A Political and Moral dilemma solved: Homosexuality

Homosexuals are such a small pitiful minority, it makes me weep . Neither do they deserve all this attention nor do they need a new class of civil rights. Nope. Of course, that is also just my humble opinion as well. What can I SAY?
"The Constitution says nothing about protecting sexual deviants."

You mistake the Constitution: it is about protecting Civil Rights and how the government works.
You know, the one you claim to worship.

I do worship him. I have the 10 Commandments hung in plain sight on my bedroom wall. I make sure to stare at them before I leave the room in the morning.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor, the 9th Commandment. And what are you doing? Lying about me, proclaiming my alleged lack of adherence to the Almighty. Get on your knees, hypocrite! And ask God to forgive you.

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."

Matthew 7:1-5
"The Constitution says nothing about protecting sexual deviants."

You mistake the Constitution: it is about protecting Civil Rights and how the government works.
Sexual preference is not a civil right. If that were the case pedophilia would be protected.
Homosexuals are such a small pitiful minority, it makes me weep . Neither do they deserve all this attention nor do they need a new class of civil rights. Nope. Of course, that is also just my humble opinion as well. What can I SAY?

You are entitled to your opinion.

But what you are not entitled to is to treat them differently under the same set of laws that govern the rest of us.
I never implied it did... I merely pointed out God's position, as God stated it in the scriptures. THAT being God's word is God, telling you what reality IS.

The scriptures are hearsay. We have no idea who really wrote the scriptures, nor do we even know that the God of the Bible is the one and only true God.

So you're saying you have no idea who wrote such, but you're positive God did not inspire such?

Fascinatin'... thanks for sharing. If that had ANY relevance to the discussion, that would be ... relevant.

How do you know the Muslims aren't right?

The list is endless... but I'll go with 1400 years of irrational brutality... which is in totally alignment with evil.
OKA: UN-God. If it helps, that is also how I KNOW that Islam is the Religious arm of the Ideological Left.

Good and evil are Human constructs.

False... 'good' and 'evil' are words, which convey concepts which result from human observation of that which is morally sound, righteous, leading to sustained happiness and fulfillment and that which is profoundly immoral and malevolent, unsustainable, leading to chaos, calamity and catastrophe.

But hey... in fairness to you; given your intellectual limitations, you had no way of knowing that.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

This Ballot Measure Would Make ‘Sodomy’ Punishable by Death. California’s Attorney General Might Not Be Able to Keep It Off the Ballot.

The “Sodomite Suppression Act,” proposed by Huntington Beach, California, attorney Matt McLaughlin in February, is testing the Golden State’s ballot initiative process.

Despite the fact that California’s death penalty was declared unconstitutional last year and social tides have rapidly shifted on gay issues, McLaughlin’s blunt bill — which would order that “any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification be put to death by bullets to the head” — could wind up on the November 2016 ballot, all because McLaughlin paid his $200 fee.

This Ballot Measure Would Make Sodomy Punishable by Death. California s Attorney General Might Not Be Able to Keep It Off the Ballot. TheBlaze.com
"The Constitution says nothing about protecting sexual deviants."

You mistake the Constitution: it is about protecting Civil Rights and how the government works.
Sexual preference is not a civil right. If that were the case pedophilia would be protected.
False comparison and unsustainable conclusion. Adults have the rights to marry whom they will. SCOTUS will say so in June. You going to take up arms?
"The Constitution says nothing about protecting sexual deviants."

You mistake the Constitution: it is about protecting Civil Rights and how the government works.
Sexual preference is not a civil right. If that were the case pedophilia would be protected.

The reality is, that IF these clowns prevail... Pedophilia WILL SOON BE PROTECTED.

The entire exercise is founded precisely in the Normalization of The Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification.

That the idiots aren't bright enough to realize how they're being used, is entirely irrelevant.

This Ballot Measure Would Make ‘Sodomy’ Punishable by Death. California’s Attorney General Might Not Be Able to Keep It Off the Ballot.

The “Sodomite Suppression Act,” proposed by Huntington Beach, California, attorney Matt McLaughlin in February, is testing the Golden State’s ballot initiative process.

Despite the fact that California’s death penalty was declared unconstitutional last year and social tides have rapidly shifted on gay issues, McLaughlin’s blunt bill — which would order that “any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification be put to death by bullets to the head” — could wind up on the November 2016 ballot, all because McLaughlin paid his $200 fee.

This Ballot Measure Would Make Sodomy Punishable by Death. California s Attorney General Might Not Be Able to Keep It Off the Ballot. TheBlaze.com

Oh yes, I support this law. No, I do. Anyone who sodomizes a child should be put up against a wall and shot. However, you are claiming that all homosexuals commit sodomy. Eh, can you actually prove that to me, milady?
"The Constitution says nothing about protecting sexual deviants."

You mistake the Constitution: it is about protecting Civil Rights and how the government works.
Sexual preference is not a civil right. If that were the case pedophilia would be protected.

The reality is, that IF these clowns prevail... Pedophilia WILL SOON BE PROTECTED.

The entire exercise is founded precisely in the Normalization of The Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification.

That the idiots aren't bright enough to realize how they're being used, is entirely irrelevant.
"The Constitution says nothing about protecting sexual deviants."

You mistake the Constitution: it is about protecting Civil Rights and how the government works.
Sexual preference is not a civil right. If that were the case pedophilia would be protected.

The reality is, that IF these clowns prevail... Pedophilia WILL SOON BE PROTECTED. The entire exercise is founded precisely in the Normalization of The Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification. That the idiots aren't bright enough to realize how they're being used, is entirely irrelevant.

No proof whatsoever. The fact that heterosexuals groom children for exploitation is followed in the sex trafficking news daily. The problem is with evil adults who prey on children and the adults who protect the predators.
But hey... in fairness to you; given your intellectual limitations, you had no way of knowing that.

Ad hominem is not an argument.

So true.

Sadly, for your argument, that sentence is NOT argument... it's a closing statement used as a stinging rebuke, highlighting the feckless nature of the opposition.

(But, don't let that humiliation get ya down... you're doin' the very BEST you can... )
That the idiots aren't bright enough to realize how they're being used, is entirely irrelevant.

Yep, your argument died a long time ago. You shifted positions at least three times, first from an argument of "natural standards" then to "human biology and physiology" and now "they must want pedophilia legalized." You are so dishonest, keys.
Sadly, for your argument, that sentence is NOT argument

I've already made my argument... at least 20 times over to count. It is my prerogative to make other statements. I'm still waiting on you to disprove my case.

(But, don't let that humiliation get ya down... you're doin' the very BEST you can... )

Hey, I'm doing better than you.

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