A President DeSantis

Principles....That's why DeeSantis did the total 180° on Ukraine....Them principles an' shit! :lol:

You can have all the principles in the world, and if you come across as a phony, double-talking stiff, nobody will GAF.

How about Trumps 180 on Ukraine?

Let's not get into that, right?

Trump doesn't GAS about BRICS. DeSantis does. That's the difference.
How about Trumps 180 on Ukraine?

Let's not get into that, right?

Trump doesn't GAS about BRICS. DeSantis does. That's the difference.
Topic isn't Trump, and I'm not voting for him.

Your boy face planted, and he didn't have to.
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I know he's not going to be the RNC nominee or the president this time around. But I want to make a few points on this issue.

IF Ron hadn't been "cancelled," what we're seeing now from DeSantis, which is pretty much the same thing we've been seeing from him, is what we'd be seeing as a president. The way he's getting things done. The way he helps to keep his party in the majority, so that he can get good things done in FL. He's on a 7 year winning streak of getting the right things done.
He's smart enough to know which levers to push. Which people to surround himself with to help get things done.
And the end result is, the wants and needs of the FL citizens are being met.
From weeding out woke prosecutors who are lax on crime & criminals. To getting those LGBT people and their agenda out of school.
Putting Americans first in his state. Helping first responders & teachers. Cutting or eliminating taxes.
And doing it all within budget.

What we're going to see with Trump, is the same thing we've been seeing since he was elected in 2016. Being at odds with his own party. And getting dog piled and constantly beaten by the democrats. Whining, crying and blaming everyone else because he can't get anything done. Tons of baggage. Lots of legal problems. And no one to help him with any of it, because of his own ego. An ego so big, that he thinks he should have total presidential immunity. Which would be as close to having a king as this country has had since before the revolutionary war.
And in the end, nothing getting done. The country deeper in debt. Increase inflation. More jobs outsourced, the border still not secure. And BRICS even closer to forming the next global reserve currency.
Oh, and his revenge fantasy blowing up in his face, because he's not smart enough to make the right decisions or pick the right people to help make those decisions.

With DeSantis, we could've had a Conservative. With Trump, all we're going to get is a left leaning Republican. Just like Mike Johnson or Mitt Romney.
I will vote for Trump over Biden if Trump is the Republican candidate but I would rather see DeSantis as the candidate. He is my Governor and the best I have seen in the half century I have lived in Florida. DeSantis can’t fire up a crowd like Trump but he definitely does get things done and he is a true conservative not a RINO.
I will vote for Trump over Biden if Trump is the Republican candidate but I would rather see DeSantis as the candidate. He is my Governor and the best I have seen in the half century I have lived in Florida. DeSantis can’t fire up a crowd like Trump but he definitely does get things done and he is a true conservative not a RINO.

In any other time, Desantis would be great.
DeSantis couldn't win dog-catcher anywhere in America at this point.

Stick a fork in him, he's done.


You state stupid opinions.
All that charisma means nothing after the election. Then what's expected is getting the job done. Winning. Stopping the democrats and their agenda's. Getting things done that the GOP elected him to do.
That's where Trump fails. He failed at if for 4 years.

But according to Trump supporters, and Trump, it wasn't his fault that he couldn't get something as simple as repealing the ACA. It was always someone else's fault. Constantly playing the victim card.
It got me to thinking, who actually wrote the book, "The art of the deal." Because it wasn't Trump.
Just look at this and go wow!!!! Sad the subjectivity of the demofk to punish americans.

I know he's not going to be the RNC nominee or the president this time around. But I want to make a few points on this issue.

IF Ron hadn't been "cancelled," what we're seeing now from DeSantis, which is pretty much the same thing we've been seeing from him, is what we'd be seeing as a president. The way he's getting things done. The way he helps to keep his party in the majority, so that he can get good things done in FL. He's on a 7 year winning streak of getting the right things done.
He's smart enough to know which levers to push. Which people to surround himself with to help get things done.
And the end result is, the wants and needs of the FL citizens are being met.
From weeding out woke prosecutors who are lax on crime & criminals. To getting those LGBT people and their agenda out of school.
Putting Americans first in his state. Helping first responders & teachers. Cutting or eliminating taxes.
And doing it all within budget.

What we're going to see with Trump, is the same thing we've been seeing since he was elected in 2016. Being at odds with his own party. And getting dog piled and constantly beaten by the democrats. Whining, crying and blaming everyone else because he can't get anything done. Tons of baggage. Lots of legal problems. And no one to help him with any of it, because of his own ego. An ego so big, that he thinks he should have total presidential immunity. Which would be as close to having a king as this country has had since before the revolutionary war.
And in the end, nothing getting done. The country deeper in debt. Increase inflation. More jobs outsourced, the border still not secure. And BRICS even closer to forming the next global reserve currency.
Oh, and his revenge fantasy blowing up in his face, because he's not smart enough to make the right decisions or pick the right people to help make those decisions.

With DeSantis, we could've had a Conservative. With Trump, all we're going to get is a left leaning Republican. Just like Mike Johnson or Mitt Romney.
Desantis gets things done in Florida because state is different from federal, plus Desantis has a red legislature in Florida. Trump didn't get all he wanted done when he was president because of resist 45 and Biden didn't even get done everything he would have wanted to do. Despite what democrats claim, the presidency is not a dictatorship.
If DeSantis would have been the nominee, he would be wiping the floor with Biden in the polls.
The only way for an 81 year old who has flooded the country with the third-world to win re-election, is having Trump as his opponent.
Do you think Trump supporters would vote for an outed groomer like DeSantis?
Do you think Trump supporters would vote for an outed groomer like DeSantis?

If DeSantis would have been the nominee, I think most Trump supporters would have ended up voting for DeSantis. There just simply would not have been a good reason NOT to. They understand that Biden will flood the country for four more years with the third-world, and they understand how important it is to stop him.
If DeSantis would have been the nominee, I think most Trump supporters would have ended up voting for DeSantis. There just simply would not have been a good reason NOT to. They understand that Biden will flood the country for four more years with the third-world, and they understand how important it is to stop him.

There are 2 choices.

Continue the disaster of the biden regime.

Do anything to stop it.

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