A Political Party Stupid Enough to Call You a Racist Is Too Stupid to Govern

What happens when a political party is hijacked by fanatics, ideologues, and hysterics who don't care whether they win or lose an election?

They lose elections.

That's where the Democrats are headed because they'd rather be "right" than clever. And when it comes to the issue of race, Democrats think they have a corner on "right."

They've got a small problem, though. In order to appeal to the fanatics, ideologues, and hysterics to tap them for money and support, they have to at least give lip service to their warped views on race. And that includes calling you and me and about 70% of the American voters "racist."

John Kass points out that at one time Democrats believed they had a "winning issue" by running on the certain indictment of Trump for treason. How'd that work out, guys?

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...



That republican party no longer exists. In fact, it never really did exist.

And without a REPUBLICAN LINCOLN, YOU might still be a slave like YOUR PEOPLE are in many Muslim countries....but you really are THIS STUPID!


Why do you racists try these tactics?

I doubt if we'd still be slaves today if not for Lincoln.
Disprove it...750,000 WHITE men died freeing your supposed ancestors black asses from Southern slavery!

No white man died to free us from anything. That's why we had 100 years of apartheid after slavery.
Well when you lie its a BIG one!
Did they, (and who exactly is they, the Democratic politicians?) call YOU a racist, or did they call Trump a racist? And you presume if they are calling Trump a racist, then they must be calling you, a supporter, one as well???

Or are you a White Nationalist or White Supremacist, or a Neo Nazi, or a Skin head, or a KKK member?

Good questions, all. It doesn't matter, though. Wrapping themselves in Lincoln's mantle, they think, shields them from being confronted, from being told who and what they are. It also doesn't matter they've been defecating on Lincoln's grave for years, if not decades, and effectively killed off his party.

That shtick is too old to walk by now, and not even worth a shrug. Believing anyone would be stupid enough to fall for that imbecilic ploy, however, is itself a monument to stupidity. Make it, a Texas-sized monument.
I don't think it's beneficial to call his supporters stupid..... even though it's become seemingly easy to do...

I knew a lot of these posters before they supported Trump lock step, and they were not stupid...

I view it more like he's put some sort of 'spell' on them, as crazy as that sounds... an expert brainwashing...

By doing what he promised to do.
Trump and his minions pile up sticks of dynamite, douse it with kerosene, toss a lit match on it and then wonder why their eyebrows are singed. Racist tropes spew from their mouths and then they claim there is no racism on their part. ThenAlfred E. Newman, what? me worry?, approach to life.

Conservatives (a now extinct political ideology in America) provided the resistance to civil rights, women's rights, Gay rights, worker's rights,and environmental safeguards oddly claim their political opponents were actually providing the resistance. They are not merely people on the wrong side of the curve of history, but poor students ofmhistory.

Face facts,,folks. In 2016 you elected a bigot. Own that. And you have sold your souls for political victory. You former Conservatives aremfoing to reform, redefine and reclaim your moribund ideology. Thenpersonality cult You gelled around an asshole like Trump has left you no room for political intellect.

Conservatives once claimed they could win in the arena of ideas. But that arena is now a wrestling ring and the loudest,mgaudiest, most buffoonish character is calling the shots.

The hangover that starts Thanksgiving of 2020 will be epic. Trumpians will be sitting in the ditch, plucking thorns from the soles of their feet and lamenting over how it all went so tragically wrong. And no one will be there to help them pick up the pieces.
White people are not monolithic. Moreover, it is cover for the establishment, who are racist in more subtle ways--even sometimes toward other white people. But that's what gets glossed over in the oversimplification that both sides indulge in.
What happens when a political party is hijacked by fanatics, ideologues, and hysterics who don't care whether they win or lose an election?

Aren't you conservitards always trying to say it's the democrats that are racist?

View attachment 275432
And the Party of INFANTICIDE is, of course...but you won't hear that on the racist MSM!
I'm trying to decide if you're suffering from hypocrisy or stupidity.

Listen to what you're saying man.
What happens when a political party is hijacked by fanatics, ideologues, and hysterics who don't care whether they win or lose an election?

Aren't you conservitards always trying to say it's the democrats that are racist?

View attachment 275432
And the Party of INFANTICIDE is, of course...but you won't hear that on the racist MSM!
I'm trying to decide if you're suffering from hypocrisy or stupidity.

Listen to what you're saying man.
Truly funny...a complete moron who is trying to think....ROTFLMFAO

I didn't call him one....? I may have laid out my own parameters of what one could be imo... skin head, neo nazi, white supremacist etc etc etc.... but I did not call him one.... and there can always be an exception to the general rule or for my own guideline.
Sure you did, Yousaid >> "Or are you a White Nationalist or White Supremacist, or a Neo Nazi, or a Skin head, or a KKK member?"

That's calling someone a racist, and then some.
Did they, (and who exactly is they, the Democratic politicians?) call YOU a racist, or did they call Trump a racist? And you presume if they are calling Trump a racist, then they must be calling you, a supporter, one as well???

Or are you a White Nationalist or White Supremacist, or a Neo Nazi, or a Skin head, or a KKK member?
Every single time a Democrat mentions “white privilege” they are being a racist.
What happens when a political party is hijacked by fanatics, ideologues, and hysterics who don't care whether they win or lose an election?

They lose elections.

That's where the Democrats are headed because they'd rather be "right" than clever. And when it comes to the issue of race, Democrats think they have a corner on "right."

They've got a small problem, though. In order to appeal to the fanatics, ideologues, and hysterics to tap them for money and support, they have to at least give lip service to their warped views on race. And that includes calling you and me and about 70% of the American voters "racist."

John Kass points out that at one time Democrats believed they had a "winning issue" by running on the certain indictment of Trump for treason. How'd that work out, guys?

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...


The Democrats Racist Anti-White Core Beliefs on Display
I don't think it's beneficial to call his supporters stupid..... even though it's become seemingly easy to do...

I knew a lot of these posters before they supported Trump lock step, and they were not stupid...

I view it more like he's put some sort of 'spell' on them, as crazy as that sounds... an expert brainwashing...

I didn't call "his supporters stupid". Rather, I called it a monument to stupidity to claim, "We're the party of Lincoln, therefore we cannot possibly be racist", and to believe they can get away with that bullshit.

Moreover, I am convinced, untrammeled hatred and racism make people stupid. Not to mention, ugly.

Remember when, in 2007, an almost unanimous Congress reauthorized the Voting Rights Act, the crown jewel of the civil rights legislation? A few years later, under President Obama, you couldn't find two Republicans voting for its restoration after the Roberts court torched it, and Goobers up and down the country were giddy about it. That's the rot that spread through right-wing Washington and the rightarded portion of the electorate, even while they still tried to hide it, and keep some manners. That changed with Trump, who gleefully cut the last remaining leashes.

That, I believe, is the entirety of the "spell": Obama being elected President, and eight years of being President while black, pushed them right up to the brink, and, with Trump, they resolutely moved ahead. Ever since, hatred, and the stupidity inevitably accompanying it, spread like wildfire after years without a drop of rain.

Is it beneficial to point this out? I patently don't know. I am pretty sure, though, hiding facts is not.
I didn't call him one....? I may have laid out my own parameters of what one could be imo... skin head, neo nazi, white supremacist etc etc etc.... but I did not call him one.... and there can always be an exception to the general rule or for my own guideline.
Sure you did, Yousaid >> "Or are you a White Nationalist or White Supremacist, or a Neo Nazi, or a Skin head, or a KKK member?"

That's calling someone a racist, and then some.

I didn't call him one....? I may have laid out my own parameters of what one could be imo... skin head, neo nazi, white supremacist etc etc etc.... but I did not call him one.... and there can always be an exception to the general rule or for my own guideline.
Sure you did, Yousaid >> "Or are you a White Nationalist or White Supremacist, or a Neo Nazi, or a Skin head, or a KKK member?"

That's calling someone a racist, and then some.
That was a QUESTION....

Only if he answered yes, to that question would I personally think he was likely racist....

Especially in the age we are living in, and most other people would as well... Why else identify oneself as a member of one of those groups?
I didn't call him one....? I may have laid out my own parameters of what one could be imo... skin head, neo nazi, white supremacist etc etc etc.... but I did not call him one.... and there can always be an exception to the general rule or for my own guideline.
Sure you did, Yousaid >> "Or are you a White Nationalist or White Supremacist, or a Neo Nazi, or a Skin head, or a KKK member?"

That's calling someone a racist, and then some.
That was a question, he did not answer.... So no, I did not call him one...
Did they, (and who exactly is they, the Democratic politicians?) call YOU a racist, or did they call Trump a racist? And you presume if they are calling Trump a racist, then they must be calling you, a supporter, one as well???

Or are you a White Nationalist or White Supremacist, or a Neo Nazi, or a Skin head, or a KKK member?
Every single time a Democrat mentions “white privilege” they are being a racist.
I've never mention white privilege, but why would you think that...? Please explain.
I don't think it's beneficial to call his supporters stupid..... even though it's become seemingly easy to do...

I knew a lot of these posters before they supported Trump lock step, and they were not stupid...

I view it more like he's put some sort of 'spell' on them, as crazy as that sounds... an expert brainwashing...

I didn't call "his supporters stupid". Rather, I called it a monument to stupidity to claim, "We're the party of Lincoln, therefore we cannot possibly be racist", and to believe they can get away with that bullshit.

Moreover, I am convinced, untrammeled hatred and racism make people stupid. Not to mention, ugly.

Remember when, in 2007, an almost unanimous Congress reauthorized the Voting Rights Act, the crown jewel of the civil rights legislation? A few years later, under President Obama, you couldn't find two Republicans voting for its restoration after the Roberts court torched it, and Goobers up and down the country were giddy about it. That's the rot that spread through right-wing Washington and the rightarded portion of the electorate, even while they still tried to hide it, and keep some manners. That changed with Trump, who gleefully cut the last remaining leashes.

That, I believe, is the entirety of the "spell": Obama being elected President, and eight years of being President while black, pushed them right up to the brink, and, with Trump, they resolutely moved ahead. Ever since, hatred, and the stupidity inevitably accompanying it, spread like wildfire after years without a drop of rain.

Is it beneficial to point this out? I patently don't know. I am pretty sure, though, hiding facts is not.
Yes, I do think an implanted hatred drives them.... hatred of democrats, hatred of Obama, hatred of those who differ in color, selfishness, hatred of Hillary, hatred hatred hatred.... brought on by decades of right wing radio, and since the tea party emergence, representatives in Congress doing their holy roller of hatred grand standing in hearings, on Fox, etc... :(
I didn't call "his supporters stupid". Rather, I called it a monument to stupidity to claim, "We're the party of Lincoln, therefore we cannot possibly be racist", and to believe they can get away with that bullshit.

Moreover, I am convinced, untrammeled hatred and racism make people stupid. Not to mention, ugly.

Remember when, in 2007, an almost unanimous Congress reauthorized the Voting Rights Act, the crown jewel of the civil rights legislation? A few years later, under President Obama, you couldn't find two Republicans voting for its restoration after the Roberts court torched it, and Goobers up and down the country were giddy about it. That's the rot that spread through right-wing Washington and the rightarded portion of the electorate, even while they still tried to hide it, and keep some manners. That changed with Trump, who gleefully cut the last remaining leashes.

That, I believe, is the entirety of the "spell": Obama being elected President, and eight years of being President while black, pushed them right up to the brink, and, with Trump, they resolutely moved ahead. Ever since, hatred, and the stupidity inevitably accompanying it, spread like wildfire after years without a drop of rain.

Is it beneficial to point this out? I patently don't know. I am pretty sure, though, hiding facts is not.
Very often when liberals throw something like this at us, there is more to the story that they are letting on. This severely needs a source link, and not from some leftist mouthpiece.:link:

In the meantime, the primary "hatred and racism" in America is still (after 58 years) Affirmative Action discrimination against whites, without a peep of protest against it by hypocrite liberals. :doubt:
Yes, I do think an implanted hatred drives them.... hatred of democrats, hatred of Obama, hatred of those who differ in color, selfishness, hatred of Hillary, hatred hatred hatred.... brought on by decades of right wing radio, and since the tea party emergence, representatives in Congress doing their holy roller of hatred grand standing in hearings, on Fox, etc... :(
Yes, I do think an implanted hatred drives them (liberals).... hatred of conservatives, hatred of Republicans, hatred of Trump, hatred of white people, hatred of Christianity, hatred of the US military, hatred of Israel, and hatred of America, brought on by decades of left wing TV and print media, and since the Squad emergence, representatives in Congress doing their holy roller of hatred grand standing in hearings, and press conferences.

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