A perfect example of 30 second sound bites which is all the people that make up.....

Nobody but you is dumb enough to think that he meant 'per plane". When you say F-35 Fighter that means the PROGRAM, the whole fucking thing and not a single plane you little idiot.

NO idiots like YOU really did believe that 30 second headline..."cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
If they meant the PROGRAM they would have SAID the "F-35 Fighter Program"... but the Reuters' headline writers KNEW that the "stupidity of American Voters"
would pick it up as per plane.... which is what they knew these idiots would then pass ...incorrectly!
Just as idiots like you think there are
46 million uninsured,
155 million Americans with "pre-existing conditions" and
the premiums would drop $2,500 by end of Obama's first term...
all total untruths that those that fit the "stupidity of American Voters" believed! As you do!

You're actually trying to tell somebody else what THEY believe?


Wanna tell him which hand he wipes his ass with too?

In a headline the phrase "Cost of F-35 fighter", to those who read English, is clearly understood as a collective noun; the "development of" the plane, the cost to get the project off the ground, the project being understood already as a plural output. You don't build one plane or one car or one bathtub unless it's a prototype for a series of offspring.

Yet here you are purporting to read other people's minds and tell them what they really think.

See not all the people like you that make up Gruber's Stupidity of American Voters read that headline that way.

They read "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion" as per plane. They like you don't read any further or think. Obviously because ACA would NOT have passed
if people understood there never were 46 million legal, knowledgeable people that wanted health insurance but 4 million!

People heard Obama say "up to half of all Americans have "pre-existing conditions" and believed him (a LIE!) and ACA passed.
People like you heard Obama say "But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000.
Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed." ACA passed because of the "Stupidity of American voters" and you BELIEVED that LIE!

People like you read headlines, summaries and make decisions because YOU HAVE ADHD.
And this headline from Reuter's is a perfect example.
ADHD in Adults Ogden Regional Blog
View attachment 34780

And people like YOU believed those statements and headlines LIKE "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"!

See a psychiatrist. Yesterday.

I never even heard of this headline until you trotted this moronic strawman in here, Lefty. Don't presume to tell me what the fuck I read or how the fuck I interpret it. And I've never supported ACA either so go fuck yourself.

Maybe you should stick to threads about which hand somebody uses on the crapper. Go with what you know.

Then YOU didn't read all the comments on this f...king thread when some idiot POSTED THIS!
"Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?

YOU posted that, moron.
Do you actually like, not understand the difference between what you post and what somebody else posts?

"Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"

this source IS THE HEADLINE you dumb f...K... READ before you lip off!
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters

That link goes to an article outside this site, posted by no one here, and it clearly describes the figure as the cost to develop the aircraft and it clearly states 179 planes.

So ----- which hand do you figure the F-35 wipes its ass with?
NO idiots like YOU really did believe that 30 second headline..."cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
If they meant the PROGRAM they would have SAID the "F-35 Fighter Program"... but the Reuters' headline writers KNEW that the "stupidity of American Voters"
would pick it up as per plane.... which is what they knew these idiots would then pass ...incorrectly!
Just as idiots like you think there are
46 million uninsured,
155 million Americans with "pre-existing conditions" and
the premiums would drop $2,500 by end of Obama's first term...
all total untruths that those that fit the "stupidity of American Voters" believed! As you do!

You're actually trying to tell somebody else what THEY believe?


Wanna tell him which hand he wipes his ass with too?

In a headline the phrase "Cost of F-35 fighter", to those who read English, is clearly understood as a collective noun; the "development of" the plane, the cost to get the project off the ground, the project being understood already as a plural output. You don't build one plane or one car or one bathtub unless it's a prototype for a series of offspring.

Yet here you are purporting to read other people's minds and tell them what they really think.

See not all the people like you that make up Gruber's Stupidity of American Voters read that headline that way.

They read "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion" as per plane. They like you don't read any further or think. Obviously because ACA would NOT have passed
if people understood there never were 46 million legal, knowledgeable people that wanted health insurance but 4 million!

People heard Obama say "up to half of all Americans have "pre-existing conditions" and believed him (a LIE!) and ACA passed.
People like you heard Obama say "But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000.
Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed." ACA passed because of the "Stupidity of American voters" and you BELIEVED that LIE!

People like you read headlines, summaries and make decisions because YOU HAVE ADHD.
And this headline from Reuter's is a perfect example.
ADHD in Adults Ogden Regional Blog
View attachment 34780

And people like YOU believed those statements and headlines LIKE "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"!

See a psychiatrist. Yesterday.

I never even heard of this headline until you trotted this moronic strawman in here, Lefty. Don't presume to tell me what the fuck I read or how the fuck I interpret it. And I've never supported ACA either so go fuck yourself.

Maybe you should stick to threads about which hand somebody uses on the crapper. Go with what you know.

Then YOU didn't read all the comments on this f...king thread when some idiot POSTED THIS!
"Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?

YOU posted that, moron.
Do you actually like, not understand the difference between what you post and what somebody else posts?

"Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"

this source IS THE HEADLINE you dumb f...K... READ before you lip off!
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters

That link goes to an article outside this site, posted by no one here, and it clearly describes the figure as the cost to develop the aircraft and it clearly states 179 planes.

So ----- which hand do you figure the F-35 wipes its ass with?
AGAIN... POINT WENT WAY WAY over your limited pointed head!!!
The headline that the headline writer wrote was "F-35 FIGHTER (NOT FIGHTERS!!!) at $1.45 trillion!
Not many people that hate the military as you do would then read any further... again 30 seconds is all you idiots can handle!
IT ISN"T until you READ the details which IS MY POINT dummy!
The details tell us there are between 179 and 2,335 fighters in the PROGRAM!!!
Why didn't biased Reueter's headline writer state the fact it was for the FIGHTERS ? Because he wanted titillation factor! He wanted to BIAS the story!
So idiots like you would pass on "oh the rotten military is at it again... costing $1.45 trillion per fighter! " and your proof is the headline:
"U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion"... but again all this goes way over your head.
ONLY people that deal in details like me I guess find it disgusting that these broad based attacks on the US/the military goes without challenges except for people
like me that deal in the truth!
And the truth is idiots like you read that headline and made it the focal point...i.e. $1.45 trillion per fighter!
See this is what I've been pointing is these headlines are all idiots like you can handle!
When the facts are there never were 46 million uninsured BUT 4 million that wanted and needed health insurance.
The facts there never have been up to half of All Americans with "pre-existing conditions" which was the headline spoken by Obama!
The Facts there never was a "health care " crisis but one fabricated out of headlines that idiots like you believed!
I can't understand how supposedly "intelligent" people as you pretend you are CAN"T deal with the facts.... but I guess it is your attention deficit disorder to blame!
You're actually trying to tell somebody else what THEY believe?


Wanna tell him which hand he wipes his ass with too?

In a headline the phrase "Cost of F-35 fighter", to those who read English, is clearly understood as a collective noun; the "development of" the plane, the cost to get the project off the ground, the project being understood already as a plural output. You don't build one plane or one car or one bathtub unless it's a prototype for a series of offspring.

Yet here you are purporting to read other people's minds and tell them what they really think.

See not all the people like you that make up Gruber's Stupidity of American Voters read that headline that way.

They read "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion" as per plane. They like you don't read any further or think. Obviously because ACA would NOT have passed
if people understood there never were 46 million legal, knowledgeable people that wanted health insurance but 4 million!

People heard Obama say "up to half of all Americans have "pre-existing conditions" and believed him (a LIE!) and ACA passed.
People like you heard Obama say "But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000.
Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed." ACA passed because of the "Stupidity of American voters" and you BELIEVED that LIE!

People like you read headlines, summaries and make decisions because YOU HAVE ADHD.
And this headline from Reuter's is a perfect example.
ADHD in Adults Ogden Regional Blog
View attachment 34780

And people like YOU believed those statements and headlines LIKE "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"!

See a psychiatrist. Yesterday.

I never even heard of this headline until you trotted this moronic strawman in here, Lefty. Don't presume to tell me what the fuck I read or how the fuck I interpret it. And I've never supported ACA either so go fuck yourself.

Maybe you should stick to threads about which hand somebody uses on the crapper. Go with what you know.

Then YOU didn't read all the comments on this f...king thread when some idiot POSTED THIS!
"Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?

YOU posted that, moron.
Do you actually like, not understand the difference between what you post and what somebody else posts?

"Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"

this source IS THE HEADLINE you dumb f...K... READ before you lip off!
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters

That link goes to an article outside this site, posted by no one here, and it clearly describes the figure as the cost to develop the aircraft and it clearly states 179 planes.

So ----- which hand do you figure the F-35 wipes its ass with?
AGAIN... POINT WENT WAY WAY over your limited pointed head!!!
The headline that the headline writer wrote was "F-35 FIGHTER (NOT FIGHTERS!!!) at $1.45 trillion!
Not many people that hate the military as you do would then read any further... again 30 seconds is all you idiots can handle!
IT ISN"T until you READ the details which IS MY POINT dummy!
The details tell us there are between 179 and 2,335 fighters in the PROGRAM!!!
Why didn't biased Reueter's headline writer state the fact it was for the FIGHTERS ? Because he wanted titillation factor! He wanted to BIAS the story!
So idiots like you would pass on "oh the rotten military is at it again... costing $1.45 trillion per fighter! " and your proof is the headline:
"U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion"... but again all this goes way over your head.
ONLY people that deal in details like me I guess find it disgusting that these broad based attacks on the US/the military goes without challenges except for people
like me that deal in the truth!
And the truth is idiots like you read that headline and made it the focal point...i.e. $1.45 trillion per fighter!
See this is what I've been pointing is these headlines are all idiots like you can handle!
When the facts are there never were 46 million uninsured BUT 4 million that wanted and needed health insurance.
The facts there never have been up to half of All Americans with "pre-existing conditions" which was the headline spoken by Obama!
The Facts there never was a "health care " crisis but one fabricated out of headlines that idiots like you believed!
I can't understand how supposedly "intelligent" people as you pretend you are CAN"T deal with the facts.... but I guess it is your attention deficit disorder to blame!

Learn to read.

"Fighter" means the concept, including, once again as clearly stated, the development of the project, which in turn is described as an order for 179 planes. We have what we call in English the "collective noun".

If you refer to "the Catholic Church", nobody thinks you mean one particular congregation. If you refer to "McDonald's" nobody thinks you mean one particular store.

And what you're reading is a headline. Headlines are by definition short forms to encapsulate the story, never details. So you're basically starting a thread to complain that somebody wrote a headline you don't understand. It ain't our problem. Learn to read.
See not all the people like you that make up Gruber's Stupidity of American Voters read that headline that way.

They read "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion" as per plane. They like you don't read any further or think. Obviously because ACA would NOT have passed
if people understood there never were 46 million legal, knowledgeable people that wanted health insurance but 4 million!

People heard Obama say "up to half of all Americans have "pre-existing conditions" and believed him (a LIE!) and ACA passed.
People like you heard Obama say "But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000.
Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed." ACA passed because of the "Stupidity of American voters" and you BELIEVED that LIE!

People like you read headlines, summaries and make decisions because YOU HAVE ADHD.
And this headline from Reuter's is a perfect example.
ADHD in Adults Ogden Regional Blog
View attachment 34780

And people like YOU believed those statements and headlines LIKE "F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"!

See a psychiatrist. Yesterday.

I never even heard of this headline until you trotted this moronic strawman in here, Lefty. Don't presume to tell me what the fuck I read or how the fuck I interpret it. And I've never supported ACA either so go fuck yourself.

Maybe you should stick to threads about which hand somebody uses on the crapper. Go with what you know.

Then YOU didn't read all the comments on this f...king thread when some idiot POSTED THIS!
"Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?

YOU posted that, moron.
Do you actually like, not understand the difference between what you post and what somebody else posts?

"Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"

this source IS THE HEADLINE you dumb f...K... READ before you lip off!
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters

That link goes to an article outside this site, posted by no one here, and it clearly describes the figure as the cost to develop the aircraft and it clearly states 179 planes.

So ----- which hand do you figure the F-35 wipes its ass with?
AGAIN... POINT WENT WAY WAY over your limited pointed head!!!
The headline that the headline writer wrote was "F-35 FIGHTER (NOT FIGHTERS!!!) at $1.45 trillion!
Not many people that hate the military as you do would then read any further... again 30 seconds is all you idiots can handle!
IT ISN"T until you READ the details which IS MY POINT dummy!
The details tell us there are between 179 and 2,335 fighters in the PROGRAM!!!
Why didn't biased Reueter's headline writer state the fact it was for the FIGHTERS ? Because he wanted titillation factor! He wanted to BIAS the story!
So idiots like you would pass on "oh the rotten military is at it again... costing $1.45 trillion per fighter! " and your proof is the headline:
"U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion"... but again all this goes way over your head.
ONLY people that deal in details like me I guess find it disgusting that these broad based attacks on the US/the military goes without challenges except for people
like me that deal in the truth!
And the truth is idiots like you read that headline and made it the focal point...i.e. $1.45 trillion per fighter!
See this is what I've been pointing is these headlines are all idiots like you can handle!
When the facts are there never were 46 million uninsured BUT 4 million that wanted and needed health insurance.
The facts there never have been up to half of All Americans with "pre-existing conditions" which was the headline spoken by Obama!
The Facts there never was a "health care " crisis but one fabricated out of headlines that idiots like you believed!
I can't understand how supposedly "intelligent" people as you pretend you are CAN"T deal with the facts.... but I guess it is your attention deficit disorder to blame!

Learn to read.

"Fighter" means the concept, including, once again as clearly stated, the development of the project, which in turn is described as an order for 179 planes. We have what we call in English the "collective noun".

If you refer to "the Catholic Church", nobody thinks you mean one particular congregation. If you refer to "McDonald's" nobody thinks you mean one particular store.

And what you're reading is a headline. Headlines are by definition short forms to encapsulate the story, never details. So you're basically starting a thread to complain that somebody wrote a headline you don't understand. It ain't our problem. Learn to read.
And you are a perfect example of NOT learning to read! "Ain't"? Great grammar!
So to ENCAPSULATE the story it took only adding an "s" and it would CHANGE dramatically idiots like you who use these headlines as FACTS!
YES idiots like you that use words like "ain't" are the targets of these biased headline writers!
Because YOU don't believe the MSM bias you won't dig a little deeper. YOU believe these headlines..

A headline's purpose is to quickly and briefly draw attention to the story. It is generally written by a copy editor, but may also be written by the writer, the page layout designer, or other editors. (wikipedia)

Read this link to have a better understanding of how idiots like you believing the headlines...are always mislead!

On Wednesday evening, Oct. 22, a Palestinian deliberately drove his car into a crowd of people disembarking Jerusalem’s Light Rail, killing a three-month old baby and injuring several more, in what was clearly a terror attack.

Initial reports produced some jarring headline fails. Take the Associated Press’s first headline, which has caused widespread outrage:


That the AP changed the headline within an hour and eventually arrived at the more accurate, “Palestinian kills baby at Jerusalem station” indicates that the wire service acknowledged that it had got it wrong with its initial headline. But the AP is still responsible for the immense damage that this headline can cause. For example, while AP may have updated its headline, what about those media outlets who had no qualms in keeping the original such as Turkey’s Daily Sabah?

3 headlines that mislead readers

So people like you reading just the headlines and NOT going any further are the ones who believed this headline:
"U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion" and believe me YOU did believe that! Because YOU are the type of person that Gruber was describing
when he said the "Stupidity of the American Voter"... YOU believe headlines... never dig deeper.
And you are liar if you said you did with that head line..."U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
All it took was adding an "s"...but the headline writer WANTED sensationalism.."$1.45 trillion"!! and he knew idiots like you would believe iT!

Your inability to digest headlines and the stories they title is exactly why you need to learn to read.
Then you want to project your own illiteracy onto others.


Your inability to digest headlines and the stories they title is exactly why you need to learn to read.
Then you want to project your own illiteracy onto others.

Here is the exact quote from the idiot making a comment about conservatives...

Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?
The idiot who thought the plane cost $1.45 trillion then left this link:
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters

Now if the headline writer wanted to give the FACT this was for ALL the F-35 planes he would have written:
Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighters at $1.45 trillion
He didn't!
He wrote:
Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion

What he wanted was people like you 30 second crowd to pass on "geez did you see the Air Force is spending $1.45 trillion for each F-35???
That was the objective because the writer could have just as easily added an "s" to fighter!
You're quoting your own post, dumbass. Post number one.

You're quoting your own post, dumbass. Post number one.

AND You poster child for the "Stupidity of american voter"... obviously DIDN"T read the post CLEARLY!!!
Do you understand I was referencing an earlier THREAD! That the idiot wanted us to think the F-35 cost $1.45 trillion!
This is from the FIRST post I put up you dumb f...K!

"In an earlier thread one of these people that ONLY read the headline and immediately popped off wrote:
Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?
"Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
Then the idiot puts this source:
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters"

You're quoting your own post, dumbass. Post number one.

AND You poster child for the "Stupidity of american voter"... obviously DIDN"T read the post CLEARLY!!!
Do you understand I was referencing an earlier THREAD! That the idiot wanted us to think the F-35 cost $1.45 trillion!
This is from the FIRST post I put up you dumb f...K!

"In an earlier thread one of these people that ONLY read the headline and immediately popped off wrote:
Callous conservatives have no empathy! One might wonder, as do I, why they have not gone all hysteric on the cost of the F-35, and their focus is strictly on the PPACA?
"Exclusive: U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at $1.45 trillion"
Then the idiot puts this source:
Exclusive U.S. sees lifetime cost of F-35 fighter at 1.45 trillion Reuters"
You are showing your childish juvenile age with the stupid ass emoticons! Grow up idiot!
Really it is so offensive to see supposedly adults using emoticons as a way to express themselves as they are shrift in the use of English language obviously!

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