A Parting Gift from our Seniors


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
One of the most dismaying aspects of this presidential election is the reported 50/50 split between between the candidates by senior voters. Normally, they have seen enough BS during their lives to ignore repetitive prophecies of doom and make common sense decisions. This time, however, half of them seem to have panicked over unrelenting coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and swallowed the preposterous assertion that Senile Joe will save them (no matter what the cost).

What a lovely gift to leave our country.
One of the most dismaying aspects of this presidential election is the reported 50/50 split between between the candidates by senior voters. Normally, they have seen enough BS during their lives to ignore repetitive prophecies of doom and make common sense decisions. This time, however, half of them seem to have panicked over unrelenting coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and swallowed the preposterous assertion that Senile Joe will save them (no matter what the cost).

What a lovely gift to leave our country.

Yeah, where was that indignation towards the boomers say....10 years ago. :)
Seeings as how Trump and his administration essentially offered up seniors as live bait to the virus (It's only the older people that die from it),
I'm not surprised half of them turned on him.
"Seeings as how Trump and his administration essentially offered up seniors as live bait to the virus (It's only the older people that die from it),"

Tell that to New Yorkers whose seniors were thrown under the bus by Cuomo and de Blasio by keeping the subways open and sending Covid patients to nursing homes.
One of the most dismaying aspects of this presidential election is the reported 50/50 split between between the candidates by senior voters. Normally, they have seen enough BS during their lives to ignore repetitive prophecies of doom and make common sense decisions. This time, however, half of them seem to have panicked over unrelenting coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and swallowed the preposterous assertion that Senile Joe will save them (no matter what the cost).

What a lovely gift to leave our country.

Well evidently they were exactly has you explained them, normally they have seen enough BS during their lives to ignore repetitive prophecies of doom, now which candidate was prophesizing doom? It was not Biden. Trump, they are going to takeover the suburbs, riots in the street, rapists are going to break into your grandmaws house and she won't be able to have a gun. You really have not been paying attention have you.
"Seeings as how Trump and his administration essentially offered up seniors as live bait to the virus (It's only the older people that die from it),"

Tell that to New Yorkers whose seniors were thrown under the bus by Cuomo and de Blasio by keeping the subways open and sending Covid patients to nursing homes.

Again, what were they supposed to do? Turn them out into the streets? They followed the guidelines laid down by the feds and the state. Maybe those guidelines need revisiting
based on what we know now. Maybe we can get down to substantive conversations like these now that it looks like the carnival barker is going to be banished.
"Seeings as how Trump and his administration essentially offered up seniors as live bait to the virus (It's only the older people that die from it),"

Tell that to New Yorkers whose seniors were thrown under the bus by Cuomo and de Blasio by keeping the subways open and sending Covid patients to nursing homes.

Again, what were they supposed to do? Turn them out into the streets? They followed the guidelines laid down by the feds and the state. Maybe those guidelines need revisiting
based on what we know now. Maybe we can get down to substantive conversations like these now that it looks like the carnival barker is going to be banished.
Well...I tend to think any 12 year old would know removing old people infected with a virus from the hospital and placing them in nursing homes, is a recipe for disaster.

Trying to excuse a politician’s murderous actions, means one is either a partisan or uninformed.
Speaking of COVID19.........

POOF....betcha the farm it suddenly goes away magically.

Well, let's see. Assuming things hold and it doesn't become a legal shit show, the presumptive President elect doesn't take office until January. That's almost 2.5 months where Trump is still in the WH. I don't think it will magically go away. Lost in the election news thunder yesterday was the fact that five states had their highest infection rates yet. As a country, we're still trending in the wrong direction.
"Seeings as how Trump and his administration essentially offered up seniors as live bait to the virus (It's only the older people that die from it),"

Tell that to New Yorkers whose seniors were thrown under the bus by Cuomo and de Blasio by keeping the subways open and sending Covid patients to nursing homes.

Again, what were they supposed to do? Turn them out into the streets? They followed the guidelines laid down by the feds and the state. Maybe those guidelines need revisiting
based on what we know now. Maybe we can get down to substantive conversations like these now that it looks like the carnival barker is going to be banished.
Well...I tend to think any 12 year old would know removing old people infected with a virus from the hospital and placing them in nursing homes, is a recipe for disaster.

Trying to excuse a politician’s murderous actions, means one is either a partisan or uninformed.

You're right of course on this.. But the history books will record this as an unmitigated INTERNATIONAL disaster.. From the very 1st Covid "bubbles" we KNEW who the plague targeted and it took MAJOR WIDESPREAD disregard to rack up a death toll that is more than 80% -- folks over 60 years of age..

So -- I'm just aghast at HOW MUCH blame there is on it.. It's gonna be one of the LARGEST epic failures of government in modern history..

Just heard from the Head of CMMS (medicare/medicaid) last week covering her ass lying about "it wasn't us"... But it was.. THEY set the hospital admission policies in this country.. And the PRIVATE insurers.. It was a "reimbursement" finger -pointing between hospitals and all forms of "long term" senior care and living..
One of the most dismaying aspects of this presidential election is the reported 50/50 split between between the candidates by senior voters. Normally, they have seen enough BS during their lives to ignore repetitive prophecies of doom and make common sense decisions. This time, however, half of them seem to have panicked over unrelenting coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and swallowed the preposterous assertion that Senile Joe will save them (no matter what the cost).

What a lovely gift to leave our country.

Well evidently they were exactly has you explained them, normally they have seen enough BS during their lives to ignore repetitive prophecies of doom, now which candidate was prophesizing doom? It was not Biden. Trump, they are going to takeover the suburbs, riots in the street, rapists are going to break into your grandmaws house and she won't be able to have a gun. You really have not been paying attention have you.
When Obama was President there were people in the cities getting assaulted and worse. Even African Americans going into homes not caring what would happen to them. You just don't get the reports or the are not broadcast as much and you do not care. If a Politician lets people do criminal acts on other people without any warnings and arrests, then why live in those areas if you do not have to. And more then that, they have shown the route Prog politicians will go when the areas go from purple to blue. Ghettos a go go. If the theme parks do not come back from the virus in central Florida and the old geezers stop moving into that area, it will be a deep blue ghetto.
The seniors of 20 years ago are dead and gone.

The seniors of today were burning their bras and draft cards back in the day.
"Seeings as how Trump and his administration essentially offered up seniors as live bait to the virus (It's only the older people that die from it),"

Tell that to New Yorkers whose seniors were thrown under the bus by Cuomo and de Blasio by keeping the subways open and sending Covid patients to nursing homes.

Again, what were they supposed to do? Turn them out into the streets? They followed the guidelines laid down by the feds and the state. Maybe those guidelines need revisiting
based on what we know now. Maybe we can get down to substantive conversations like these now that it looks like the carnival barker is going to be banished.
Well...I tend to think any 12 year old would know removing old people infected with a virus from the hospital and placing them in nursing homes, is a recipe for disaster.

Trying to excuse a politician’s murderous actions, means one is either a partisan or uninformed.

You're right of course on this.. But the history books will record this as an unmitigated INTERNATIONAL disaster.. From the very 1st Covid "bubbles" we KNEW who the plague targeted and it took MAJOR WIDESPREAD disregard to rack up a death toll that is more than 80% -- folks over 60 years of age..

So -- I'm just aghast at HOW MUCH blame there is on it.. It's gonna be one of the LARGEST epic failures of government in modern history..

Just heard from the Head of CMMS (medicare/medicaid) last week covering her ass lying about "it wasn't us"... But it was.. THEY set the hospital admission policies in this country.. And the PRIVATE insurers.. It was a "reimbursement" finger -pointing between hospitals and all forms of "long term" senior care and living..

What I find most appalling other than the thousands of deaths, is the complete and utter failure of the CDC, HHS, and other government health agencies who’s number one job was to protect the American people from a pandemic. These agencies receive billions of our tax dollars annually and employe thousands of people.

In addition this, another appalling aspect is the fact this total failure goes unreported in the our media.

PS...and Joe says he will listen to the same experts who failed us. LMFAO.
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"Seeings as how Trump and his administration essentially offered up seniors as live bait to the virus (It's only the older people that die from it),"

Tell that to New Yorkers whose seniors were thrown under the bus by Cuomo and de Blasio by keeping the subways open and sending Covid patients to nursing homes.

Again, what were they supposed to do? Turn them out into the streets? They followed the guidelines laid down by the feds and the state. Maybe those guidelines need revisiting
based on what we know now. Maybe we can get down to substantive conversations like these now that it looks like the carnival barker is going to be banished.
Well...I tend to think any 12 year old would know removing old people infected with a virus from the hospital and placing them in nursing homes, is a recipe for disaster.

Trying to excuse a politician’s murderous actions, means one is either a partisan or uninformed.

You're right of course on this.. But the history books will record this as an unmitigated INTERNATIONAL disaster.. From the very 1st Covid "bubbles" we KNEW who the plague targeted and it took MAJOR WIDESPREAD disregard to rack up a death toll that is more than 80% -- folks over 60 years of age..

So -- I'm just aghast at HOW MUCH blame there is on it.. It's gonna be one of the LARGEST epic failures of government in modern history..

Just heard from the Head of CMMS (medicare/medicaid) last week covering her ass lying about "it wasn't us"... But it was.. THEY set the hospital admission policies in this country.. And the PRIVATE insurers.. It was a "reimbursement" finger -pointing between hospitals and all forms of "long term" senior care and living..

What I find most appalling other than the thousands of deaths, is the complete and utter failure the CDC, HHS, and other government health agencies who’s number one job was to protect the American people from a pandemic. These agencies receive billions of our tax dollars annually and employe thousands of people.

In addition this, another appalling aspect is the fact this total failure goes unreported in the our media.

PS...and Joe says he will listen to the same experts who failed us. LMFAO.

Mr. "I will shutdown the virus" Biden -- never heard HIM mention keeping Covid out of all Senior living facilities.. We ACTUALLY COULD HAVE saved 10s of thousands of lives by setting up Senior Covid facilities.. Actually DID that in NYC -- the Javitts center, the Hope Hospital ship -- ALL -- never used..

Instead family care givers were "locked out" while there was a rotating door taking Covid positive patients in/out...
One of the most dismaying aspects of this presidential election is the reported 50/50 split between between the candidates by senior voters. Normally, they have seen enough BS during their lives to ignore repetitive prophecies of doom and make common sense decisions. This time, however, half of them seem to have panicked over unrelenting coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and swallowed the preposterous assertion that Senile Joe will save them (no matter what the cost).

What a lovely gift to leave our country.

Well evidently they were exactly has you explained them, normally they have seen enough BS during their lives to ignore repetitive prophecies of doom, now which candidate was prophesizing doom? It was not Biden. Trump, they are going to takeover the suburbs, riots in the street, rapists are going to break into your grandmaws house and she won't be able to have a gun. You really have not been paying attention have you.
When Obama was President there were people in the cities getting assaulted and worse. Even African Americans going into homes not caring what would happen to them. You just don't get the reports or the are not broadcast as much and you do not care. If a Politician lets people do criminal acts on other people without any warnings and arrests, then why live in those areas if you do not have to. And more then that, they have shown the route Prog politicians will go when the areas go from purple to blue. Ghettos a go go. If the theme parks do not come back from the virus in central Florida and the old geezers stop moving into that area, it will be a deep blue ghetto.
I am sorry but you are absolutely STUPID.

If a Politician lets people do criminal acts on other people without any warnings and arrests,

No politician does that. Even the suggestion of such just reveals an ignorance that is almost unbelievable. Honestly, I am surprised some of you people don't drown in rainstorms, like turkeys.
One of the most dismaying aspects of this presidential election is the reported 50/50 split between between the candidates by senior voters. Normally, they have seen enough BS during their lives to ignore repetitive prophecies of doom and make common sense decisions. This time, however, half of them seem to have panicked over unrelenting coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and swallowed the preposterous assertion that Senile Joe will save them (no matter what the cost).

What a lovely gift to leave our country.

Well evidently they were exactly has you explained them, normally they have seen enough BS during their lives to ignore repetitive prophecies of doom, now which candidate was prophesizing doom? It was not Biden. Trump, they are going to takeover the suburbs, riots in the street, rapists are going to break into your grandmaws house and she won't be able to have a gun. You really have not been paying attention have you.
When Obama was President there were people in the cities getting assaulted and worse. Even African Americans going into homes not caring what would happen to them. You just don't get the reports or the are not broadcast as much and you do not care. If a Politician lets people do criminal acts on other people without any warnings and arrests, then why live in those areas if you do not have to. And more then that, they have shown the route Prog politicians will go when the areas go from purple to blue. Ghettos a go go. If the theme parks do not come back from the virus in central Florida and the old geezers stop moving into that area, it will be a deep blue ghetto.
I am sorry but you are absolutely STUPID.

If a Politician lets people do criminal acts on other people without any warnings and arrests,

No politician does that. Even the suggestion of such just reveals an ignorance that is almost unbelievable. Honestly, I am surprised some of you people don't drown in rainstorms, like turkeys.
It is not difficult to see things from a little distance after you have experienced things yourself. The theme parks are in trouble at this point. Biden will require masks and lock us up. The cruise industry may be killed off and all the jobs that go with it. Florida is built in part because of retirees and the money they bring with it. I see a husband and wife power team who are African American who were cops, rose to the top and now in politics. One of them, Val Demings was police chief of Orlando before she was elected to Congress. and she threw the police under the bus with the Prog agenda. You really do not think that if the time ever comes I would follow shit like that. The Prog Agenda rule over the individual. Prog voters will find that out and have. To stupid to realize it.
I would never trust Trump as far as I could throw him and the only effect Covid-19 has on my opinion is that it highlights Trump's lack of leadership skills.

Trump earned high praise after the 2nd debate for his more refined style, but in dealing with substance even his backers couldn't hide from the truth. 'Con artist':
"Seeings as how Trump and his administration essentially offered up seniors as live bait to the virus (It's only the older people that die from it),"

Tell that to New Yorkers whose seniors were thrown under the bus by Cuomo and de Blasio by keeping the subways open and sending Covid patients to nursing homes.

Again, what were they supposed to do? Turn them out into the streets? They followed the guidelines laid down by the feds and the state. Maybe those guidelines need revisiting
based on what we know now. Maybe we can get down to substantive conversations like these now that it looks like the carnival barker is going to be banished.
Well...I tend to think any 12 year old would know removing old people infected with a virus from the hospital and placing them in nursing homes, is a recipe for disaster.

Trying to excuse a politician’s murderous actions, means one is either a partisan or uninformed.

You're right of course on this.. But the history books will record this as an unmitigated INTERNATIONAL disaster.. From the very 1st Covid "bubbles" we KNEW who the plague targeted and it took MAJOR WIDESPREAD disregard to rack up a death toll that is more than 80% -- folks over 60 years of age..

So -- I'm just aghast at HOW MUCH blame there is on it.. It's gonna be one of the LARGEST epic failures of government in modern history..

Just heard from the Head of CMMS (medicare/medicaid) last week covering her ass lying about "it wasn't us"... But it was.. THEY set the hospital admission policies in this country.. And the PRIVATE insurers.. It was a "reimbursement" finger -pointing between hospitals and all forms of "long term" senior care and living..

What I find most appalling other than the thousands of deaths, is the complete and utter failure the CDC, HHS, and other government health agencies who’s number one job was to protect the American people from a pandemic. These agencies receive billions of our tax dollars annually and employe thousands of people.

In addition this, another appalling aspect is the fact this total failure goes unreported in the our media.

PS...and Joe says he will listen to the same experts who failed us. LMFAO.

More stupid. I am convinced that the average IQ of a Trump supporter is somewhere close to 80. Trump has not listened to the CDC or any other government agency. The failure of the government to control the coronavirus is all on him. He was a complete idiot. Banning travel from China while the virus comes roaring in from Europe. Hell, by the time he implemented the ban China had already made great progress in controlling the spread of the virus while Europe was sitting on their hands. It was a stupid move motivated more by racism than anything else. The whole mask thing, actually it is a clear demonstration of how self-absorbed, not only Trump, but his supporters are. You don't wear a mask to protect yourself, you wear a mask to protect others. Trump doesn't give two shits about you are anyone else other than himself. And sad to say it, but most of his supporters are precisely the same.

PPE--what the hell did the needle dick twerp Trump do about PPE. He used it has a weapon against governors or states that didn't bow down to the throne of Trump. Despicable, and how anyone, I mean anyone, can support such a self-absorbed narcissistic asshole is beyond my understanding. Had the government implemented mandatory mask requirements, immediately, shut down large gatherings, closed retail businesses like restaurants and non-essential retailers way back in March, or even earlier, we would have already crossed over the threshold and be on the return on normalcy. A hundred thousand lives were lost that did not have to be lost, and the numbers continue to climb. Make no mistake, there will be legal action filed against your idol as soon as he leaves the oval office, probably in a strait jacket. He will answer for his actions, I just pray to God that the idiot supporters like yourself don't face repercussions from the Almighty for you own ignorance.
"Seeings as how Trump and his administration essentially offered up seniors as live bait to the virus (It's only the older people that die from it),"

Tell that to New Yorkers whose seniors were thrown under the bus by Cuomo and de Blasio by keeping the subways open and sending Covid patients to nursing homes.

Again, what were they supposed to do? Turn them out into the streets? They followed the guidelines laid down by the feds and the state. Maybe those guidelines need revisiting
based on what we know now. Maybe we can get down to substantive conversations like these now that it looks like the carnival barker is going to be banished.
Well...I tend to think any 12 year old would know removing old people infected with a virus from the hospital and placing them in nursing homes, is a recipe for disaster.

Trying to excuse a politician’s murderous actions, means one is either a partisan or uninformed.

You're right of course on this.. But the history books will record this as an unmitigated INTERNATIONAL disaster.. From the very 1st Covid "bubbles" we KNEW who the plague targeted and it took MAJOR WIDESPREAD disregard to rack up a death toll that is more than 80% -- folks over 60 years of age..

So -- I'm just aghast at HOW MUCH blame there is on it.. It's gonna be one of the LARGEST epic failures of government in modern history..

Just heard from the Head of CMMS (medicare/medicaid) last week covering her ass lying about "it wasn't us"... But it was.. THEY set the hospital admission policies in this country.. And the PRIVATE insurers.. It was a "reimbursement" finger -pointing between hospitals and all forms of "long term" senior care and living..

What I find most appalling other than the thousands of deaths, is the complete and utter failure the CDC, HHS, and other government health agencies who’s number one job was to protect the American people from a pandemic. These agencies receive billions of our tax dollars annually and employe thousands of people.

In addition this, another appalling aspect is the fact this total failure goes unreported in the our media.

PS...and Joe says he will listen to the same experts who failed us. LMFAO.

More stupid. I am convinced that the average IQ of a Trump supporter is somewhere close to 80. Trump has not listened to the CDC or any other government agency. The failure of the government to control the coronavirus is all on him. He was a complete idiot. Banning travel from China while the virus comes roaring in from Europe. Hell, by the time he implemented the ban China had already made great progress in controlling the spread of the virus while Europe was sitting on their hands. It was a stupid move motivated more by racism than anything else. The whole mask thing, actually it is a clear demonstration of how self-absorbed, not only Trump, but his supporters are. You don't wear a mask to protect yourself, you wear a mask to protect others. Trump doesn't give two shits about you are anyone else other than himself. And sad to say it, but most of his supporters are precisely the same.

PPE--what the hell did the needle dick twerp Trump do about PPE. He used it has a weapon against governors or states that didn't bow down to the throne of Trump. Despicable, and how anyone, I mean anyone, can support such a self-absorbed narcissistic asshole is beyond my understanding. Had the government implemented mandatory mask requirements, immediately, shut down large gatherings, closed retail businesses like restaurants and non-essential retailers way back in March, or even earlier, we would have already crossed over the threshold and be on the return on normalcy. A hundred thousand lives were lost that did not have to be lost, and the numbers continue to climb. Make no mistake, there will be legal action filed against your idol as soon as he leaves the oval office, probably in a strait jacket. He will answer for his actions, I just pray to God that the idiot supporters like yourself don't face repercussions from the Almighty for you own ignorance.
Trump supporter??? LMFAO.

You are a doofus just like Trump.
I suppose, at 72, I'm a "senior"- I ain't believed the bullshit hoax soince before it became an issue- people, no matter what their age, who sit around listening or watching TV will take it as gospel- and many have- but, not just seniors- My baby diaper mask has UNDER PROTEST written in Magic Marker, and a kid (somewhere in her 20's from her looks) told me, while standing in line at a Walmart service center line that she appreciated I was wearing under protest but thanked me because, she said, her mother had contracted it- I replied, not too kindly, I didn't care- I don't-
One thing you are guaranteed in this life and that is to NOT get out of it alive and no amount of bullshit will stop it-
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One of the most dismaying aspects of this presidential election is the reported 50/50 split between between the candidates by senior voters. Normally, they have seen enough BS during their lives to ignore repetitive prophecies of doom and make common sense decisions. This time, however, half of them seem to have panicked over unrelenting coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and swallowed the preposterous assertion that Senile Joe will save them (no matter what the cost).

What a lovely gift to leave our country.

Well evidently they were exactly has you explained them, normally they have seen enough BS during their lives to ignore repetitive prophecies of doom, now which candidate was prophesizing doom? It was not Biden. Trump, they are going to takeover the suburbs, riots in the street, rapists are going to break into your grandmaws house and she won't be able to have a gun. You really have not been paying attention have you.
When Obama was President there were people in the cities getting assaulted and worse. Even African Americans going into homes not caring what would happen to them. You just don't get the reports or the are not broadcast as much and you do not care. If a Politician lets people do criminal acts on other people without any warnings and arrests, then why live in those areas if you do not have to. And more then that, they have shown the route Prog politicians will go when the areas go from purple to blue. Ghettos a go go. If the theme parks do not come back from the virus in central Florida and the old geezers stop moving into that area, it will be a deep blue ghetto.
I am sorry but you are absolutely STUPID.

If a Politician lets people do criminal acts on other people without any warnings and arrests,

No politician does that. Even the suggestion of such just reveals an ignorance that is almost unbelievable. Honestly, I am surprised some of you people don't drown in rainstorms, like turkeys.
It is not difficult to see things from a little distance after you have experienced things yourself. The theme parks are in trouble at this point. Biden will require masks and lock us up. The cruise industry may be killed off and all the jobs that go with it. Florida is built in part because of retirees and the money they bring with it. I see a husband and wife power team who are African American who were cops, rose to the top and now in politics. One of them, Val Demings was police chief of Orlando before she was elected to Congress. and she threw the police under the bus with the Prog agenda. You really do not think that if the time ever comes I would follow shit like that. The Prog Agenda rule over the individual. Prog voters will find that out and have. To stupid to realize it.

What experience? You got your head so far up your ass you can't see shit. Police? Damn skippy they utilize racial profiling, and it is not just them. Damn skippy there needs to be changes made, in their approach, in their attitudes. Maybe a start might be actually paying them something. Most cops are cops, not for the money, but for the power. They like wearing a uniform, they like caring a gun, they like having control. And most police forces implement an intelligence test on their applicants, score too high, you are disqualified. That needs to change.

I mean I am an old man. I have experience too. And from my experience, cops are power mad jackasses that thrive on their control of other people. And to be completely honest, I am tired of stupid shit people talking about, "I won't stand for that". What you going to do, grab your thirty five guns and instigate a revolution. Go join ISIS, you will have a better chance of success. Try that stupid shit here and you will be attacking windmills with lances.

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