A Possible Solution: What do you think?

Mar 12, 2013
I was considering a solution for the immigration issue that has been brought up in several different discussions I have had over the years. The idea was to build a solid concrete wall to separate the U.S. and Mexico that spanned the entire border. Needless to say, this concept could have many supporters and many opponents.

On one hand, the wall would be seen as some as a powerful statement to outsiders that we would not tolerate illegal immigration into the country. The building of such a wall would generate jobs both in constructing and maintaining of said wall, and would also ease the job of the Border Patrol. Some would say that this would not only limit the number of illegal immigrants, but the flow of drugs and violent cartel members, which would potentially save American lives.

On the other hand, some would say that the wall would give the U.S. a negative image, as erecting a wall to keep out immigrants would go against the very principles that the country was founded upon, being a safe haven for immigrants of all backgrounds. They would also point out that the wall would have an astronomical price tag that the U.S., in its current state, could not afford, and even if the wall was erected, the immigrants would just try to find ways around the wall, which could put them in unnecessary danger resulting in injury or even death.

Both sides have their own arguments that people may support or oppose, though the pros and cons have managed to even out. I would like to see what everyone on this forum thinks about the idea. Do you support this idea or are you opposed to it? Why? What is your reasoning behind your stance. How would you defend your stance?

Thanks all.
I was considering a solution for the immigration issue that has been brought up in several different discussions I have had over the years. The idea was to build a solid concrete wall to separate the U.S. and Mexico that spanned the entire border. Needless to say, this concept could have many supporters and many opponents.

On one hand, the wall would be seen as some as a powerful statement to outsiders that we would not tolerate illegal immigration into the country. The building of such a wall would generate jobs both in constructing and maintaining of said wall, and would also ease the job of the Border Patrol. Some would say that this would not only limit the number of illegal immigrants, but the flow of drugs and violent cartel members, which would potentially save American lives.

On the other hand, some would say that the wall would give the U.S. a negative image, as erecting a wall to keep out immigrants would go against the very principles that the country was founded upon, being a safe haven for immigrants of all backgrounds. They would also point out that the wall would have an astronomical price tag that the U.S., in its current state, could not afford, and even if the wall was erected, the immigrants would just try to find ways around the wall, which could put them in unnecessary danger resulting in injury or even death.

Both sides have their own arguments that people may support or oppose, though the pros and cons have managed to even out. I would like to see what everyone on this forum thinks about the idea. Do you support this idea or are you opposed to it? Why? What is your reasoning behind your stance. How would you defend your stance?

Thanks all.

Too big of an undertaking with too little benefit for the cost and resource it requires. Texas is wide, and no matter what the physical barrier is, folks will find a way into the US if there is opportunity to be had.

Humans flew a rocket to the moon for Pete's sake; they can find their way around, under, or through a physical barrier.
I was considering a solution for the immigration issue that has been brought up in several different discussions I have had over the years. The idea was to build a solid concrete wall to separate the U.S. and Mexico that spanned the entire border. Needless to say, this concept could have many supporters and many opponents.

On one hand, the wall would be seen as some as a powerful statement to outsiders that we would not tolerate illegal immigration into the country. The building of such a wall would generate jobs both in constructing and maintaining of said wall, and would also ease the job of the Border Patrol. Some would say that this would not only limit the number of illegal immigrants, but the flow of drugs and violent cartel members, which would potentially save American lives.

On the other hand, some would say that the wall would give the U.S. a negative image, as erecting a wall to keep out immigrants would go against the very principles that the country was founded upon, being a safe haven for immigrants of all backgrounds. They would also point out that the wall would have an astronomical price tag that the U.S., in its current state, could not afford, and even if the wall was erected, the immigrants would just try to find ways around the wall, which could put them in unnecessary danger resulting in injury or even death.

Both sides have their own arguments that people may support or oppose, though the pros and cons have managed to even out. I would like to see what everyone on this forum thinks about the idea. Do you support this idea or are you opposed to it? Why? What is your reasoning behind your stance. How would you defend your stance?

Thanks all.

Why not just build a canal? Fuck Dante and Panama. :D
P.S. One man I spoke with about this wall business, said the place to build it and fortify with military security was the
shorter spanse on the LOWER border of Mexico, where the illegal traffic comes in first. And open up the US-Mexico border even more to commercial development where there is so much regular business going on, that this keeps the criminal activity at bay.

I was considering a solution for the immigration issue that has been brought up in several different discussions I have had over the years. The idea was to build a solid concrete wall to separate the U.S. and Mexico that spanned the entire border. Needless to say, this concept could have many supporters and many opponents.

On one hand, the wall would be seen as some as a powerful statement to outsiders that we would not tolerate illegal immigration into the country. The building of such a wall would generate jobs both in constructing and maintaining of said wall, and would also ease the job of the Border Patrol. Some would say that this would not only limit the number of illegal immigrants, but the flow of drugs and violent cartel members, which would potentially save American lives.

On the other hand, some would say that the wall would give the U.S. a negative image, as erecting a wall to keep out immigrants would go against the very principles that the country was founded upon, being a safe haven for immigrants of all backgrounds. They would also point out that the wall would have an astronomical price tag that the U.S., in its current state, could not afford, and even if the wall was erected, the immigrants would just try to find ways around the wall, which could put them in unnecessary danger resulting in injury or even death.

Both sides have their own arguments that people may support or oppose, though the pros and cons have managed to even out. I would like to see what everyone on this forum thinks about the idea. Do you support this idea or are you opposed to it? Why? What is your reasoning behind your stance. How would you defend your stance?

Thanks all.

Instead of just a wall, I would recommend building entire communities of businesses, schools, military bases and teaching hospitals, especially correctional/medical treatment facilities requiring maximum security patrols and surveillance 24 hours.

Not only would this create jobs for people on both sides of the border,
but would stabilize these communities; and the military staff policing the prisons could double as border security. People either enroll legally into work-study or university programs, where medical education is provided in exchange for public service in clinics and outreach to solve the problem with health care, or they are part of the prison system along the border, where people convicted of drug or human trafficking can work in labor programs to pay back restitution to victims and society, in exchange for freeing up their victims from sweatshops or sex trade where the exploited workers have access to education and job training in place of those who abused their freedom to commit crimes.

Earned Amnesty

Just building a wall is not enough, it's what you build around it
and the groups that come together to develop sustainable safe communities
to counteract crime and violence, especially drug and human trafficking.

I believe it will take a collaborative effort of church and state institutions,
businesses, charity organizations and schools to solve the problems
by each addressing their part of the solution they can manage most effectively.

Even former CA Gov. Schwarzenegger advocated for building prisons in Mexico
for the convicts overloading state prisons who are actually foreign nationals:
Schwarzenegger: Build prisons in Mexico

Given the billions of taxmoney spent on that problem,
in addition to billions more spent on the death penalty and other prison policies that fail to correct the causes of crime,
that money we are already spending, plus money we could demand to be reimbursed by hiring lawyers on a commission basis to collect restitution on behalf of taxpayers, could be invested in building sustainable development along the border to solve
multiple problems at once, with crime and corruption, with health care and with prisons, and restitution owed to taxpayers.
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I was considering a solution for the immigration issue that has been brought up in several different discussions I have had over the years. The idea was to build a solid concrete wall to separate the U.S. and Mexico that spanned the entire border. Needless to say, this concept could have many supporters and many opponents.

On one hand, the wall would be seen as some as a powerful statement to outsiders that we would not tolerate illegal immigration into the country. The building of such a wall would generate jobs both in constructing and maintaining of said wall, and would also ease the job of the Border Patrol. Some would say that this would not only limit the number of illegal immigrants, but the flow of drugs and violent cartel members, which would potentially save American lives.

On the other hand, some would say that the wall would give the U.S. a negative image, as erecting a wall to keep out immigrants would go against the very principles that the country was founded upon, being a safe haven for immigrants of all backgrounds. They would also point out that the wall would have an astronomical price tag that the U.S., in its current state, could not afford, and even if the wall was erected, the immigrants would just try to find ways around the wall, which could put them in unnecessary danger resulting in injury or even death.

Both sides have their own arguments that people may support or oppose, though the pros and cons have managed to even out. I would like to see what everyone on this forum thinks about the idea. Do you support this idea or are you opposed to it? Why? What is your reasoning behind your stance. How would you defend your stance?

Thanks all.

The Mexicans will just start digging tunnels like the Palestinians did when they were sneaking in and out of Gaza going into Egypt.
Good. Then I can sell earth tunnel digging equipment, boats, and other border evading shit in Mexico.

Then the Border Patrol should equip their vehicles wtih ground penetrating radar and the Coast Guard should increase patrols off California.
The idea was to build a solid concrete wall to separate the U.S. and Mexico

An alternative idea: How about we stop all the federal entitlements and handouts after which no one would really care about immigration. After all, if new immigrants came her only to work, study or travel without leaching off citizens, I think we could effectively ignore the border, except for security measures of course.

A wall would do more to lock us in than to keep "them" out.
A moat, filled with alligators bordered by an electrified fence.

I like my solution better: to cut a deal with advocates for Hawaii independence
and agree to recognize the invalidity and nullification of Hawaii's annexation,
and sovereignty as its original independent Kingdom under royal lineage,
IN EXCHANGE for taking back Obama AND agreeing to be the official homeland of
legal residency for all "illegal immigrants" currently living in the U.S.

So let Hawaii adopt all the illegals and unwanted foreigners,
in exchange for voiding statehood as an independent nation.
In other words, letting them (or any other state that wants to secede) leave the Union
as long as you take all the unwanted illegals with you first!

I wonder if the opponents contesting Obama's birthright and presidency would agree to push for those terms? If it means voiding Obama's presidency retroactively
as part of the terms?

And pushing Hawaii to cover costs of either illegal immigrants living in the U.S. or of deportation to islands in their jurisdiction. [Unless we can trade illegal laborers to China to do all their factory work for FREE, or build schools and hospitals to convert sweatshops into work-study programs, as terms of restitution for violation of labor and immigration laws, in exchange for credits against US debts owed to China. Something like that?]
The idea was to build a solid concrete wall to separate the U.S. and Mexico

An alternative idea: How about we stop all the federal entitlements and handouts after which no one would really care about immigration. After all, if new immigrants came her only to work, study or travel without leaching off citizens, I think we could effectively ignore the border, except for security measures of course.

A wall would do more to lock us in than to keep "them" out.

Yes, I believe people or whole organizations (either companies or criminal racketeers) should be held to financial restitution for the extent of their violations of labor or immigration laws.

The people who can pay for the Dream Act, and helping families of mixed legal status, with children either born or brought to America, should be those who broke the laws and owe restitution. We need to hold all people accountable to the extent of their violations, and use that restitution, paid with either money or labor, to invest in sustainable development that solves the problems along the border with drug/human trafficking and other labor abuses.

Otherwise it isn't fair to those who didn't break any laws. It should be proportional, even for those who were given "amnesty" and are not required, the ones who DO pay back for their violations should be treated differently than those who do not.
A border fence is not the entire solution to unregulated immigration, but it is a feasible first step: How many Palestinians are able to sneak into Israel?
Comparing America to Israel is so ridiculous, so absurd that I don't even know if I can use the "apples and oranges" thing... Israel is an ethnocracy, a state racist to the core whose existence has only one purpose:

To protect its artificial jewish majority ferociously, at all costs, keeping the native arab population herded in ethnic enclaves.

America is a country ravaged by the multiracialist mental disease... A country that is doing EVERYTHING IT CAN to destroy its white majority:

1 Changing its immigration laws to allow millions of non whites to immigrate legally.

2 Allowing millions of hispanic illegals to flood the country and live there for decades until they get some kind of amnesty.

3 Creating thousands of legal loopholes to allow even more non-white immigration: asylum seekers, student visas for people who never return to their home countries etc, etc...

You name it... if there is a new way to help destroy its racial composition you can bet your ass America is already using it...

Israel is about preserving, protecting "the jewish character of the state".

America is about destroying "the european character of the state".

So forget about Israel, pal... America is the exact opposite of a racist dictatorship...

Equally insane... but a totally different kind of insanity...
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We shouldn't need to build a wall to keep people out. But, on the other hand, Latin Americans shouldn't be sneaking in here either. Years ago we people of the Americas had WIDE open borders. What has changed is Latins don't respect Anglos and North American culture. THAT is were the big change came from. I can't respect Hispanic Latino "immigrants" because of THEIR lack of respect for Anglos and OUR culture. What is wrong with...dare I say this...anyone immigrating LEGALLY? Or Acclimating to to the culture they are moving to?
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The only solution and the only one we have not beenserious about is workplace enforcement. It would not allow them to work and they would leave and they would not come. Simple and inexpensive. No rounding them up, arresting them, detaining them and deporting them and waiting for another flood of illegals. If they don't have work permits they don't work. Does not take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. IF you cannot break into my house you will stop trying. And if you do and find nothing of value you don't break in again. and our leader have to stop encourage them to stay and come. Like another amnesty in going to solve anything. The border cannot be secured if there are jobs for them when they get here. Military could not stop them. If you don't want anyone in your home, you can remove them and you can keep the out. This entire Comp. Immg. Reform is just a lot of the same old political bull shit. And it's getting old.

Our Immigration System is Not Broken, our Government is.
What’s broken is Government. It’s the elected official (ie, servants of the People), appointed officials, and civil servants (ie, government employees) who are the problem. It’s how they respond to illegal aliens that’s broken. Not all, mind you, but enough. Plus all the citizens and groups who want to legalize and/or ignore the problem of illegal immigration. The law is quite specific: illegals are breaking federal law:

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WE have a very generous legally immigration system they work. Million are allow to enter and million are allowed citizenship each year plus aslym seekers and refugees. We have a farm worker program and it works but is it too much of a problem for farmers to use and they chose to do the cheaper way. WE are a nation on the down fall and it will be a bitch when we finally get to the bottom and no way to get up because it will be too fucking late.
Under Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code, “Improper Entry by Alien,” any citizen of any country other than the United States who:

Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or
Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or
Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact;
has committed a federal crime.

Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.
This is just a meaningless piece of paper which not worth flusing down the toilet. Why do we make laws if they cannot and will not be enforced? Obama will not let them be enforced and those before him did not give a rats ass either. I am beginning to believe our government is more corrupt them Mexico. At least Mexico is not trying to cover it up.
I think we need a regime change.
The wall won't do anything. It would be way too big to guard, and as someone stated, walls don't do crap against underground tunnels, and deporting them to Mexico won't do much since they'll come back, and putting them in jail wastes our tax dollars, so instead I advocate further securing the border with technology such as motion sensors, cameras set up near hot spots, etc. in order to secure the border further, and we can militarize Border Patrol more in order to deal with cartels and other threats.

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