A Perspective on Shootings That Liberals Won't Discuss

This is the reason we have so much gun crime in these inner cities....the judicial system does not prosecute these criminals in a serious way, unlike their European counter parts...that is what needs to change, not gun laws, which we already have more than enough of to take care of these criminals....

The 7 gang members in this shooting.....all of them career criminals, some awaiting trial for previous murder charges, and the others out after serving time for previous weapons violations..

Out on Bond on Murder Rap Man Charged in Back of the Yards Shooting of 13 - Back of the Yards - DNAinfo.com Chicago

COOK COUNTY CRIMINAL COURTHOUSE — A seventh man has been charged in connection with a September shooting in Cornell Square Park that wounded 13, including a 3-year-old boy.

Quinton Humphries, an alleged getaway driver, was out on bond in a pending murder case when he drove a group of fellow gangbangers bent on revenge to the crowded Cornell Square Park on Sept. 19, authorities said.

There, police said, they unleashed a hail of bullets on the people gathered, wounding 13 — including 3-year-old Devonte Howard — and drew a national spotlight on the issue of Chicago gun violence.

Days after the shooting, four of the suspects were arrested, including Bryon Champ, a 21-year-old member of the Black P Stone Nation gang accused of rounding up friends to take revenge for a bullet that grazed him earlier that day.

Charged with three counts of attempted first-degree murder and three counts of aggravated battery with a firearm, Humphries, 20, was ordered held without bail on Wednesday. Humphries was on the street after being accused of another murder in July, and posting 10 percent of his $500,000 bail.

Little more than three months earlier he was brought before another Cook County judge on murder charges after prosecutors said he and a second man flashed gang signs before fatally shooting Shavonte Howard.

Howard, of the 5300 block of South Hoyne Avenue, was shot in the head about noon on July 4 in the 5600 block of South Western Avenue, police said.

Champ, the "main player" in the Cornell Square Park shooting, had been convicted of gun possession as a felon last year, Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy said at a news conference.

A judge sent Champ to boot camp, and he was released when he completed the program.

“If Bryon Champ is not on the street — as he shouldn’t have been — this incident likely does not occur," said McCarthy, who has advocated stricter sentencing for gun crimes. “He received boot camp for that gun crime and was back out on the streets to be a part of this senseless shooting."

A few days after the initial arrests, a fifth man, David Logan, 22, was arrested in connection with the incident.

Earlier this month, Darren Curtis, 28, was charged in the incident as well.

That's hilarious.

The US has MORE people in prison than any country in the world bar one. The sentences for crimes are higher, in the UK many people complain that sentences just aren't high enough.

And yet you're telling me that the US doesn't prosecute enough.

You have Louisiana, read the webpage below for their private right wing wet dream of a prison system. They simply can't get enough people into their prisons for their own liking. This is Louisiana with a murder rate of 10.8 (up from 10.0 in 2005), a rape rate of 26.9, violent crime rate of 510.4 compared to the US average of 4.5 for murder (so, only more than double), a rape rate of 25.2 (okay, only just higher, but higher than the average), and a violent crime rate of 367.9, which means it's a little less than double.

Louisiana is the world s prison capital NOLA.com

So, apparently Louisiana where they can't wait to put people into prisons, and can't wait to get them back again, should have lower crime because, apparently, they're Justice system is taking things quite seriously.




And a murder map to compare with the number of people in prisons. Louisiana has a lot of prisoners, a lot of murder, doesn't all correlate exactly, but it shows the message.

the big cities in New Orleans are run by democrats....their law enforcement policies keep crime alive.....of those democrat run cities are like Chicago, the local politicians protect the gangs and other criminals....what they need are more Guilianis, to go in and clean up the crime....not nurture it for political gain........

Gain, law abiding people owning and carrying guns are not the problem....the gun murder rate is not from normal people "losing it" one day....it comes from law enforcement policies that allow criminals, both organized and random to run rampant...just like the gangs in Chicago......

If you focus on law abiding citizens, which all you gun grabbers do, you won't cut the murder rate in these democrat controlled inner cities.....

and keep in mind......gun murder is going down as more Americans buy and own guns........it is safe in 90% of the country........fun murder is a problem in small geographic areas in our inner cities.....because of gangs and other criminals......

You, sir, are a fucking moron.

Democrats run MOST cities, just as Republicans run MOST states. It's simply how they organize. It's got jack squat to do with how much crime is in this city or how much poverty is in that state. Especially in the case of cities, where the big issue is what day to pick up the garbage.

See if you can grow up and put a modicum of intelligence into your thinking. You know, something with a little more cerebral meat on it than this imaginary football scoreboard featuring "us" versus "them".

Democrats have policies that effect the economy of a city, they tax businesses to the point they leave increasing joblessness, they undermine, underfund and understaff the police, allowing crime to increase, they support teachers through the teachers unions to a point where the public schools collapse...so yes....the direct policies of the democrats create crime.

And as my posts on chicago show, the aldermen are being picked by gangs, and they stop the police from doing their jobs...which is making chicago a shooting gallery.

And you don't think their policies toward criminal illegal aliens has a direct impact on jobs, public education, the cities healthcare system and crime.......you are the moron....

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