A Phenomenon Beyond Comprehension

There you go again. Bitching about the left.

Not a single point to defend anything you state, just bitching that the other side does it too.

Over and over and over and over and over and over.

Re-post with the sort of language an adult would use, and I'll put you in your place again.
I want to thank all the Elmers.....Democrats....who dropped by to offer proof that they love lies so much that they keep saying them after they've been proven false.

Yet they will not face what is clearly the reality: they are treated via Mushroom Management.

Anyone with two or more cerebral neurons to rub together can surmise from the fifty or so lies and hoaxes that have been exposed, as in "Russia Collusion," realizes that none of the mainstream media can be trusted.

The simplest way to ascertain the truth of any story, event, explanation is this:

a. if it redounds to the benefit of the Democrats, consider it false.

b. do your own research to conclude whether that first calculation is correct (it will be).

No longer do truth, logic, or experience fit into the Democrat firmament.

We are truly watching an asylum run by the inmates.....the Elmers.

Thanks for letting us know how much you and the Neo-GOP love to despise most of America and most Americans.

Now hit me with that cut-n-paste
The Irony!
Today's Liberals make up shit around an event and scream and then pretend they allow others to respond.
Today's Liberals are mentally ill Nazis.

Still bitching about liberals doing it too rather than presenting something that backs up the assertions in this thread?

Of course you are.
Re-post with the sort of language an adult would use, and I'll put you in your place again.
You are incapable of rational thought let alone putting anything 'in its place.'

Clearly established by your arguments that are equivalent to what we all seen at the playground in first grade.
You are incapable of rational thought let alone putting anything 'in its place.'

Clearly established by your arguments that are equivalent to what we all seen at the playground in first grade.

It is clear why you hove to first grade playgrounds.
If you are an Elmer.....er, Democrat......then this is logic to you.

Reading the news is somehow going to make a point for you that you cannot make yourself?

I am still waiting for something more than 'I want to act like a democrat too mommy.'
I am simply proving you are too emotionally disturbed and mentally ill to read AP News and Reuters.
I have already provided Links in the last 3 days and you haven't read one of them, so bother asking for Links.

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