about White Supremacist groups, and the idiot moderator gave him the name of a non-White Supremacist group.

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute

They are in dispute, as I've just shown.

I appreciate that I'm now taking my 19th victory lap in our conversation but

Is your wheelchair manual, or electric?

Because you entire argument is LAME.
Are they vigilantes?
.by definition, yes.

"a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate."

as are BLM, ANTIFA, etc

Should the President be telling vigilante groups to "stand by"? I'm sure you'll tap dance around it and not criticize your lord and master.... as is always the case with some non-trump supporters

and I'm sure, no matter what I say, you'll still claim I'm a Trump supporter.

Which makes you a fool.

Your facts are etched in concrete in the space between your ears, but the concrete is crumbling.
Gee, you danced around answering the question....

What a shock!

Why bother answering?

I don't have a jackhammer to break thru the concrete between your ears.

I knew you wouldn't answer...it would force you to paint the blob (you remember--the guy you don't support---LOL) in a bad light.
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
Trump doesn't need to tell anyone to stand down. Real Americans are getting tired of your terrorist organization, black lives matter rioting and looting. The time is fixing to come, when we take them out.
You're not gonna do shit, boy.
There are a lot of lefties who say if this continues it doesnt end well for the left....the right, well you guys call us gun nuts, nazis, ect....so there will be a point....of no return....and then we can clean house, the old fashioned way.

Do you really think the threats of violence from people like you make anyone do anything except have a belly laugh?
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
Dude, again, you just repeat talking points. Did you ever take a speech class and learn to debate, you're awful at it.
UNite the Right was done by Richard Spencer...a Biden supporter....so lets have him disavow Dick in a debate, ok?
Now tell me what does Richard Spencer and the republican party or trump agree on. HE agrees with you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than me on issues...

and Jason Kessler a former Obama supporter that was kicked out of the Proud Boys...they booted him....

Up to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held liberal views. He had worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. According to a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[16]

But when he stopped, I dont know, don't care, we don't deal with white supremacists...... so

And then you have Robert Byrd, who was a fucking Klansman.....THE klan...and Biden called him a mentor.
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
IT was organized by two people

Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler

Richard Spencer: Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia

Look at his views, they are much closer to yours than to mine, on almost every issue.

HE is supporting Biden......

Jason Kesseler: Jason Kessler - Wikipedia

He was an Obama voter:

p to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held liberal views. He had worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. According to a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[

And he was kicked out of the Proud Boys when they saw he was racist:

Kessler was sworn in as a member of the far-right organization the Proud Boys.[23] Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes said that he kicked Kessler out of the group once his views on race became known.[24]

So Spencer is supporting Biden and Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys, and no one has hear from him since 2017. I think Biden needs to disavow more than Trump. The Proud Boys are not racist and they kick anyone with those views out, while actual racists support Biden, who has never been asked to condemn them in a public setting.
Repeating the facts is more like it.

The facts are this.

The FBI labeled the proud boys a right wing extremist group.
Proud Boys members organized the Charlottesville riots that saw neo-nazis marching with tiki torches shouting nazi slogans.
You yourself said they are vigilantes and they "beat the ass" of others.
The President on Tuesday told them to "stand by" when asked to denounce them.

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute

I appreciate that I'm now taking my 19th victory lap in our conversation but
This isn't about me...

Repeating the facts is more like it.
not really the facts

The FBI labeled the proud boys a right wing extremist group.


Proud Boys members organized the Charlottesville riots that saw neo-nazis marching with tiki torches shouting nazi slogans.

One member helped organize Charlottesville. He was given his walking papers for that action.

The President on Tuesday told them to "stand by" when asked to denounce them.
He was asked about White Supremacist groups, and the idiot moderator gave him the name of a non-White Supremacist group.

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute

They are in dispute, as I've just shown.

I appreciate that I'm now taking my 19th victory lap in our conversation but

Is your wheelchair manual, or electric?

Because you entire argument is LAME.
Are they vigilantes?
Again, what do you think he meant by stand by?

Again, when I've been told to "stand by" it was that I would soon be needed.

Again, when I've been told to "stand by" it was that I would soon be needed.

no, IF needed

Ahh, the tap dance continues. So in summary, the President is okay with vigilantes. In this case, the vigilantes have been labeled an extremist group. In this case, the vigilantes have organized neo nazi gatherings in Charlottesville. In this case. the vigilantes have had people sent to prison for violent acts.

But you're cool with it....

Good to know you're not supporting the blob.

In this case, the vigilantes have organized neo nazi gatherings in Charlottesville

Don't you read links?

The Proud Boy that helped organize the neo nazi gathering in Charlottesville was given his walking papers shortly after that gathering.

Have ANTIFA and BLM been labeled extremist groups?

If no, why not?

IF Biden told them to 'stand down', would they?

After the gathering that resulted in riots, neo nazi marches, vehicular homicide....

Not before....

I'm sure there is no difference in your mind.

So, by your logic, we should lock up murderers BEFORE they commit a crime?

(still not seeing any cracks in the concrete)
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
Dude, again, you just repeat talking points. Did you ever take a speech class and learn to debate, you're awful at it.
UNite the Right was done by Richard Spencer...a Biden supporter....so lets have him disavow Dick in a debate, ok?
Now tell me what does Richard Spencer and the republican party or trump agree on. HE agrees with you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than me on issues...

and Jason Kessler a former Obama supporter that was kicked out of the Proud Boys...they booted him....

Up to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held liberal views. He had worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. According to a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[16]

But when he stopped, I dont know, don't care, we don't deal with white supremacists...... so

And then you have Robert Byrd, who was a fucking Klansman.....THE klan...and Biden called him a mentor.
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
IT was organized by two people

Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler

Richard Spencer: Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia

Look at his views, they are much closer to yours than to mine, on almost every issue.

HE is supporting Biden......

Jason Kesseler: Jason Kessler - Wikipedia

He was an Obama voter:

p to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held liberal views. He had worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. According to a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[

And he was kicked out of the Proud Boys when they saw he was racist:

Kessler was sworn in as a member of the far-right organization the Proud Boys.[23] Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes said that he kicked Kessler out of the group once his views on race became known.[24]

So Spencer is supporting Biden and Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys, and no one has hear from him since 2017. I think Biden needs to disavow more than Trump. The Proud Boys are not racist and they kick anyone with those views out, while actual racists support Biden, who has never been asked to condemn them in a public setting.
Repeating the facts is more like it.

The facts are this.

The FBI labeled the proud boys a right wing extremist group.
Proud Boys members organized the Charlottesville riots that saw neo-nazis marching with tiki torches shouting nazi slogans.
You yourself said they are vigilantes and they "beat the ass" of others.
The President on Tuesday told them to "stand by" when asked to denounce them.

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute

I appreciate that I'm now taking my 19th victory lap in our conversation but
This isn't about me...

Repeating the facts is more like it.
not really the facts

The FBI labeled the proud boys a right wing extremist group.


Proud Boys members organized the Charlottesville riots that saw neo-nazis marching with tiki torches shouting nazi slogans.

One member helped organize Charlottesville. He was given his walking papers for that action.

The President on Tuesday told them to "stand by" when asked to denounce them.
He was asked about White Supremacist groups, and the idiot moderator gave him the name of a non-White Supremacist group.

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute

They are in dispute, as I've just shown.

I appreciate that I'm now taking my 19th victory lap in our conversation but

Is your wheelchair manual, or electric?

Because you entire argument is LAME.
Are they vigilantes?
.by definition, yes.

"a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate."

as are BLM, ANTIFA, etc

Should the President be telling vigilante groups to "stand by"? I'm sure you'll tap dance around it and not criticize your lord and master.... as is always the case with some non-trump supporters

and I'm sure, no matter what I say, you'll still claim I'm a Trump supporter.

Which makes you a fool.

Your facts are etched in concrete in the space between your ears, but the concrete is crumbling.
Gee, you danced around answering the question....

What a shock!

Why bother answering?

I don't have a jackhammer to break thru the concrete between your ears.

I knew you wouldn't answer...it would force you to paint the blob (you remember--the guy you don't support---LOL) in a bad light.

Why respond to a troll?
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
Dude, again, you just repeat talking points. Did you ever take a speech class and learn to debate, you're awful at it.
UNite the Right was done by Richard Spencer...a Biden supporter....so lets have him disavow Dick in a debate, ok?
Now tell me what does Richard Spencer and the republican party or trump agree on. HE agrees with you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than me on issues...

and Jason Kessler a former Obama supporter that was kicked out of the Proud Boys...they booted him....

Up to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held liberal views. He had worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. According to a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[16]

But when he stopped, I dont know, don't care, we don't deal with white supremacists...... so

And then you have Robert Byrd, who was a fucking Klansman.....THE klan...and Biden called him a mentor.
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
IT was organized by two people

Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler

Richard Spencer: Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia

Look at his views, they are much closer to yours than to mine, on almost every issue.

HE is supporting Biden......

Jason Kesseler: Jason Kessler - Wikipedia

He was an Obama voter:

p to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held liberal views. He had worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. According to a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[

And he was kicked out of the Proud Boys when they saw he was racist:

Kessler was sworn in as a member of the far-right organization the Proud Boys.[23] Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes said that he kicked Kessler out of the group once his views on race became known.[24]

So Spencer is supporting Biden and Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys, and no one has hear from him since 2017. I think Biden needs to disavow more than Trump. The Proud Boys are not racist and they kick anyone with those views out, while actual racists support Biden, who has never been asked to condemn them in a public setting.
Repeating the facts is more like it.

The facts are this.

The FBI labeled the proud boys a right wing extremist group.
Proud Boys members organized the Charlottesville riots that saw neo-nazis marching with tiki torches shouting nazi slogans.
You yourself said they are vigilantes and they "beat the ass" of others.
The President on Tuesday told them to "stand by" when asked to denounce them.

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute

I appreciate that I'm now taking my 19th victory lap in our conversation but
This isn't about me...

Repeating the facts is more like it.
not really the facts

The FBI labeled the proud boys a right wing extremist group.


Proud Boys members organized the Charlottesville riots that saw neo-nazis marching with tiki torches shouting nazi slogans.

One member helped organize Charlottesville. He was given his walking papers for that action.

The President on Tuesday told them to "stand by" when asked to denounce them.
He was asked about White Supremacist groups, and the idiot moderator gave him the name of a non-White Supremacist group.

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute

They are in dispute, as I've just shown.

I appreciate that I'm now taking my 19th victory lap in our conversation but

Is your wheelchair manual, or electric?

Because you entire argument is LAME.
Are they vigilantes?
Again, what do you think he meant by stand by?

Again, when I've been told to "stand by" it was that I would soon be needed.

Again, when I've been told to "stand by" it was that I would soon be needed.

no, IF needed

Ahh, the tap dance continues. So in summary, the President is okay with vigilantes. In this case, the vigilantes have been labeled an extremist group. In this case, the vigilantes have organized neo nazi gatherings in Charlottesville. In this case. the vigilantes have had people sent to prison for violent acts.

But you're cool with it....

Good to know you're not supporting the blob.

In this case, the vigilantes have organized neo nazi gatherings in Charlottesville

Don't you read links?

The Proud Boy that helped organize the neo nazi gathering in Charlottesville was given his walking papers shortly after that gathering.

Have ANTIFA and BLM been labeled extremist groups?

If no, why not?

IF Biden told them to 'stand down', would they?

After the gathering that resulted in riots, neo nazi marches, vehicular homicide....

Not before....

I'm sure there is no difference in your mind.

Why is it you guy always go back to Charlottesville...you're a one hit wonder and the hit wasn't even the people you are battling. Those "RWs" were an Obama/Biden supporter and current Biden supporter.....soooooooo

But give us another example.....and one with republicans, not democrats leading it.
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
Trump doesn't need to tell anyone to stand down. Real Americans are getting tired of your terrorist organization, black lives matter rioting and looting. The time is fixing to come, when we take them out.
You're not gonna do shit, boy.
There are a lot of lefties who say if this continues it doesnt end well for the left....the right, well you guys call us gun nuts, nazis, ect....so there will be a point....of no return....and then we can clean house, the old fashioned way.

Do you really think the threats of violence from people like you make anyone do anything except have a belly laugh?
Oh I dont care what they do.......I just see what the Proud Boys do to ANTIFA....it's not good for the left..
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
Dude, again, you just repeat talking points. Did you ever take a speech class and learn to debate, you're awful at it.
UNite the Right was done by Richard Spencer...a Biden supporter....so lets have him disavow Dick in a debate, ok?
Now tell me what does Richard Spencer and the republican party or trump agree on. HE agrees with you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than me on issues...

and Jason Kessler a former Obama supporter that was kicked out of the Proud Boys...they booted him....

Up to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held liberal views. He had worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. According to a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[16]

But when he stopped, I dont know, don't care, we don't deal with white supremacists...... so

And then you have Robert Byrd, who was a fucking Klansman.....THE klan...and Biden called him a mentor.
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
IT was organized by two people

Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler

Richard Spencer: Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia

Look at his views, they are much closer to yours than to mine, on almost every issue.

HE is supporting Biden......

Jason Kesseler: Jason Kessler - Wikipedia

He was an Obama voter:

p to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held liberal views. He had worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. According to a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[

And he was kicked out of the Proud Boys when they saw he was racist:

Kessler was sworn in as a member of the far-right organization the Proud Boys.[23] Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes said that he kicked Kessler out of the group once his views on race became known.[24]

So Spencer is supporting Biden and Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys, and no one has hear from him since 2017. I think Biden needs to disavow more than Trump. The Proud Boys are not racist and they kick anyone with those views out, while actual racists support Biden, who has never been asked to condemn them in a public setting.
Repeating the facts is more like it.

The facts are this.

The FBI labeled the proud boys a right wing extremist group.
Proud Boys members organized the Charlottesville riots that saw neo-nazis marching with tiki torches shouting nazi slogans.
You yourself said they are vigilantes and they "beat the ass" of others.
The President on Tuesday told them to "stand by" when asked to denounce them.

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute

I appreciate that I'm now taking my 19th victory lap in our conversation but
This isn't about me...

Repeating the facts is more like it.
not really the facts

The FBI labeled the proud boys a right wing extremist group.


Proud Boys members organized the Charlottesville riots that saw neo-nazis marching with tiki torches shouting nazi slogans.

One member helped organize Charlottesville. He was given his walking papers for that action.

The President on Tuesday told them to "stand by" when asked to denounce them.
He was asked about White Supremacist groups, and the idiot moderator gave him the name of a non-White Supremacist group.

Those are the facts and they are not in dispute

They are in dispute, as I've just shown.

I appreciate that I'm now taking my 19th victory lap in our conversation but

Is your wheelchair manual, or electric?

Because you entire argument is LAME.
Are they vigilantes?
Again, what do you think he meant by stand by?

Again, when I've been told to "stand by" it was that I would soon be needed.

Again, when I've been told to "stand by" it was that I would soon be needed.

no, IF needed

Ahh, the tap dance continues. So in summary, the President is okay with vigilantes. In this case, the vigilantes have been labeled an extremist group. In this case, the vigilantes have organized neo nazi gatherings in Charlottesville. In this case. the vigilantes have had people sent to prison for violent acts.

But you're cool with it....

Good to know you're not supporting the blob.

In this case, the vigilantes have organized neo nazi gatherings in Charlottesville

Don't you read links?

The Proud Boy that helped organize the neo nazi gathering in Charlottesville was given his walking papers shortly after that gathering.

Have ANTIFA and BLM been labeled extremist groups?

If no, why not?

IF Biden told them to 'stand down', would they?

After the gathering that resulted in riots, neo nazi marches, vehicular homicide....

Not before....

I'm sure there is no difference in your mind.
Ok, but Biden embraced a klansman.......who he knew about his klan activity. The Proud Boys didn't know this other guy, he was an Obama supporter....kinda tough for a white supremacist to vote for a black guy for PResident.
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
That must be why the FBI classified them a right wing extremist group. Gotcha!

Did they classify them as White Supremacists?
Right wing extremist group.

The "unite the right" riots in Charlottesville--organized by a Proud Boy member--introduced the Aryan Brotherhood aspect into the debate I suppose.


Amazing how your blob has told an (at best) extremist group to "stand by" and told (at worst) Neo Nazis to "stand by" and you guys are trying your darndest to make this about me.

You really need to look in the mirror and check to see why you're still supporting the blob after that.
Trump doesn't need to tell anyone to stand down. Real Americans are getting tired of your terrorist organization, black lives matter rioting and looting. The time is fixing to come, when we take them out.
You're not gonna do shit, boy.
There are a lot of lefties who say if this continues it doesnt end well for the left....the right, well you guys call us gun nuts, nazis, ect....so there will be a point....of no return....and then we can clean house, the old fashioned way.

Do you really think the threats of violence from people like you make anyone do anything except have a belly laugh?
It's not a threat.
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
Somebody didn't get the memo:
Proud Boy Arrested On Six Felony Charges In Portland
a member of the controversial right-wing group was arrested in Portland, Oregon, on 12 charges, including multiple felonies for assault and unlawful use of a weapon, and misdemeanors for pointing a firearm at another person, menacing and the unlawful use of tear gas.
The city that refuses to press charges against rioters, looters and arsonists
is so good, it's more truthful that the media

"Yes, Trump condemned white supremacy 12 seconds ago -- but his silence in the 12 seconds since then has been deafening," said Rachel Maddow. "He's finally showing his true colors
When given the chance to on the debate stage...he embraced it. Sorry.
He did, and listen to the context......the Proud Boys don't attack anyone....they just defend people from ANTIFA. They defend Conservative speakers that get attacked at colleges....but what they don't do is riot, loot, nor do they attack people for no reason.......
Somebody didn't get the memo:
Proud Boy Arrested On Six Felony Charges In Portland
a member of the controversial right-wing group was arrested in Portland, Oregon, on 12 charges, including multiple felonies for assault and unlawful use of a weapon, and misdemeanors for pointing a firearm at another person, menacing and the unlawful use of tear gas.
The city that refuses to press charges against rioters, looters and arsonists
Got to admit. I don't understand those people. Hard to pull up local charges and arraignments. Maybe I just don't know where to look. If you get arrested here, your business is all out in the street with mugshot, charges, pictures, everything easily available online daily. Logically, my mind says, surely they are catching some of the burning looting assholes, but I cannot pull up local charges and legal actions on a daily basis as I can here. Have heard about catch and release. Could be true, but hard to figure and I just don't know.:dunno:

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