A poll: Should the U.S. support Israel militarily?

Should the U.S. support Israel militarily?

  • yes

    Votes: 30 75.0%
  • no

    Votes: 10 25.0%

  • Total voters
NATO AIR said:
really, what about the palestinians who are rising up against hamas and arafat? for that matter, the arabs who worked in israel in the past and had jewish friends? i'm sure they're monsters too right grand wizard ajwps?

Those Arabs who are rising up against Arafat and and Hamas? Yes there are Arab groups now in a power struggle for leadership in the war against the children of Israel.

Those Arabs who worked in Israel, lived equally as citizens in Israel, enjoyed the freedoms of Israel are now trying to blow themselves up in Israel.

As for being a Grand Lizard in the KKK (Jew haters of America) you fit that title perfectly. I wish for peace but if that requires the removal of those who wish to destroy the Jewish people, then I like you are a Muslim.
rtwngAvngr said:
Should the U.S. support Israel militarily?

I say yes. The world is shaping into two factions. Israel and America vs Europe and the Middleast. Israel and america are individual rights oriented and capitalist. Europe is becoming socialist, and the Mideast is ALREADY under the tyranny the Eurolibs seek to put all mankind under.

RW, you say this as if this "shaping" were the result of natural or inevitable forces. It is not. It is the absolute and deliberate result of Jewish manipulation of the United States of America. You are merely parrotting a worldview that Jews, through their total domination of the media, are able to feed us all, day in and day out, through organs both "liberal" and "conservative."

The world has many factions. It is obvious why Jews would want to ally themselves with a large and powerful nation such as ours, and convince its citizens that "our problems are your problems." This is a lie, however. Their problems are NOT ours, and to the extent they are, it's a result of Jewish control, not natural alliance.

Jews are not "capitalistic" or "democratic" any more than Arabs are "communist" or "tyrannical". They are BOTH semitic peoples. Jews are just lighter-skinned, richer and smarter. But the template is the same.

White Gentiles in the U.S. must have the strength and courage to throw off their Jewish controllers and make our own way. In matters not merely foreign but also domestic, when Jews say jump, we say "How high?" We need to stop this idiocy and have a little backbone!
William Joyce said:
....when Jews say jump, we say "How high?" We need to stop this idiocy and have a little backbone!

Okay Joyce, I am a Jew. Now I am telling you to jump off a cliff without a parachute. You of little gray matter must follow my orders as my Jewish orders must be followed.

ajwps said:
Okay Joyce, I am a Jew. Now I am telling you to jump off a cliff without a parachute. You of little gray matter must follow my orders as my Jewish orders must be followed.

be careful he will use this a proof of jewish controll
Zhukov said:
Before I vote I'd like to know what exactly does 'support militarily' entail?

Not only the sale of military hardware but cooperation in the development and invention of new even more sophisticated weapons that the Arabs can only dream about.

Allies support one another for mutual defense. Can the US count on Egypt, Jordan or Syria instead of being knifed in the back while showing their shinning white pearlies in a big wide grin in America's face?

When the chips are down, who can America and western civilization rely upon? No one but themselves and their allies.
ajwps said:
Not only the sale of military hardware but cooperation in the development and invention of new even more sophisticated weapons that the Arabs can only dream about.

Allies support one another for mutual defense. Can the US count on Egypt, Jordan or Syria instead of being knifed in the back while showing their shinning white pearlies in a big wide grin in America's face?

When the chips are down, who can America and western civilization rely upon? No one but themselves and their allies.

It would appear to be in both countries interests to find and destroy the WMDs in Syria. Do we have an ally in the mideast to help us do this?
dilloduck said:
It would appear to be in both countries interests to find and destroy the WMDs in Syria. Do we have an ally in the mideast to help us do this?

When the time is right.....America has an ally ready, willing and able to do THIS......
NATO AIR said:

Can or would Jordan, 90% Arab palestinians, destroy the Iraqi WMDs in Lebanon or Syria.

Yes when pigs can fly....
ajwps said:
Can or would Jordan, 90% Arab palestinians, destroy the Iraqi WMDs in Lebanon or Syria.

Yes when pigs can fly....

Gimme a clue---When's a good time?
dilloduck said:
Politicians taking over the war again?

I don't want to be a politician as that is a full time job for four to six years and requires kissing ass.

For me, it would be nice simply to decide in one twenty-four hour period that the time to do what is necessary is NOW..

Then back to my daytime mundane job.
I think Jordan would. Their king is no fool. He knows madmen with WMD is not a good thing for his country or the region.
NATO AIR said:
I think Jordan would. Their king is no fool. He knows madmen with WMD is not a good thing for his country or the region.

Jordan's Hashemite King Abdullah II is certainly not a fool. He knows that his subjects are mostly palestinian Arabs and his life hangs on a thread. He would be assassinated by his subjects, the Arabs, who hate him for trying to help America and Israel from being attached with those Iraqi WMDs.

For him to attack one of his fellow Arab countries like Lebanon or Syria to rid them of the WMDs buried in their soil would be tatamount to committing suicide.

The Jordanian King knows that Israel and the United States have much more to gain by ridding the radical Arab regimes and keep them from blowing up non-Arab countries. There is more chance of Sri Lanka attacking Syria and Lebanon than Jordan's King Abdullah II.
I say if the rest of the Jews are as arrogant and conceded as AJ, let them support themselves.
I'm really tired of thier stupid conflict, ("Oh but it is written, We are fufilling our destiny")
If it wasn't for there bumbling and sloppy handling of their internal affairs, we would not have had 9-11 or the momentum to get us into another Iraq war.
You really need to refocus your thinking WK. This "jews are arrogant" clap trap is as old as the hills. You should perceive them as at least a tactical ally in the war on terror. Don't be blinded by your own bigotry.
My experience with Jewish people is limited to only three acquaintances. All American Jews serving in the Armed forces. And so far AJ is not making a good impression on my newly forming opinion, he is as simple minded and annoying as you are.

The first was a young intelligent, well-spoken man who I was very impressed with at first. As it turned out he was not interested in making friends as he was in his own, shall we say situational improvement? He did not fulfill his commitment; he had better and brighter places to go.
The other was not an intelligent person in the true sense of the word and down right odd. Any time the Israel, Arab topic came up between us, his position would be to tote the hard party line. Spouting obscenities and his close-minded hatred of the Arab. How can you continue to learn and improve if your mind is so closed like an iron trap?
The last is an old man who is someone to look up to and yet at the same time not the warmest of person. There was something kind of sad and empty about him. He for unknown reasons continued to association with out pay or benefits, with the U.S. Military decades after he had officially retired. A paranoid person might have thought him a spy. And another thought him a patriot and good ally.
In each of these cases all three had to make it know to all that they were Jewish. I don't recall any of my other counterparts having the need to make their faith know to all.
I'm beginning to notice a small similarity between some African Americans and Jewish Americans. It seems that when any one gives them the slightest amount of perceived criticisms, some will throw up the racism and bigotry banner. They are more sensitive then other groups
I’m just calling it like I see it.
White knight said:
My experience with Jewish people is limited to only three acquaintances. All American Jews serving in the Armed forces. And so far AJ is not making a good impression on my newly forming opinion, he is as simple minded and annoying as you are.

The first was a young intelligent, well-spoken man who I was very impressed with at first. As it turned out he was not interested in making friends as he was in his own, shall we say situational improvement? He did not fulfill his commitment; he had better and brighter places to go.
The other was not an intelligent person in the true sense of the word and down right odd. Any time the Israel, Arab topic came up between us, his position would be to tote the hard party line. Spouting obscenities and his close-minded hatred of the Arab. How can you continue to learn and improve if your mind is so closed like an iron trap?
The last is an old man who is someone to look up to and yet at the same time not the warmest of person. There was something kind of sad and empty about him. He for unknown reasons continued to association with out pay or benefits, with the U.S. Military decades after he had officially retired. A paranoid person might have thought him a spy. And another thought him a patriot and good ally.
In each of these cases all three had to make it know to all that they were Jewish. I don't recall any of my other counterparts having the need to make their faith know to all.
I'm beginning to notice a small similarity between some African Americans and Jewish Americans. It seems that when any one gives them the slightest amount of perceived criticisms, some will throw up the racism and bigotry banner. They are more sensitive then other groups
I’m just calling it like I see it.

And I'm saying we should take allies against terrorism where we find them. Do you think europe is going to help? They think they can control this threat and use it's antiamerican, antifreedom aspects to further their own totalitarian dreams.

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