A poll: Should the U.S. support Israel militarily?

Should the U.S. support Israel militarily?

  • yes

    Votes: 30 75.0%
  • no

    Votes: 10 25.0%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004
Should the U.S. support Israel militarily?

I say yes. The world is shaping into two factions. Israel and America vs Europe and the Middleast. Israel and america are individual rights oriented and capitalist. Europe is becoming socialist, and the Mideast is ALREADY under the tyranny the Eurolibs seek to put all mankind under.
Only if they can prove they really need it and don't use it against the peaceful palestinians. I'm afraid we have so many hush-hush deals going on with Israel that the US is a bit stuck with a situation that we would rather not be in. The alliance has become an asset and a burden. Although they refuse to admit, they have nukes and the ability to deliver them. Missle defense is something that the US and Israel both need and are jointly working on these systems. Right now I can't think of anything else they would need. Thier own weapons industry is awesome and they EXPORT arms to those they trust will not use them against Israel.
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dilloduck said:
ALL Palestinians do not support the actions of the terror groups who have set up camp there.

I feel sorry for the palestinians, hung out to dry by the rest of the muslim world to become the posterchildren of israeli aggression.
Since we're swapping links,I've been told that although this link is obviously very pro Israel, it is historically accurate. What's your take?

ya--pretty pro Israel site. I think it pretty accurately shows borders etc but does not answer the problem of how to create a solution to the refugee problem and the argument regarding the ownership of conquered terrritory. After being victorious in WWII the US returned ALL the land it conquered. Both Israel and the arabs need to assume some responsiblity for these people whether they are legaaly bound to or not. It's the moral thing to do however Hamas and Arafat have made it very difficult for both sides.

another link http://tx.technion.ac.il/~ada/APPEAL_TO_UN.doc
rw said:
Israel and America vs Europe and the Middleast. Israel and america are individual rights oriented and capitalist. Europe is becoming socialist, and the Mideast is ALREADY under the tyranny the Eurolibs seek to put all mankind under.

Sigh. RightW, I know you're a good conservative, and I can tell from your posts you're not easily fooled. And I should say that for many years, I thought what you are saying was true. Yes, there are Euroweenies who are socialist crappies. Yes, the Arabs of the middle east are not our friend.

But do not let that fool you into thinkin that Israel is our "friend." It is not. Israel attacked the U.S.S. Liberty, killing many naval officers. It is a drain on our sources, and exposes us to terrorism. The only reason we support it is craven Jewish influence in the U.S. These Jews have overtaken conservatism and turned it into a tool for their purposes: war in the middle east to secure Israel.

There is probably not much I can say to sway you, but I plead with you to AT LEAST check out what other conservatives are saying: in The American Conservative, in American Renaissance, at Vdare.com, at National Vanguard (magazine and website), at the Vanguard News Network, at Original Dissent and other pro-American conservative sites.


Or read "Culture of Critique" by Kevin MacDonald.


I swear to you that if you read this book's introduction, your eyes will be opened FOREVER. I know that all this stuff is hard to approach because of the media and the government's scare tactics regarding "racism" etc. etc. etc. But ask yourself: if the media lies about everything else, why would they be telling the truth about Israel, Jewish power, etc.? And have you ever noticed the LAST NAMES of all the people in the media? Ask: do these folks have YOUR interests at heart? Or someone else's?
We should always be weary. And we need to disabuse these jews of this, "there's no such thing as race" rhetoric. Even if they are our enemy in the end, what is it they say? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. As long as our goals are mutually beneficial, we should be with them. The moment they start this deceptive discourse of denying race and dishonestly implanting socialist memes in societies they want to destroy, we should be on them like stink on poo.
What I want to know is why when I went to J.C. Penney's to buy something for my nephew's wedding, I found both Ariel Sharon and Yassir Arafat registered to be married next April 30th? And why didn't Ariel -- the "groom" in this arrangement -- put down Israel as a state? Why indeed. He put down North Dakota?
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HASBRO said:
What I want to know is why when I went to J.C. Penney's to buy something for my nephew's wedding, I found both Ariel Sharon and Yassir Arafat registered to be married next April 30th? And why didn't Ariel -- the "groom" in this arrangement -- put down Israel as a state? Why indeed. He put down North Dakota?

Not such a great first post. If this was humor falling flat! If you came to troll, the door is -------------->that way
Few things in life are as beautiful as an American-made Apache helicopter, branded with the Star of David, pounded the shit out of some PLO Rat-hole. :)
Until Israel adopts a meaningful peace process to bring a resolution to the issue of a Palestinian homeland all aid, both monetary and military, should be withdrawn.
-=d=- said:
Few things in life are as beautiful as an American-made Apache helicopter, branded with the Star of David, pounded the shit out of some PLO Rat-hole. :)

Your sense of aesthetics is sadly in need of a tune up. You really should get out more.
No... unless they are invaded by Syria, Iran or a fundamentalist controlled Egypt.

They have a very powerful military that they use for nothing except beating up the Palestinians, making their lives miserable, along with killing the terrorist scum that conduct heinous attacks on israeli civilians and pounding the shit out of targets in lebanon and syria that threaten israel.

aid to help israel's democracy? yes
aid to help israel's military? no
aid to help israel get those damn settlers off land they don't own? yes (we gotta help it along somehow)
dilloduck said:
ALL Palestinians do not support the actions of the terror groups who have set up camp there.

You are right. Those Arabs who do not support the actions of terror groups are either dead collaborators or marked for extermination by their brothers.
ajwps said:
You are right. Those Arabs who do not support the actions of terror groups are either dead collaborators or marked for extermination by their brothers.

really, what about the palestinians who are rising up against hamas and arafat? for that matter, the arabs who worked in israel in the past and had jewish friends? i'm sure they're monsters too right grand wizard ajwps?

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