A person who has HIGHEST approval rating in history?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Am I crazy or didn't these events happen?

Did Bush have the highest approval rating of all Presidents, higher then FDR, Clinton????

Will historians report these events as "non-events"?

Will school books NOT teach there was a Dot.com bust or 9/11 never occurred or
the WORST hurricane SEASONS occurred? Anthrax attacks... never happened??

Are all of you people so deaf and dumb to the realities of what REALLY occurred during Bush administration OR are all of you including so called Right wing conservatives so totally brainwashed by the MSM regarding Bush.."spent like a drunken sailor.." "LIED and people died".

Bush has the HIGHEST ratings... HIGHER then FDR! Higher then Clinton by 23%!

Where were YOU people AFTER 9/11 for example when Oct 2001 bush had a 92% approval rating??

WERE YOU people somehow missing... "fog of war"???

Behind the Numbers - Approval Highs and Lows

A) Didn't the marvelous dot.com ( that Clinton phony surplus bubble)* bust occur? YES! What did it cost?

1) $5 trillion in market losses which meant the taxpayers who had tax liabilities of $166 billion from 2002 and beyond GONE!
2) 300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts....billions in payroll taxes!!!

B) Did 9/11 happen??? YES what did that cost?
1) $2 trillion in losses meant $66 billion a year in reduced TAX payments from 2003 and beyond GONE!
2 145,00 jobs lost in NYC alone due to 9/11... what did that cost? Billions in payroll taxes!

C) DID the worst hurricane SEASONS not hurricanes SEASONS occur? YES what did that cost?
1) $1 trillion in losses meaning $33 billion a year in reduced tax revenues!
2) 400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita

again NOTHING Bush could do to prevent! After all he is definitely not the Messiah as Obama is considered!

IN spite of those monumental events Bush had at the end of 2008 136 million working versus at
beginning 131 million a gain of 5 million more working IN SPITE of 845,000 jobs lost due to dot.com/9/11/hurricanes!!!

5 million more people working then when Clinton left office!
  • 2001...... 131,826 41 0.03% Dot.com bust, 9/11 occurred $5 trillion in real losses, 18,000 businesses
  • 2002...... 130,341 -1,485 -1.13% 9/11 residual losses
  • 2003...... 129,999 -342 -0.26% tax cuts began
  • 2004...... 131,435 1,436 1.10%
  • 2005...... 133,703 2,268 1.73%
  • 2006...... 136,086 2,383 1.78%
  • 2007...... 137,598 1,512 1.11%
  • 2008...... 136,790 -808 -0.59%

And IN spite of dot.com/9/11/hurricanes...
GDP when Bush took office 2001 $12.355,271,000,000
GDP when Bush left office 2008 $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION !

SO PLEASES IDIOTS including some of you stupid conservatives EXPLAIN THAT THESE NUMBERS ARE FALSE!


What in the hell has Obama faced?? NOTHING! NO attacks, NO collapses! NO DISASTROUS weather events!

Show the FACTS that counter the above EVENTS!!!

OR are MOST of you including Conservatives STILL in the morass, the fog of MSM crap too IGNORANT TO admit these FACTS HAPPENED!
Bush was at the HIGHEST approval rating and some of you agreed!
But rather then think independently use some brain power... you idiots fell for the MSM bias! Their hatred of Bush/GOP/Conservatives and even you conservatives
always wanting to be loved by everyone seem to ignore the REALITIES!
The dot.com bust happened!
9/11 happened!
Worst hurricanes happened!
YeT you all sit back and BLAME Bush for events HE had to contend with and IN spite of a hostile, biased MSM.. Bush encouraged the GDP to grow!
Employment to grow! In spite of having to spend $600 billion in Homeland Security organization!
In spite of having to counter the MSM/Democrats ENCOURAGEMENT of TERRORISTs..(which is so damn obvious today when the PRESS compliant with Obama was so loathed to call Ambassador Stevens murder done by Al-Queda as it destroyed Obama's narrative !)

When traitors like OBAMA encouraged the terrorists by saying our military was "air-raiding villages, killing civilians"... you idiots and the MSM said oh that's freedom of speech!
EVEN though during WWI and WWII such statements would have been totally considered treasonous!

And In spite of the above MSM/idiots like you and traitors like Obama, Durbin(our troops are nazis) Murtha (cold blooded killers), Kerry "Terrorists"!... Bush stood by our military!
AND if any of you had any guts you'd ask a military person today WHEN were you most proud of your C-I-C????
I think Bush did pretty well with a few exceptions like the patriot act, TSA and the bail outs, But that's just my opinion.
It's amazing isn't it?

That Bush had such overwhelming national and international support after 9-11. To think what Bush could have accomplished

Instead, Bush made the following blunders

- ignored the international community and called them cowards for not backing his Iraq invasion
- Abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq
- Lied about Iraq having WMDs and being involved in 9-11
- Ignored human rights and locked up people in Gitmo without charges and without a trial
- Engaged in TORTURE
- Botched the number of troops on the ground in Iraq

As a result, Bushs approval ratings dropped from 86% to 26%
It's amazing isn't it?

That Bush had such overwhelming national and international support after 9-11. To think what Bush could have accomplished

Instead, Bush made the following blunders

- ignored the international community and called them cowards for not backing his Iraq invasion
- Abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq
- Lied about Iraq having WMDs and being involved in 9-11
- Ignored human rights and locked up people in Gitmo without charges and without a trial
- Engaged in TORTURE
- Botched the number of troops on the ground in Iraq

As a result, Bushs approval ratings dropped from 86% to 26%

WHAT international community DIDN"T back the Iraq LIBERATION???
38 countries below participated!
countries NOT France because they were building reactors for Iraq!.USSR providing military assistance!

United Kingdom: 46,000 invasion (withdrawn 5/11)
Australia: 2,000 invasion (withdrawn 7/09)
Romania: 730 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 7/09)
El Salvador: 380 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 1/09)
Estonia: 40 troops (deployed 6/05-withdrawn 1/09)
Bulgaria: 485 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Moldova: 24 peak (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Albania: 240 troops (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Ukraine: 1,650 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Denmark: 545 peak (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Czech Republic: 300 peak (deployed 12/03-withdrawn 12/08)
South Korea: 3,600 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Japan: 600 troops (deployed 1/04-withdrawn 12/08)
Tonga: 55 troops (deployed 7/04-withdrawn 12/08)
Azerbaijan: 250 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Singapore: 175 offshore (deployed 12/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 85 peak (deployed 6/05-withdrawn 11/08)
Macedonia: 77 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 11/08)
Latvia: 136 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 11/08)
Poland: 200 invasion—2,500 peak (withdrawn 10/08)
Kazakhstan: 29 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 10/08)
Armenia: 46 troops (deployed 1/05-withdrawn 10/08)
Mongolia: 180 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 09/08)
Georgia: 2,000 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 8/08)
Slovakia: 110 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/07)
Lithuania: 120 peak (deployed 6/03-withdrawn 08/07)
Italy: 3,200 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 11/06)
Norway: 150 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 8/06)
Hungary: 300 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 3/05)
Netherlands: 1,345 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 3/05)
Portugal: 128 troops (deployed 11/03-withdrawn 2/05)
New Zealand: 61 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 9/04)
Thailand: 423 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 8/04)
Philippines: 51 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 7/04)
Honduras: 368 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 5/04)
Dominican Republic: 302 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 5/04)
Spain: 1,300 troops (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 4/04)
Nicaragua: 230 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 2/04)
Iceland: 2 troops (deployed 5/03-withdrawal date unknown)

Abandoned War on Terror... HOw do you think Osama was killed... Obama didn't think the plan up as NAIVELY you must think???
LIed about WMDs??
THEN WHAT DID THESE people do???

BEFORE BUSH ... When CLINTON was President...
"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger- Clinton National. Security. Advisor 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999

" Ignored human rights and locked up people in Gitmo without charges and without a trial"
Are you really that naive??? GEEZ these terrorists in GITMO were NEVER covered under the geneva conventions which are countries... these guys never belonged!
They were TRIED under MILITARY rules cause this is a "WAR on TERRORISM" you get it???

TORTURE??? 3 guys held under water boarding! THE SAME TORTURE used in our military training!!!

But why are you responding because YOU don't believe any of the events occurred. Bush was the boogie man because YOU believe EVERYTHING you read!
It's amazing isn't it?

That Bush had such overwhelming national and international support after 9-11. To think what Bush could have accomplished

Instead, Bush made the following blunders

- ignored the international community and called them cowards for not backing his Iraq invasion
- Abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq
- Lied about Iraq having WMDs and being involved in 9-11
- Ignored human rights and locked up people in Gitmo without charges and without a trial
- Engaged in TORTURE
- Botched the number of troops on the ground in Iraq

As a result, Bushs approval ratings dropped from 86% to 26%

YOU are wrong when you wrote....... "dropped from 86% to 26%"

Here's a look at the highs and lows each president has experienced since 1938:


Behind the Numbers - Approval Highs and Lows


  • $Bush92percent.pdf
    41.9 KB · Views: 96
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It's amazing isn't it?

That Bush had such overwhelming national and international support after 9-11. To think what Bush could have accomplished

Instead, Bush made the following blunders

- ignored the international community and called them cowards for not backing his Iraq invasion
- Abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq
- Lied about Iraq having WMDs and being involved in 9-11
- Ignored human rights and locked up people in Gitmo without charges and without a trial
- Engaged in TORTURE
- Botched the number of troops on the ground in Iraq

As a result, Bushs approval ratings dropped from 86% to 26%

WHAT international community DIDN"T back the Iraq LIBERATION???
38 countries below participated!
countries NOT France because they were building reactors for Iraq!.USSR providing military assistance!

United Kingdom: 46,000 invasion (withdrawn 5/11)
Australia: 2,000 invasion (withdrawn 7/09)
Romania: 730 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 7/09)
El Salvador: 380 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 1/09)
Estonia: 40 troops (deployed 6/05-withdrawn 1/09)
Bulgaria: 485 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Moldova: 24 peak (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Albania: 240 troops (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Ukraine: 1,650 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Denmark: 545 peak (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Czech Republic: 300 peak (deployed 12/03-withdrawn 12/08)
South Korea: 3,600 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Japan: 600 troops (deployed 1/04-withdrawn 12/08)
Tonga: 55 troops (deployed 7/04-withdrawn 12/08)
Azerbaijan: 250 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Singapore: 175 offshore (deployed 12/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 85 peak (deployed 6/05-withdrawn 11/08)
Macedonia: 77 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 11/08)
Latvia: 136 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 11/08)
Poland: 200 invasion—2,500 peak (withdrawn 10/08)
Kazakhstan: 29 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 10/08)
Armenia: 46 troops (deployed 1/05-withdrawn 10/08)
Mongolia: 180 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 09/08)
Georgia: 2,000 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 8/08)
Slovakia: 110 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/07)
Lithuania: 120 peak (deployed 6/03-withdrawn 08/07)
Italy: 3,200 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 11/06)
Norway: 150 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 8/06)
Hungary: 300 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 3/05)
Netherlands: 1,345 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 3/05)
Portugal: 128 troops (deployed 11/03-withdrawn 2/05)
New Zealand: 61 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 9/04)
Thailand: 423 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 8/04)
Philippines: 51 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 7/04)
Honduras: 368 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 5/04)
Dominican Republic: 302 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 5/04)
Spain: 1,300 troops (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 4/04)
Nicaragua: 230 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 2/04)
Iceland: 2 troops (deployed 5/03-withdrawal date unknown)

Abandoned War on Terror... HOw do you think Osama was killed... Obama didn't think the plan up as NAIVELY you must think???
LIed about WMDs??
THEN WHAT DID THESE people do???

BEFORE BUSH ... When CLINTON was President...
"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger- Clinton National. Security. Advisor 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999

" Ignored human rights and locked up people in Gitmo without charges and without a trial"
Are you really that naive??? GEEZ these terrorists in GITMO were NEVER covered under the geneva conventions which are countries... these guys never belonged!
They were TRIED under MILITARY rules cause this is a "WAR on TERRORISM" you get it???

TORTURE??? 3 guys held under water boarding! THE SAME TORTURE used in our military training!!!

But why are you responding because YOU don't believe any of the events occurred. Bush was the boogie man because YOU believe EVERYTHING you read!

Coalition of the willing?

Tonga, Latvia, Mongolia sending a few dozen token troops?

Where was Mexico, France, Germany......Canada?

They all told Bush he was crazy and that Iraq was no threat. Bush told them "My way or the highway" and called them cowards. A glaring reason why Bush's overwhelming global support disappeared
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It's amazing isn't it?

That Bush had such overwhelming national and international support after 9-11. To think what Bush could have accomplished

Instead, Bush made the following blunders

- ignored the international community and called them cowards for not backing his Iraq invasion
- Abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq
- Lied about Iraq having WMDs and being involved in 9-11
- Ignored human rights and locked up people in Gitmo without charges and without a trial
- Engaged in TORTURE
- Botched the number of troops on the ground in Iraq

As a result, Bushs approval ratings dropped from 86% to 26%

WHAT international community DIDN"T back the Iraq LIBERATION???
38 countries below participated!
countries NOT France because they were building reactors for Iraq!.USSR providing military assistance!

United Kingdom: 46,000 invasion (withdrawn 5/11)
Australia: 2,000 invasion (withdrawn 7/09)
Romania: 730 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 7/09)
El Salvador: 380 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 1/09)
Estonia: 40 troops (deployed 6/05-withdrawn 1/09)
Bulgaria: 485 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Moldova: 24 peak (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Albania: 240 troops (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Ukraine: 1,650 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Denmark: 545 peak (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Czech Republic: 300 peak (deployed 12/03-withdrawn 12/08)
South Korea: 3,600 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Japan: 600 troops (deployed 1/04-withdrawn 12/08)
Tonga: 55 troops (deployed 7/04-withdrawn 12/08)
Azerbaijan: 250 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Singapore: 175 offshore (deployed 12/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 85 peak (deployed 6/05-withdrawn 11/08)
Macedonia: 77 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 11/08)
Latvia: 136 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 11/08)
Poland: 200 invasion—2,500 peak (withdrawn 10/08)
Kazakhstan: 29 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 10/08)
Armenia: 46 troops (deployed 1/05-withdrawn 10/08)
Mongolia: 180 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 09/08)
Georgia: 2,000 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 8/08)
Slovakia: 110 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/07)
Lithuania: 120 peak (deployed 6/03-withdrawn 08/07)
Italy: 3,200 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 11/06)
Norway: 150 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 8/06)
Hungary: 300 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 3/05)
Netherlands: 1,345 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 3/05)
Portugal: 128 troops (deployed 11/03-withdrawn 2/05)
New Zealand: 61 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 9/04)
Thailand: 423 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 8/04)
Philippines: 51 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 7/04)
Honduras: 368 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 5/04)
Dominican Republic: 302 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 5/04)
Spain: 1,300 troops (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 4/04)
Nicaragua: 230 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 2/04)
Iceland: 2 troops (deployed 5/03-withdrawal date unknown)

Abandoned War on Terror... HOw do you think Osama was killed... Obama didn't think the plan up as NAIVELY you must think???
LIed about WMDs??
THEN WHAT DID THESE people do???

BEFORE BUSH ... When CLINTON was President...
"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger- Clinton National. Security. Advisor 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999

" Ignored human rights and locked up people in Gitmo without charges and without a trial"
Are you really that naive??? GEEZ these terrorists in GITMO were NEVER covered under the geneva conventions which are countries... these guys never belonged!
They were TRIED under MILITARY rules cause this is a "WAR on TERRORISM" you get it???

TORTURE??? 3 guys held under water boarding! THE SAME TORTURE used in our military training!!!

But why are you responding because YOU don't believe any of the events occurred. Bush was the boogie man because YOU believe EVERYTHING you read!

Coalition of the willing?

Tonga, Latvia, Mongolia sending a few dozen token troops?

Where was Mexico, France, Germany......Canada?

They all told Bush he was crazy and that Iraq was no threat. Bush told them "My way or the highway" and called them cowards. A glaring reason why Bush's overwhelming global support disappeared

You know you are NOT proving your point as I have with the FACTS!!!
I want you to show me easy to do with the internet where Bush called countries cowards or my way or the highway???

See you can make all those statements BUT NO ONE believes because YOU don't prove your sources... LIKE I DO!!!
Prove show me where Bush called countries like Canada France Mexico, Germany "cowards"????
WHAT international community DIDN"T back the Iraq LIBERATION???
38 countries below participated!
countries NOT France because they were building reactors for Iraq!.USSR providing military assistance!

United Kingdom: 46,000 invasion (withdrawn 5/11)
Australia: 2,000 invasion (withdrawn 7/09)
Romania: 730 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 7/09)
El Salvador: 380 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 1/09)
Estonia: 40 troops (deployed 6/05-withdrawn 1/09)
Bulgaria: 485 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Moldova: 24 peak (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Albania: 240 troops (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Ukraine: 1,650 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Denmark: 545 peak (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Czech Republic: 300 peak (deployed 12/03-withdrawn 12/08)
South Korea: 3,600 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Japan: 600 troops (deployed 1/04-withdrawn 12/08)
Tonga: 55 troops (deployed 7/04-withdrawn 12/08)
Azerbaijan: 250 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Singapore: 175 offshore (deployed 12/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 85 peak (deployed 6/05-withdrawn 11/08)
Macedonia: 77 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 11/08)
Latvia: 136 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 11/08)
Poland: 200 invasion—2,500 peak (withdrawn 10/08)
Kazakhstan: 29 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 10/08)
Armenia: 46 troops (deployed 1/05-withdrawn 10/08)
Mongolia: 180 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 09/08)
Georgia: 2,000 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 8/08)
Slovakia: 110 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/07)
Lithuania: 120 peak (deployed 6/03-withdrawn 08/07)
Italy: 3,200 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 11/06)
Norway: 150 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 8/06)
Hungary: 300 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 3/05)
Netherlands: 1,345 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 3/05)
Portugal: 128 troops (deployed 11/03-withdrawn 2/05)
New Zealand: 61 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 9/04)
Thailand: 423 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 8/04)
Philippines: 51 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 7/04)
Honduras: 368 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 5/04)
Dominican Republic: 302 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 5/04)
Spain: 1,300 troops (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 4/04)
Nicaragua: 230 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 2/04)
Iceland: 2 troops (deployed 5/03-withdrawal date unknown)

Abandoned War on Terror... HOw do you think Osama was killed... Obama didn't think the plan up as NAIVELY you must think???
LIed about WMDs??
THEN WHAT DID THESE people do???

BEFORE BUSH ... When CLINTON was President...
"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger- Clinton National. Security. Advisor 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999

" Ignored human rights and locked up people in Gitmo without charges and without a trial"
Are you really that naive??? GEEZ these terrorists in GITMO were NEVER covered under the geneva conventions which are countries... these guys never belonged!
They were TRIED under MILITARY rules cause this is a "WAR on TERRORISM" you get it???

TORTURE??? 3 guys held under water boarding! THE SAME TORTURE used in our military training!!!

But why are you responding because YOU don't believe any of the events occurred. Bush was the boogie man because YOU believe EVERYTHING you read!

Coalition of the willing?

Tonga, Latvia, Mongolia sending a few dozen token troops?

Where was Mexico, France, Germany......Canada?

They all told Bush he was crazy and that Iraq was no threat. Bush told them "My way or the highway" and called them cowards. A glaring reason why Bush's overwhelming global support disappeared

You know you are NOT proving your point as I have with the FACTS!!!
I want you to show me easy to do with the internet where Bush called countries cowards or my way or the highway???

See you can make all those statements BUT NO ONE believes because YOU don't prove your sources... LIKE I DO!!!
Prove show me where Bush called countries like Canada France Mexico, Germany "cowards"????

Can I interest you in an order of Freedom Fries?
It's amazing isn't it?

That Bush had such overwhelming national and international support after 9-11. To think what Bush could have accomplished

Instead, Bush made the following blunders

- ignored the international community and called them cowards for not backing his Iraq invasion
- Abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq
- Lied about Iraq having WMDs and being involved in 9-11
- Ignored human rights and locked up people in Gitmo without charges and without a trial
- Engaged in TORTURE
- Botched the number of troops on the ground in Iraq

As a result, Bushs approval ratings dropped from 86% to 26%

as it has been said quite a few times in these threads by me and quite a few others.....Bush was a pathetic "leader"....
He ignored several warnings about Bin Laden, demanding each time that the intelligence communities focus on Hussein so that he could pursue a policy of regime change that was drafted by the "neocons" during the Clinton years. please research the PNAC policy paper from the 90s; it states that control of the Persian Gulf region is absolutely essential to America's ability to manage the global system. The paper is very rational.

Bush was asked to do something about the housing bubble. He was asked to pressure Greenspan to stop dumping liquid on the housing market. He was begged to lift rates from their 50 year lows... But he needed the increased economic activity from the housing bubble to win a 2nd term. But make no mistake, he was asked to revise the leverage regulations which allowed Wall Street to place trillions of dollars of UNCOVERED bets on securities and derivatives that were known to carry system-destroying risk. He ignored every warning - just like he ignored the intelligence warnings on Bin Laden.

The result of how Bush handled Iraq and (more importantly) the housing bubble lead to a meltdown that destroyed both housing and the credit system. This lead to unemployment and a consumer debt overhang that will take generations to repair.

This is why his approval rating went from 92% to below 30%. Because he took a moment of genuine unity and turned it into a financial crisis that will swallow more than just Obama.

The game is over. Our generation of Americans will not recover from the Bush years, who gave us the greatest financial meltdown of our lifetime.
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Can these guys really be trying to rewrite history so soon after Bush left office. At least with Reagan, they waited 10 years.

One thing Republicans always ignore, or maybe they aren't smart enough to understand. The president is sworn in Jan 20th, but the budget of the previous president goes on until October. On the last day of Bush's last budget, unemployment was well over 10%. The month Obama was sworn in, the US lost nearly 800,000 jobs. The Dow was down nearly 6,000. Bush gave Obama a mess and Republicans have worked to keep it that way.

Part of this was due to the millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008. See what Republicans and the Chamber of Commerce can do working together? Especially with Chinese funding?
It's amazing isn't it?

That Bush had such overwhelming national and international support after 9-11. To think what Bush could have accomplished

Instead, Bush made the following blunders

- ignored the international community and called them cowards for not backing his Iraq invasion
- Abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq
- Lied about Iraq having WMDs and being involved in 9-11
- Ignored human rights and locked up people in Gitmo without charges and without a trial
- Engaged in TORTURE
- Botched the number of troops on the ground in Iraq

As a result, Bushs approval ratings dropped from 86% to 26%

WHAT international community DIDN"T back the Iraq LIBERATION???
38 countries below participated!
countries NOT France because they were building reactors for Iraq!.USSR providing military assistance!

United Kingdom: 46,000 invasion (withdrawn 5/11)
Australia: 2,000 invasion (withdrawn 7/09)
Romania: 730 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 7/09)
El Salvador: 380 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 1/09)
Estonia: 40 troops (deployed 6/05-withdrawn 1/09)
Bulgaria: 485 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Moldova: 24 peak (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Albania: 240 troops (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Ukraine: 1,650 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Denmark: 545 peak (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Czech Republic: 300 peak (deployed 12/03-withdrawn 12/08)
South Korea: 3,600 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Japan: 600 troops (deployed 1/04-withdrawn 12/08)
Tonga: 55 troops (deployed 7/04-withdrawn 12/08)
Azerbaijan: 250 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Singapore: 175 offshore (deployed 12/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 85 peak (deployed 6/05-withdrawn 11/08)
Macedonia: 77 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 11/08)
Latvia: 136 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 11/08)
Poland: 200 invasion—2,500 peak (withdrawn 10/08)
Kazakhstan: 29 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 10/08)
Armenia: 46 troops (deployed 1/05-withdrawn 10/08)
Mongolia: 180 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 09/08)
Georgia: 2,000 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 8/08)
Slovakia: 110 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/07)
Lithuania: 120 peak (deployed 6/03-withdrawn 08/07)
Italy: 3,200 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 11/06)
Norway: 150 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 8/06)
Hungary: 300 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 3/05)
Netherlands: 1,345 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 3/05)
Portugal: 128 troops (deployed 11/03-withdrawn 2/05)
New Zealand: 61 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 9/04)
Thailand: 423 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 8/04)
Philippines: 51 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 7/04)
Honduras: 368 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 5/04)
Dominican Republic: 302 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 5/04)
Spain: 1,300 troops (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 4/04)
Nicaragua: 230 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 2/04)
Iceland: 2 troops (deployed 5/03-withdrawal date unknown)

Abandoned War on Terror... HOw do you think Osama was killed... Obama didn't think the plan up as NAIVELY you must think???
LIed about WMDs??
THEN WHAT DID THESE people do???

BEFORE BUSH ... When CLINTON was President...
"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger- Clinton National. Security. Advisor 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999

" Ignored human rights and locked up people in Gitmo without charges and without a trial"
Are you really that naive??? GEEZ these terrorists in GITMO were NEVER covered under the geneva conventions which are countries... these guys never belonged!
They were TRIED under MILITARY rules cause this is a "WAR on TERRORISM" you get it???

TORTURE??? 3 guys held under water boarding! THE SAME TORTURE used in our military training!!!

But why are you responding because YOU don't believe any of the events occurred. Bush was the boogie man because YOU believe EVERYTHING you read!

Coalition of the willing?

Tonga, Latvia, Mongolia sending a few dozen token troops?

Where was Mexico, France, Germany......Canada?

They all told Bush he was crazy and that Iraq was no threat. Bush told them "My way or the highway" and called them cowards. A glaring reason why Bush's overwhelming global support disappeared

OK.... again... prove to me because I've done a Google search for "my way or the highway" or "cowards"... NOTHING!!
YOU are a liar and prove that people like you depend on lies, innuendos and totally screwed up as to the truth!!!

Prove or apologize for your LIES!
Can these guys really be trying to rewrite history so soon after Bush left office. At least with Reagan, they waited 10 years.

One thing Republicans always ignore, or maybe they aren't smart enough to understand. The president is sworn in Jan 20th, but the budget of the previous president goes on until October. On the last day of Bush's last budget, unemployment was well over 10%. The month Obama was sworn in, the US lost nearly 800,000 jobs. The Dow was down nearly 6,000. Bush gave Obama a mess and Republicans have worked to keep it that way.

Part of this was due to the millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008. See what Republicans and the Chamber of Commerce can do working together? Especially with Chinese funding?

Rewriting HISTORY???
CAN spell "dot.com bust" Cost $5 trillion !
Didn't 9/11 occur in your bizzaro world???
And I suppose worst hurricane SEASONS never occur your fantasy land!

THIS IS not re-writing history it is I guess NEW information to you though as you must have been totally comatose!
Can these guys really be trying to rewrite history so soon after Bush left office. At least with Reagan, they waited 10 years.

Exactly. It took a while before people realized that Reagan doubled Carter's debt. It took a while for people to realize that under Reagan we went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation, and that household debt exploded under Reagan, who managed our transition from wage-based consumption to debt-based consumption. Morning in America was brought to us by Visa, Master Card and American Express. Problem is, because of the Norquist driven Reagan Legacy Project, all this information has been revised. Now talk radio tells us how fiscally responsible Reagan was... When in fact he was the original deficit spender. He promised that the gains on top would create so much economic activity that it would erase his deficits. But this never happened. He left the country deeply in debt... (and he's supposed to be the father of modern conservatism. What a fucking hoax)

Let's not even talk about his refusal to take the energy crisis seriously. Carter predicted that this nation would be swallowed by the $5 gallon unless we shifted to alternative energy and conservation. Reagan laughed and increased our partnership with Iran and Saudi Arabia.

We swallowed poison in 1980.
Can these guys really be trying to rewrite history so soon after Bush left office. At least with Reagan, they waited 10 years.

Exactly. It took a while before people realized that Reagan doubled Carter's debt. It took a while for people to realize that under Reagan we went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation, and that household debt exploded under Reagan, who managed our transition from wage-based consumption to debt-based consumption. Morning in America was brought to us by Visa, Master Card and American Express. Problem is, because of the Norquist driven Reagan Legacy Project, all this information has been revised. Now talk radio tells us how fiscally responsible Reagan was... When in fact he was the original deficit spender. He promised that the gains on top would create so much economic activity that it would erase his deficits. But this never happened. He left the country deeply in debt... (and he's supposed to be the father of modern conservatism. What a fucking hoax)

Let's not even talk about his refusal to take the energy crisis seriously. Carter predicted that this nation would be swallowed by the $5 gallon unless we shifted to alternative energy and conservation. Reagan laughed and increased our partnership with Iran and Saudi Arabia.

We swallowed poison in 1980.

Reagan destroyed the middle class

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