A perfect example of 30 second sound bites which is all the people that make up.....


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"Gruber's "Stupidity of American Voter" can handle!

In an earlier thread one of these people that ONLY read the headline and immediately popped off wrote:
Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?

"Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
Then the idiot puts this source:
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters

The ONLY problem is this idiot BELIEVED the headline..."F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"!
The idiot never read further to find out that this was for 179 planes... NOT ONE... PLANE!

But this as I said is a perfect example of these "stupidity of American Voters" that never read deeper then the headline. Never looked beyond the article and see the FACTS that the headline was to get their attention!

IDIOTS like them are the ones that have bought into so much phony baloney... "Hands up Don't Shoot"..."I can't breath"... all of these idiotic totally unsubstantiated statements that idiots like these take as the truth!

Obama said "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition"...
THAT means nearly 155 million! LIE as 266 million are already covered by health insurance that doesn't care about "pre-existing conditions and insurance statistics show less then 1.5 million have had pre-existing conditions that prevented coverage or cost higher premium... NOT 155 million!

Again though the 30 second sound bite IDIOT reads the headline..hears the statement and says oh yea
$1.45 trillion per fighter! DUMB...DUMB DUMB!

These are the same idiots that believe Obama when he said.
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Where are you people that voted for Obama that are examples of Gruber's "stupidity of American Voter"??? Where are you???
Oh... I understand! The above thread was too complicated for your 30 second sound bite brain to handle!
Say, aren't you the guy who started a thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with?
Well, "life" is a pre existing condition since we're all going to die from it. Obama was being generous.
Say, aren't you the guy who started a thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with?
Aren't you one of those people that is part of the group that makes up what Gruber called "Stupidity of American Voter"???
"Gruber's "Stupidity of American Voter" can handle!

In an earlier thread one of these people that ONLY read the headline and immediately popped off wrote:
Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?

"Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
Then the idiot puts this source:
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters

The ONLY problem is this idiot BELIEVED the headline..."F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"!
The idiot never read further to find out that this was for 179 planes... NOT ONE... PLANE!

But this as I said is a perfect example of these "stupidity of American Voters" that never read deeper then the headline. Never looked beyond the article and see the FACTS that the headline was to get their attention!

IDIOTS like them are the ones that have bought into so much phony baloney... "Hands up Don't Shoot"..."I can't breath"... all of these idiotic totally unsubstantiated statements that idiots like these take as the truth!

Obama said "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition"...
THAT means nearly 155 million! LIE as 266 million are already covered by health insurance that doesn't care about "pre-existing conditions and insurance statistics show less then 1.5 million have had pre-existing conditions that prevented coverage or cost higher premium... NOT 155 million!

Again though the 30 second sound bite IDIOT reads the headline..hears the statement and says oh yea
$1.45 trillion per fighter! DUMB...DUMB DUMB!

These are the same idiots that believe Obama when he said.
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Nobody but you is dumb enough to think that he meant 'per plane". When you say F-35 Fighter that means the PROGRAM, the whole fucking thing and not a single plane you little idiot.
"Gruber's "Stupidity of American Voter" can handle!

In an earlier thread one of these people that ONLY read the headline and immediately popped off wrote:
Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?

"Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
Then the idiot puts this source:
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters

The ONLY problem is this idiot BELIEVED the headline..."F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"!
The idiot never read further to find out that this was for 179 planes... NOT ONE... PLANE!

But this as I said is a perfect example of these "stupidity of American Voters" that never read deeper then the headline. Never looked beyond the article and see the FACTS that the headline was to get their attention!

IDIOTS like them are the ones that have bought into so much phony baloney... "Hands up Don't Shoot"..."I can't breath"... all of these idiotic totally unsubstantiated statements that idiots like these take as the truth!

Obama said "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition"...
THAT means nearly 155 million! LIE as 266 million are already covered by health insurance that doesn't care about "pre-existing conditions and insurance statistics show less then 1.5 million have had pre-existing conditions that prevented coverage or cost higher premium... NOT 155 million!

Again though the 30 second sound bite IDIOT reads the headline..hears the statement and says oh yea
$1.45 trillion per fighter! DUMB...DUMB DUMB!

These are the same idiots that believe Obama when he said.
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Nobody but you is dumb enough to think that he meant 'per plane". When you say F-35 Fighter that means the PROGRAM, the whole fucking thing and not a single plane you little idiot.

NO idiots like YOU really did believe that 30 second headline..."cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
If they meant the PROGRAM they would have SAID the "F-35 Fighter Program"... but the Reuters' headline writers KNEW that the "stupidity of American Voters"
would pick it up as per plane.... which is what they knew these idiots would then pass ...incorrectly!
Just as idiots like you think there are
46 million uninsured,
155 million Americans with "pre-existing conditions" and
the premiums would drop $2,500 by end of Obama's first term...
all total untruths that those that fit the "stupidity of American Voters" believed! As you do!
"Gruber's "Stupidity of American Voter" can handle!

In an earlier thread one of these people that ONLY read the headline and immediately popped off wrote:
Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?

"Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
Then the idiot puts this source:
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters

The ONLY problem is this idiot BELIEVED the headline..."F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"!
The idiot never read further to find out that this was for 179 planes... NOT ONE... PLANE!

But this as I said is a perfect example of these "stupidity of American Voters" that never read deeper then the headline. Never looked beyond the article and see the FACTS that the headline was to get their attention!

IDIOTS like them are the ones that have bought into so much phony baloney... "Hands up Don't Shoot"..."I can't breath"... all of these idiotic totally unsubstantiated statements that idiots like these take as the truth!

Obama said "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition"...
THAT means nearly 155 million! LIE as 266 million are already covered by health insurance that doesn't care about "pre-existing conditions and insurance statistics show less then 1.5 million have had pre-existing conditions that prevented coverage or cost higher premium... NOT 155 million!

Again though the 30 second sound bite IDIOT reads the headline..hears the statement and says oh yea
$1.45 trillion per fighter! DUMB...DUMB DUMB!

These are the same idiots that believe Obama when he said.
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Nobody but you is dumb enough to think that he meant 'per plane". When you say F-35 Fighter that means the PROGRAM, the whole fucking thing and not a single plane you little idiot.

NO idiots like YOU really did believe that 30 second headline..."cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
If they meant the PROGRAM they would have SAID the "F-35 Fighter Program"... but the Reuters' headline writers KNEW that the "stupidity of American Voters"
would pick it up as per plane.... which is what they knew these idiots would then pass ...incorrectly!
Just as idiots like you think there are
46 million uninsured,
155 million Americans with "pre-existing conditions" and
the premiums would drop $2,500 by end of Obama's first term...
all total untruths that those that fit the "stupidity of American Voters" believed! As you do!

You're actually trying to tell somebody else what THEY believe?


Wanna tell him which hand he wipes his ass with too?

In a headline the phrase "Cost of F-35 fighter", to those who read English, is clearly understood as a collective noun; the "development of" the plane, the cost to get the project off the ground, the project being understood already as a plural output. You don't build one plane or one car or one bathtub unless it's a prototype for a series of offspring.

Yet here you are purporting to read other people's minds and tell them what they really think.
"Gruber's "Stupidity of American Voter" can handle!

In an earlier thread one of these people that ONLY read the headline and immediately popped off wrote:
Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?

"Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
Then the idiot puts this source:
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters

The ONLY problem is this idiot BELIEVED the headline..."F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"!
The idiot never read further to find out that this was for 179 planes... NOT ONE... PLANE!

But this as I said is a perfect example of these "stupidity of American Voters" that never read deeper then the headline. Never looked beyond the article and see the FACTS that the headline was to get their attention!

IDIOTS like them are the ones that have bought into so much phony baloney... "Hands up Don't Shoot"..."I can't breath"... all of these idiotic totally unsubstantiated statements that idiots like these take as the truth!

Obama said "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition"...
THAT means nearly 155 million! LIE as 266 million are already covered by health insurance that doesn't care about "pre-existing conditions and insurance statistics show less then 1.5 million have had pre-existing conditions that prevented coverage or cost higher premium... NOT 155 million!

Again though the 30 second sound bite IDIOT reads the headline..hears the statement and says oh yea
$1.45 trillion per fighter! DUMB...DUMB DUMB!

These are the same idiots that believe Obama when he said.
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Nobody but you is dumb enough to think that he meant 'per plane". When you say F-35 Fighter that means the PROGRAM, the whole fucking thing and not a single plane you little idiot.

NO idiots like YOU really did believe that 30 second headline..."cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
If they meant the PROGRAM they would have SAID the "F-35 Fighter Program"... but the Reuters' headline writers KNEW that the "stupidity of American Voters"
would pick it up as per plane.... which is what they knew these idiots would then pass ...incorrectly!
Just as idiots like you think there are
46 million uninsured,
155 million Americans with "pre-existing conditions" and
the premiums would drop $2,500 by end of Obama's first term...
all total untruths that those that fit the "stupidity of American Voters" believed! As you do!

You're actually trying to tell somebody else what THEY believe?


Wanna tell him which hand he wipes his ass with too?

In a headline the phrase "Cost of F-35 fighter", to those who read English, is clearly understood as a collective noun; the "development of" the plane, the cost to get the project off the ground, the project being understood already as a plural output. You don't build one plane or one car or one bathtub unless it's a prototype for a series of offspring.

Yet here you are purporting to read other people's minds and tell them what they really think.
He's a moron, a total moron.
"Gruber's "Stupidity of American Voter" can handle!

In an earlier thread one of these people that ONLY read the headline and immediately popped off wrote:
Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?

"Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
Then the idiot puts this source:
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters

The ONLY problem is this idiot BELIEVED the headline..."F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"!
The idiot never read further to find out that this was for 179 planes... NOT ONE... PLANE!

But this as I said is a perfect example of these "stupidity of American Voters" that never read deeper then the headline. Never looked beyond the article and see the FACTS that the headline was to get their attention!

IDIOTS like them are the ones that have bought into so much phony baloney... "Hands up Don't Shoot"..."I can't breath"... all of these idiotic totally unsubstantiated statements that idiots like these take as the truth!

Obama said "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition"...
THAT means nearly 155 million! LIE as 266 million are already covered by health insurance that doesn't care about "pre-existing conditions and insurance statistics show less then 1.5 million have had pre-existing conditions that prevented coverage or cost higher premium... NOT 155 million!

Again though the 30 second sound bite IDIOT reads the headline..hears the statement and says oh yea
$1.45 trillion per fighter! DUMB...DUMB DUMB!

These are the same idiots that believe Obama when he said.
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Nobody but you is dumb enough to think that he meant 'per plane". When you say F-35 Fighter that means the PROGRAM, the whole fucking thing and not a single plane you little idiot.

NO idiots like YOU really did believe that 30 second headline..."cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
If they meant the PROGRAM they would have SAID the "F-35 Fighter Program"... but the Reuters' headline writers KNEW that the "stupidity of American Voters"
would pick it up as per plane.... which is what they knew these idiots would then pass ...incorrectly!
Just as idiots like you think there are
46 million uninsured,
155 million Americans with "pre-existing conditions" and
the premiums would drop $2,500 by end of Obama's first term...
all total untruths that those that fit the "stupidity of American Voters" believed! As you do!

You're actually trying to tell somebody else what THEY believe?


Wanna tell him which hand he wipes his ass with too?

In a headline the phrase "Cost of F-35 fighter", to those who read English, is clearly understood as a collective noun; the "development of" the plane, the cost to get the project off the ground, the project being understood already as a plural output. You don't build one plane or one car or one bathtub unless it's a prototype for a series of offspring.

Yet here you are purporting to read other people's minds and tell them what they really think.

See not all the people like you that make up Gruber's Stupidity of American Voters read that headline that way.

They read "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion" as per plane. They like you don't read any further or think. Obviously because ACA would NOT have passed
if people understood there never were 46 million legal, knowledgeable people that wanted health insurance but 4 million!

People heard Obama say "up to half of all Americans have "pre-existing conditions" and believed him (a LIE!) and ACA passed.
People like you heard Obama say "But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000.
Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed." ACA passed because of the "Stupidity of American voters" and you BELIEVED that LIE!

People like you read headlines, summaries and make decisions because YOU HAVE ADHD.
And this headline from Reuter's is a perfect example.
ADHD in Adults Ogden Regional Blog
Screen Shot 2014-12-06 at 6.53.25 AM.png

And people like YOU believed those statements and headlines LIKE "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"!

They read "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion" as per plane. They like you don't read any further or think.
No one but you read it that way you little dumbshit.
Lazy painter...how many planes did ."F-35 fighter" mean?
Why wouldn't Reuters say "fighters"? What was the purpose of not using the plural?
Exactly how many planes were then?

They read "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion" as per plane. They like you don't read any further or think.
No one but you read it that way you little dumbshit.
Lazy painter...how many planes did ."F-35 fighter" mean?
Why wouldn't Reuters say "fighters"? What was the purpose of not using the plural?
Exactly how many planes were then?
Dummy, you are the only one who didn't understand that "F-35 fighter" means the F-35 Program and not a Single Fucking Plane!
Here to answer is more confusion... for you simple minded people... that ONLY read the headlines...
If you think maybe you read that number wrong, let me repeat: a trillion dollars. According to Reuters, the F-35 program is seen as a fleet of 2,443 jets over the next 50 years, a flying armada that is expected to cost $1 trillion over the half century.
Pentagon You know what s cool A trillion-dollar fighter - CNET
Not 179 F-35s as Reuters reported...but 2,443.

They read "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion" as per plane. They like you don't read any further or think.
No one but you read it that way you little dumbshit.
Lazy painter...how many planes did ."F-35 fighter" mean?
Why wouldn't Reuters say "fighters"? What was the purpose of not using the plural?
Exactly how many planes were then?
Dummy, you are the only one who didn't understand that "F-35 fighter" means the F-35 Program and not a Single Fucking Plane!
Who is now reading other people's minds?
You accused me of doing so... How DARE you state.."you are the only one who didn't understand"!
Are you now showing your duplicity? First you accuse ME of reading other people's minds....then you clearly state:"you are the only one who didn't understand "
See hoisted on your own petard! Look it up idiot!
It is clear that "LazyPainter" speaks for all the "stupidity of american voter" crowd here on this forum.
Now do the rest of you understand why Gruber said what he said? You people that voted the first time for the fraud Obama are not to blame...Blame Obama!
But you idiots like obviously "LazyPainter" who still don't comprehend the enormity of the confession by Gruber about you... YOU are fools because you voted the 2nd time for Obama! You continue to fall for the "BIGGEST LIAR" and HIS BIGGEST LIES in history!
One thing Obama will go down in history for sure as having Fooled Most of the people MOST of the time!
"Gruber's "Stupidity of American Voter" can handle!

In an earlier thread one of these people that ONLY read the headline and immediately popped off wrote:
Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?

"Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
Then the idiot puts this source:
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters

The ONLY problem is this idiot BELIEVED the headline..."F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"!
The idiot never read further to find out that this was for 179 planes... NOT ONE... PLANE!

But this as I said is a perfect example of these "stupidity of American Voters" that never read deeper then the headline. Never looked beyond the article and see the FACTS that the headline was to get their attention!

IDIOTS like them are the ones that have bought into so much phony baloney... "Hands up Don't Shoot"..."I can't breath"... all of these idiotic totally unsubstantiated statements that idiots like these take as the truth!

Obama said "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition"...
THAT means nearly 155 million! LIE as 266 million are already covered by health insurance that doesn't care about "pre-existing conditions and insurance statistics show less then 1.5 million have had pre-existing conditions that prevented coverage or cost higher premium... NOT 155 million!

Again though the 30 second sound bite IDIOT reads the headline..hears the statement and says oh yea
$1.45 trillion per fighter! DUMB...DUMB DUMB!

These are the same idiots that believe Obama when he said.
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Nobody but you is dumb enough to think that he meant 'per plane". When you say F-35 Fighter that means the PROGRAM, the whole fucking thing and not a single plane you little idiot.

NO idiots like YOU really did believe that 30 second headline..."cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
If they meant the PROGRAM they would have SAID the "F-35 Fighter Program"... but the Reuters' headline writers KNEW that the "stupidity of American Voters"
would pick it up as per plane.... which is what they knew these idiots would then pass ...incorrectly!
Just as idiots like you think there are
46 million uninsured,
155 million Americans with "pre-existing conditions" and
the premiums would drop $2,500 by end of Obama's first term...
all total untruths that those that fit the "stupidity of American Voters" believed! As you do!

You're actually trying to tell somebody else what THEY believe?


Wanna tell him which hand he wipes his ass with too?

In a headline the phrase "Cost of F-35 fighter", to those who read English, is clearly understood as a collective noun; the "development of" the plane, the cost to get the project off the ground, the project being understood already as a plural output. You don't build one plane or one car or one bathtub unless it's a prototype for a series of offspring.

Yet here you are purporting to read other people's minds and tell them what they really think.

See not all the people like you that make up Gruber's Stupidity of American Voters read that headline that way.

They read "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion" as per plane. They like you don't read any further or think. Obviously because ACA would NOT have passed
if people understood there never were 46 million legal, knowledgeable people that wanted health insurance but 4 million!

People heard Obama say "up to half of all Americans have "pre-existing conditions" and believed him (a LIE!) and ACA passed.
People like you heard Obama say "But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000.
Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed." ACA passed because of the "Stupidity of American voters" and you BELIEVED that LIE!

People like you read headlines, summaries and make decisions because YOU HAVE ADHD.
And this headline from Reuter's is a perfect example.
ADHD in Adults Ogden Regional Blog
View attachment 34780

And people like YOU believed those statements and headlines LIKE "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"!

See a psychiatrist. Yesterday.

I never even heard of this headline until you trotted this moronic strawman in here, Lefty. Don't presume to tell me what the fuck I read or how the fuck I interpret it. And I've never supported ACA either so go fuck yourself.

Maybe you should stick to threads about which hand somebody uses on the crapper. Go with what you know.
"Gruber's "Stupidity of American Voter" can handle!

In an earlier thread one of these people that ONLY read the headline and immediately popped off wrote:
Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?

"Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
Then the idiot puts this source:
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters

The ONLY problem is this idiot BELIEVED the headline..."F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"!
The idiot never read further to find out that this was for 179 planes... NOT ONE... PLANE!

But this as I said is a perfect example of these "stupidity of American Voters" that never read deeper then the headline. Never looked beyond the article and see the FACTS that the headline was to get their attention!

IDIOTS like them are the ones that have bought into so much phony baloney... "Hands up Don't Shoot"..."I can't breath"... all of these idiotic totally unsubstantiated statements that idiots like these take as the truth!

Obama said "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition"...
THAT means nearly 155 million! LIE as 266 million are already covered by health insurance that doesn't care about "pre-existing conditions and insurance statistics show less then 1.5 million have had pre-existing conditions that prevented coverage or cost higher premium... NOT 155 million!

Again though the 30 second sound bite IDIOT reads the headline..hears the statement and says oh yea
$1.45 trillion per fighter! DUMB...DUMB DUMB!

These are the same idiots that believe Obama when he said.
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Nobody but you is dumb enough to think that he meant 'per plane". When you say F-35 Fighter that means the PROGRAM, the whole fucking thing and not a single plane you little idiot.

NO idiots like YOU really did believe that 30 second headline..."cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
If they meant the PROGRAM they would have SAID the "F-35 Fighter Program"... but the Reuters' headline writers KNEW that the "stupidity of American Voters"
would pick it up as per plane.... which is what they knew these idiots would then pass ...incorrectly!
Just as idiots like you think there are
46 million uninsured,
155 million Americans with "pre-existing conditions" and
the premiums would drop $2,500 by end of Obama's first term...
all total untruths that those that fit the "stupidity of American Voters" believed! As you do!

You're actually trying to tell somebody else what THEY believe?


Wanna tell him which hand he wipes his ass with too?

In a headline the phrase "Cost of F-35 fighter", to those who read English, is clearly understood as a collective noun; the "development of" the plane, the cost to get the project off the ground, the project being understood already as a plural output. You don't build one plane or one car or one bathtub unless it's a prototype for a series of offspring.

Yet here you are purporting to read other people's minds and tell them what they really think.

See not all the people like you that make up Gruber's Stupidity of American Voters read that headline that way.

They read "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion" as per plane. They like you don't read any further or think. Obviously because ACA would NOT have passed
if people understood there never were 46 million legal, knowledgeable people that wanted health insurance but 4 million!

People heard Obama say "up to half of all Americans have "pre-existing conditions" and believed him (a LIE!) and ACA passed.
People like you heard Obama say "But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000.
Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed." ACA passed because of the "Stupidity of American voters" and you BELIEVED that LIE!

People like you read headlines, summaries and make decisions because YOU HAVE ADHD.
And this headline from Reuter's is a perfect example.
ADHD in Adults Ogden Regional Blog
View attachment 34780

And people like YOU believed those statements and headlines LIKE "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"!

See a psychiatrist. Yesterday.

I never even heard of this headline until you trotted this moronic strawman in here, Lefty. Don't presume to tell me what the fuck I read or how the fuck I interpret it. And I've never supported ACA either so go fuck yourself.

Maybe you should stick to threads about which hand somebody uses on the crapper. Go with what you know.
Then YOU didn't read all the comments on this f...king thread when some idiot POSTED THIS!
"Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?

"Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"

this source IS THE HEADLINE you dumb f...K... READ before you lip off!
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters
My whole point on this thread is the morons that voted for ACA/Obama don't READ...they skim headlines and then quote as if it is FACT!
Headline: "U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion" so they like almost everyone would do is assume hmmm a single fighter $1.45 trillion..outrageous!
But they also read these headlines and comments:
Obama: "I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
They voted for him first time!
Obama: “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today."
These stupid American voters think great! Let's help the 46 million TO THE DETRIMENT OF THEIR HEALTH PLANS? SURE!!!
Obama:"Partly because it’s not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they are taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance. But if that same doctor
Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed
Or this really gross flat out fabrication:
Obama: "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition"...
NOT one of you idiot supporters ever questions "half of Americans?"...That's 155 million.... How can that be when 85% of Americans have health insurance, i.e. 266 million? FLAT OUT FABRICATION to pass Obamacare....
And you idiot Obama /ACA supporters bought that garbage hook line and sinker!
So is it NO wonder that more thinking people are asking "where are the "thinking people" instead of those Gruber depended i.e. "Stupidity of American Voter"?

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